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A study on occupational stress and its effects on efficiency of employees: a

comparative study of Software and Manufacturing industry: with special

reference to selected companies in Bengaluru
Saravana, K1
Dr.Lokesha, M U2
Ms. Nisargapriya T S3

Stress is an inescapable corollary of modern living; it is extremely merely, is a built-in

circumstance. Individuals are hard-wired to have a physical and mental stress response
while in front of a professed risk, whether it is actual or not. These hormones remain the
body and brain bent, attentive and equipped for retort to the hazardIn fact, stress and clinical
depressions are two repeatedly move hand-in-hand pursue family tragedy as the second and
third largely major struggle in the place of work.
This study is going to investigate occupational stress and its effects on efficiency of
staff members of software and manufacturing industries. Because for the duration of the past
decade in Bengaluru, both software and manufacturing industries had under gone rapid and
striking changes like policy changes due to globalisation and liberalisation, increased
competition due to the entrance of more companies. Due to these changes, the employees in
the both are experiencing a high level of stress. The study sought to find out work related
stress could affect the efficiency of employees who are working in both software and
manufacturing industries in the dispensation of quality tertiary education, and also reveal
disturbance of physical health due to stress.. The systematic sampling technique was used to
select 80 participants (40 from each industry) for the study, for meeting the purpose of the
study Occupational Stress Index (OSI) build by Srivastava and Singh is going to be used in
the study. Collected data is to be analyzed through appropriate test.

Keywords: Stress, occupation, software, Manufacturing, training, development

1 Research Scholar, Department of Studies and Research in Social Work, Tumkur University,, Mob: 9739244374

2 Assistant Professor, Department of Studies and Research in Social Work, Tumkur University
3 Research Scholar, Department of Studies and Research in Social Work, Tumkur University

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