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Brandon Jones
LEI 4724
Activity File 1
Activity Title: Emotions Discussion And 101 Acting Exercise
Source: Kate, D. (2014, September 7). Kids' Health - Topics -. Retrieved September 9, 2015
Equipment: Laptop, stereo system, Presentation Stage for Acting, color marker and paper.
Description of Activity:
The main goal of this discussion and acting exercise is to define known and new emotions as way to
understand how to properly control and display them as an individual. This discussion is also a great
tool to understanding how your emotions affect others and how they play a key role in how you build
and maintain relationships with others through how you express. The final aspect of discussion
analyzes the two main ways we communicate are emotions to others via verbal and non-verbal
communication .Participants are spread out and lights are dimmed so that each can clearly hear and
focus on the example of played aloud in classroom. Following auditory demonstration participants
are ask to guess the emotion. Once one has guessed it right the discussion becomes open allowing
majority of participants to explain their choice to other participants .to explain the emotion they
believed was demonstrated and why. The facilitator main responsibility is to explain exactly why this
emotion correlates to auditory demonstration and to be a visual demonstration of emotion while
explaining the effectiveness of it in specific environments. This process is done with a total of ten
emotions and followed by each participant picking five of displayed emotions , writing them down,
and practicing them by self or others for at least 15 minutes to prepare themselves to come on stage /
platform and display in front of all participants. Naturally this exercise builds confidence and the
facilitator should be the motivational push to all to help encourage them to display emotions.
Through discussion and acting exercise all participants should be knowledgeable of how basic
emotions shape are lives and the people in them in context to ones overall life.

Leadership considerations: This exercise works well in groups ranging from 10-20. Consider using
any open environment thats inside and free of distractions. Therapist should act as a teacher,
demonstrator, and motivator while effectively communicating exercise. Emotions should be defined,
heard, and demonstrated for best results.
Participants with Anxiety- Constantly encourage and motivate participants to display emotions in
front of others if there is any hesitation of doing so. Also accommodate participant by giving option
to display only within selected group.
Participants with Intellectual Disability- Clarify that if they ever need any assistance during exercise
that they can raise their hand to gain attention for extra help. Also allow more time process auditory
demonstration and replay emotion as many times needed for all participants to get a general concept
of specific emotion. If willing to display in front of others allow them to directly pick emotions. If
there are participants who do not read or write, facilitator should help.

Brandon Jones
LEI 4724
Activity File 2
Activity Title: Flexibility In Relation To Overall Health Discussion / Demonstration.
Source: Body Composition and Flexibility. (n.d.). Retrieved September 10, 2015.

Equipment: None
Description of Activity:
Flexibility is a requirement to display day to day activities with comfort and ease. To get out of
bed, take a shower, or even put on clothes, we need full range of motion. Flexibility and mobility
tends to get worse with age, often due to a sedentary lifestyle which can cause muscles to
deteriorate well. Without satisfactory flexibility, regular activities become more difficult to
perform. As time goes on, we create body movements and posture habits that can lead to reduced
mobility of joints and compromised body positions. Staying active and stretching regularly help
prevent this loss of mobility, which ensures independence as we age. The objective of the activity
is present a total a ten different flexibility/ mobility stretches and describe the importance of each
stretch as each correlates to a different muscle or area of body. All will allow one to maintain or
increase overall range of motion in designated stretching area of body. Facilitator should have
ability to demonstrate all stretches thoroughly and verbally communicate them. This is an open
discussion so participants are allowed questions at will by raising hand. By physically doing
stretches with demonstration and explanation participants will know clear and healthy ways to
keep or maintain mobility and flexibility. Participants will also understand the importance of thus
drills in correlation to ones lifestyle.
Leadership considerations: This activity can be done with any group size. With that being said
there is no preference if done in or outside as long there is enough open area for all participants.
Therapist leading discussion / demonstration should be capable of answering all question and be able
to breakdown all exercises step by step. Any ten stretches can be used as long as each helps with
flexibility at a different distinct part of body.
Participants with Intellectual Disability and Social Anxiety: Facilitator should show patience and do
everything possible to help participant accomplish some form of every stretch. Most can be done
laying down, sitting down or on knees if necessary. Through active movement and engagement
attention shouldnt be a problem if it is allow participant to enjoy discussion in own way as long as it
not disturbing to other participants.

Brandon Jones
LEI 4724
Activity File 3
Activity Title: Foods Discussion and Healthy Food Taste Testing
Source: Healthy Food Choices. (n.d.). Retrieved September 10, 2015.

Equipment: Twenty Different Entrees of Food to taste test, tables, small plates, napkins, and recipes.
Description of Activity:
The opportunity to explore a wide variety of different food groups is important for participants of all
age to establish healthy eating habits. Its common for participants to like healthy foods that they
have a negative predisposition to or havent had opportunity to taste. This includes different
variations of vegetables, fruits, meats and poultry. Providing multiple varieties of the same food
prepared different ways can increase the possibility of the participant to like that specific type of
food. The purpose of this discussion is explain the importance of healthy eating habits short and long
term then allow participants to taste test foods discussed while also providing information on recipe
for that specific entre bring home. This discussion acts as a mind opening exercise and if successful
would slightly change the participants eating habits in a positive way.
Leadership considerations: This activity size directly correlates to food available but could be done
in groups all sizes within a thirty person limit .Preferable use a room inside that has space to set
tables for different entrees. Therapist should discuss the importance of healthy eating habits in
correlation to longevity of life and of overall health. While also being able to answer questions on
how specific foods increase health.
Participants with Intellectual Disability and Social Anxiety:
Give Participants more time to get comfortable in setting and allow them more time if needed to
process information about healthy eating habits. Also answer any questions they have about healthy
eating habits multiple time and ways so that participant can have best opportunity to learn. Also
allow more time to get to all tables to taste test food.

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