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RED 414: partial requirement of the Tuning Protocol assignment

Mackenzie Bentzin
Academic Language Directed Questions
Individually, please answer the following questions as a response to the Academic
Language readings and be ready to discuss in class. Keep in mind that during this
Clinical Practice, you will be responsible for the planning and delivery of 3-5
connected Math lessons. Academic Language or the Discourse of a Mathematician
will be critical to the learning of your pupils. Read these resources carefully, answer
the broad questions below, and be prepared to discuss and apply your learnings.
Readings are pdfs at D2L and Labeled as:

Academic Language Reading 1

Academic Language Reading 2

Academic Language Reading 3

Using the readings above, word process your answers and bring to class for
discussion, as assigned:
1. Why should you develop and deliver lessons with overt language objectives?
Its important to have clear language objectives so the
students know what they are going to be learning. Studies
show that students show greater success when they know
exactly what theyre going to learn. State orally and in writing.
2. What is the difference between content objectives and language
Content objectives are what the student will learn contentwise such as math or science and correlate to a state standard,
whereas language objective are what the student will achieve
relating to language; oral and written.
Generate several examples of each connected to math.
o Content objectives: Students will learn basic addition,
students will be able to complete a times table, students
will be able to add and subtract small numbers.
o Language objectives: Students will be able to recognize
addition and subtraction symbols, students will be able to
form a math sentence using numbers and symbols, students
will be able to count to ten out loud.
3. Explain several ideas for providing pupils with language practice.
Story re-telling, sentence frames, group work, sight words,
sorting game, label objects around the classroom.
4. What ideas do you have for checking for understanding related to content
objectives? Language objectives?
Content: monitor homework, in-class discussions, group work
Language: listen to groups, oral testing, sentence frame
5. How do you decide on language objectives and then write them?

Nancy Eckerson, Ph.D.

RED 414: partial requirement of the Tuning Protocol assignment

Mackenzie Bentzin
Assess what your students need to achieve and incorporate them
into content lessons or their own lesson.
6. Academic Language Reading 3: How will you use the Content and Language
Objectives Planning Template to help you plan your 3-5 connected math
o I will use Content and Language Objectives to help plan my
math lessons by deciding what my students need to achieve
in content and language. I will combine both objectives if
needed in a way that wont disrupt their normal routine.
Find or develop a verb listing to use in planning Language Objectives.
Find or develop kid friendly examples to use in math.
Choose a Content Standard and write a connected Content & Language

Nancy Eckerson, Ph.D.

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