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Chapter 10:

Jefferson Era (18001816)

Thomas Jefferson

Election of 1800
Thomas Jefferson (DemocraticRepublicans) 73 votes
John Adams (Federalists) 65
Aaron Burr (DemocraticRepublicans) also received 73

The House of Representatives voted

35 times without breaking the tie
between Jefferson and Burr.
On the 36th vote Alexander Hamilton
convinced his Federalists friends not
to vote for Burr.

Thomas Jefferson was elected

President in the Election of 1800.

Thomas Jefferson
When Washington D.C. was being
built Jefferson advised the
architects and designers.

Thomas Jeffersons home in

Virginia is called Monticello.

Jefferson wanted the United

States to be a nation of

Jefferson did not want people to

crowd large cities as people
had done in Europe.

Thomas Jefferson
As President Jefferson
Let the Alien and Sedition Acts
Released prisoners convicted
under the acts,
Ended many taxes including
the unpopular tax on whiskey,
Reduced the number of
federal employees including
the military.
Jefferson used tariffs and land
sales to reduce the amount of
money owed by the

Judiciary Act of 1801 and


John Adams used the Judiciary Act of

1801 to appoint as many Federalists
between the Election of 1800 and
Thomas Jeffersons inauguration in

Before he left office John Adams

appointed John Marshall as new Chief
Justice of the Supreme Court.

John Marshall served as Chief Justice

of the Supreme Court for over 30

Marshall ruled on Marbury v.

Madison, which established judicial

Judicial review is the principle that the

Supreme Court has the final say in
interpreting the Constitution.

Louisiana Purchase

The West in 1800

By 1800, Kentucky and Tennessee

were states.

Ohio became a state in 1803.

Spain had 21 missions from San

Diego to San Francisco.

Russia had settlements north of

San Francisco to Alaska.

Napoleon and New


Before the French and Indian

War, France controlled the
Louisiana Territory.

After losing the French and

Indian War (1763), France gave
up control of the Louisiana
Territory (including New
Orleans) to Spain.

In a 1800 treaty, Spain

returned the Louisiana Territory
back to Frances new leader

The Louisiana Purchase

Before returning the Louisiana Territory back
to France, Spain closed the port of New
Orleans to American ships.

To avoid a war with France Thomas

Jefferson offered to buy New Orleans from

France suffered disastrous losses from a

revolt led by Toussaint LOuverture in the
French West Indies.

France made a counter offer for the

United States to buy all of the Louisiana

On April 15, 1803, the Louisiana Purchase

was approved for $15 million (about 3
cents per acre).

The Louisiana Purchase doubled the size

of the United States.

Exploring the Louisiana


President Jefferson set 2 expeditions

to explore the Louisiana Territory.

Meriwether Lewis and William

Clark explored the north (Missouri
and Columbia Rivers).

Zebulon Pike was sent to explore

the south (Arkansas River and Rio

Problems with Foreign

France and Britain did not want Americans
providing their enemy with food and supplies.

Britain began to kidnap and force

American sailors to work on British ships.
This is known as impressment.

When Congress passed the Embargo Act of

American ships were not allowed to sail
to foreign ports.
American ports were closed to British
In 1811, Tecumseh was a Shawnee chief that
tried to stop the loss of Native American land,
but was defeat by soldiers led by William
Henry Harrison.

Tecumseh was forced to retreat to Canada

after the military.

The War of 1812

War Hawks wanted Congress and the

President to declare war on Canada for:
Helping Native Americans,
Wanted to conquer Canada,
Violation of American rights at sea.

On June 18, 1812, Congress approved

President James Madisons request for
declaration of war.

Phase 1 in the War of 1812

Britain sent ships to blockage the American
coast, but devoted little energy in fighting
Phase 2 in the War of 1812
After the British defeated France in April 1814
more supplies and troops were dedicated to
fight the Americans.

The War of 1812

Thomas Jefferson and Democratic-Republicans
had reduced the size of the military.
The Navy had only 16 ships and the Army had
fewer than 7,000 soldiers.

Oliver Hazard Perry defeated the British

Navy at Lake Erie.

Battle of Thames ended the British threat

Americans in the Northwest Territory and
Tecumseh was killed in the fighting.

Treaty of Ghent ended the War of 1812.

2 weeks later at the Battle of New Orleans,

American troops led by General Andrew
Jackson won a great victory against the
British (2,000 British soldiers died,
compared to 71 Americans soldiers).

Legacy of the War

No territory were lost or gained.

Effects of the War of 1812

1) Increased American patriotism,
2) Weakened Native American,
3) U.S. manufacturing grew.

Francis Scott Key, an American,

wrote the Star-Spangled Banner
while imprisoned on a British ship.

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