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Lesson Plan Notes

Footstep 1-1: What this book is about

All school programs have a worldview foundation and explore how
worldviews affect school programs.
Worldviews based on Gods Word and cultural and educational
context affects what and how students learn.
Metaphor of curriculum steppingstones.
Certain stones affect the nature and direction of a curriculum
It is up to you to plan how learning can be most beneficial for
your students
Footstep 1-2: Should we keep the curriculum neutral or echo our faith
and values.
Why people advocate neutrality in teaching
You must avoid indoctrination
Students must draw their own conclusions from their own
explorations and constructions.
Warnock shows that it is impossible to be neutral in teaching
Selection of content is biased by cultural assumptions and our
view of what is important.
They should present various positions fairly and leave the
students to make their own decisions. However, teachers always
seem to add their own views and opinions.
There are several negatives in teaching a valueless curriculum
including: self-centered values, can choose whatever values they
prefer, adopt a dualistic view of the world.
Teachers live and nurture a way of life so it is important that their
commitments be clear and defensible.
Governments publish curriculum guides, which are used to write
Schools use guides and textbooks to construct curriculum.
Teachers make the most vital curriculum decisions

Decide which topics to emphasize

They plan so that their implemented curriculum becomes a
meaningful experienced curriculum for their students.

Footstep 1-3: Deliberation over intended curriculum

In the course of deliberation, planning groups :
- Pose and define the curriculum situation or problem
- Judges the best course of action in terms if their beliefs, weighing
all the available evidence
- Apply theories, practical experience, and judgment to make
Curriculum documents are no more than guides because students
must personally understand and respond to knowledge.
Footstep 1-4: The underlying basis for making curriculum decisions
Planning groups need to ask several key questions
Divers views of the purpose and meaning of life and of education may
make it difficult for a curriculum-planning group to arrive at specific
Educational leaders and teachers plan curriculum, they need a
common vision of life to be able to reach consensus on major
curriculum decisions.
We cannot separate our deepest beliefs from our teaching.
Critical theorists argue that teachers just carry out prescribed
curriculum directives. Students become committed to the dominant
cultural and economic values.
Footstep 1-5: Christianity in Teaching
A redemptive pedagogy and a curriculum of compassion obey the
teachings of Jesus.
Christian faith and accepting the Christian narrative leads us to a
covenant not only to Christ but also with our students.
If Christian teachers take seriously the teachings of Jesus, then they
will teach with and for commitment.

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