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Cassandra Kesler
October 19, 2015

Entry 2: Technology to Enhance Instruction

Integrating Instructional Technology
Integrating technology in the classroom with a basic knowledge of technology would
enhance instruction as well as change the way student learn, express themselves and think.
Integrating of technology in the classrooms and including it with the content material and
curriculum will help with student achievement, student teacher collaboration and aim toward
successful careers in the future. Technology in the classroom gives students a sense of belonging
while engaging the student in the lesson to facilitate knowledge and understand of content
material. The effectiveness of technology in the classroom also allows parents to become
involved in the academic performance of their child. Teacher and parent communication will also
benefit from the use of technology in the classroom. It offers a way of collaboration and
communication that will open the way for collaborative community involvement among student,
teachers, administrators and parents.
Interactive Whiteboard
Interactive whiteboards are used by teacher and student to project assignments that can
be completed as whole group assignments or in small group. However, teachers sometime use
IWBs merely to complete electronic worksheets or to show examples of problems to be solved
during the lesson (Linder, 2012). Interactive whiteboards allows student communication and

collaboration while building a community with in the classroom to aide in facilitating learning.
Interactive whiteboards can enhance curriculum instruction by the teacher modeling and
instructing the students while engaging in lessons. Students benefits include greater opportunity
for interaction in the classroom, enjoyment and motivation, and clearer understanding of
complex concepts (Films on Demand, Oct., 2015). Teachers may be able to enhance each
subject by planning and integrating technology based content into each lesson.
Prezi is a cloud based presentation tool that can be used to create large canvas that allows
users to create presentations and save for later use either public or private. Teachers will be able
to integrate Prezi in the classroom to enhance lessons in a whole group or small group setting.
With the use of Prezi teachers will be able to embed lesson related videos from YouTube in their
lessons as well as interactive educational games. Prezi allows the teacher to be creative in
planning and creating an engaging lesson for the class. Teachers are also able to submit Prezi
lesson to their classroom websites to offer involvement for parent to be a part of their childs
learning process. Parents will be able to reinforce skills viewing Prezi classroom videos. Prezi is
appropriate for all subjections being taught. Students may also create an account to create
classroom projects on this safe secure website.
Blogs may be used I the classroom to enhance instruction by the teacher posting as a way
of communicating with parents and students about classroom related materials, instructions and
assignments. It is a way parents can offer feedback related to their childs education and offer
comments. Teachers can enhance academic skills, such as writing, collaboration, fluency, and
vocabulary in the classroom. Teachers can assign students assignments where they are to blog

each day as a way of improving communication skills and forming community or global
collaboration in a secure environment. Teachers will be able to monitor student, parent blog post
by editing before they are published.
Pros and Cons of using Technology to Facilitate learning
The pros of utilizing technology in the classroom are far greater than the cons.
Technology in the classroom when used properly will enhance learning for students in a fun and
educational way. Technology has provided students with the capability to collaborate and
communicate globally with students of other cultures, share ideas and complete classroom based
projects together. Technology has revolutionized how teachers teach and how students learn.
The importance and benefits of education technology to the teacher and students cannot be
ignored (Roman Sahakov, 2014). With technology, like anything else, there are cons. Society
has become so accustomed to the use of technology. Technology has caused many to become
dependent up the instant capabilities of sending and retrieving information at the click of a
button. The use of pen and paper has almost phased out in the 21st century. My classroom will
be impacted in a positive way in which it will give student the opportunity to become connected
to real world issues by solving problems in a more creative way. Technology will allow my
students to become excited about learning whether they are below or above average students. It
will allow special education student to be able to engage and feel they belong with their peers
while learning and reaching their goals. Technology in my classroom will allow students, parents
administrators to all be a part of the growth, development and education of each child.
Wired and Wireless Classrooms (100-200 words)
A wired classroom does not give students and teachers the flexibility to move around. A
wired classroom causes the user to be confined to one particular area. If not enough jacks are

accessible in the classroom then that could cause students and teachers to have to revert back to
traditional teacher and gathering information in text books. A wireless classroom contains a
centralized access point that allows users to be connected to a single server. The server provides
authorized users with the freedom to move from one location to the other. A wireless classroom
provides students with the capability to use more than one electronic device at a time.
Technology provides teachers, parents and students with great opportunities of learning,
collaborating, and communicating. 21st century technology has provided many classrooms with
technology tools that will enhance and facilitate learning for each student. It has also provided
great teaching opportunities for teachers to be to be more flexible while engaging students in fun,
meaningful technology based lessons. Technology has it pros and cons, however, students are
able to reach their full potential while learning in a technology based classroom with endless
learning opportunities.

Linder, S. M. (2012). Interactive Whiteboards in Early Childhood Mathematics. YC: Young
Children, 67(3), 26-35.
Sahakov, R. (n.d.). 2 Pros And 2 Cons To EducationTechnology. Retrived November 10,
2014, from

Learning with interactive whiteboards [Video file]. (2009). In Films On Demand. Retrieved October 19, 2015, from

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