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Jessica is an ordinary girl living in London until she gets involved with a vengeful drug
dealer and finds herself tied up and helpless in an abandoned warehouse. No one can
hear her screams.
Experience this thrilling yet traumatic journey as Jess finds herself with just two
choices; escape or die.
J e s s i c a

i s

a n

o r d i n a r y

g i r l

l i v i n g

i n

L o n d o n

u n t i l

s h e

g e t s

i n v o l v e d

w i t h

v e n g e f u l

d r u g

d e a l e r

f i n d i n g

h e r s e l f

t i e d

u p

a n d

h e l p l e s s

i n

a n

a b a n d o n e d

w a r e h o u s e

w i t h

n o

o n e

t o

h e a r

h e r

s c r e a m s .

E x p e r i e n c e

t h i s

t h r i l l i n g

y e t

t r a u m a t i c

j o u r n e y

a s

J e s s

f i n d s

h e r s e l f

w i t h

n o

c h o i c e

b u t

t o

f i g h t

b a c k .

The format of my production is that is it a single radio action/crime drama. It will only
be aired once as a stand-alone episode. It fits into this format because there will only
be one production made and it features a crime because they have been kidnapped
and tortured for an act of revenge due to an issue with the police. Is an action drama
because the story includes her escape and I would describe it as scary, therefore it
might also be considered a horror.

Outline of drama
The scene is introduced with Jess being tied up and her mouth covered by tape. A key
going into a key hole and a door opening and slamming, footsteps getting louder and
closer. Then we hear a loud ripping sound as the duct tape is being torn off the main
characters face and we hear heavy breathing. The scene noises freeze and we then
hear her narrate the scene, telling the audience what has happened from her
perspective and what she is thinking.
The man threatens to torture her, sounds of knives being shar pened, petrol being
thrown on the ground, lighters and slashing knives.
Then zil begins to threaten and torture her.
The scene freezes again and we hear her talk about the ropes she's tied up with
getting looser and her struggle to get free.
He talks to Flint who distracts him; he hears a smack and runs out.
Jess is narrating the scene as she loosens her rope around her hands, when zil leaves
the room she escapes from the rope she has been tied up with.
She breaks free and runs out the building. He has left a hammer and phone on a table
which she takes and smashes a lock with. We hear footsteps and heavy breathing as
she runs out and calls the police. There are ringing sounds, and then a voice from the
phone says Hello, how can I help? The scene ends with a scream and gunshot.

I would describe the genre as a crime, action thriller. My genre and story slightly
compares to the radio drama The blind mans confession with the action and violent
crime scenes. They also both use narrative throughout the s tory to let the audience
know what is happening in each scene along with lots of aural signposting and sound
effects to make it as visual for the listener as possible. I believe both this production

and my own have a similar target audience and the charact ers have a similar challenge
to overcome (to get away from the person holding them hostage).

Narrative structure
The narrative structure of my radio drama is linear because its format is start, middle
and end.
My story is a realist because I believe this could actually happen to someone because
many people use torture to get information out of someone or to seek revenge and I
have heard similar stories in the news, therefore it could be realistic.
The story is a single stand one as there wont be a follow up. This is because it is up to
the listeners to decide the characters fate by leaving the story on a cliff -hanger.

Character profiles
Reginald (zil) - He is 38 years old. He is part German and lived there as a child until
the age of 14 and his mother is Turkish. His mother died when he was young so he
lived with his father who was quite aggressive towards him. He took on this trait from
growing up with his father.
He owns multiple businesses, including drug businesses.
His connection with Flint is that he employs him as his body guard because he pays
him to sort out many people he deals with in his drug business.
His connection with Jessica is that her brothe r was working for him and she felt he
was being unfairly treated, she tipped in the police about his dodgy businesses and
they searched one of his offices. No drugs were found but zil feels vengeful that she
raised suspicion so decides that she deserves t o die.
What motivates him is the idea of revenge and he gets a thrill from killing or torturing
His inner conflicts is his bad trait of aggression from his father and all the pent up
anger that he has about it causing him to make some bad decisio ns, his outer conflict
is the challenge of finding Jess and making her pay for her actions.
Jessica- she is 23 years old, and English. She had quite a good upbringing, however
she has lived in South London, in Brixton which was quite a rough place to live as her
family wasn't particularly wealthy. Her brother worked for zil in an attempt to earn
money but was being unfairly treated and she didn't like that her brother was dealing
drugs so she tried to get zil arrested by tipping in the police about him b ut they
didn't find anything and zil is desperate to seek revenge.
An inner conflict she has to deal with is overcoming her fears of the torturers and an
outer conflict she deals with is finding how to escape and loosening the rope that ties
her hands together to the chair.
Character stereotypes

I think I am slightly stereotyping my characters, for example that the bad man is
German might be a stereotype as it seems in a lot of productions the bad character or
gangsters holding people hostage often are foreign or have an accent. I also think it is
a stereotype that bad characters have a tough past life growing up, my character; zil
had an abusive father and faced the loss of his mother whilst growing up which is
quite stereotypical.
I think it is a stereotype that the character who is in a vulnerable position is a young
female, for example, the stereotype of female characters being a damsel in distress
and often being saved by men. Although I have this stereotype of my female, it
doesnt quite conform because she becomes strong through the drama and
alternatively saves herself.

Target Audience
The target audience in my drama will be young adults and teenagers (ages 1 8-30). I
feel I am meeting this audience through my story and characters, I am within t his
target audience age group and this drama would appeal to me. The action, crime
theme is quite exciting and thrilling; therefore I think it meets a younger audience
who want to listen to something dramatic and fast moving. The target is
predominantly male because it is action which is stereotypically something men enjoy,
but I definitely think that females would be interested too as I personally enjoy
action/ crime dramas. There are no particular ethnic groups that it is targeted at;
however it might appeal to English people because it is set in England. I believe it will
suit my young target audience because it is short, fast paced and a radio drama so
they dont need to invest a lot of time into watching it as I know that young people
often have a lot of work and need to spent a lot of time on school or university work
so might not have as much free time to watch lengthy films. Some prejudices from
young people are that radio dramas might be boring because they arent as visual and
interactive as a normal film. I would also consider radio dramas something that people
of an older age would only be interested in; however I plan to make my drama so
interactive to listen to that it would grab anyones attention.

Writers- You might spend 5,000- 10,000 on a writer for the drama, however, I plan
to write my radio drama voluntarily so I wouldnt need to pay the cost of a writer. -from-a-ghost-writer/how-much-does-it-cost-to-hire-a-ghostwriter

Equipment costs- 1500

Actors- 35 per hour -shy-try-a-voice-over-career/1718/

Hiring studio - 120 for 4 hours of recording time

Props etc- 10
Budget: 1666.67 (20,000 per hour- 20,000/60=333.3x5= 1666.67)
Total: 1665

My actors will include; Neal Smith playing zil, Holly Ellis playing Jess , Kerri Roberts
playing police woman on phone and Jennifer Loumont playing bodyguard.

Where will it be aired?

My radio drama will be aired on local radio stations like BBC Berkshire because I feel
these stations might be listened to by young adults and I think that a local production
is more likely to play a small budget production like my drama .
It will be aired on the radio around 6 pm because this is around the time most
students and young adults finish work, therefore they would be available to watch it.
I plan to also upload my production to Soundcloud as I feel I can reach a lot of my
viewers on this website because Soundcloud has a similar age audience to the target
of my production.
The location I have chosen is an empty warehouse that you can hire in London, E14,
and United Kingdom.

I chose this location because it was what I was looking for; an abandoned warehouse
in London and I felt this location fit in with my criteria. I found it on a website that
gave you the option to hire it out so it was perfect for my production.

Statement of intent
I believe I should produce this story because I know we could make it an exciting and
gripping radio drama. I believe this film would be effective as my target audience can
relate to the main character as she is a similar age and you are put into her mind as
she narrates it you feel connected to her character since she is put in a very
vulnerable situation. I have greatly analysed my characters from their background life
to their current life and know what their greatest fears are that they have to
overcome. I believe I know everything about them and have a good idea on how they
should be portrayed on the radio, as well as how the audience visualises them through
the different aural signposting sounds and other sound effects which will give the
audience the right amount of information they need in order to become engrossed in
the drama.

I believe I can make this radio drama believable and memorable for audience
members as well, hopefully making it enjoyable for them to listen to and by the end
sympathising towards the characters emotions. This film will appeal to the vast
majority of the public in and around the UK but mostly to young adults as the
character is of a similar age. I have a young target audience (16-30) which will make
this successful because I feel young people like myself might have a lot of work that
they are preoccupied with, so a short drama that they only have to listen for 5
minutes might appeal to them.

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