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Demarea Reed
English 1000
Prof. Refaei
Bullying has to stop
Bullying is important because it is one of the main causes of suicide. Some students
wonder if they should tell an adult about them getting bullied. I say yes because the bullying
might not ever stop and the bully or the student can get seriously hurt. This is important because
students and their parents need to know what they can do to stop the bullying. In What Students
Say About Bullying I agree with Stan Davis and Charisse Nixon when they say students should
tell an adult because if they dont the bullying wont stop and they will possibly end up killing
themselves. Stan Davis and Charisse Nixon states Some students reported that when adults
punished the person who was mean to them, things got better(What Students Say About
Bullying). Basically, Davis and Nixon is saying that if you tell an adult an adult can punish the
person that's showing mean behavior toward you and then things will get better.
Some students say when they told an adult about what was happening to them things got
better but others say telling an adult only make things worse. This is probably a reason why some
students are afraid to tell an adult because bullying can get worse but its not likely that it will. If
it does there are always other disciplinary actions you can take like taking the bully to court. In
"How The Courts Deal With Bullying In Schools" Thomas Diamantes explains what parents and


students can do. A Connecticut students was bullied by a classmate. His family sued the district
claiming that school employees knew of widespread harassment and bullying by classmates but
were indifferent to it. This explains that if the school is not doing anything about the situation
than a parent can sue the district. The bully could also get charges pressed against them for
In FROM LOCKERS TO LOCKUP Jessica Bennett tells a story about a 15 year old girl
who was being bullied at school and what parents think is the proper grounding for their child
that is being a bully. If your children had behaved like this, how would you want them
punished? Certainly a proper grounding would be in order; computer privileges revoked.
Detention, yes--maybe even suspension. Or what about 10 years in jail? This quote is trying to
explain that most parents really dont understand how serious bullying is because they don't think
that students would kill themselves over it. Some parents might not even know that their child is
bullying other children. Parents should really pay attention to their children and make sure that
they are safe. Look at it this way. If I was a parent and I found out that my child is a bully I
would take serious actions to punish my child because that is not right. I dont want to be looked
at as a bad parent because some sweet and innocent child took their life because of my childs
negative behavior. Children do not deserve to live their life being hurt by some mean misbehaved
child. It shouldnt matter what they wear, what they look like or what type of shoes they have on.
In my eyes everyone are equal and beautifully created. Some bullies act the way they do because
of whats going on in their home life or theyre just trying to make friends. Ill tell you one thing
that is not the proper way to make friends.


Some students end up killing themselves because the bullying gets too serious and the
person that's being bullied feel like they don't deserve to be alive and that their life should end
instantly because they are so hurt by the negativity. A Minnesota complained to his parents that
he was threatened by others waiting to get him on his way home from school (How the courts
deal with bullying). It was reported to the school principal who told the school resource officer
but it was considered an off-campus incident and no further action was taken so that student took
his own life. In this article Thomas explains that parents can sue the school district for negligence
if something like this were to happen and if the student ended up dead.
I was bullied when I was younger because of my skin color. I told adults but the bullying
never stopped and me or my mom didn't know what else we could've done to stop it so this is the
reason why I'm writing this paper because I want others to know there is other help out there to
help protect you. It got better for me when I got a couple of years into high school but people
still say some stuff but it's not as bad as it was when I was younger. I never wanted to end my life
because of something like that. I just used it as a motivation to show that I'm stronger and to
make them even madder because I kept smiling. I want everyone to know that just because of
someone's words or action doesn't mean you have to take your life just know that you are
beautiful you have a reason to live they are the ones who have nothing else to do in their life and
they usually are the ones who go downhill because instead of them worrying about their
education they are worrying about trying to make friends and look cool. Those type of people
don't make it anywhere in life. Some bullies probably have a lot going on at home and that's why
they take their anger out on others.


So basically what I am trying to help you understand is that if you were getting bullied
just like I was or anyone else just know that you do not have to be afraid to seek help to protect
you from getting bullied and ending your own life. Yes it may be hard to tell adults but
somethings are very important and should not be hidden. Bullies may seem tough and scary but
really theyre not, they are human just like you and I and theyre no better than us. Believe me if
you smile and show that you are a strong person the bully will leave you alone so telling an adult
will be a huge stress reliever.
Works cited
Diamantes, Thomas. "How The Courts Deal With Bullying In Schools." Journal Of
Instructional Psychology 37.4 (2010): 306-307.Academic Search Complete. Web. 20 Oct.
Bennett, Jessica. "From Lockers To Lockup." Newsweek 156.15 (2010): 38-41. Academic
Search Complete. Web. 21 Oct. 2015.
Davis, Stan, and Charisse Nixon. "What Students Say About Bullying." Educational
Leadership 69.1 (2011): 18-23. Academic Search Complete. Web. 12 Oct. 2015.

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