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Name of Interviewee: Naga Bhushan

Field Of Engineering: Industrial Engineering

Vivek Ramanathan
Block 4
Date of Interview: 10/23/15
Date of Submission: 10/27/15
Location: Interview conducted by phone

General Information

Interviewees name: Naga Bhushan

Interviewees specific degree: Industrial Engineer
Interviewees place of employment: VJ Industries
Interviewees professional business email and/or phone: +91 9900151211
How did you find and make initial contact with this professional?
Mr. Bhushan was a suggested interviewee by my father, who is also an engineer.
Professional Interview

a. Please describe the field of industrial engineering, in general.

Well, industrial engineering is field of engineering that deals with the optimization of
complex processes or systems. This field of engineering includes management of
employees, machines, materials and information to make production more efficient and
b. What is your current job title?
I am a production manager of VJ Industries Pvt Ltd
c. Please describe your particular job and duties
I am in charge of scheduling, work on the machines and managing the workforce on
the floor
d. What is your average work schedule?
I work from 8 am to 5 pm, even though these are my work hours, I land up staying till 6
or 6:30 pm. Sometimes, I work during the weekend if there is any pending work.
e. Starting with high school, describe your educational background chronologically.
My education started with Central High School, then I pursued an undergraduate
degree in Industrial Engineering at Bangalore University.
f. If you had to do it over, related to your career or education, would you do anything
No. I really enjoy working on the production floor. I have always been a very hands-on
person and its great that I work in a field that I enjoy.
g. What advice would you give to me as someone interested in pursuing a career path
similar to yours?
Always choose a career that you would love to work in everyday. You can contribute
more to your path or goal if you enjoy what you do.

Personal Reflection
a. What surprised you the most about the interview?
The intense work schedule that Mr.Bhushan has during a 7 day week truly surprised
me. He has about a nine and a half hour working day during the week and he even has
to work on weekends sometimes. I never realized that management of the floor was so
rigorous and demanding.
b. What was the most important piece of information that you learned from the interview?
The most important piece of information that I learned from this interview was how
crucial the concept of management and supervision by industrial engineers is in the
professional setting. This information has opened up my eyes to the importance of this
position in a factory and its necessary role in a business.
c. How has this interview influenced your feelings about your future career?
This interview has introduced me to a very new type of engineering that I never
considered following before. I realized how much these types of engineers are needed
and has made me keep my options open for the future.
d. How has this interview changed or confirmed your plans regarding your future career?
This interview has changed my plans for my future career in engineering. Although I am
not certain of the engineering field I wish to pursue, this interview has given me a plan
for college and the types of courses I would need to take later, or possibly pursue an
MBA degree.
e. What is the next step for you to pursue your plans? Who do you need to talk to? What
information do you need?
The next step for me to pursue a career in engineering is to find a college with a good
engineering or MBA program where I can take several courses in management and
engineering. I need to talk to more professionals and also a professor in the field of
industrial engineering to request an internship or research opportunity to introduce to
real life experiences and provide me with a head start with my courses. I would also like
to acquire information regarding the setup of a company, workspace or factory and the
right path to becoming a successful engineer.

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