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ee A STATE-SPACE MODELING OF NON-IDEAL DC-DC CONVERTERS C7 Rim GB. Joung_ and C,H. Cho Dept, of Hlsctial Engnerng, Korea Advanced Institute of Sccnce and Technology P.O Box 150 Chongryan, Seoul 131, Kore (Tel. 966-1991 ext 3723) ABSTRACT ‘A malig tssd on the rata sitchen wih ine umn, malt diy, rage Sd toe sey es trop The suc stats on tc te alta er ality, degen and eticecy ar sho tc te be ck fd tckchabt someon The eit Of ow ne Yar i by cent Sem sey fen ay anata the rage ts mobo eft Ae sfc ef nea thy oat vara on stn sy pv intel BG fin 0 tho ton and bachooe nwt ae hors to 6 Such dtcatd Oy stctog Tw, WE alo sho tht stitial reatnse ented by svichng fy ota, to pevmus wok Beals, 1's fod that beck comer Sit to ei fon the viewpss othe sem tnd. in std the cifceneke of all the omvetey are tmxini wie te ga slo to iy. Prevost Feretareamponed and wid hog" mow atesquce Eg Amijan laze very sine eof te a Bi beg mira, “iam tet Kite oe fey afl forthe gh fregcy of gh owe apts ‘he msc ed acne damian 1. INTRODUCTION ‘The modeling of networks which contain switches hs eaym much attention Pecause of he unusual properties of stches in comparison Wit ober cicit element, This i he teason why there ate so mao modeling inthe power elector Ie which are nt found in oer fede “The dificles in the modeling of switched networks are mainly eto. the nonlinear and me-varying mature of Sites. Furermore the control mechanism of riteing tems far dtferen! fom ordinary sens.” The dferece Is town in Fig. 1. BY shitching, the topoogic of networks ate ‘Sanged and th sytem matrices A,B,C. apd D_ ate accor fogly changed. So to contol the cutpt of reiting ems, the Spon mnatrices should be varied by sicher intead of the ouch at done in ordinary netems. Ths i Why SWcog sj fons a contin: and meaning. Most modetings in power eleczonics are mainly inteaed to convert ie nonlinear time-varying. peablem 10 af easier focm [1-5]. However they are inadequate for some delicate problems sine they are based on ideal sitchen. So. few pres based oa o-ieal switches are proposed [69]. Focus Ing on the sthing effects for the Telated previous works, the Horage tine madalaton effec on small sigaal dams ie found in [e]. "And switching time effect om efficiency assum Ing ideal fier igveaigated in dal in [7]. substation fl switching effect to an eqivalenrestance Is done in (8). ‘Switching fect 00 de gain degeneration is discussed in [9]. ESC "88 RECORD (APRIL 1968) input _icaonoel ay fuscia | *COR*DQU eee (2) a etching tem top| ge axepue) 3 yecetDuay |” () en onary sistem Fig. 1 Compariton of ystems However thy plain only pars of switching effocs with Somevhat rough o complet eXpesins. “Tis pape is inended 10 wily and extend the previous wor s0 fat ths may be a good summary for sichoe Tifece on power sperms. A new sate space moshing is pro: sod to chain both exact and simple reals, which fe Flite wo be the most important festres of sem model ings Comenionl ate spc averge mings ted ‘me or tire sets of sate equations which are valid foreach ‘hoe So ts i inadoquate for the representation of the ine. al tenwocn sitcamive mode wach appear in the_prachcal Snitching case Here a time-varying sate egution valid not nly for each rode bat also forthe iferval Between mows St ap sing vwtching fonctions with lite effort Then more Extended and compact state-space averaging ad perturbations taken forthe tow! cere eam The saesace States for th stm stiyy de gain and ffiency for fire coer are done nd th rule summarized in» toe 1, MODELING PROCEDURE (BOOST CONVERTER CASE) CCH 2523-9/88/0000-0843 $1.00 @ 1988 IEEE 943 non ideo! switches Fig. 2 Boost converter “The modeling procure ix shown forthe boost converter cose, tis asumed that all e passive clement are LTT and fat the sites have ony evitclog Tos. The Conduction fos Sin parsnitic rxtanee low will be couied in the Past I af {hs paper Ia ler, The converter is sesumed to operate in he ‘continous conduction mode Fig. 2 shows he Ceeult 10 be {hodlod and Figs 3 show the switching. waveforms, rsp tively. ‘A. Exaet State Space Medel “To derive 4 state qquaton, states x, and x, are allocated to the current of inductor Land the wltage of capacitor. respectively. Then the derivatives of the sates a8 functions of Sate, source and cre parameters are found w be Line Rme 7 Oo) [Note that thi state equation is valid also for the non ‘Meat sth case where the switching waveform cam be art teary, What remains inv and | to be exprened as functions of [Tteady haven variables, From the mustching wavelorms ican Tech thar and 1are the switched portions of and respect, HAO. fem where 50), 5(0) are defined as the switching functions deermined by 2 0= 0= ° “The switching functions are shown in Fig. 4. Provido tht the Sitchiag times. are Kou then the switching, functions are fully determined ‘By applying (2) to (2) and rearanging i, the site uation andthe outpe oqston ‘of the ost converter are bein, aa _ Eels Leb ee able Pee er 944 Fig 3 si Fig. & Switching fanetions (0) and (0) [Note that the exact model of the converter ie of time-varying form, whic isthe general property of switching stems, Ths ‘ew model is exact enough to be usd for simulations. ‘To climinte the sime-varying tems inthe mabiees A(g,B() and C(), 4 genelized sttespace averaging Is taken for them a8 RxtBe , tx © a-Lhoe, c tR, The» ad my ae the averages of (and (0), rege tiy "They a8 caused from ged es 2 (04 I-AA for tie CH Hae 8) we Ysomet nny te ta ito % i delay time, ise dime, fll time, sorage time, D; fe reves recovery die, reverse pak hth face, 4 & ae ene IOhy eet ote Lette T Hae = Y= Cty)! 0) Pete Hig» Hyay M2 Setermined by the tum, off ovelap condons of the svitches. And + i itodiced assuming that the diode reverse recovery charge 0, Is propersona 0.1 fiotoa = we ao [Mose oa 2 on =m ot ay The inductor curent x; () hat been assumed to be constant snd the ris found tof the lifetime of the minority carer ‘Assuming that the switching times are nonlinear futon ofthe inductor curent and the © mati Is eosant, then (6) ‘ecomee A= Ah x) eB) yeon 2) To eliminate the nontiearty in (12), mavies are expanded in power series neglecting higher or ems a8 2M | ay, OK) wg Ay: Ohta GX) a (38) ane Bin) By By (-g) +B GK). (36) ‘Applying (13) to (12) and taking the flowing perturbations Aalgth xOMPR, yarety GH) ‘the resultant equations become (yk Ag+ Ah FADS) (48) + (By +B, 8485 )Uy (14D=Cy HTH) as) poring bilinear terms, (18) 6 separated into the de and oe prs a Rom AgXyt Boo . Yo=CoXy as) and Ea(Ag +A, XQW +B, UyWIKS (A, XB Uy) h ImCoe ay where W is defi ax we[1 0] as) From (16), operating pint is determinad by sting to sero as Gallons os AyXorByUy=0 Yy=-CoAy™ByUy 09) From (7), he earsfer freon G() is deri at C0) FE Cala hy “Aa XW - BQ)! MotB, U9) ~ Stem stbiiy cam be evaluated by examining the characteris 8 equation [21=Ay -AaKQW aw) <0 ay Js the boost converter case, the matrices, Ay Ay wo ae found to be Rats ae 1 7 oo liens i * eR, - 0 a ya a 1 By F 5 Co-lo 1) em) C. ote Frequency Devstion Eiet 3By applying @2) to (21) pe ae fond tote Re (ay Hu Hy He +R I, Eo Cone ne Ba Lek, re <0 @, where es) 945 Fig. 5 Pate frequency dei Jon of boost converter. Tes observed that Ry. and fare replaced by Ry” and” by switching tine moduladon. Tis mein Wat he poles cin be alculated gp if ther iso switching tie mews by 50> Situing Ro” and yy Note tat te aching time moda: ton elect which if undnirable In peace becomes dominant fe, ate increase Soi is Yectmmanded tat the oper Ing poi te low to avoid the undesrable effect. W had xen Bred in 6] the ix eticcbvelyvarod by Horage ome ‘moddstion, That rel is in pot tac, however faces 1 Be tended ax decribed bere W give tore exact sluio, Sil there remains another siching effet tobe explained, the Gay fjee variation ffl Duty cyte) moved om My 1 Tynur on Hy—tefa thown in (3). His apparent dat ‘hh etl wi Be dia at hgh mitcng frequency. The normalized natal frequency and sormaliz damp- fing factor whuch are the raion of the practcal oocs and te ‘ita ones with aero uy faetor are [ag Imp +My tus A-My te 1) Slat 250) Belk Ha Taine Vay Ie, OntyeysG-mare 1) as) 7 and ¢ are pote in Fig, $f pial power sith AGf car stow che ltl is bun ampere Th fot the switching “mes are varied by arent and temperate were, they ave fixed for aston paper Typed wales {1 and anos kd, uch are be wd capt fas ppt ae as flow: 80 ws, YA 06 ws, 8S Hs, SO Ue HO Ws, Get Ge = DD ae ty yet ns, o $82 ws, Tha 20 pe oie ay GENAWIS Hs y= 050 obme, Ry =20 ohms, 6) 1 can be seen that system pols re nonlnea to the duty fae (or and are considerably deviated from the deal sth case 235 the shitching frequency is tneteased. And the open lop spe tem salty Yor pal swing ‘eases prove by ‘wcing ‘Te svitcing effect on seem stability can be_ summer ined as two effec: ove ib the ching tine mechan eect, Which vesuls in the variation ol Rysty and the cher i he sverage duly factor modification effec, which results in the ‘asation of average duy fect, be Devion Eifect To check the svitching effet on de gain, (19) is vate ising (2). Tar do Bn Gy is ea Yo Cres Pega af) 4 O-Me AF IIHy HF) @ The de gain is shown in Fig. 6 a8 a fonction of duty factor for several switching Fequenis. Tho. switching. times and resistances used here are the tame ax (26) Note that he pat teal boost conver fw the maximum gain point which Fig, 6 DC gain degeneration of boost converter 946 ‘Then the maximum de grin becomes 1 coc ti Sete cee oa Sena Sr ee Hower Det fer are dfeent Hee Ws 8 nace aoe ayaa Bate et Gy (tt = oy E._Eificeny Degeneration Elect Efficiency » of the boost caverter can be evlustad by comparing the ipet aad outpat powers assuming low sippe Pr rote wine co a UX alg X ton (9). ad te fol w be tinatae tog ow Frome nomen a eT) aR IAM) 1, Onna? “ 2) RR += thf OM t hs) ty th ra Effciney degeneration by switching effet is depicted in Fig. 7. Remark on the fact that the eiciency ie maximized wen ihe pain 6 close 10 wy, which if the common peo eros of theide converte. Thit rent i similar othe Tel Sand in (7 os Fg. 7 Eifkiney degeneration of bost converte, IMI, BUCK CONVERTER MODELING “The buck converter as shown in Fig. 6 is modeled. The appeoach in very analogous tthe boost converter case, Thee lfc dale explaaton 1 voided ere ‘A. Bxatt_ State = Space Model non ~ ideal switches Fig, 8. Buck converter. The sate equstion andthe tpt equation are Ry __ [ae L se Ty Pa f efe[E |= eco aff] fe ed io . 6), ABOU, yeCx os), The 5(0) is found to be (9 = 1-500 6) [Note that the BQ) of the buck converters sime-varying Instead of the A() of the boost converter cae Ere 1011 en and sare the sume as (10). Ten the perturbed Hos) [011 68) 947 C._Suitchng Etfets on Pole Fequeny, DC Gain, and Efcieney Degeneration Characteristic equation i found to be 9) where 4) ‘Thre is pole frequency deviation due to the switching time ‘modulation, which results in a varlaion of Ry to Rr How ver there is no duty factor variation effect on pote frequency. ‘Therefore it ean be said that the buck cooverter is elated) strong against the switching effect DC gain is found 10 be « « Te tiny cairn the wichiog tol becomes yo ates a 43) ae Ttcan be scon tat the efficiency becomes the maximum when ‘the dy faior i unity. Gy, are shown in Fig. 9 and Fig 10 respectively IV, BUCK - BOOST CONVERTER A._Exact_ State ~ Space Model “The state equation and output elation ate Found to be a Pe 22 Ed [ee We 5 UEHLS J eo ale fea ovleae AQEEBOE , yaCx as) [Note that A(Q) and BQ) are exactly the same athe of the foot and the buck converters, rexpesvly. Ths i expected that the buck-boon content isthe gencal contri among the de convenes B.S - Space Averaging and_Penuration ‘The averaged and perurted matrices are Fig. 10. Effsieny dogeneration of buck converter, & 1s bot | we |h |, c= c= 10 260) 1 ‘ © tr] aod ° “ly ay |e ax, 948 1 ' y = i t + i ‘ hon ideal switches Fig. 11 Buck-oor converter a, a= = (01) a Switching fects on Pole Elfcieney Degeneration ‘The characteristic equation is found 10 be the same as at ae Bo cones ths Sh lite 9 vane! J ants euyem) « DC ago by Myf Yla40) HOH HE VI Hg 4h) "he tendency is much similar othe Bont comveter ess ‘The effeeney assuming ow spp is given by (Ho nS)O-Hy +s? [pte Hy Hy HAI obs) 0) The elfcieney considering the switching oss ony becomes My-Wf Hy ts nl njeo = Eee oy en Tnythh Hem as Note thas (S1) is just he product of the efiiences of the buck and oost converters. So the efficieny of the bucket sonverter iste lowest oe. And the maximum effeacy ‘bined at gt given by on He Byte 2 0 or My nyaliy Therefore the maximum effceney is 1O-wy]? cen 949 Fig. 13. ficiency dopeneration of buck-bost converte, V. SUMMARY Important reals are tabulated sing the normalized rss: tance ran! the average switching fanctons tym tod cy. “The raul are very simple and regular‘in pte of he ‘ery complex switching waveforms and ti exact description Ta whe, te properties of the buck or boot conver are {special cases ‘f the general conver, uk lon converte. ‘The ple frquency, de voltage gain, de current gain and ef ciency of the buck or boost ooverers are thas of the buck: boos! converter whase spa OF tty ate sew Tr Kap fees Furthermore those of the bu-hoot convert i just the products af thse of buck cooverter and thon of boca com, ‘ever i he indactor resistance is noplece, VL CONCLUSION The exteason and generalization of the state-space aver: age modeling to the noo-ideal switching cite and the uni tion and extension of the previous works fave tea pexformed ‘The soitcing effects onthe stem ably, de ga and et ‘Table. Summaries of switching eects REFERENCES 1) RD. Mitebook and $. Chis "A general aiid agoach to" modcing. witching convene mugen in IEEE" Power Elen Specials Conf Rec. pp i839, 16 {21 P. Wood, “Gen! theory of sitting power converte” iM TEEE Power Elecroncs Spells Conf Ree Pp. 810, i 1210. Verghee snd U. Mukber”Exendo averaging and cena prcthiras in IEEE Power Blerones Speci Conf. Rec pp 39°36, 1981 (a) GG: Vagina and 3G. Kania, ~ A sfeenl sppronth 10 tmplol taming for pone ee Some ciiur be Dum Power Elton, va PES, Nov, pp 1089, Apa [006 15] ai DF Ngo” Low foqmey ctaracezaton of WWM converter” ERE Trent, Power learnt Vol PE, No.4, pp 2253, Octo 186 16] WOM. Points, PRK. Chey and RD. Midierok” SEtesyace average tnttng of comers wh paras and soragetine "misulnoon’™ In TEBE. Power Electr Spectats Conf Ree pp 29-283 198. [7] G. Eggers” Fast switches in linear networks.” {Eke Shan Power Bleconct VO, PEL, Ro 3, 0 1 140, ly 1986 [8] RC. Wong, G. E. Rodriguez, H. A. Owen, Jr. and Tr. Wis appeston of smal gal iodlng and mest = | » | 2] FePilgat Fab ciency for the buck, boost and buc-boost converters explore, The sibilites of sll comverers are affected by the stching ime modulation effet whch rue in the variations Of Ry and ty And the ofthe boost aod beck bons convert ss alo affect by the average duty cjle variation effec ‘ie fo faite switching times. In the Seae of stay the buck fomverter is stong apaiat swltching effect, however the boost Sind buck-bomt ‘conerers are weak in general snd ie ‘comes dominant when duty cycle approaches to uy The de gains of the boost ad buck-bost converters are éeyorated by the inductor resistance apd the switeting. Ls ‘And is cllect becomes dominant sho ‘when duty cjle approaches to unity. So tis pefeale to we the buck con ‘orer insicad of ier converts to avoid serious sntching tffects on de gain And it I needed expecially to avid unity Shy eel for the bnost and Buck-bostconterter. The efficiencies ofall the converters are maximined when the de guns are close to unity. Iti rocmmanded to avoid the back host converter for higher effin, So it can be concluded that the optimal duty factor of the buck esaertr is eat uy, that of the owt convertr is nest ero and tat of the buck-booet converter ie ea Ralf, espe tively It is believed that the analysis results are very hepfl for the high Sroqueney oF high power applicators and forthe tum: mary of the suching effeew on the stem stability, de gain fn ein 950 ext techniques to the stably analysis of an Ioegrted Switching-mode, power system in IEEE Power Electronics Speciale Conf. Ree, pp. 104118, 1980 (9) 4. Sebastian, 1 Uceda,” The doutte converter; A fully regulated two- output DC-DC converter IEEE Trans. Power Electronicr, val. PE2, No. 3, pp. 239-246, uly sr

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