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SUPERTOR COURT CASE No. 190 W, HEDDING ST Tor CEN SAN JOSE, CA 9511 oe. 04/04/2014 9:00 APFFT. PEOPLES. JANES ALAN BUSH 09/25/1972 CABPS6ER89 Lica 2967 SHERBROOKE WY CLERK L.CERAOLO SAN JOSE, CA 95127 HEARING woce N. RONALD TORE Dv: AGENCY O~DIFB3-DEMETRIOU REPORTER |. PIPER CHELD: STATUS ET ~200000 a DER.ATIY. FLEMMER, TONY (A) DATS, Seay APO RR. RA SUPO: PS76 CHARGES F (O01) PARE 001 Fcooz Pesan 001 VIOLATION DA 04/16/21 rerrarreamer_— XNA NBS NSU _ivlerdnt Present NeLPrsen Ebay Powe SR 901007 Chard Caer An Wa Amend Conphis ETAT en 11DC [1°TO [Fob / Sen] tree PE Sve [rear Coriad Clone Crest Aa We Eel OR SORP Rast rH CHFAR/ERC [Bal Roy [Bann Exod FING (Etre oy cr” C)NGAI/Aar Elesel []Pielm GJressness C]S/euTo. [balexeroatd ()FefetedEord #__ [Dents Pat gsr! Eereonetstuslruther Cocuy CCT eTPee/De oy) Reessuneon Pid (Foote St eds CVE oh Erw cin (Riv GirW Sete” Sree Fee Chasm 2 bos ooo Erato 00'S Gnoeynans/® 4P0 DRDTPSS CPR Rokant— SONPTOR CyRewsed [aio Cin Pos 8 Fut eas Fleimpec sue Cimon suns,” CyeWOrinerge nF) Sed Tone Fionn sera _ Fomoos peo i {ln PeasuSo [ans Ret ea Oy “Zeomnot Choined Summed Conca Deane tees rom’ pv. Ae Cece [ytd] ean Go IRN Toteiscan con keane Bier con poset T1Pratmn Wav CCerttied to General Jursdiction CI MDA / COM Amended io Clamended to Ty (i) Vor2s00(a)/ Voast0 PLEA Conditions: [] None [No State Prison 1] PC1 ail Prison Term of Bisriseal/ string [Add to Cal _[] Vacate pending date vey Siip—__ Thorax Pen/ Parl Prob/ nif Aopeal Peg HST TSO PERDOPCLST PION 0 [FSF CF Cesc 5 {E1Wav igh © (Counsel [3 Court / Jury Tal C] Subpoena / Conront/ Examine Winesses Li Salk en Walverlled [1 Plea /Absenta fled {JoOP (aUiLTY CINOLOGONTENDERE capes & amis rancor / benno giPERSFCN ticle [1 Fecal as und [Ps sated D Prop 38 Granted / Unamenable / Refused / Term -] DEW Eligibility Filed [] DESNSranted / Rein/ Term Fee §___._[] Gully Plea Rendered [Weives Referal C}APO FullFipt [JGRI10 issued Fines/Fees Pay to: L4D0R [Trafic [}Cout [)Today [jAudt #——__ [Sent Suspended_____"__ [] PROBATION DENIED COUNT_$__+ PAS. [ Purs HS1 13500 PROBATION [ ] Execution Etnpositon of sentence suspeaged for probaton period COUNT___§ + PAS__ [1 P2903. (COURT _E7FORMAL PROBATION GRANTED for==>_Daye/Mos 73) AIDS/ CPP §. PAS SORP___ Eeteron AP win 2 Dave CTeminaed “Eton ease” PE +PAS. EMaTS_____ {5 Periorm___Hrs Volunteer Work as directed PO /SAP Cline ol neal LAB + PAS. (Not drive wio valid DL & Ins (] Adv VC23600 []HTO [1] Re-refer DAF GE) SBS FF SO) Susp'd PC1202 aE [MOP F]FOP [}12hrs C1 mos [J9mes Enroll within days AEF Original Fine $ (DL Susp’ Retr Rue tor (JID NovOrdered/ RmvdTem——_Yis SECAGEPA § CTs Pc2s005 ZiSlo-contaet wih vetngor family /eo-dlts unless appr by APO [] PC1202.05 ICMF TOTAL DUES EyOvPO sud ‘oa Ep Cy Vick Present ICIN. _§_Peymenls Granted / Modiied No Contact SPeacelul Contact_C]DSA tru APO/DOR/CRT C1Filed AR $___ $Me beginning E{Not oun/possess deadly weapons [] Destroyretumn weapon SHELTER FINE STAYED | Stay awa ov & CCammited @ §__—/6ay Cay Pay Out BSuamige EPEanivec Trgtnp Lie acho dwpscraheesd Ary — & Gere ASHE PeyehyyThef, Anger Mgmt, DV, Parenting pray ASFSzHCPFSI i eegeg Saeed [Commuted Pecan ny a eee vAneaTele Bese 5 Vor: (Wav Canta PIINVEST $M PISUP §_“2SS.°_iMo []Walved [)AdmitsDenis Viol [] Cour Finds VOP/NoVOP Guar giza7S@eanSDE. — [yadat Foss Walved Prob Rein / Mod Tarnvd/ Revoked! Remaine Revoked Exo IG JCA, PAWEST, PUP FEES NOT COND OF ROB (1 Original Terms & Conditions Except as Amended herein eee aT Solana Sorin wl ths Penalties / Reviews =ResEETGen $__to, Sie = CiNe Further Ponaies/ Reins 4s ccemnesby@@UCay [iFdfeadio WAC (lea Gy JAILIPRISON {Soe Atachnt PQ CDORPare cole est on Des earings] Blended Seience Cerna ount Fn Violation Prison Term /¥is Enhancement? Por. Yes / Syd Stin_ HAS ROANSY hos \ yA T ZS T Enhanconent_ vag Eqhanconenl —WsiSEnharcomenk, VisS__Erhaygenent__Vais—Erhancgnent ya Total ST en AS See A een ae ee] CRS ner BEN oe oe oy [poeen| SAC) Toad Tome me Tee _aStraight ime C] in Camp CIWWP [P1209 Fees [1 Waived [) Cour Ree__—All/ Excopt [| EMPIPSPIERPIORPICD ParoleNP = Sent Deemed Sivd 7) Rplio ParliPrb win---—-[] AdviORD —--~ YrsiNos ParleIMSIPACSIAopoal E] Consec C) Cone to. (Bal CJ Susp [] Allbut —_yksrDaysilos C] On Cond Complete Residential Treatment Prgm [] Serve Consec MOMTUNVE/THIFRISA/SU. (Pre-process AMIPM [Stay / Surrender / Transport to________@. AMIPM or Sooner [DJ REMANDED-EAL s. VAIN AS SET (INO BAIL [COMMITTED -LIRELEASED, [JOR C]SOH IAG rHONE ASSHETIP26] TAS COND OF SOF; D / REDUCED [TO PAGNAS REC BY JAC DOC TO ARRANGE TRANSPORT UPON AVAIL BED SUPERIOR COURT OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF SANTA CLARA ATTACHMENT PAGE rons eS Munves Bah eae A ee fs SNS Count F/M. Violation Prison Term ‘Yes Enhancements / Priors YrsiStyd/Strkn__County Jil Strike Prior(s) stricken pursuant to PC1385 based on the following reasons: 1 SNvXwe SG xx Cass A 2 Wo [Eapsasea¥in Yee BLY ADDITIONAL PROBATION CONDITIONS: [) Participate in San Jose Alternatives to Violence Men’s Drop-In Group unti enrolled in Domestic Violence Program J Partipate in AicoholChild Abusers or other therapeutic program/counseling as directed by APOICourt [ Participate in [] Delete [JReinstate [] 1*Offender []3 mos [] 6 mos [] MOP [] Report within days [1] DL suspendedirevokedlrestrcted for___days/mos/yrs to, from, during [] Work/Ale Prog/SchooWAppts. [Pur vo. [NO advised / ordered / removed, Term___yrs. [] Vehicle impounded / nat impounded [] Standard conditions Pursuant VC23600 [1 Pay all cottfied batterer's program participation fees [1] Do not annoy, molest, strike, attack, throaten, harass, batter, sexually assault or disturb the peace of the victim {No contact with victim or family / co-defendants unless approved by APO / Court {1 No contact by mail / pager / portable communication device (Stay away from victim's residence and place of employment () Stay feet / yards from victim 1] May have contact with victim under conditions approved by APO [] Obey all Family Court orders [1] Shall not use corporal punishment in the disciplining of children J No illegal drugs / medications without a prescription [] Take all medications as prescribed L] GANG ORDERS: no insignia, tatoos, emblem, button, badge, cap, hat, scarf, bandana, jacket, or other aticle of elothing which is evidence Of affiliations with’or membership in a gang, no association with gang members, nat frequent any areas of gang related activity. Shall not be ajacent to any schoo! campus during school hours unless enrolled or with prior administrative permission. Shall not appear at any court proceeding unless a party, or defendant in & criminal action or subpoenaed as a witness. Register as required by law due to gang association. [1 Other: DISTRIBUTION: BLACK-FILE COPY, GREEN-DOC, BLUE-CJIC, PURPLE-DOR/PROBATION, BROWN-DEFENDANT

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