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The endocrine system uses ________________ messages called ________________ to
control and coordinate activities in the body.
Hormones are produced in your ________________ ________________ and are released
directly into your ________________.

Once in the bloodstream,
the hormones circulate
around the body and bring
about a response in specific
________________ organs.

The endocrine system is
coordinated by the:

Pineal gland
Thyroid gland
Adrenal gland
Parathyroid gland
Ovaries and testes

Endocrine glands
Pituitary Gland

Hormones Function or Effect


Adrenal Gland

Produces adrenaline

How do hormones work?
Hormones are released straight into your ________________. Hormones are
________________, which means that they only act on particular cells called
________________ cells. A hormone is only active in cells that have ________________
that fit the ________________ of the hormone.

Endocrine Glands

What do hormones do?

Hormones control and regulate functions such as:

When the endocrine system detects a ________________ in a variable,
________________ feedback usually occurs to counteract the initial change. The
endocrine system works with the ________________ ________________to regulate the
bodys response to ________________. The effects of the endocrine system are usually
________________and generally ________________ ________________than the
nervous system.


Endocrine System

Nervous System

Type of message

Speed of message

Speed of response

Duration of response

How the message travels

through the body

Sugar control
Too much sugar
________________ is a hormone that is produced by your ________________
It acts on ________________ cells in the ________________
After you have eaten a lot of sugary food, your ________________
________________ (blood sugar) level rises
The rise is detected by the cells in the pancreas
The pancreas then secretes insulin, which travels through the bloodstream to the
Specific target cells respond by converting glucose from your blood into
______________ (which is then stored)
This has the effect of ________________ the amount of ________________ in
your blood
Stimulus response model sugar control


Control centre



This results in a ________________ in glucose levels. This ________________

________________ ________________ shows that ________________ feedback as
Too little sugar
If your blood sugar levels were too low, your body might respond by releasing
Glucagon is also produced by your ______________
This has the opposite effect, thus ______________ your blood ______________
The hormone ______________ is produced by the ______________ ______________.
Normally, a small amount of adrenaline is produced which helps to maintain normal
blood pressure. In situations of stress where the body might be involved in a fight or
flight, a large amount of adrenaline is produced very quickly which has a dramatic effect
on the body.
Adrenaline acts to:

Review Questions

1. What are hormones and where are they produced?

2. How are hormones transported around the body?

3. Are all parts of the body affected by a particular hormone? Explain.

4. List some functions that hormones control and regulate

5. Name the hormones that control glucose levels in the blood

6. Construct a table to summarise how the endocrine system is different from the
nervous system

Endocrine System

Nervous System

Type of message
Speed of message
Speed of response
Duration of response
How the message travels
through the body

7. Explain what would happen if your blood glucose levels were too high

8. What gland produces the hormone adrenaline?

9. Suggest three high-stress situations that could cause extra adrenaline to be

10. What effect does the release of large amounts of adrenaline have on the body?

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