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Running Head: Value Differences between China and United States

Value Differences between China and United States

Nhi Huynh
University of Texas at Dallas

Value Differences between China and United States

The purpose of this research paper is to compare the values, ethics, and cultural standings
between two countries, China and United States. Besides the wide distance between the two
countries, there is also an invisible barrier known as the cultural difference. Growing up not just
from a different race, but also from a different society and standards can result in how a person
behaves and the standards they must uphold. This in turn would influence how they would
behave and act in the business world towards a different country.
This research paper will contain the value, ethics, and moral difference of the culture of
China with the comparison of the same subject to the United State. To emphasize the difference
of background in how it affects the role of the future generation will plays in the business world.
To explain how the two counties are able to overcome their difference of belief and able to
communicate effectively to each other and come to an agreement for both countries.
Understanding differences will help both countries understand each other better, and increase
cultural intelligence.
China values more traditional values, while United States values lean towards modern
and opportunistic values in a free market. Both countries have many different values in which
one country holds stronger than the other. However, with all the differences that they have, they
both have ethics that are both similar and that they shared among one another. Even if the
reasoning maybe different, the outcome of the decisions are similar. No matter how far they are,
their different ethnicities, features, language, and beliefs; the two countries are bounded by a fate
that they cannot escape, humanity. This is the reason why both countries are still able to interact
with one another. Both countries will have different thoughts on what values are important, but

Value Differences between China and United States

they should have values that are similar to one another. The world is smaller than what many
people believe it is.
Value Difference between China and United States
Two different countries: China and the United State are far across the world from one another.
Each having a huge population of their own, one in which has about a 1.3 billion, while the other
is 3.1 million, with this many people and diversities of cultures the two countries end up with
different values, ethics, and cultural standing of their own (Thomas, 2011). How can two
countries with so many differences be able to work together in harmony in life and the business
world? The answer to this question is that even with the wide gap between the cultural
difference, everyone or culture has at least one spark of connection between the two.
When a person does not give another a chance, they would not be able to see the
opportunities that they are missing. This can also be related to all the countries in the world.
Every country, in someones perspective will hold some strength and some weaknesses. There
will never be one country that has no flaws. To be able to recognize their strength and utilize it
into making your objective more accomplishable, while to recognize their weaknesses, not to
overrule them, but to help them by building on top of it jointly so both countries can grow strong
together. Once that thought process is understood, then this world might be able to become one
in unity.
People in the business world should be concerned and informed about the difference of
one another if they want the transaction of exchange to be running as smooth as possible.
Managers in the business world should study what is all needed that would might seal their deal
with the other country and be prepared so they do not intentionally break off their transaction
with one another. To increase ones cultural intelligence, will lead them to many success in the

Value Differences between China and United States

future. Understanding ones own background against another will not only help distinguish the
difference, but also understand what a persons perspective is. Only then will most business
ideas will be shared, contracts be made, and a hope of harmony with most countries can be
Chinas Value
In China, the values that most of the people upholds are different from other countries.
Based on an article, Value difference between generations in China: a study in Shanghai,
written by Jiaming Sun and Xun Wang, not only is there a value difference in China and other
countries, there are also value differences between generations in China. This study was a crossgeneration comparison of many different age groups, education levels, and marital status in
Shanghai with a total of 2,000 candidates in 1990 (Jiaming & Xun, 2010 ). The generation of
age group from 19-34 year olds had the highest score of modern values which includes
individualism and secular orientation, comparing to the age group of 51 year old and over had
score the lowest. While surprisingly, ages 14-18 had the highest score on traditional values of
collectivism and orientation (Jiaming & Xun, 2010). To think that the traditional values would
be lost at this time to the newer generation, this research shows that the traditional values still
hold strong until this day of being collective and orientation.
The Countrys Value
China holds up more of traditional and oriental values in society. One of the most
important values that most of the different generation upheld is family averaging near 50 percent,
followed by more of the newer generations ages 14 to 34, is self-development around 40 percent
(Jiaming & Xun 2010). The people in China also value Lei Fengs spirt, who was a soldier in
the 1960s whose goal in life was in helping others (Jiaming & Xun, 2010). In China, frugality

Value Differences between China and United States

and loyalty to the family and friends is a traditional value that has been enforced by parents and
the roots of their older generation as stated in the article Business Ethics in China: A Human
Resource Management Issue? (Hulpke & Lau, 2008). The values that have been tied into the
people in China have created what makes them today. In the graph below, from Value
differences between generations in China: a study in Shanghai, generation 1 corresponds to
ages 14-18, generation 2 to 19-34, generation 3 to 35-50, and generation 4 is ages 51 and over.

Business Ethics
On the business outlook, China values the use of guanxi, which is the networking and
bonding relationship with people. In the business world, the people in China would try to gain a
relationship with someone who works at their desired company, by taking that person to lunch or
buying that person gifts, they can strengthen that bond. China relies on high trust in personal
relationships to take them up the ladder of society (Feldman, 2014). It does not have to be that
person who is might be getting hired doing this; that persons elders or parents can be spending
the money on the guanxi to influence and secure a job for them with the person from the
company. In the article, The Struggle between Traditional and Adopted Public Service Values
in China, explains that this however, has gained some negative connotation because it reflects

Value Differences between China and United States

the image of bribery in not just in business, but also in government (Di & Mingus, 2013). Yet,
they are unable to let go of the guanxi value because that is what helped create decisions for
them and they feel the need to pay the other persons back (Di & Mingus, 2013). This value has
caused the country to fall into dualism and is unable split fully between keeping the guanxi,
which helps influence business decision or take the guanxi away because of the corruption that is
followed by it.
China is well known to have weak business ethics, since it has a high rate of acceptance
in corruption. For example, in the article Business Ethics in China: A Human Resource
Management Issue they did a survey with university students in mainland China and Hong
Kong and it was stated that 76 percent in mainland China agreed with corruptions, while 36
percent agreed to that in Hong Kong (Hulpke & Lau, 2008). One of the reasons why the people
in China are acceptable of corruption could be tied to guanxi again. China values relationships
when doing business. Another reason for the birth of corruption is the change in the economy.
China has started to change their command to a market-based economy, in which the central
authorities have less control over the economy (Hulpke & Lau, 2008). These traditions and
changes to the countries have changed the business ethics for China.
Some other examples of main social issues in China are poverty and income, workers
rights and safety, and sovereignty regarding internal affairs. Based on an article, Business
Ethics and Politics in China, China understands that there is income disparity is growing, and
it is a continuing concern for the country (Steidlmeier, 1997). For workers, rights, and safety,
there are barely any safety standards and no free market in labor (Steidlmeier, 1997). Without
having a free market, Chinas government is the price setters, on how much something is sold.
While in sovereignty regarding internal affairs, China does not want any country interfering in

Value Differences between China and United States

their internal affairs especially when the topic is about human rights or Taiwan (Steidlmeier,
1997). China wants to have a strong grasp on their country because they believe having order
will lead their country to their best performance.
Improving the weak business ethics. To improve their country on ethics, China has
been promoting methods to improve the weak business ethics. One of their methods is law; by
using the Independent Commission Again Corruption in Hong Kong, it has lower some amount
of corruption, and is heading towards correcting piracy and pollutions too (Hulpke & Lau, 2008).
Another strategy is the media, where they post role models in business and society on newspaper
and television for the society to view. They also now pointing out wrongdoing and naming
names, they post pictures of the higher up business leaders, government officials, and even
majors who have been caught in supporting anticorruption ideals and effort (Hulpke & Lau,
2008). The newer generation are also supporting to the anticorruption acts because of going to
school. They learn to recognize heroes, also known as People Heroes, which encourages them
to create a better ethical environment for the future (Hulpke & Lau, 2008). Another option as
stated in the article A Comparison of the Ethics Infrastructure in China and the United States,
are telephone hotlines and centers are also available to report fraud, waste, abuse, and unethical
behavior (Smith, 2004). China also had reforms agendas and death penalties for the corrupted
leaders (Smith, 2004). The society in China is starting to take as many attempts as they can to
improve the ethics of their countries and for their business in the future.
There are other variables that can help boost the business ethics in China. In the article,
Ethical leadership and job performance in China: The roles of workplace friendships and
traditionality one for example is workplace friendships, which helps build a strong networking
system (Liu, Kwan, Fu, & Mao, 2013). When the bonds between should have access to a wide

Value Differences between China and United States

range of social resources that help them enhance learning from their ethical leaders (Liu et al.,
2013). As stated in the article, The Role of Moral Intensity and Personal Moral Philosophies in
the Ethical Decision Making of Marketers: A Cross-Cultural Comparison of China and the
United States, Chinese tend to be less on idealism and more on economic or self-interest
driven concern (Singh, Vitell, Al-Khatib, & Clark, 2007). They can be more likely to be
corrupted than United States, but recently with the help of other variables such as social media,
workplace friendship and heroes, the corruptions have a hope of decreasing.
How United States view Chinas ethics. However, United States would disagree with
the main social issues that are happening in China. When dealing with poverty, income, and
welfare state, United States believe that capitalism would be the best move to save the country
(Steidlmeier 1997). With capitalism, government would have less power in controlling the
market place, and business would lean towards private owners. United States views the workers
rights and safety being that foreign companies are superior to Chinese companies, in the way
how they give more respect their employees (Steidlmeier 1997). In sovereignty regarding
internal affairs, United States believe that government in China does not have the right to savage
its own citizens, because it has a weak authority over the country (Steidlmeier 1997). The
country may have a communistic rule, but because of that, they are unable to meet the need of
every citizen to their standard needs. The conflicts and opposing ideas between the two
countries is the reason for the increasing barrier gap.
Chinas Cultural Standing
Chinese culture is difference from United States, not just their living style or eating
habits, but also how they communicate with other people. In China, Confucianism would be
define as traditions, local customs, and connect relationship and seek to adapt to the current

Value Differences between China and United States

world based on the article, Culture and regional economic development: Evidence from China
(Shi, Huang, Ye, & Yu, 2014). While Christianity and Protestant ethics would help with
economic prosperity, one that would want to change as the business world develops (Shi, et al.,
2014). While based on the arable land per capita, the agricultural development would clash with
advancing in the economic development of the commercial culture (Shi, et al., 2014). Also
regions that have Wu dialects and Cantonese would be better off on an economic performance
than the other dialects in China because they have a history of business traditions (Shi, et al.,
2014). The way a person grows up, religion, and the location where they live can affect how
well they perform on the business level.
The people in China have many limited rights compared to the United States. As stated
in the article, Business Ethical Values in China and the U.S, the Chinese government would
have strict control on leak of information to the public, and does not approve of the freedom of
speech (Whitcomb, Erdener, & Chen, 1998). Compared to Americans in a survey, Chinese are
more motivated into a business affair if there was profit to be made in the end (Whitcomb, et al.,
1998). With the belief of Confucius, China strongly believes in loyalty, such as the loyalty bond
between the superior and the employee (Whitcomb, et al., 1998). They also value family to help
maintain order, and have a steady relationship interaction among other people (Whitcomb, et al.,
1998). The values that hold strong in China include loyalty and family, where they believe that
this would help hold a persons dignity and respect.
Summarization of how Chinas value, Ethics, and Cultural Standing
By looking at the main values that the people in China hold, it is noticeable that they hold
traditional values stronger than modern values. They believe strongly in connections between
family and friends, to the point that guanxi could be the main point of Chinas corruption in the

Value Differences between China and United States


business world. To stop the corruption, the governments have been promoting laws, supporting
the media, and education in hope that the new generation would be anti-corruption. The location
and lives how the people in China grew up can affect how their beliefs in the commercial culture.
Certain religions believe stronger in the business world and different parts of the country with a
certain dialect can help benefit them in the business field. Little factors can slowly build up how
China thinks toward the business world.
United States Values
United States is a diverse country, which will conclude why there are many different
social values view by the intertwinement of different race, age, culture, and lifestyle. Based on
the article Social Relations, Core Values, and the Polyphony of the American Experience, one
of the main values is achievement and success, in which they want to try their best for what life
has to offer (Cerulo, 2008). Americans wants to reach the goals and dreams of the Americans
Dream, with the material comfort value (Cerulo, 2008). They also honor freedom and
individualisms that is ruled by personal rights and their own responsibility (Cerulo, 2008). The
social values that the people in United States upheld are seen to be a representation of freedom of
the country.
The Countrys Value
However, some values in United States can contradict in what they believe in. Many
people in the United States would declare that they are all for equality, but there would still be
racial bigotry and prejudice (Cerulo, 2008). Another clash of values is individualisms, which
represents personal rights. To emphasize on this social value, many people disregards the rights
of an unborn child individuals rights with abortion (Cerulo, 2008). Even though there can be

Value Differences between China and United States


some contradiction on the values, Americans still hold strong to the social values that helps
define them for who they are and what they represent in society.
United States Ethics
There are many topics of ethics for the United States; a few include trade barriers, nuclear
proliferations, dumping and role of the state and the economy. The United States want to have an
open and fair trade practices between other different countries (Steidlmeier 1997). They also
want to have control of nuclear proliferation, to the point that other countries have a strict
limitation on the resource and the technology to build the mass destructions (Steidlmeier 1997).
United States want to stay as one of the top leaders of nuclear weapons. As for the topic of
dumping, United States wants to fight for a fair and verifiable pricing of export (Steidlmeier
1997). As for the role of the state in the economy, United States would want to give more power
towards the market force rather than the states (Steidlmeier 1997). They want the economy to
have an invisible hand, where there are less government interventions, but not to the full extent
that the market place become corrupted (Steidlmeier 1997). United States believes that this is
the right and proper way to face these social values; however China seems to see the opposite of
United States had many work ethics values that they use to follow to help motivate them
to a higher level in the business world. One value, as stated in Work Ethic and Ethical Work:
Distortions in the American Dream article is that the people in United States carry with them is
the belief of opportunity for everyone, than example of that is public education (Porter, 2010).
They believe in strong individualism to advance in society for personal success, but also
recognize that collaboration, trust and teamwork are needed to achieve some accomplishment
(Porter, 2010). One idealism value is that work should be meaningful; to have a strong

Value Differences between China and United States


connection, loyalty, and enjoyment of the work performance for a job can lead to efficiency and
have a strong career ethic (Porter, 2010). United states also rely on contracts, laws, rules, and
the ability of it being enforce rather than relying on personal relationship for business. They
would rather have their facts on paper, than rely on someone else to find them a job. The
business ethics in United States is a key motivation for the people to keep moving forward
towards their goals.
How United States counteract with weak Business Ethics. United States is not free of
corruption in the business world. To counter these corruptions, United States would rely on
whistleblowers in companies. Whistleblowers are employees of the company who would report
wrongdoings of their companies. It is usually for a good cause, but then the companies and other
companies might dislike the whistleblower because they are afraid that the informer might
backstab on them too. Based on the article Retaliation for Whistleblowing Is on the Rise, there
are many whistleblowers that received retaliations from others because of telling the truth; this w
includes physical harm, online harassment, and harassment at home, job shifts and it
sometimes lead to demotion (Verschoor, 2012). Fortunately there are two well know acts that
help protect a whistleblower and their rights, this includes Sarbanes Oxley Act and Dodd Frank
Act (Verschoor, 2012). The only difference between the two acts is that Dobbs Frank Act will
offer some compensation. The price of having business and moral ethics may include
retaliations, but there are acts to protect those informers.
How China views United States Business Ethics. When comparing the same social
standing topics for United States to China, the views are conflicting to one another. China did
not want to have a free trade, they wanted a managed development in its social marketing
economy (Steidlmeier 1997). They wanted a restricted trade so that it would have a better

Value Differences between China and United States


controlled structure. For the nuclear proliferation, China has decided to ignore the limitation that
is put onto them by United States and walk an independent path (Steidlmeier 1997). In the
topic of dumping, China tends to get away pressuring some markets into getting what they want
(Steidlmeier 1997). For the role of the state in the economy, China has formed an ideological
warfare, in which they want the states to have a strong role in controlling the economy
(Steidlmeier 1997). The different views on ethic roles define what country they represent.
United States Cultural Standings
In the United States cultural standing can be difficult to describe. The ability to have
freedom of speech, religion, and a fast changing lifestyle is what can define United States culture
as a whole. However, as stated in one article, The Good Society: Core Social Values, Social
Norms, and Public Policy one value that all Americans believe in is achievement, they believe
in delayed gratification, which means to work hard at the beginning of the stage in order to
achieve or be rewarded at the end of the process (Perrucci & Perrucci, 2014). This is especially
true, for young people who are living in a low income environment, they believe in a good
education and determination will allow them to reach way up and out of their income
standards (Perrucci & Perrucci, 2014). Also, there is a mindset of how much a persons income
is by their importance in the work they do, but the conflict of that mindset is comparing a
doctors work versus garbage collectors (Perrucci & Perrucci, 2014). To believe that with hard
work, anything can be achieve helps tie in the Americans Dream, which helps motivates to
younger generations to come.
Another cultural value in United States is finding happiness. The people in United States
have a strong feeling of happiness and well-being when they join clubs, find new hobbies, and
helping out in the society (Perrucci & Perrucci, 2014). Some of the activities that they do

Value Differences between China and United States


include running campaigns, joining community recycling projects, help out in the homeless
shelters and food banks, and creating new social ties with other people (Perrucci & Perrucci,
2014). There are three areas if experience that creates happiness; by creating emotional bonds
and practicing assisting others, being mentally active with new hobbies, and gaining new
connections with others in the society is what makes up the happiness values for the people in
United States (Perrucci & Perrucci, 2014). They understand that the feeling of finding oneself
and their happiness does not necessary mean that they have to gain anything in return.
The cultural standing in United States with gender difference is not that significant
because of the freedoms of rights and equality. In the article Gender and Value OrientationsWhat's the Difference!? The Case of Japan and the United States there was a Generation
Survey made in 1995, in which the results concluded that men would be more individualistic,
materialistic, a more interested in the public affair, while women would be more relational,
ethical, and are more into their private lives (Levey & Silver, 2006). Also, when comparing 5
main values that genders would stress over; individual, familial, cultural, traditional, and political
orientations, the tendencies were almost the same (Levey & Silver, 2006). It appears that the
gender difference in United States is lessening over the years, as younger generations are gaining
more education.
Summarization of United States Values, Business Ethics, and Cultural Standing
United States main value standing includes free will, fighting for success and
achievements, gaining and finding self-satisfactions of happiness, and learning the freedom of
rights and equality on both genders. For the ability to have saying, religion, and individual
lifestyle is what makes up and defines United States. They believe that by working hard towards
a goal, they would be able to reach it and come closer to the American Dream. People in

Value Differences between China and United States


United States also know that by sharing part of their lives with people in need, will give an equal
opportunity for both sides to be happy, and that happiness cannot always be bought. The gender
difference gap in America is surely shrinking, even though males would usually get the higher
pay in a job, and there are some jobs that are strictly limited to one gender, but in a whole, the
values that each side are similar to one another.
Similarities in Business Ethics between the two countries
Both China and United States have similar business ethics that they both agree or had the
same response on situation based examples. In one study in 1984, by Fritzche and Becker who
had collected the data from November 1993 to January 1994 from China and United States of
how they would react in 5 situations (Whitcomb, et al., 1998). The two countries both had
similar agreements in three out of five situations. When asked about giving a new employee
giving out secrets to the new employer from their past work place, both countries agreed that the
employee should not reveal any information out (Whitcomb, et al., 1998). They also both agreed
on not approving decisions to exceed acceptable pollution standards (Whitcomb, et al., 1998).
However, the similar responses were not from similar reasoning. Chinas response was
because they fear of the risk of getting caught when the polluted the environment, while
United States were in fear for the concern for the environment (Whitcomb, et al., 1998). The
last tested scenario is when an automobile manufacture realized that a part of the material used
for a car is defected, if not reported then there could be serious consequences, both countries
agreed to have a whistle blower (Whitcomb, et al., 1998). They both understood that there will
be harm to another person and the company if this mistake were to be found out later. Even
though the two countries are far away, the mindset as a human being is what brings them
together with similar thoughts.

Value Differences between China and United States


How China and United States interact with Hofstedes dimension values
China and United States may have the exact same values, but they both would take the
worth of each value differently. When comparing the two countries on the self-leadership value,
it will be compared in the dimension approach. Based on the article A Cross-Cultural
Examination of Self-Leadership: Testing for Measurement Invariance Across Four Cultures ,
the main difference in Hofstedes dimension comparing China to United States is power
distance, collectivism, and long-term orientation (Houghton, Carnes, & Ellison, 2014). By
identifying the difference between the two countries and their dimensions value, it will help
clear up the complexity in how the each country interacts with the world globally. The table
below is from A Cross-Cultural Examination of Self-Leadership: Testing for Measurement
Invariance Across Four Cultures that shows the difference Hofstedes scores for a variety of

Power Distance Difference between the two countries. China scored an 80 in power
distance compare to United States 20 which shows that in China, higher power distance may
make it more difficult for those in this culture to find natural rewards or to evaluate their own

Value Differences between China and United States


beliefs when they are accustomed to being directed by authority figures (Houghton, et al.,
2014). They learn to expect and accept that there is uneven power distributes and have firm
grasp in how they speak and act towards their superior in the work place. One article, The
Interaction of Job Autonomy and Conflict with Supervisor in China and the United States: A
Qualitative and Quantitative Comparison, shows in comparison, United States view power
distance as invading an employees rights and limiting their potentials (Cong, Spector, Ying, &
Lin, 2011). However in a report by Oishi in 2000, stated that there was no significant
difference in life satisfaction between autonomous individuals and those who were less
autonomous in collectivistic cultures (Cong et al., 2011). The two countries views in power
distance were bipolar, but both countries grew accustomed to them.
Individualism and Collectivism between the two countries. China scored a 20 in
individualism, while Unites dates score a 91 because China focuses more on collectivism
(Houghton, et al., 2014). As a collectivism country, they believe that person identity would
represent a group as a whole, such as, for an example, if a family member stole something and
was caught, they would be not only shaming themselves, but also dishonoring their family as a
whole. In contrast, United states is the strong individualistic orientation, in which it emphasizes
independence and personal achievement (Cong et al., 2011). By having a higher individualism,
people tend to express their creativity, distinguish themselves from others, and be able to have a
better control in their lives and work place.
The two countries perspective orientation goals. Then there is the score 118 for
China in long-term orientation versus United States 29 (Houghton, et al., 2014). The people in
China tend to have grown up believing that by working hard at the beginning they will be
rewarded at the end. They believe in more in saving for a better future in the long run, rather

Value Differences between China and United States


than short time achievements. While in United States, many people tend to be more impatient
and want to see results immediately. Both long-term and short-term orientations can be hard
workers, its just they have different views in time spam on how to achieve the results.
How China and United States interact in the Business World Together
There is evidence that besides their differences, there are still do business with one
another. Based on a survey, China vs. the United States: Market Connections and Trade
Relations, in 2009, Chinas number one trading partner is United States, with a total of 298.26
billion dollars worth (Shirley & Ma, 2011). In one example, not only is China the largest part
suppliers for Boeing, the airplane making company, but also one of top buyers for these
commercial airplanes (Shirley & Ma, 2011). Chinas growth in United States export has
increased in 2000 to 2010 by 468 percent and a 10 to 15 percent growth rate globally, which
proves in rapid economic growth of China throughout the recent years (Shirley & Ma, 2011).
Both countries are one of the top economic leaders, which explain why they both need each other
to continue to grow.
In one article, Variation in Careers and Workplace Attitudes by Generation, Gender, and
Culture Difference in Career Perceptions in the United States and China, the group did a study
that discovered that national cultures do influence the work values. The article stated that
Americans have more self-importance than Chinese and would demand and expect more from
their managers (Yi, Ribbens, Fu, & Cheng, 2015). What surprising is that, Chinese are more
likely to make career moves than Americans, even though it would be expected that employees
in China would be more traditionally loyal to one company (Yi et al., 2015). Since there is a
high power difference in China, it is pretty obvious that in China there would be a higher
percentage in the work field, while the women would be less likely to go into the workforce (Yi

Value Differences between China and United States


et al., 2015). This ties into Hofstedes theory about factors that different China from the other
countries and why people behave a certain way.
What the two countries view in other different foreign global power issues. China
and United States may seem to have some common ground levels that go towards internal
countries relationships, such as values, ethics and cultural standing; they do not know however,
that they are also common on external countrys relationships too. Both of the two great leaders
are interested in the maritime. They are both the worlds top maritime traders with 37 percent
of global maritime exports and 25 percent of global maritime imports in 2010 (Denmark, 2013).
There was some boundaries disagreement, where neither would give in to the other country
reasons, however both countries agree on some terms in the sea. Both countries wanted to keep
the vital sea lane open and stable, and neither China nor United states wants the seaborne
commerce to be interrupted (Denmark, 2013). This showed that both countries can still come to
an agreement even they have their differences.
Another issue that could tie the two countries together is space. Both countries are
interested in studying the sky outside the planet, and recently China became the third country to
send astronauts into orbit (Denmark, 2013). With China now entering the sky, there is now more
competition in the space race. However, United States and China should cooperate with manned
and unmanned missions to open up opportunities to share the research data with one another for
scientific advancement (Denmark, 2013). The two countries have some conflicts in the issues
toward each other countries, however, if United States and China were to cooperated they could
successful engage themselves to a new level of understanding the sea and the sky.
The two countries strength. Even though the two counties have many differences in
values, it is proven that they can still interact with each other in many different values. As stated

Value Differences between China and United States


in the article The Struggle between Traditional and Adopted Public Service Values in China,
globally, the two countries are asymmetrical powerful to each other; United States is the
dominant power in the world todaymilitarily, economically, politically, and culturally. China
aspires to be a prosperous, powerful, and influential nation (Fingar 2001). United States
depends on China for manufacturing and production, while China depends on United States for
marketing, investments capital, and country economic development (Fingar 2001). The two
countries both have wants and needs, and by understanding the value difference they are able to
still able to continuing working together in the professional world.
How the two countries help improve one another. Knowing each other strengths and
weakness can help each other grow stronger together if they decided to work together. If United
States help assist China improve their rural area and infrastructures and China help lower the
high trade deficit in United States by loosening trade and enforcing intellectual property rights
law then there might be a win-win situation between the two countries (Shirley & Ma, 2011). It
would lower United States hesitation to enter the market, and give China more opportunity in
improve their service markets (Shirley & Ma, 2011). Both countries will be able to move up
with confidence as they communicate and negotiate with one another.
Suggestion for Future Research
Understanding the values, ethics, and cultural difference between the China and United
States is important because it helps understand where each country stands and their beliefs.
China and United States values are on par with Hofstedes dimension which explains why these
countries believe what they believe in. Both countries have different thoughts into ruling certain
situation in how the country should face it as a whole. The cultural standing of the two countries
explains how each persons belief had developed.

Value Differences between China and United States


Most of the studies were informative, but there are many ways to improve it. One way is
to look into is which participate are the researchers testing, such as location and social standing
in the society especially for the cultural standing topic. One way is seeing the social standings of
each country and surveying their daily action in how their values or beliefs take place. The way
a person is raised and their environment help shapes how they go about their lives. Both
countries have similarities and difference in values and to research more in how the difference
separate the two culturally diverse people can help one understand why each person act a
different way.
As for the business ethics, it might be clearer to go more in depth in how China and
United States interact with one another such as during a conference meeting. Another idea is
looking more in depth into the corruptions of both Chinas and United States businesses and
corporation to survey what the employers and leaders have to say about their values and
standings. Also, looking into frequently and what does China typically use guanxi when trying
to get into a partnership in the company. One majoring topic to look into is how much
percentage or how fast the rate is starting to change for the future leaders of China in the
business world since more and more of the newer generation wants to stop corruption. How one
believes in our values, plays a role in what actions that take place.
By knowing each countries strengths and weakness because of the studies and
examinations in what the people in view as important in life and society, researcher can continue
and try to bring the two countries closer by finding values that is held as importance in both
civilization. Using what was found from the studies and being able to apply them when the
countries meet and negotiate could help resolve some misunderstandings. Understanding and
respecting where each culture came from will loosen the misunderstanding conflicts that might

Value Differences between China and United States

arouse because of the different thought process. Being culturally aware is important because it
will resolve conflicts and reduce cultural shock.


Value Differences between China and United States


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