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Jessica Williams

ELED 3111
Indirect Lesson Plan 1
1st Grade Science
Common Core/Essential Standard Objective:

1. L.2.1 Summarize the basic needs of a variety of different plants (including air, water, nutrients, and light) for
energy and growth.
Daily Lesson Objective (student friendly): Today students we are going to explore what plants need to grow.

1. Engage

2. Explore

3. Explain

4. Elaborate

Description of Activities and Setting

I would first have my students close their eyes and try to imagine to a time where they
have helped their parents grow a garden or plant flowers. (I would ask them what do
they see, smell, hear, and feel). Then I would ask questions such as the following to get
my students to recall past events that relate to the lesson today: If you have helped your
parents or grandparents grow a garden, or plant flowers what are some of the things you
helped them do? Did you water the flowers and plants as they grew? Did you give them
any food? Under which conditions do the plants grow better? I would also ask them:
Do you remember the adults around you saying anything about how to grow plants?
Anything they specifically told you would help them grow?
Next I would have my students each get an iPad from me and I would introduce the kids
to an interactive website called Science Kids where they can practice making a plant
grow by adding or taking away different elements such as sun, water, heat, etc.
After kids finish exploring the website I would tell them to turn and talk to their table
mates and discuss what they think the point of this activity was. I would have them all
come to a decision and be ready to share with the class why they think we did the
science kids website activity. After all the students gave their explanation of why we did
the activity; I would give them the real explanation. We did this activity so you can
each see how plants grow and what needs they need such as water, sun and food and
how much of it. Next I would ask the kids what worked best to make their plant grow.
What didnt work? I would ask could they tell me what they think basic needs for plants
to grow would be. Also, I would ask a few students to show us their plants on the iPad if
they got them to grow and talk us through the steps they did to make it grow. I would
explain that there are many different plants and they have different needs. I would
introduce students to some vocabulary that will help them better understand plant
growing and parts of plants.
The vocabulary words I would teach are:
Next I will take it a step further and create a project for the students to complete. It will
be a take home project where I will give each student a plant in a cup that has soil in it

5. Evaluate
Assessment Methods of
all objectives/skills

and some plant food. I will give the students a sheet that is laid out for a time period of
one week and I will have them with assistance from their parents, water the plant and
feed it and expose it sunlight for certain amount of hours and vice versa with darkness.
As they see the plant grow I will have them record what they notice about the plant. I
will have them at the end of the week, bring their observation sheets in and we will as a
class discuss what worked best for our plants. After all of this, I will have the students
draw a picture of their plant after one week and write their own thoughts about this
activity. They will also write one important thing they learned about growing plants.
The project will be counted as part of the assessment for this lesson. When students
share their plants and discuss what helped them grow and what hindered it, I will take
this information and decide where the students understood the concept. When they write
down one important thing they learned, that will also count as whether or not they
mastered the concept of plant growing.

6. Assessment Results of
all objectives/skills
Materials/Technology: Science Kids Website:, plants for
every student.

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