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EGP 335

Lesson Plan
Lesson Title: The Pilgrims and The Spanish
Day Number: 8
Author: Brianna Dougherty
Unit: 2
Grade Level: 3rd
Background Information
The teacher will recap prior lessons and talk remind the students that they just learned
about Explorers and why they came to America, and today the class will be focusing on
the Pilgrims and the Spanish coming to America.
Expected Duration: 60 minutes
o Compare and Contrast
o Pilgrims
o Spanish Mission
o Colonization

o Colonies
o Mission
o Pilgrim
o Voyage
o The Mayflower
o Priest


Active listening

1.1 Integration of Learning Outcomes/Objectives

Students will be able to share their background knowledge on the Pilgrims and the
Students will be able to compare and contrast what life was like for the Pilgrims
and Spanish, including food, survival techniques, geographic locations, weather,
Students will be able to listen carefully and respectfully to the teacher, directions,
input from other students, and the books read aloud.
1.2 Standards PA Civics, History, Economics, Geography & NCSS Themes I-X
PA Standards

History- 8.4.3.C: Compare and contrast selected world cultures.

History- 8.4.3.D: Identify conflict and cooperation among groups and
organizations from around the world.
Geography- 7.2.3.A: Identify the physical characteristics of places and regions
English Language Arts- CC.1.2.3.I: Compare and contrast the most important
points and key details presented in two texts on the same topic.
History NCSS Disciplinary Standard: Guide learners in practicing skills of
historical analysis and interpretation, such as compare and contrast, differentiate
between historical facts and interpretations, consider multiple perspectives,
analyze cause and effect relationships, compare competing historical narratives,
recognize the tentative nature of historical interpretations, and hypothesize the
influence of the past.
1.3 Anticipatory Set
Teacher will introduce the lesson by having the students do a quick think-pairshare activity.
o To start the lesson the teacher can say, Boys and Girls, today we
have a very exciting lesson about the Pilgrims and the Spanish! Can everyone turn
to a partner next to them and discuss what they already know about the Pilgrims
and the Spanish? After you are done talking to your partner, we are going to share
with the class what you already knew, what you may have questions about, and
what you would like to learn about the Pilgrims and the Spanish.
After discussing with the class, the teacher will tell the students they are going to
make a Venn diagram about the Pilgrims and the Spanish, using a special paper
provided by the teacher later in the lesson.
1.4 Procedures
The teacher will first ask the students to stay seated and they are going to do a
read aloud, using the doc cam. The teacher will read the book, If You Sailed on
the Mayflower in 1620 written by Ann McGovern, to the class. While reading, the
teacher will be projecting the illustrations done by Anna DiVito on the interactive
white board (SMART Board) for the whole class to be able to see. Before
beginning the book, the teacher will remind students to pay attention to the
information about the Pilgrims so they can complete the activity after.
o The teacher will stop at the cover page and ask the students if they
have ever heard of The Mayflower? (Point out the key word
sail in the title and the picture on the front cover, if the students
are having trouble.)
o The book is filled with What if? questions, I would stop
throughout the book asking the students what if you were there?
Or didnt have much to eat? What is something they would need to
bring with them?
o The teacher should stop on pages 5, 8, and 11 to talk about vocab

The Mayflower: The ship back in 1620 that

transported people who are now known today, as the
Pilgrims: A traveler or a wanderer in a foreign land.
Voyage: a long journey involving travel by sea or in
Colony: A group of people of one nationality or ethnic
group living in a foreign city or country together.

Once the teacher has finished reading the book, he/she will ask the students what
was something they learned or found interesting about the Pilgrims. The teacher
will mention the vocabulary words used in the book and ask the class if they have
any questions.
The teacher will then show a small Power Point on the Pilgrims, expanding what
the students learned from the story, as well as teaching them other information
about the Pilgrims.
The teacher will then start passing around a piece of paper to each student. On the
paper there will be a light red circle and a light blue circle overlapping each other
a little bit, in the middle will be light purple.
As the teacher is passing the paper he/she will ask the students if they have ever
heard of a Venn diagram before, the teacher will explain how a Venn diagram
works, explaining the 3 different colors.
The teacher will ask the class to label the light red circle the Pilgrims. The
teacher will then tell the class to write information they know about the Pilgrims,
in the red section of the circle. The teacher could explain this by saying an
example would be East Coast or The Mayflower.
The teacher will then explain the next circle will be used to fill in information
about the Spanish.
The teacher will ask the students to quietly come to the rug. When the students are
sitting down, the teacher will introduce a childrens book written by John
Perritano, Spanish Missions. The teacher will read the book and go over the vocab
o The teacher will ask students what if? questions, just like the
Pilgrims book. (This book is less exciting than the Pilgrims book was
so with these questions, the students should have more fun while
o The teacher will stop at pages 2, 5, and 7.
o The teacher will go over the vocab words on those pages.
Missions: When a religious organization, goes out
into the world to spread their faith. An important
assignment and usually involves traveling.
Settlement: a place, typically one that has hitherto
been uninhabited, where people establish a

Priest: ordained minister that has the authority to

perform certain sacraments and rites.
The teacher will then show another short Power Point on the Spanish. She will
then ask the students to quietly go back to their seats and to start filling out the
light blue circle and label it the Spanish just like the students did with labeling
the red circle.
o The teacher will be going around the room observing the students
and what information they are putting in their Venn
The teacher will ask the students to next fill out information in the light purple
middle section, with information both the Pilgrims and the Spanish have in

1.5 Differentiation
For Gifted Students: For students who need more of a challenge, after they have
created a Venn diagram with 2 circles, I will have them create a 3rd circle Venn
diagram. They will be able to compare and contrast between, the Pilgrims, the
Spanish, and how they personal live today.
For ELL Students: Some students still struggling to learn English may need added
support and accommodations. I will have the books I read to the class available in
different languages depending upon the different languages that are spoken in my
classroom. I will have the books written in the different languages either offered
to be read on a tablet or a hard copy.
1.6 Closure
After the class is done their diagram, they will be asked to bring them to the carpet. They
will talk to the students around them and share what information they put in what color
section. After the class has discussed, the teacher will play a game to go over what the
students learned and what they might not understand. The teacher will pass out 2 cards to
each student. One will say SPANISH and the other card will say PILGRIMS. The
teacher will ask a question, name a fact, survival technique, etc. and if it has to do with
the Pilgrims, the students will raise that card and if it has to do with the Spanish, the
students will raise that card. Some of the questions asked would be:
o This group of people came over on The Mayflower (the Pilgrims)
o This group of people were located in California (Spanish)
The teacher will then start to wrap up the lesson by saying OK Boys and Girls, now that
you have read 2 books, gone over facts about the Pilgrims and the Spanish, and
completed your own Venn diagram, I think you know a lot of information about both! I
want to thank you all for working so hard and nicely today and I am excited for
tomorrows lesson!
1.7 Formative/Summative Assessment of Students (P-12)
Formative assessment will occur throughout the lesson while the teacher is observing the
students. When they are doing the Venn diagram the teacher will be going around to see if
the students understand comparing and contrasting. The teacher will also be asking the

students questions about either the Pilgrims or the Spanish, at the end of the lesson and
the students will answer which group of people the teacher is describing and talking
about by holding up the appropriate card representing the answer the Pilgrims or the
Spanish. The teacher will use these assessments to help the classroom understand the
Summative assessment: The teacher will take 2-3 questions about the Pilgrims and the
Spanish and include/add them to the end of the unit test that will be given on all 12
1.8 Materials/Equipment/Resources
1. Pen/Pencil
2. Doc cam
3. Smart board
4. Book 1 (If You Sailed on the Mayflower in 1620)
5. Book 2 (Spanish Missions)
6. Venn diagram paper

7. PowerPoint on the Pilgrims

8. PowerPoint on the Spanish


Houghton Mifflin Social Studies, 2005 edition. 3rd Grade, chapter 4 pgs: 119-121
1.9 Technology
Technology will be used when reading the first book and having the book
projected on the interactive whiteboard (SMART Board) by the doc cam, making
it easier for all the students to be able to see, understand, and participate in the
read aloud.

Interactive whiteboard (SMART Board) and/or projector will be used to display

the Power Points made up about the Pilgrims and the Spanish.

2.1 Reflection on Planning

This lesson was a lot of fun, I always enjoyed doing Venn diagrams as a kid so I hope the
class liked it like I did.
A concern for the lesson was the students wouldnt know much about the Pilgrims and
the Spanish. I knew they would know more about the Pilgrims than the Spanish but was
still nervous they wouldnt have any background information. Another concern I had was
that my first book was very fun about the Pilgrims and let the students think about how
they would be if they sailed on The Mayflower, when the second book about Spanish
Missions seemed to be less fun. I was scared it would have made the students not want to
pay attention as much as when they read the first book. Overall both books seemed to
work well and both had great information on the topics being discussed in the lesson.
One thing I liked about the lesson was that since the kids knew they would be doing a
Venn diagram, they seemed to pay attention more during the lessons read alouds and
Power Points, so that way they werent confused when they had to write the information
they knew. I like how I had the students compare and contrast the two different groups of
people and being able to see the obvious differences and watch the students learn the not
so obvious differences and similarities.

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