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Faculty of Education

Assessment Task Cover Sheet

Assessment received:

Unit Co-ord./Lecturer Dr Donna Satterthwait

Tutor:(if applicable)
Student ID 077457
Student Name Ben Hendriks
Unit Code ESM702

Unit Name Science Education: Inquiry and Argumentation

Assessment Task Assessment Task 2: Design of an inquiry and argumentation science lesson
Title/Number sequence
Word Count 2319
I declare that all material in this assessment task is my own work except where there is clear acknowledgement or reference
to the work of others and I have complied and agreed to the University statement on Plagiarism and Academic Integrity on
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Assessment Task:
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ESM702 Science Education: Inquiry and Argumentation

Ben Hendriks

Assessment # 1

This lesson sequence is designed for a year 9 Australian science classroom to
introduce the concept of electromagnetism. By the end of the sequence students shall:

Organise a laboratory notebook in preparation for conducting

Work in groups to collect qualitative and quantitative data using

laboratory notebook
Provide explanations for observed results and phenomena and inferences

for further experimentation based on evidence

Present their findings written and orally

This lesson sequence draws heavily on Harland (2011), Llewellyn (2013) and
Satterthwait (2010) to use practical methods in scaffolding students to becoming
argument-driven inquirers. This lesson sequence also builds upon a previous article by
the same author which involved a critique of the experiments investigating
electromagnetism created by the Institute of Physics [IOP].
Electromagnetism is introduced in the year 9 Australian Curriculum Science.
Through using the IOP experiments students will get the opportunity to gain an insight
into how scientists operate. This means meticulously recording procedures and data,
communicating results and asking lots of questions.
Llewellyn (2013) recommends giving students many authentic assessments to
lower what he terms test anxiety and this has been noted when determining how
learning would be assessed in this lesson sequence. As indicated in Table 1, the lessons
allow for multiple formative and summative assessments which the teacher can draw on.

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ESM702 Science Education: Inquiry and Argumentation

Ben Hendriks

Assessment # 1

These assessments include laboratory notebooks, discussion, presentation and group

work to help student develop the literacy, numeracy and communications skills required
across the curriculum and beyond school life.
This lesson sequence encourages critical thinking through argument driven
inquiry and scaffolds students to be inquisitive and active participants, even as members
of an audience. This also allows all students to have a voice and feel valued as an
individual as part of whole (Rennie, Venville, and Wallace, 2012).
Argument-driven Inquiry
This document will use the definition of scientific argumentation as outlined by
Llewellyn (2013) where scientific argumentation is distinguished from conventional
argumentation. Conventional argumentation is considered to be a dispute between two
opposing views, however scientific argumentation is the accruement of evidence to
support a claim or hypothesis (Llewllyn, 2013, p.19). In this lesson sequence students
will have an opportunity to conduct experiments and present their findings to their
teacher and classmates. This will mean that the students will be required to be prepared
to answer questions based on their scientific reasoning and give them first-hand
experience into the importance of gaining evidence to support their claims and ideas.
The Lab Book
Harland (2011, p.83) suggests the minimum components of a laboratory
notebook. These sections provide a basis for scientific procedure, however they may be
modified or added to, to suit an individual experiment or student. Table 1 provides a
summary of these components of a laboratory notebook with a brief description of how
each section is expected to be used.

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ESM702 Science Education: Inquiry and Argumentation

Ben Hendriks

Assessment # 1

The laboratory notebook is useful, not only to the students, but also to the teacher
in tracking the students development as scientists. The teacher can use the lab book as
formative assessment to make an ongoing judgement of students progression. The lab
book can also be used as summative assessment, as a document to be handed in to see
that students meet certain criteria.



Title Page

Introductory information including: Title of

experiment, personal information and contact

Table of

Two pages dedicated to listing the sections and


page numbers.
The experimental proposal is for students to refer


to when they are conducting their experiment and

need direction. This component has the following

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ESM702 Science Education: Inquiry and Argumentation

Ben Hendriks

Assessment # 1

sections: Project title; Introduction; Hypothesis;

Record of

Materials; and Methods.

Accurate recordings of the completion of stages of


the experimental method as outlined in

experimental proposal. This section may be used to
find ways of improving the method if unexpected
or inconsistent results occur. Photographs or videos

Record of

can also be taken to supplement these recordings.

Record the advice given by teacher or peers which


assists in progressing, modifying and completing

Data Tables

the experiment.
This is where data and observations are recorded.
These tables need to be organised so that the
results of the experiment are clear. It is best to
write these tables before beginning the experiment
so that it is well understood what the experiment is
trying to achieve and students know what to look
for. For example, students will need a space to
record observations when they change the
direction or strength of the current in the electrical


This section is used after the experiment is


complete to organise the evidence which either

Analysis and

supports or disproves the hypothesis.

Table 1. Laboratory notebook components adapted from Harland (2011, p.83)

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ESM702 Science Education: Inquiry and Argumentation

Ben Hendriks

Assessment # 1

The Lesson Sequence

The lesson sequence consists of four stages outlined in table 2 below. Each of the lessons are presented as lesson plans below the
Lesson Name
Why is a lab

How do we

How do we
report our

Use Oersteds experiment to
outline the scientific process
from questioning, to
experimental design and
implementation, to analysis
and presentation of
Students are placed into
groups and each group are
assigned an experiment to
conduct and collect data from
that experiment.

Groups decide which will be

the most appropriate way for
them to share their findings
and create a presentation.

Learning Outcomes
Students will learn about
the method in which
science is conducted and

Formative assessment:
Teacher will make
observations on the
students progress through
discussion and written

Each student will conduct a

group experiment from the
Institute of Physics and
record their Aim, method,
apparatus, observations
and conclusions in a lab
book and using other
methods such as
photographs, sketches or
Students will create
PowerPoint presentations,
posters, or science charts
in preparation for a group

Formative and Summative

Students lab book will be
used as an assessment
piece to monitor
progression of scientific
practice and thought.

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Formative assessment:
Students need to be on
track to producing a
product which conveys their
new learnings on

ESM702 Science Education: Inquiry and Argumentation

Ben Hendriks

What are our


Assessment # 1

Lesson(s) dedicated to group


Students will present to the

class their knowledge on

Table 2. Lesson Sequence overview

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Summative and formative

assessment: Group
presentations (summative)
and reviewers/audience
participation (summative
and formative)

ESM702 Science Education: Inquiry and Argumentation

Ben Hendriks

Assessment # 1

Lesson one: Why is a lab book so important?

Lesson title: Why is a lab Context and Practice: Duration: 1.5 - 2 hours
book so important?
Curriculum - Science

Observe and conduct Oersteds Experiment

Prepare Laboratory Notebook for future experiment

Lesson Content:

Oersteds Experiment (see Appendix A)

Preparing Laboratory Notebook Components based on Harland (2011) (see table 1)

Hook the students by looking at one of the classical physics experiments: Oersteds
experiment. This is a demonstration of the influence of electric currents on magnetic fields.
The students will then conduct the experiment themselves and should be encouraged to
play (Satterthwait, 2010) with the equipment to see how changing the current affects the
compass needle. Variables could include: magnitude of the current, direction of the current,
orientation of the wire, position of the compass, etc. This experiment should be given 3040mins to provide teacher with formative assessment on students experimental ability and
their level of responsibility towards safety. Students should also be encouraged to develop
questions and create hypothesis about electromagnetism.
Main Body:
Once students have experimented enough with Oersteds experiment, a class discussion
should be engaged about what each group saw and what questions/hypotheses came from
this experimentation. Do any of the students have an explanation for what they saw? What if
someone walked in the class and did not believe that we made the compass needle move
without physically touching it?
Students should now be informed that over the next few lessons the class will be split into
groups and each group will be given an electromagnetic experiment to investigate. Rather
than simply playing with and observing the experiments, each group will need to record their
experimental procedure and gather evidence to present to the class. This means that before
we begin the experiments we will need a means of recording our methods and data: a lab
In the assigned groups of 2-3, the students will use the Harland model for laboratory
notebooks to prepare for their experiment.

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ESM702 Science Education: Inquiry and Argumentation

Ben Hendriks

Teacher activities:

Assessment # 1

Learner activities:

Demonstrate and supervise

Oersteds experiment
Lead discussion on observations
and questions from Oersteds
Create groups of 2-3 and assign
each group one of the four IOP
electromagnetic experiments
involving iron filings
Provide assistance in preparing
laboratory notebooks

Engage with Oersteds experiment and

Prepare laboratory notebook

Closure: All lab books will need to be ready and checked by teacher before the groups are
allowed to begin their experiments. The teacher may like to set students homework if they
did not complete the lab book during class time
Were the students responsible when conducting Oersteds experiment?
Are the students adequately prepared to conduct experiments with iron filings?
Are the laboratory notebooks satisfactorily prepared to conduct the future

Lesson two: How do we observe electromagnetism?

Lesson title: How do we Context and Practice: Duration: 1.5-2 hours

Curriculum - Science

Students will work in groups to observe electromagnetic phenomena

Students will record findings and draw conclusions based on the evidence they have
gathered during experimentation

Lesson Content:

IOP experiments on electromagnetism involving iron filings (see appendix).

Practicing scientific methods and discussion

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ESM702 Science Education: Inquiry and Argumentation

Ben Hendriks

Assessment # 1

Before beginning the experiments, students will need to have prepared their lab books as
covered in previous lesson. The teacher will then run through the safety precautions that
students are required to follow when using electrical equipment and iron filings, particularly
indicating the damage which iron filings can do to the eyes.
Main Body:
Groups will work on assigned experiments and each student will need to keep a record of the
procedure and observations as indicated by the laboratory notebook. Each student will need
to ensure that all sections are filled in clearly so that they will be able to decide what
evidence they will provide to the class to support the claims and explanations.
Teacher activities:

Learner activities:

Explain safety precautions

Inspect laboratory notebooks
Observe experiments and assist
where required

Safely conduct experiments

Keep clear notes
Assist peers

Students will be responsible for having the observations, data and analysis required for
preparing presentations.
Have students successfully completed the experiments?
Did the students effectively use their laboratory notebooks?
Did students develop their understanding and gather the evidence required to justify
their arguments?
Lesson three: How do we report our findings?

Lesson title: How do we Context and Practice: Duration: 2-3 hours

report our findings?
Curriculum - Science

Students will produce a piece of group work to aid with presenting their experimental
findings to the class
Groups will need to be prepared to give a talk to the class by the end of the lessons
allocated to preparation

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ESM702 Science Education: Inquiry and Argumentation

Ben Hendriks

Assessment # 1

Lesson Content:

Creating a 5-15 minute presentation based the parts of a presentation recommended

by Harland (2011).

An essential part of being a scientist is communicating your results with others. Groups will
need to decide on what evidence they found most compelling from their experiment and the
most effective way to share their findings with the class.
Main Body:
Groups will need plenty of time to complete their presentations. These presentations should
be in a poster or PowerPoint presentation and include: An introduction, hypothesis, materials
and methods, results, analysis and conclusions (Harland, 2011, p.178-9).
Teacher activities:

Learner activities:

Explain what students need to

include in their presentation
Assist students when required

Work in groups to create and rehearse


By next lesson all groups must submit their lab books, presentation documents and be
prepared to present to the class.
Are all the groups aware of the expectations?
Will all the groups be ready to present?
Lesson 4: What are our results?

Lesson title: What are our Context and Practice: Duration: 1.5 hours (2 sessions)
Curriculum - Science

Students will present their experimental results as an oral presentation

Students will be assigned to review specific presentations and fill in a review proforma (see Appendix B)

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ESM702 Science Education: Inquiry and Argumentation

Ben Hendriks

Assessment # 1

Students will have an opportunity to discuss the experimental results in a respectful


Lesson Content:

Group presentations
Discussion initiated by reviewers

Today will be dedicated to presenting the results from our experiments, however the
presenters are not the only people who have a role to play today. The audience members need
to be attentive and since everyone has completed an experiment on electromagnetism, they
all have a level of expertise to be able to have input and ask questions. For each presentation,
2-3 students will be assigned as reviewers. They will be required to take notes during the
presentation and ask a question at the end of the presentation.
Each reviewer will be given a pro-forma to scaffold their development as active audience
Teacher activities:

Learner activities:

Explain how the presentations will

run and the role that each person
will play with emphasis on the
roles of reviewers and respectful
audience members
Moderate discussions

Group presentations
Review presentations
Practice respectful audience skills

Congratulate students who presented and thank the students for participating in a respectful,
scientific discussion forum.
Were the presentation lengths appropriate?
Did the students participate as respectful audience members?
Were all students allowed a voice?
This lesson sequence is geared around students being active participants in every
stage of the scientific process being modelled in the classroom. The level of test
anxiety is minimalised by allowing multiple forms of authentic assessment. The

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ESM702 Science Education: Inquiry and Argumentation

Ben Hendriks

Assessment # 1

discussions and reviews allow students to be heard and their opinions and questions
valued. The lesson sequence not only teaches students scientific knowledge and
procedures, but how to be active, informed citizens and take part in collegial pursuits.

Australian Curriculum Assessment and Reporting Authority. (n.d.). F-10 Curriculum:
Science. Retrieved from
Harland, D.J. (2011). STEM: Student research handbook. Arlington, VA: National
Science Teachers Press.
Institute of Physics. (2015). Practical physics: Magnetic fields due to currents in wires.
Retrieved from
Llewellyn, D. (2013). Teaching high school science through inquiry and argumentation.
London: Corwin.
Rennie, L., Venville, G., & Wallace, J. (2010). Integrating science, technology,
engineering, and mathematics: Issues, reflections, and ways forward. New York,
NY: Routledge.
Satterthwait, D. (2010). Why are "hands-on" science activities so effective for student
learning? Teaching Science, 56(2), 7-10. Retrieved from

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ESM702 Science Education: Inquiry and Argumentation

Ben Hendriks

Assessment # 1

Appendix A: The Experiments



Key Teaching/Learning moments

(other than stated in summary)

Oersteds Experiment

In 1820, Hans Christian Oersted

performed an important experiment
which showed that there was a
connection between electricity and
magnetism. When a current was switched
on through a wire, it made a compass
needle turn so that it was at right angles
to the wire. The current had produced a
magnetic field strong enough to cause
the compass needle to turn.
Iron filings reveal the pattern of
magnetism around a current-carrying
wire, and factors that affect it.

Electric and magnetic fields are at right

angles to each other.

Magnetic field due to coil carrying a


A plotting compass and iron filings show

that the shape of this magnetic field
resembles that of a permanent magnet.

Magnetic field inside an open coil

Using a plotting compass and iron filings

to explore the field pattern

Direction of current changes direction of

magnetic field.
Right hand grip rule predicts direction of
magnetic field around coil
Students should see that the field inside
the coil is in the opposite direction to the
field outside the coil.

Magnetic field due to a long closewound coil

Iron filings show that a long, closely

wound current-carrying coil behaves just
like a bar magnet.

Magnetic field due to an electric

current in wire

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When an electric current is flowing

through the wire, compass needles
placed above and below the wire will
point in opposite directions.

Students will see that:

a current-carrying wire produces a
magnetic field around itself;
the field reverses when the
current is reversed;
the field is stronger with more
turns of the wire.

The direction of the magnetic field

reverses when the current is reversed.

ESM702 Science Education: Inquiry and Argumentation

Ben Hendriks

Assessment # 1

Summaries of Institute of Physics electro-magnetic experiments, found at:

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ESM702 Science Education: Inquiry and Argumentation

Ben Hendriks

Appendix B: Reviewers pro-forma



Reviewer (you)
Things they did well:

Room for improvement:

A question you have:

Did they answer your question?

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Assessment # 1

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