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Naomi Valladares

Professor Jackie
English 113A
10 November 2015
Argument Essay Outline
Thesis Statements:

Simple but Expanded:

The media needs to talk about Sexual Assault being committed by someone
known because people are more likely to be attacked by someone they know

rather than a stranger.

List Thesis Statement:
The media needs to talk about Sexual Assault being committed by someone
known because people are more likely to be attacked by someone they know
rather than a stranger no matter the relationship between people or age difference

no one is truly safe from sexual assault.

Although statement:
Although it might be hard for people to believe sexual assault is mostly
committed by someone known the media needs to talk about Sexual Assault being
committed by someone known because people are more likely to be attacked by
someone they know rather than a stranger no matter the relationship between


people or age difference no one is truly safe from sexual assault.

a) Intro to topic:
When sexual assault is talked about on media the perpetrator is mainly always
described a stranger to the victim. In other cases the perpetrator is described as
a masked stranger, but sexual assault isnt always committed by a stranger.
b) Thesis Statement:
In fact the media needs to talk about Sexual Assault being committed by
someone known because people are more likely to be attacked by someone
they know rather than a stranger.


Body Paragraph Topic #1: Known vs. Strangers

a) Quote from source:
In a total of 7,096 cases of sexual assault, 2,082 represent sexual assaults
perpetrated by strangers while 5,014 represent sexual assaults perpetrated by
known assailants.
b) Explain:
More than half of sexual assault cases are perpetrated by someone known
rather than a stranger. People have yet to hear this information when it comes
to media than their view on the masked stranger that sexually assaulted
c) Transition sentence:
It is important to know this information especially when it comes to who you


have to look out for.

Body Paragraph Topic #2: Relationship with victim
a) Quote from source:
The most common victim assailant relationship that people have to watch out
for. 50% of attacks are by acquaintances, 15% by friends, 11% other, 8% expartner, 6% current partner, 4% relative, 3% spouse, 2% parent, 2% date.
b) Explain:
Although there is a higher chance you could get attacked by someone you
hardly know its still someone you might have hung out with once or twice.
The second highest chance is by a friend so dont always believe you are safe
with any one guy or girl. Although it is a way lower chance to be sexually
assaulted by a relative and or a parent, it if very important that anyone can be
a victim of that 4% or 2%.
c) Transition:
Besides the importance of a relationship that needed to be looked after, Age is


another very important factor in this situation.

Body Paragraph Topic #3: Ages of victims
a) Quote from source:

The most common ages someone gets attacked is 18-24, then is the present
of attacks go down from 12-17, 25-34, 35-44, 45-64, under 11 and lastly 65
years or older.
b) Explain:
The fact that anyone is a target is scary because a victim has range ranged
from less than a year old all the way to a 96 year old person.
c) Transition:
There are so many facts that state people are being attacked by people they

know but the media still doesnt alert people about this information.
Body Paragraph Topic #4: Why it isnt reported
a) Quote from source:
Most of the time people dont report sexual assault committed by someone
known because the victim is embarrassed, afraid, or wants to protect the offender.
Also, the victim may believe than many people think he or she is lying.
b) Explain:
Although victims dont always want to inform people or the media of events such
as these it is important for the world to know the truth. There are still more cases
about know attackers rather than strangers so somehow there are people that are
still victims that need help that they dont know they have.
c) Transition:
Its better to know before it happens to someone rather than someone learning
about the facts after the act was committed.


a) Restating the evidence that supports your claim:
If there are more cases on known attackers and facts that show not so many
people report that they are victims of sexual assault by a victim than there are
a lot of victims that need to be helped. People need to understand the

importance of this knowledge. It can save someone from a life of trauma and
trust issues.
b) (Optional) Offer a solution of present a call to action:
The media needs to talk about this situation more no matter how
uncomfortable the facts are. They make strangers a normal attacker when you
actually need to take care of yourself around friends, and acquaintances.

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