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Element Notes

What is an Element
fundamental form of all matter
smallest particle of a substance that
cannot be separated into simpler
substances by physical or chemical
each element is unique
an element is made of atoms or one atom

Types of Elements
elements are pure substances
there is only one type of particle that makes
each element
every atom that makes up a piece of gold is
a gold (Au) atom

each element has its own unique set of

properties (characteristic properties)
check out p. 235 in book

Classifying Elements
1869 Dmitry Mendeleyev is credited with
creating the Periodic Table of Elements
used names of elements and their Atomic
Weights to determine order of the table, with
many blank spots of elements yet to be

Classifying Elements
today periodic table has 118 elements
about 90 naturally occurring on Earth
43-61 and 93-118 created in labs

element 1 = hydrogen, 2 = helium

this Atomic Number is the number of protons

metals - shiny, conduct heat and electricity
nonmetals - no conduction, solids are dull
metaloids - have properties of metals and
check out p. 237

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