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16 COLONIZATION OF THE MIND ‘Age and tology os Ina, and The Uncolosized Mind: A Pose-olonal View of Inca and the despotic Oriental. They alo ideneied as ‘genuine the non. ‘epposton, conformed to Westar norms of disent Cultural options ware kept open though ‘radonslim rather thaa trough Westen moder ASHIS NANDY is Is penetrating ana of subject societies, Hi ross, Bory, 1987). Th ony and Uta (Oxtoré Us Bombay 1987) and The legeimacy of Natootsm (Os He is currenty the deactor of the Conve for the Study of Devcloping Seeietes, Deh. were offered, 16 ‘The Colonization of the Imaginary in Mexico COLONIZATION OF THE MIND matty Meret ane eee ieatees Giese tues a In th impor Ashis Nandy The following text's made up of exeracts fom The Inumate Enemy (Ofer Universi Press. Bombay 1987, pp a of & Nandy also deserbes the undercurrent of resistance cha broke the rules ‘ot proper Westernized di INANDY isa prolife wrtar and » scholar of great vision, wel! known for ating analyses of the impacts of modernity and coleiaksm on the people 1 by-produer of 3 Fulty poitial economy but ako of societies Hi major books include The letnate Enemy (Ox‘ord Universicy oF tombay, 1967). Tatons, Tomy end Utopas (Oxord Univerity ress, 7 Bombay 1987) and The Megtinacy of Notnaiem (Oxford Unversity Press, Deh 1993). Ha is cucrenty the director of the Centre for the Stody of Developing the ideologies of prog cumcalaive growth of Whe ~ and hete ly a pay- ‘This avareness has not made everyone sive up his theory of progres. b ep towards 2 mone just and equal world, That was has given confidence 10 2 few 10 look askance atthe ol univers sea minds in Europe — and in che Eaxt~ were 19 thin whick the eaier critiques of coloiatio were offered. it i now Wy some of the fn the colonies, Is xgsheration of a ‘everywhere robbed, siaimed and killed; viling mision and iow wih only cre concepts of reste nd wetemcec. Tey fced = and expected to fice — other with ly embrace the second. They caution ws 1, 190, could be an apologia for the al resitance %0 some new respon ‘ejomtive word, stage wubtler and more sophisticated means of acculturation, They prodece Jy model of conforasty bur aly model of ‘ofa! divert. (e Amiloar Cabral Culture and People’s Roots ‘he Wertion integration of people nto [Aipanzation, our cave — may take Glace before the singe. Out Ms le, twoxgh dal ‘onpleted only during he course of th ‘the pooular masses the cernrunien arate from # speech on elvered on 20 February 1970 at Syracuse University Naw York “Tanaated from the French by Maursen Webster EEE Eee m {pue POST DEVELOPMENT READER Edward Said on a Teaching of Hugo of St Victor “to Gain the Independence and Detachment of Someone Whose conind ‘Seco! but Whose Acual Candten Makes Impose to Recapure tut Sneetress “Those people compeled by the stem to play subordoste or impristning fetes win # eerge 38 coreiaus antag ring proposing Ca Sesancng agurents that dopute the to impulions of the word rare. Not eventing can be bousht of aS ese hybedcourtercnerges at work in many its, indus and moments pode a comewuniy ar cle made up of rumerousantsyserie saree paces foe collective huran erstence (and nether decrnes Nor Temple theories) tat is nat baped on coerce of domination Toc yoo returning aoa ard ago to a Taunting Deaubl pee by “Twelth-century monk fom Saxony tran hae extguihed is Erich Auerbach the great German scholar who spent the years of Wed feel for anyone ~ ean Snes and detachment by worn tough atacverts, rot screws he enstence 0 tve fs aed 3 rod cing tem Ene is predated Rega expences Shout them that anchors ar roots them 6 re hom, wnat ied you eve op, what would yen recover? To feos you mms have the depend Shee homeland n'sumet, but whose actual condition ma wrerire at sveetnes and even ess cose to darn salient "Dy ituuen a copra, wheter dering kom pre iy ertarty 20034 ho We ae [No one today is purely ene ting, Labels et In, or woman, or Mai cor Ameria are fot mare than staring, wich 2 xpenence for only a moment are quidly Te behind I Ghted she motor oF urs ad identities on & lob sca to alow people to beleve th hot’: pase, realty cannot be ceprved pueden Kee more rewarding ~ aod reveal ee sympathetealy, contrapuntal, about so means nk tring 10 re others, 0k ee gue curt or country & number ane (OF rat umber Oe, rater) For the nicest there f Gute enough of value 10 do From Culture on iperalsm Vietage Books, New York. 1994, pp 335-6. See Box om 178 for Edward Sait) today to opt fora non: fan then choose berween be ‘Edward Said, al the evo hal-child, compare to ashom ‘brown than ahi. Even in enmary these the most vol merely pradwced modern colonials hunt interpretations of colenalism. 1 colours even his insep lable: was to ake eonomie and ps bu other elements 100. The pitical economy of colonization i of couse after aeguiring world daminaice, oF a society and The example I shal we wil be chat of ind explinewhy colonia ‘the inner revards and 1 almost aways to open porca gytems, iberlse and intel the other side ofthe ‘afore of appreskon ane donainance. Mé ems, che secondary psychologist ‘aad submission under eoloniasm. They ate iia where 3 colonial politic eonomy ean to operate seventy-five years before the fall-blawa Weology vets afer rmphane ‘whee tity- the mnodern scien zation ignored, Parca ston been the products of the imp f and, even in opposition, these movements have paid homage eo their reypectve culo Ive in mind not only the overt Apollonisn codes oF Western lier hve often mocsated the obtes of the celonized societies ut alko thei Dionysian counterparts in the concepss of eutecaft, everyday polities, «fective poliial methods and utopias which have guided revoluonary movements the Brits, in friendip or i ens. They may: not hive Filly shaved che Bich idea of dae sare aces ~ the Iyper-mssc superbly loyal Indian castes and sabeuleres murvots 10t collaborate Ind fome acceptance of the ideology of the system, ‘counterplayers. This is ehe only way they could preseve a ‘eee in a station of unavoadable injustice When such 2 ear consensus grows, the main deat fo the colonizers ‘s bound te become the Inent fear dat the colonized wil ject the cones

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