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Scientific Method

Step 1 Ask a question:

Step 2 Gather Information:

Step 3 Form a Hypothesis -


Fill the beaker up with exactly 200ml of water

Take a sheet of the first brand of towel.
Fold and insert into the water. As you dip the towel into the water, start your stopwatch.
After 20 seconds, remove the towel from the beaker and squeeze as much water as you can
out of the towel into the graduated cylinder using the funnel. Make a not of the volume
5. Repeat 5 times for each brand and note the results in your data table. You must make sure
that each sheet is folded in exactly the same way for the experiment to be constant and
6. Write down the results for each brand in your notebook.
Step 4 - Test the Hypothesis
Table of results: How much water did each towel soak up
Test 1
Towel 1
Towel 2
Towel 3
Towel 4

Test 2

Test 3

Test 4

Test 5

Scientific Method
Graph the Data

Independent Variable:

Dependent Variable:

Step 5-Conclusion:

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