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Annotated bibliography Angela Johnson- Hines UWRT 1102

Adoption Law Reform 15 April, 1998. Webcom adoption research search engine. 15 March, 2000.

Adoption is the social, emotional, and legal process in which children that will not be raised by
their birth parents become full and permanent legal members of another family while
maintaining genetic and psychological connections to their birth family. Adoption is a very
tedious important process in todays society that teaches us through action not to forget about the
less fortunate. As the writers states in They Say, I Say: you need to build framework around
what you want the readers to know and Ive found that the state shares my high regard for
adoption and its process. Often time adoption is the most advantageous solution of the problem
of the dependent child for whom no home with its natural parents is possible. As well as the
soundest plan for the unmarried mother, it also serves the interest of couples who could not
otherwise achieve parenthood. As a child welfare practice, it is more advanced socially and in
law in the United States than in any other country. Preventive mental- health considerations are
furthered by the rehabilitative processes which many emotionally upset married mothers are
enabled to begin after this experience and by the opportunity for children to be raised in a
constructive family environment. There is much evidence that adoption through authorized
agencies offers psychological and legal safeguards which independent adoption cannot assure.
Furthermore, the black market is an abuse of independent adoption. Agencies, however, need
much more public moral and financial support to encourage and enable them to achieve adoption
for the Negro child, the interracial child, the physically disabled child, and the older child.

Annotated bibliography Angela Johnson- Hines UWRT 1102

Legal Information Institute 29 April, 1999. Adoption: an Overview
Cornell University. 28 October, 2015
While the practice of adoption has been around for millions of years, the recent history of adoption in the
United States can be tracked to the 1850s, with the passage of the first "modern" adoption law in
Massachusetts that recognized adoption as a social and legal process based on child welfare rather than
adult interests. The 1850s also began the era of the orphan trains that relocated children from New York to
live with families throughout the United States and Canada. In this section, find information on the
history of adoption practice in the United States, including major Federal legislation dating back to 1974.
During the twentieth century, child adoption was rebirth in scientific terms, as a social experiment and
human laboratory that could produce knowledge as well as help children. Researchers were persuaded
that adoption could answer basic scientific questions about development, nature and nurture, and family
norms. Professionals and parents were persuaded that scientific research would improve family-making
by minimizing risks and maximizing safety. Ive found that most adoption overviews are one-sided. They
author thoughts often leave the readers mind wondering and according to They Say, I Say: text without
such frame are sometimes called dangling quotations for the way theyre left dangling without
explanation. To make understanding adoption more factual than bias it has been broken up into four major
subject types of empirical research: field, outcome studies, nature-nurture studies, and psychopathology
studies. Depending on how important history is to you will determine your interest. I for one think that it
is always important to research the origin in where things come from. If you do not know what the history
is of what you are discussing how are you suppose to know if its true. You have to always understand
that everything has a history just waiting to be discovered.

Annotated Bibliography

Angela Johnson- Hines UWRT 1102

Macionis, John J. Sociology. Boston: Prentice Hall, 2010. Print.

Society is defined by Macionis as people who interact in a defined territory and share a culture. As to the
connection between gender and how it relates to occupations John J. Macionis states in his book
Sociology that although women are closing the gap with men as far as working for income is concerned,
the work done by two sexes remains very different. The department of Labor (2008) reports a high
concentration of women in two jobs type: Administrative support and secretaries. These jobs are called
pink-collar jobs because 75% are filled by woman. Men dominate most other job categories, including the
building trade, where 98% of brick masons, stonemasons, and heavy equipment operators are men. In
everyday lives according to John Macionis gender stratification in everyday life is easy to see: Female
nurses assist male physicians, female secretaries serve male executives, and female flight attendants are
under the command of male airplane pilots. I was raised along my siblings in the church in a very strong
but traditional Christians beliefs system. This upbringing although to some may seem quit ideal but to me
it established a strong spirit of judgment on me. I quickly learned to take on the roles that society and my
religion instructed and persuaded me was the right way to be. Women should be seen not heard is
something that I often heard growing up in the society I was raised in. Most people believed that when a
woman raised her voice she was then behaving unseemly. I always thought to myself why when a man
raises his voice he either means business or is just being a man but when a woman yells or speaks loudly
she is trying to be seen or just looking for attention. Why is it so bad for a woman to be seen and heard?
What then do we tell that little girl who wants to follow a career choice thats promotes both, being seen
and heard. Do you tell her that she should pick a career more suitable for societys ideals of what women
should expire to become in life. The systematically inferior position of a woman in and out the household

in many different societies, points to the necessity of treating gender as a force of its own in
developmental analysis.

Annotated Bibliography

Angela Johnson- Hines UWRT 1102

Introduction to Accounting Book by Marriott, Edwards& Mellett 3rd Edition

Introduction to financial accounting 5th Edition by Andrew Thomas
Many potential parents are discovering that having a child can put a serious strain on finances. A new
baby can drastically alter your family's financial status. You may suddenly be living on a lower income, if
one spouse works less or not at all. And you definitely have more expenses, including costly baby gear
and possibly childcare. Finances can differ depending on race, social class, and education. At times
having a child can be costly so it is very important to have a family budget put in place to take the strain
and stress away from what is suppose to be a joyous time. What do savvy and financially-intelligent
parents do in order to prevent these future lifestyle changes from incurring debt? Save. Simply put,
savings account options can be a great way for parents to plan for a future child. By planning your
finances ahead of time, soon-to-be parents can find the finances to pay for the medical bills and other
necessary future items. There are a number of savings account options that soon-to-be parents can
consider to help pay for the initial bills and items that will be needed for a new baby. An online savings
account can be helpful to stockpile funds and earn accumulate interest during a pregnancy. A managed
fund is another smart option for new parents. Living off a new income might be implemented in the future
and if this is the case, new parents should consider learning how to live off one income now - before the
baby comes. This way, the additional money coming in from the secondary income can go directly into a
managed fund or high interest savings account. It's remarkable how fast the balance on your managed
fund will increase by placing the majority of a secondary income into the account. You'll be able to build

up funds to cover items such as doctors bills, baby supplies and more. Planning a new baby doesn't have
to mean that your family will go into debt. By analyzing and budgeting your finances in advance, you can
save lots of money through high interest savings account programs and managed fund options. When the
time comes, the new parents will come home with a new baby - and no new debt.
Annotated Bibliography

Angela Johnson-Hines UWRT 1102

Ebony McGee. "Young, Black, Mathematically Gifted, and Stereotyped." The High School Journal 96.3
(2013): 253-263. Project MUSE. Web. 9 Nov. 2015. <>.
Stereotypes (peer review)
Stereotypes play an important role in today's society and particularly in Propaganda. According to the
Webster's Dictionary stereotyping is defined as a fixed conventional notion or conception of an individual
or group of people, held by a number of people. Stereotypes can be basic or complex generalizations
which people apply to individuals or groups based on their appearance, behavior and beliefs. Stereotypes
are found everywhere. Though our world seems to be improving in many ways it seems almost
impossible to liberate it from stereotypes. John J. Macionis defines stereotypes in his book Sociology as a
simplified position applied to every person in some category. So you can see how at times stereotypes
can be harmful to people causing some then to feel less about themselves or creating unhealthy and
inaccurate assumptions on who people truly are. Ebony McGee explains in detail in her article that highachieving students attending poor, predominantly Black high schools rarely have the same access to high
level mathematics courses as do their White and Asian counterparts in suburban schools. Advanced
Placement (AP) and International Baccalaureate (IB) mathematics dominate classrooms in higher income,
majority high schools. Scholars who are critical of reform efforts suggest that those responsible for
reforming mathematics curricula have supported improvements for the students most capable of going to
college based on grades and standardized test scores. However, mathematically-talented students in poor,
predominantly Black environments might not have the same standardized test scores as higher achieving

students from higher-income, higher-resourced schools due to the accumulation of inequities that Black
students in under-resourced schools (neighborhoods, cities) endure and the bias of standardized testing
itself, which favors White and higher income groups. These inequities ensure that only students from
select backgrounds will be provided with maximum and sustained access and opportunity for
mathematics or mathematics-based fields. This system of classification has been around for a very long
time and has lead to countless hate crimes and bullying all over the world. We seen stereotypes at work
during September 11, 2001 when the world trade center was bombed. America quickly jumped on the
stereotype bandwagon and began to stereotype all Muslims as terrorist, a theory that couldnt be farthest
thing from the truth. Stereotypes have existed since the beginning of time in our everyday life through
religion, politics and the media. Propaganda like the kind we witness during 9/11 is a force which can
influence and affect everyone; bringing changes in behavior, attitudes and your own beliefs. It is also
known that media impacts its viewers modifying their judgments based on the information which they
receive. Substantial amounts of stereotypes broadcasted through propaganda have similar effects. Once
the mass media got the news that the terrorist were Muslim, they created the illusion that all Muslim
people were terrorist and that we should fear them. I strongly believe through my personal life experience
that stereotypes are more harmful than helpful.

Annotated Bibliography

Angela Johnson-Hines UWRT 1102

Haralambos M, Holborn M, Heald R. (2000) Sociology Themes and

Perspectives, Fifth Edition, Published by Collins Educational, London
There are many types of family that exists in todays society, each important to the upbringing of any
children of which may be a part of it. There are many types of family that exists in todays society, each
important to the upbringing of any children of which may be a part of it. Whether due to economic

changes, cultural values, the role of caregiver goes beyond mother and father. The family unit is as
diverse as the societies they each represent. This sometimes can manifest traditional roles of doting
mothers and providing fathers into a home with two sets of parents. Therefore, the involvement and
importance of the extended family: grandparents and other family members such as aunts and uncles play
a significant role in both its economic and social function. The family unit is as diverse as the societies
they each represent. This sometimes can manifest traditional roles of doting mothers and providing
fathers into a home with two sets of parents. Therefore, the involvement and importance of the extended
family: grandparents and other family members such as aunts and uncles play a significant role in both its
economic and social function. Mothers continued to be the primary caretaker in both extended and
immediate families. In upper-middle class extended families, grandmothers were just a source of support,
compared to the poor disadvantaged families where the responsibilities were provided by not just
grandmothers but other female members of the family including aunts living under the same roof. In most
blended families finance can be a factor. Its more productive for multiple family members to live under
one roof, everyone taking on a designated role to keep the family unit running smoothly. Grandparents
who share parenting roles do so primarily because of economic circumstance, rather than absence of the
mother or father. The role of grandmothers and other family members goes beyond, babysitting and
visitations. It is an important and necessary role for the overall balance of childcare and family balance.
Growing up I had the opportunity to be raised by my not only my biological parents but a host of family
and friends, giving me a better chance of understanding cultural diversities and differences in others.

Annotated Bibliography

Angela Johnson-Hines UWRT 1102

Nancy Snow. Propaganda and American Democracy. Baton Rouge: Louisiana State University Press,
2014. Project MUSE. Web. 8 Feb. 2015
Propaganda (peer review)
When I hear the word propaganda I automatically think of the mass media. The media has used this form
of mind control throughout history to convince the masses that a certain thing is true. Nancy Snow
defines propaganda as a powerful instrument for insisting upon a cause in such a way as to win masses of
men to its side and to dismay opponents of the cause, makes use of lies, of the true mixed with the false,
and of truth. A thin line separates information from propaganda. One writer has made a homely
comparison of propaganda to a garden hose. Through a hose may pass water from a cesspool or crystalclear water or a mixed muddy stream. Propaganda may present the clear truth or a muddy mixture of truth
and lies or a poisonous stream of prejudice; it is a method of presentation, not subject matter I like to use
urban culture for an example of that thin line. In the mass media over the years people have linked hip
hop music to define black culture. The propaganda would be a showing someone getting robbed or killed
on the news then saying that music influenced it. When music is art not a definition of who a particular
group of people are. The difference also depends mostly on the presenters intention. We offer
information to enlighten others; we use propaganda to sway people towards our own point of view.
During the presidential election you can be sure to see all different forms of propaganda. They will be
trying to convince the public in a way possible about who they are and we they are better than the other
candidates. Political speeches, commercial advertising, and even some college lectures may include
propaganda in an effort to steer people toward thinking or acting in some specific way. I truly believe that
the black culture have received some of the most negative propaganda to date. We are portrayed in the
media as thugs and hustlers. The mass media will put up images of black people rioting but leave out the
years of slavery and torment. They wont mention the years of psychological abuse and how that affects

people mentally and emotionally. We might not always like what we see about others but we need to
recognize that fear, hypocrisy and ignorance are the enemies of peace and peaceful co-existence. The
historical function of propaganda has been to fuel that fear, hypocrisy and ignorance, and it has earned
itself a bad reputation for so doing. But propaganda has the potential to serve a constructive, civilized and
peaceful purposeif that is the intention behind conducting it. We must all become propagandists on
behalf of those very characteristics that genetically and anthropologically link all people to the human
species. Only then might we really begin to see an end to history. It may,
However, be a long time coming.

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