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Name: Muhammad Kamal Ubaidillah Bin Kamarudin

Matric No : DF130027
Phone No : 0192176061
Section :
Group Name : Predator

The table shows the profile of professionals which positioned as a

junior executive dan senior manager with their respective main goal for the
year ahead according to a range of ages.
The differences between both position are most of junior
executive aged between 18 to 27 with less average income, less working
experience and less statistic count in term of marital status.Meanwhile,the
senior manager position aged between 46 to 55 a years, with a higher
average income, four time the average working experience and a significant
difference in percentage of marital status.
According to the statistic, most of the junior executive show a
slight improvement in term of communication and technology skills. In
contrast, the senior manager ranked positioned shows a drop of interest in
improving technology and communication skills.
The junior executive proven to be the best group in making side
income compared to the senior manager which seem having a stable basic
financial status.Furthermore,the senior manager placed health as the top
priority while the junior executive only have an average health care.
The statistic shows, the senior manager seem having a hard
time in making new friends compared to the junior executive class. In other

hand, the senior manager proven to be the best at spending more time with
family while the junior executive is lack on this criteria.

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