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Graphic Organizer TEST

I. Verbal analysis- Write the

main ideas of the problem
situation, and make assertions
about it.


Working for the media staff we must
10 get many
prints made so we can select what we want to
include in the yearbook.
Printing pictures at Wal-Co costs $7.50 per and
$.10 for each picture developed. 75
At Picture Pro there is no fee, but a charge of
$.25 per picture?

III. Algebraic Analysis- Use

algebra expressions or equations
to symbolize the problem and
solve as necessary to answer

II. Tabular Analysis- Make a data

table. Label each column and think
about values.


(More than one chart may be needed)

Graphical Analysis- Make a

graph to reflect the Tabular
analysis and the Algebraic
Analysis. Label the axis

1. How many pictures must be printed for

both places to charge the same?
2. What place is cheapest if we get a roll of
30 pictures printed? How much do we save?
3. What place is cheapest if we get a roll of 100
pictures printed? How much do we save?
4. What equation determines the cost for each
company, and when is it best to use Wal-Co
and when is it best to use Picture Pro?

Include window size

X min
X max
X scale

Y min
Y max
Y scale

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