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Practical formulation of shrinkage and creep of concrete Z. P. BAZANT (), E. OSMAN (?), W. THONGUTHAI (*) A set of algebraic formulas is proposed to describe the shrinkage and creep of concrete over the entire range of time durations of interest. The formulas cover: the effects of drying at various ‘environmental relative humidities, the size and shape of cross section, aging (due to hydration), the effect of time lag of loading after the start of drying, creep of specimens predried to various Iuenidities, the nonlinear dependence of stress, the increase of nonlinearity at simultaneous drying, and the decrease of strength for long-time loads. Simplification in the form of a linear dependence on stress is obtained as special case. The formulation is an extension of the double power creep law, which has been recently proposed for creep in absence of moisture exchange. ‘The shape of the time curzes of creep depends on the humidity. A rather close agreement with the extensive experimentatdata available in the literature is demonstrated. ‘OBJECTIVE ‘The widespread use of electronic computation has hhad two-fold eflct on the analysis of creep and shrinkage effects in concrete structures: (1) More sophisticated formulations can be easily considered in desi and (2) more detailed analyses of the available test data can be cartied out. A constitutive equation which is quite general and agrees well with a wide range of experimentally observed properties has been derived recently (2), [7} [8)). However, for the analysis of ordinary concrele structures, this constitutive equa~ tion, which is inevitably in’the form of differential ‘or integral equations, is unnecessarily complicated, and simpler formulations consisting of algebraic for- mulas should be adequate. It is generally accepted that such formulations do not have to represent a valid constitutive equation satisfying all invariance requirements and principles of continuum mechanics; they may be concerned merely with the average behavior of a structural member in various situations and be restricted to uniaxial stress. Furthermore, algebraic formulas for ereep and shrinkage are also urgently needed for statistical evaluation of test data and for the extrapolation of short-time tests into long times. ‘A-aumber of formulations of this type have recently (0) Professor of Civil Engineering, Northwestern University, Evanston, Ilinos 60201; Active Member RILEM, USA. juste Research Assistant, Northwestera University, Mino, USA. been 1}, (2), (5) (6), (9), Do), [14), Pik PP laf talk kr abet in the description of experimental data is being achieved. ‘The purpose of the present study is a further step in this direction. Creep and shrinkage of structural members of various sizes, ages at loading, and envi- ronmental conditions will be described by a set of algebraic formulas whose t with test data will be shown to be closer and broader than has been attained thus far. The formulation for creep will be oneied 24 peneatzaon of Ge dovble law previously proposed ({2], [5}, [6)) for the basic red rec wheat moby fn) Tae tas been previously shown ([5}, (6) t0 give a much better agreeme. t with test data than the creep for- mulation from reference 18, which approximates ma- terial behavior by a Maxwell solid of age-dependent viscosity and has been in 1976 incorporated into the C.E.B. International Recommendations. PROPOSED SHRINKAGE FORMULAS AND THEIR VERIFICATION After extensive studies of published experimental data, the following formula appears to be a reasonable ‘compromise between simplicity and accuracy: bn Ft0)= br ke SO a 395 VOL. 9 - Ne 54 - MATERIAUX ET CONSTRUCTIONS 0 et Shikage Sila + 0" Na coe opanneees = eeeereanen ee tg adore Fig. 1. — Hansen and Mattock’s dats on the effect of ste and Shape oo shrinkage and creep (data constructed from refe- fence (13). Specimens drying at 50%, relative humidity; 2B-day cylinder strength; 6,000 psi: Elpio gravel (92% cal: y, quara). Max. size of aggregate = 3/4"; $00 Ibs. of ASTM ‘ype Ill cement per cube yard of concrete; cured 2 days in told, and 6 days in fog at 20°F; specimen loaded and exposed to drying at 8 days in which te =curing time =age of concrete (in days) at the Beginning of drying, f=1—to duration of dying Ga day), the current age of concrete; ination off giving the shope of shrinkage curve; jumidity coefficient, and &,, =ultimate shrinkage (Gt zero humidity). These quantities are determined as 1a s@= (&) . @ ky=1—0.95h? 0.25 h200; E(7+600) 3) fue te Eten) w Here E=E(()=elastic (Young's) modulus of conerete (which does not undergo drying) at age t (in days); hamenvironmental relative humidity (expressed as a decimal, OShS1), and ‘parameter which represents time at which $?=1/2 and may be called shrinkage square half-time. It may be expressed as ks pp Cit » san 00( #550) Zi 7G in which D =effective cross section thickness (given in millimetres); v/s, volume to surface ratio of concrete member; C,=C,(t)=drying diffusivity of nearly saturated concrete at ager (in days) and reference 396 @) (576) temperature To (room temperature) [4]. By fitting shrinkage data for various ages fg at the start of drying (fig. 3) it has been found that Cyt) =Crk7(0.054./6.37), Cy (= Ck C¥=10 mm?/day. chosen reference value of Cy: Ky= correction factor for the effect of temperature on drying (see reference [4]) _allecting C, (fg) in equation (4); ky=shape factor of the cross section ks=1,00 for an infinite slab; 1.15 for an infinite cylinder; 1.25 for an infinite square prism: 1.30 for a sphere; 1.55 for a cube, 6 6) ‘The dependence of E upon t may be taken according to ACT Committee 209/11 [1] as "ye 200( car) which has been used in all figures herein, or according 10 a more accurate expression in reference [6]. To express the effect of temperature T in evaluating C,(t) and E(t), time ¢ must be replaced by the equi- valent hydration period t, [4] and the dependence of C, upon T must be considered; C, T 5,000 5,000 = TO Te Ee) 6a) 65) reference temperature = 298 K (25°C) and T must be given in Kelvin degrees [4}. Equa- tions (2), @) and (4) are applicable when the mean temperature roughly equals room temperature. The most extensive shrinkage data- available in the literature are fitted in figures 1-4 and 9 by the preceding formulas [equations (1)(6)] and a reasonable agreement is found. Closer fits of individual data ‘could be obtained using more complicated functions; then, however, diflerent types of functions would be required for different data sets. The shrinkage formulas (1}6) contain only one basic material constant: the final shrinkage, However, further material constants are indirectly involved “by means of the auxiliary expressions for drying diflusivity C and for the time change of elastic modulus E, of which particularly C, affects shrinkage strongly. Additional, numerically given coefficients in equations (1}(5) [e.£, 1/2 in equation (2); 0.95, 0.25 ‘and 600 in equation (3); etc.) have also been considered as variables in optimizing the data fits; but it has been possible to fit all data with the same values of these Parameters, as given in equations (1}(5). Coefficient ¢,_. and, in absence of drying test data, aiso C; have beh considered as the characteristics ‘of each particular concrete, and their values obtained by fitting test data are stated in captions of figures 1-4 and 9. When test data for the particular concrete to be used are lacking. C, (to) may be set ‘equal to its reference value Cr and 'e,. may be taken according to the current recommendations on shrinkage. 2. P. BAZANT - E. OSMAN - W. THONGUTHAI Srorrentgey Shrinkage Sin « Ig in doys ANALYSIS OF PROPOSED SHRINKAGE FOR- MULAS 1, Shape of shrinkage curves in time This is an aspect of particular importance for extra- polation of short-time shrinkage data. A number of Gifferent functions S(@) have been tried. A single exponential curve does not give an acceptable fit because its slope decays in log-? scale too quickly both to the left and to the right of the shrinkage hall time. A sum of exponentials, Yr¢,(I—e7!), allows ‘a good fit in the whole time range but at least'3 terms in the sum are needed to match the fit achieved with equation (2), which is simpler and has fewer constants. ‘Amore significant drawback is that the end portion of this curve is essentially independent of the first term, poe hina |. ao i ? . 3 : woe Fue i = 1 ‘and ages (data constructed from cength = 370 kglicm"; conerete of cep reference. French type 400/00; 350 kg of cement per cubie meter of con- Grete; water-cementsand-gravel ratio = 049: 1 2 1.75 : 3.07; Sine pravels specimens cured in water then exposed to drying. TIS). 2edays Fig, 2. — L'Hermite and Manillan's tests oo effect of Sit on striate (dats constructed from referee 5). Specimens drying a 0% relative humidity; water- cementesand-ageregate: 0.49 :1 1.75 23.07. Max. size fof aggregate 20mm. Specimen cured in water thea exposed to drving at? days, measurements of shrinkage tere made slong the longitudinal axis. and this is disadvantageous when long term shrinkage is to be predicted from short-term data. Curve ifty-+i) [1 ]is not as narrow in range as an exponential ‘but still iis slope ends too abruptly and too soon, as ‘compared with the data in figures 1 and 4. However, the end portion of the curve is improved by exponent 1/2 in equation (2). Still more general functions of form [i/(eg,+£*)}" were also examined but best fits ofall data on the average were obtained with p=1,q=1/2 [equation (2)]; some of the data could be fitted better with different exponents (fig. 1) but others would. be. fitied poorer (fig. 2.3). The function ae~*"” [20], has also been considered, but has not been as good as equation (2). The infinite series expression of Becker and Melnnis [9], representing the exact solution of the linear diffusion equation, has also been inferior, which is not surprising because drying of concrete is a'highly nonlinear problem ({4]. [2)) Shikoge Sion x 0? © 8 ae Fig. 4 — Troxell, Raphael, and Davis’ data on shrinkage and Creep at various humidiies (data constructed from rele- fence [20)), 28-days cylinder strength = 2,500 psi: cement type 1, water-cement-aggregate rauo = 039 : 15.67; aggregate: 1.5 in, max. size of aggregate; 4" 14" cylin ders: specimen exposed to drying at 28 days. 397 VOL. 9 - N° 54 - MATERIAUX ET CONSTRUCTIONS According 10 the linear diffusion theory. as well as the nonlinear diffusion theory for drying of con- crete [4], the shrinkage curves should all be identical 0) C,/D*. (This has in non-dimensional time been graphically demonstrated in [9}) Thus, the shape of shrinkage curves should be the same for all sizes. Moreover, equation (2) implies the same shape also for all h; but this is certainly a simplification because, for one reason, the diffusivity C depends upon hh '[4]. . Another factor which is neglected although it must be affectingthe shapes of shrinkage curves is hydration, especially when shrinkage for different ages at the start of drying is compared. In figures 1 and 2, the slope of the proposed curves seems to be too high at the end. By contrast, the slopes at end are too small in figure 2, and especially in figure 3. Thus, the proposed formula is a compro- mise between the data in these figures. 2. Size and shape effect The source of shrinkage is the drying process and, consequently, the size effect in shrinkage should be essentially the same as that for drying. Considering a linear diffusion equation, the effect of changing the size should consist in a horizontal shift of the plot of r., versus log f by a distance proportional to log D?. ‘The''same appears to be true when the very strong nonlinearity of drying of concrete [4] is considered, and this suggests that the shrinkage square half-time ty, should be proportional to D?. as is the case in equa- tion (4). Test data agree with this reasonably well igs. 1, 2). However, the effect of hydration afier the start of drying exposure (occurring only in the core, ‘until the core begins to lose water) distorts the D?-de- pendence of t.. This is in part accounted for by the ratio of Emoduli in equation (3) which vertically scales the curve according to the final value. Some data in the literature indicate the change in ty, with size (or horizontal shift) to be much smaller than that corresponding to D?, However, these data (¢.. [22)) pertain 10 surface shrinkage of short spe- cimens which is sufficiently influenced by deformation of the core and is, therefore, little dependent on spe- cimen size. But this is not representative of the behavior of long structural members. ‘The volumeto-sarface ratio u/s has been suggested Jong ago as a good indicator of the size effect. There are, however, some deviations from proportionality ‘between D and 2/5. As one possible remedy, attaching ‘an exponent to (v/s) has been suggested in the past. However, this is dimensionally unacceptable because both o/s and D have a dimension of length. Therefore, the corrections must be accomplished by a multipli- tative non-dimensional factor, which can describe ‘only shape but not size (because of the dimensionality of size). This is the shape factor ks in equation (4). The effective thickness, D, for a body of any shape may thus be defined in terms of v/s. The factor 2 in equation (4) is inserted 10 achieve that, for an infi- nitely extending slab, D wold be equal to the thickness of slab. 398, The insufficiency of D~x/s as the single factor is ‘most blatant when comparing a long cylinder of diameter a and a long square prism of side a. Both have the same t/s ratio, yet the cylinder is known to dry and shrink distinctly faster. The same is true when a sphere and a cube are compared. Furthermore, the e/s ratios of a slab and a cylinder difler by a factor of 2. but the drying and shrinking times are in a ratio less than 2%. These discrepancies are approximately corrected by the factor ks. The values in equation (6) have been derived by adjusting the time to reach half final shrinkage to the time to reach half pore humidity drop, as determined from the charts of drying in figure 16 of reference [4]. These charts were constructed ‘on the basis of extensive test data on drying) It has been subsequently checked that a reasonable agreement is obtained with the test data, not only those in figures 1 and 2 (which include cylinders, prisms, slabs. and cubes), but also other data available in the lite rature ({13], (21). 3. Shrinkage differences within cross section The formulas presented describe shrinkage of the whole member only in a certain average sense. In an infinitely long test cylinder, though, the shrinkage strains in the axis and on the surface are forced to bbe equal (due to the condition of translational symme- ‘try of deformation). However, in typical, relatively short test specimens, the two strains substantially differ. The shrinkage strain in the axis is more repre- sentative of long members and, consequently, the data pertaining to surface shrinkage (¢.g. [22]) have been excluded from this study, except for the data in [13] which give shrinkage on the surface of specimens with sealed ends in which the difference between axial and surface shrinkage is not too large. 4. Effect of environmental humidity ‘The dependence of shrinkage upon environmental relative humidity h is expressed by coefficient hy. The choice of a cubie function for ky follows the results of previous investigators (eg [15 and agrees well with the data shown here (fig. 3). Term —0.25 h?0° in equation (3) is negligible except for 0.98ShS1 and becomes —0.25 at h=1; this gives ky= —0.20 at h=1, which approximately gives the value of swell- ing of concrete under water (i= 1). The case of swelling may be distinguished from the case of autogeneous shrinkage of sealed concrete if one takes into account that sealed concrete exhibits self-desiccation, i..e., a drop in pore humidity to about 0.98. For h<0.98 the term ~0.25h?°° is negligible and, by virtue of coefficient 0.95 (rather than 1.0), equation (3) gives 440.05 for h=0.98, in agreement with the fact that shrinkage of sealed concrete, called autogeneous shrinkage, represents about 5 % of the total drying shrinkage. (The autogeneous shrinkage should not depend on the size, D, but it seems unworthy complicating the formulas to model this small effect accurately.) 5. Effect of permeability and diffusivity of concrete A dense concrete of low moisture permeability and diffusivity dries slower, and it also shrinks slower because drying shrinkage is chiefly determined by moisture loss. According to the theory of drying. the drying time, and thus also the shrinkage square half- time t, [equation (4)), should be inversely proportional to diffusivity. asis the casein equation (4). ‘This is true in spite of the strong dependence of diffusivity upon pore humidity [4], but itis necessary to use diffusivity C at specified h:e-g., C, corresponding to h=l. The reference value Cj is introduced to achieve that the ratio C¥/C, (7) be equal to unity for a typical structural concrete exposed to drying at tg=7 days. When measurements of drying were available (.g., fig. 1), the value of C, (7) was determined directly from the drying data. This corroborates the relationship of drying and shrinkage. 6. Effect of hydration (aging) Extending the period of wet curing, the shrinkage con subsequent drying exposure gets diminished (which is apparent from figure 3). This is obviously due te the progress of hydration in concrete that is kept wet. ‘The elect of hydration occurs simultaneously In two different ways: elastic modulus E(t) increases, and moisture diffusivity C, (t) decreases as long as concrete remains wet. The source of shrinkage is largely the compressive stress in solid microstructure of cement paste produced by capillary tension and surface ten- that this tension for a given moisture loss is constant (although actually it changes with hydration due to a change in porosity and mean pore size), the shrinkage strain should be proportional to the value of 1/E at a time when moisture content begins to drop appreciably (because hydration greatly slows down as pore humidity drops below 95) “This time does not coincide with time fo, the beginning of drying exposure, because the loss of water in the core begins with a certain delay after to. This delay was guessed to be ta, Which explains why t,, is added 10 tg (and 600 to 7} in equation (3). Note that 4 depends on the diffusivity of concrete ‘and on the size of specimen, in accord with the fact that in thicker members the core concrete” remains wet for a longer time. The numerator E (7+600) is introduced so as to make the constant ¢,_ represent the final shrinkage of a 150 mm thick slab. ‘The decrease of moisture diffusivity with hydration is approximately accounted for by taking C, as the value of C at age to [equation (4)], the beginning uf drying exposure. It'might be again more reasonable to consider the value of C at fo plus a certain delay, but this did not appear to improve data fits appreciably. ‘The dependence of C, upon age, as given by equation (5), has been justified by test data in reference [8} In thick specimens, hydration heat causes a signi- ficant temperature rise in the core of specimens and this in tum produces thermal dilatation. This effect, which explains the negative shrinkage at early times as exhibited by thick specimens in figure 2, is not included in equations (1)(6). 7. Effect of creep and other phenomena Creep causes a relaxation of shrinkage stress due to nonuniform. drying within the cross section. Because Z. P. BAZANT - £. OSMAN - W. THONGUTHAI a thicker specimen takes longer to shrink, 2 role of creep in the size effect might be suspected. However, as is shown in Appendix J. for a linear aging creep Jaw the creep has no effect on shrinkage strain. Devia- tions from this creep law, which are of lesser signi- ficance. do affect shrinkage and their effect depends con specimen size. These deviations include the non- linearities of creep due to drying (which are higher near the surface than in the interior), and the non- linearities due to the stress level, to the cracking caused by tensile shrinkage stress, and to the nonuniformity of creep properties caused by drying and by the hydration heat. These effects are included in the preceding formulas, but only in an overall and empirica manner. The elect of carbonation is not included herein: but for specimens which are not very thin the carbo- nation effect is unimportant. PROPOSED CREEP FORMULAS AND THEIR VERIFICATION In current practical formulations, the shape of the curve of creep versus time is tacitly considered to be independent of humidity conditions. It appears, however, that this assumption has to be abandoned if formulas of better accuracy should be introduced. ‘Thus, it will be necessary to describe the basic creep and the drying creep by different functions of time. 1. Basie creep in linear range ‘The creep without moisture exchange, called basic creep, can be closely described for various ages 1° at loading by the double power law: Jer * + Coeur, 0 ® Cott )= Zee y proposed in reference [2] and verified by test data in reference [6]; J(t, 1)=Strain at time 1 caused by a uni stress sustained since time r= Co(t, 7), unit basic creep strain; Ep, oy. m,n=constants; F, is & constant which indicates the left side asymptote ov the creep curve in the Jog-time plot. This asymptote is reached only at ultra- short times which are much below the range of validity of equation (7). Thus, Ep does not represent the elastic. modulus, not even the dynamic modulus, and may be called the asymptotic modulus. The conventional (Gtatic) elastic modulus E corresponds to loading of about 0.001 day (1.44 minutes) duration, and equation (7) gives a correct value for 1/E at any age ¢ by substituting 10.001 day. i. e.. [6 a a 1 Pr y9-2G9-—, EQ Ea) BE The dynamic modulus, Ey... corresponds to loading of about 10-7 day (0.0086 seconds) duration, and 399 VOL, 9 - N° 54. MATERIAUX ET CONSTRUCTIONS it has been found that equation (7) gives also roughly correct values for 1/E qq at various ages 1', ie, VL Pt yg-7Gy-— Eye) Eo BO OY ‘The age dependence of elastic modulus is described by three constants (Eo, @, and m), and it is most re- markable that creep over the entire range, as well as the relationship between the dynamic modulus and the static modulus, is characterized merely by one dditonal consiant 0 2 Creep under general conditions Drying has a twofold effect upon creep [2]: (1) Movements of water induced by drying (as well as those induced by wetting) increase creep, and (2) the reduction of moisture content caused by drying reduces creep. This suggests that : Jt Erle Cater stol—Cylttstoh (10) where C, represents the increase of creep during drying and C, represents the decrease of creep after drying, i.e, in predried specimens (subscript d refers to “drying”, and p to “‘predried”. These components of creep are depicted in figure 10. To deduce reasonable expressions for C, and C,, the following twelve basic facts on creep at variable humidity must be considered. 1) In saturated condition (h=1.0), equation (7) for basic creep must be obtained. 2) Up to a certain time, the creep of drying concrete is higher than the basic’ creep. 3) At the beginning of drying, the creep curve has the shape of power function (or @ sum of power func- tions) with an exponent higher than n. This fact has been established by analysis of test data in reference [6} 4) For specimens loaded after the termination of drying (0'—to>ts), i-€, at reduced and constant moisture content, the creep curves have the shape ‘of power function [equation (7)] with a reduced value of @, and roughly the same exponent ([25], [24], [2)). 5) Creep after drying (t—1’>t,) is independent Of the thickness of specimen. 6) The longer is the period t’—t9 from the start of drying to the instant of loading, the smaller is the increase of creep due to drying. When t'—to>tu, the increase of creep due to drying vanishes. 7) The thicker is the specimen (greater ta}, the smaller must be the increase of creep due to drying. 8) For a sufficiently thick specimen (r.)-+00), equa- tion (7) for basic creep must be obtained not only for h=1 but for any A. 9) At higher age 1’, the increase of creep due to drying must be less, similarly to basic creep. 10) Conerete which exhibits higher shrinkage (higher ta.) exhibits also a greater increase of creep during drying 400 Treen, enc Gn 8 TP Veg 10079 wu, year troames toon. «= 330 Sao cn 8 Mot rious ages at loading (Gals constr reference (15). Specimens same a5 figure 3 cured io thea exposed to drying at 2 days and loaded at ages 7, 28,90, 4365 and 730 days, {ert rom 1%! serene) Fig. 6. — Mamillan’s tests of saturated and drying specimens of ious stress levels (data constructed from reference (15) Prisms 7x7» 28 em; shor-time failure strese 250-300 Kgt/em” 28 days old when loaded; cured 2 daye in mold; 5 days in water thea drying io air of A= 05 at 20°C; other factor probably same as figure 3. 11) The decrease of creep due to the lower moisture content after drying is not proportional to ¢,, when various concreies are considered, and is approxi- mately independent of ea, 12) Unlike shrinkage, creep of saturated specimens and creep of sealed specimens (in which the pore humidity drops to about 0.98) are about the same. Seis ene %, Stain de fod 1? Fig. 7. — Rises tents of creep and long-time strength at high Siress (data adapted from reference [15)). Prisms 10 x15 x 60cm ‘iiin widened ends; watercement-ageregate ratio 0.55 :1: 49. Rhine gravel mostly quartz); 28 day eube srength 350 kefiem™: Tost Cured for ? days at 20°C, then drying at = 0.65 and JOC. Load applied at 56 days aa strain rate 0.003/20 min; 3, i failure sess of specimen, Data points are interpolated {2nd smoothed. arr. 500 Shain eo, m0 2. P. BAZANT - E..OSMAN - W. THONGUTHAL The preceding conditions can be satisfied by the expressions: a) Cpt tod epkiS,(C.t0)Coltt', (12) 3) Kya |hbe his], R= ARH (14) Here =age at loading. gage at which érying begins (both in days), ho=initial relative humidity (prior to Joading) at which the specimen was in equilibrium just before the drying started (usually ho= 1). Attention is haere restricted t0 tS. i.€., drying which begins after loading is not considered. In addition to shrinkage square half-time tw, shrinkage constant é, . and the four material constants for basic creep (m, M.'s, Eo). the foregoing formulas contain four more consiants, ky, Cpy Cys Og: Fitting of test data indicated that k,=42.0 and c,=0.83 for all coneretes considered. while ¢, and g, appeared — Wittmana's tests of creep at various constant water ‘Content (data consirucied from reference [23). Solid cement paste cylinders 1860 mm; water cement ratio 0.4: cured Eealed Tor 26 days at 20°C; then dried in oven at 105°C for 2 days resturated fr 3 month at various consant bum ier b shown at 20°C. Then tested for creep in the same Environment uote! tues) 150 kgfemt coual 02 of failure Slress before test: E = 210,000 Kgfjcm’ for 1 minute loading Strain at 20 minutes under load ie subtracted from valves shown. Fig. 9. — Wittman and Lakas' tests for creep fod shrinkage (data from reference (24) Ghlinders of hardened cement paste 18 ‘60 mm, w/e ratio of 04. All specimens Sie cared sealed at 20 for 28 days. Thea Some are placed into desceators at 9075 RI and some at 537; RH. Alter 2 Smonths rage they were sealed and tested, and fome of those stored were tested sealed at 50% RH. and were also tested unsealed 21 33%, RUHL Shrinkage of unloaded spec inens ‘bas been determined. atthe same time, Since the time which corresponds to the subracted shorctime staio was nol precisely controlled, it hat beep. assumed foras 10 get the best Sis: 13 minutes fe the top creep curve, 0 minute for the other ereep curves. (If same values were Sssumed for all curves, then J, would Be Stra forthe higher stress, whieh impor: sible) 401 OL, 9 - Ne 54 - MATERIAUX ET CONSTRUCTIONS Fig. 10. — Sketch of basle creep, drying creep and creep after peedrying. to vary Irom concrete to concrete and it was found that approximately cy=2.6-6n and — = 116,400 13.8 in which f.,. cylindrical compressive strength at age 28 days “These formulas appeared to hold only for concretes (figs. 1-7), but not for mortars or cement pastes (fis. 8, 9) Ie has been observed by L’Hermite (of, [2} [14)) that under drying conditions the nonlinear depen of the increased creep upon stress becomes much more pronounced, and for this reason it is appropriate that the term C,(f,t',ta) in equation (10) be multiplied by a function of stress. Then, however, the dependence Of the remaining terms in equation (10) upon ¢ may bbe included as well, extending thus the validity of the expression into the high stress range. Thus, equa- tion (10) may be generalized as #6ulet aan Cot) as) where f, accounts. for the nonlinearity of the basic creep With the instantaneous deformation, and g, accounts for the stronger nonlinearity of the drying creep. It is convenient to introduce f, and g, in such a manner that f, and g,=1 under typical permanent loads of siryctires. For such loads, the sustained stress equals roughly 0.3 of the strength. The following expressions have been found to give good predict RO Ra) SRO 8" R03" f R=1+a(1— 1-79), } R)=1+a,r 3-1), resfosso.a(£)°”], SSougeee 440.850" ag) in which f=cylindrical strength of (virgin) concrete at age?.f,,=f-at 28 days of age; ’ =cylindrical strength 402 for sustained load of duration t—r (long-time strength); fi, 0, a4. ty are constants for a given concrete. When test’ data are Jacking, one may use a=1.1, 0,=0.05, 10.0135; these values apply for all figures shown herein The most extensive and representative data sets available in the literature have been fitted using equa- tion (7}(18). The fits are shown by solid lines in f- gures 1-9 and a good agreement is apparent. The values of material parameters are stated in the figure captions. Coefficients 1/Eq, m, m, and g, have been the only parameters which differed from concrete to concrete. Lacking test data, one may consider the values: YWEq=0.10%10-* per psi, m=1/3, n=1/8. ANALYSIS OF PROPOSED CREEP FORMULAS 1, Limiting cases Short times of drying creep are those which are small compared to shrinkage square half-time ty. For t~1'tw, then S,=1, @4=0, C.=0, and so Jen=2 +e DECC, 2) Eo Thus, power law of the same exponent is preserved. This is in agreement with the findings of Wittmann etal. [24]. However, the function (¢’)"™ in equation (20) is inappropriate for aging because no hydration is going on in a dried concrete. Properly, 1’ should be evaluated [6] as the equivalent hydration period, ¢/, which is not increasing with time when h is low. 2 Delay of the effect of drying on creep ‘The fact that the increase of creep due to drying is delayed with regard to drying and persists for some time after all moisture loss has ended is expressed by multiplying t, by 10 in equation (13) for S,, which is confirmed ‘by test data. This corresponds’ to the assumption that this increase in creep develops about 10-times slower than shrinkage. ‘The decrease of creep due to moisture loss is observed only very long after the moisture loss has finished. In equation (13) for S,. this is interpreted by multi- plying ty, by 100, which is again confirmed by test data. ‘The curves S, and S, have a form which differs from the shrinkage curve $(#) [equation (2)] by the low values of their exponents, n and cyn. These small exponents again model the fact that the drying effect on creep is a slower and more gradual process ‘than shrinkage. Because of the delay of drying effect in creep, the region 59 in figure 10, in which the slope of the creep curve in log (t—1'pscale begins to decline, can only be reached in relatively thin specimens of rather ible concrete. This has been the case of the data Of Troxell et af. [21]: but in most other test data the declining region has not been reached within the Guration of the test. In such cases the last term C, ‘of the creep expression does not enter the picture and may be dropped; this includes most practical situations, ‘The slope of the creep curve may never be negative, ‘and to assure it, coefficient c, may not be too large. The values given herein satisfy this condition, Dependence of upon t’—to is needed to express ‘the fact that the increase of creep due to drying is smaller, the later is the load applied after the start of drying. For higher t., (¢. g.. for a thicker specimen), ‘the decrease of y, with f’—fo must get slower because the drying process unfolds slower. Therefore, should be a function of the nondimensional ratio (t’—t0)/T.s- Equation (11), with empirical constant k,, represents ‘the simplest possible choice for this function. 3, Effect of humidity ‘The effect of different environmental relative humi- ities h upon the increase of creep due to drying is expressed by coefficient kj, equation (14). The lower is h, the greater increase of creep is obtained, but at lower h the change of h has a lesser effect. Exponent 1.5 was obtained chiefly from the data in figures 3 fd 4 2}, [ap. Usually hom 1, but the formas also apply for @ specimen which ‘has reached hygral equilibrium at some humidity ho<1 before the envi- ronmental bumidity is changed. The absolute value is used in equation (14) so as to achieve that not only a humidity decrease (hhg) intensifies creep until a new hygral equilibrium i reached. The humidity dependence of creep after drying is given by coefficient ki, equa- tion (14); here, the lower is h, the smaller is creep, by contrast to the previous case. Function kj results chiefly from Wittmann’s data in figure 8. 4. Effects of size, shape, diffusivity, and hydration ‘The effect of size and shape upon drying creep is introduced by means of coefficient t,, which enters equation (11) and (13) and is given by equation (4). ‘The data in figure 1 confirm that this formulation is Z. P. BAZANT - E. OSMAN - W. THONGUTHAI acceptable. When the specimen is very massive (tay= % equation (J1}15) yield S,(t,t')}=Spltto)=0. and the basic creep law. equation (7), is recovered, The effect of permeability and diffusivity C, is similar to that on shrinkage and is introduced also bby means of t. The effect of aging due to hydration upon basic creep is given by (1'J-™. The effect on drying creep includes function (r’)"* as well. and through coeffi- cients ty, and Cy it also includes the aging effects of shrinkage. It should be noted, however, that after drying (term C,). the equivalent hydration period 1, Uic

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