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Kelsey Sabori
PPE 310 Health Literacy for Schools
Curriculum Map
September 20, 2015


Arizona 2010 English
Language Arts Common
Core Standards

Essential Skills and

Understanding: I can

Write arguments to support

claims in an analysis of
substantive topics or texts, using
valid reasoning and relevant and
sufficient evidence. a. Introduce
precise claim(s), distinguish the
claim(s) from alternate or
opposing claims, and create an
organization that establishes
clear relationships among
claim(s), counterclaims, reasons,
and evidence. b. Develop
claim(s) and counterclaims fairly,
supplying evidence for each
while pointing out the strengths
and limitations of both in a
manner that anticipates the
audiences knowledge level and
concerns. c. Use words, phrases,
and clauses to link the major
sections of the text, create
cohesion, and clarify the
relationships between claim(s)
and reasons, between reasons and
evidence, and between claim(s)
and counterclaims. d. Establish
and maintain a formal style and
objective tone while attending to
the norms and conventions of the
discipline in which they are
writing. e. Provide a concluding
statement or section that follows
from and supports the argument
presented. (910.W.1)

Informative/Explanatory writing
I can
Research the negative
affects of stress
Research stress
Produce valid claims to
support research on
Compose three
paragraphs explaining
your findings on stress

Instructional Strategies:
Skills to Emphasize

Delete material that

disturbs the
flow/development of a
Maintain consistent verb


Arizona 2010 English
Language Arts Common
Core Standards

Essential Skills and

Understanding: I can
Emphasis: Research and
I can
Work in groups and
divide up research
Find research and take
notes on sleep
Compile research into a
Present findings in class

Instructional Strategies:
Skills to Emphasize

Research and references
Presentation skills


Arizona 2010 English
Language Arts Common
Core Standards

Essential Skills and

Understanding: I can
Emphasis: Discussion and
I can
Share valuable input to
the conversation
Participate in activities
that have to do with
Brainstorm and
implement ways to
recycle in my school
and my home

Instructional Strategies:
Skills to Emphasize

Active movement


This curriculum map comes from Metro Tech High School in the Phoenix Union High
School District. The lessons were created for ninth and tenth graders. Classroom size ranges
from 25-30 students at different levels including honors.
Stress Management
910.W.1: Write arguments to support claims in an analysis of substantive topics or texts,
using valid reasoning and relevant and sufficient evidence
Students will view a PowerPoint explaining stress and stress management techniques.
After viewing the PowerPoint students will be called on to discuss stress. They will be asked
questions such as, In your own words, what is stress? What is one positive way to handle
stress? Did you learning anything new about stress or stress management?
After this short discussion, students will pull out laptops and find two new things that
were not discussed in the PowerPoint. The PowerPoint will strategically leave out things so that
students are able to find new information. Before students begin researching, they will quickly
learn some research tips to make sure they are looking for credible sources. Once they have
found their new information they will write it down on a piece of paper and cite them using
proper MLA format. In order to ensure the entire class stays at the same pace, a timer will be set
allotting them 15 minutes to do research. Once the timer is up they will need to put their laptops
Taking what they learned in the PowerPoint and the new information that they found,
students will hand write and compose a short three-paragraph essay. This essay will inform the
audience of what stress is and some positive coping mechanisms. They should be focusing in on
a particular stress management technique and providing evidence as to why it effective. Since the


essay is short students will be focusing heavily on the verb tense and their ability to delete
unnecessary information that would disturb the flow of the paragraphs.
Once class is over, students will hand in their work and receive a grade based on their
ability to condense their information and support their claim.
910.SL.5: Make strategic use of digital media (e.g., textual, graphical, audio, visual, and
interactive elements) in presentations to enhance understanding of findings, reasoning, and
evidence and to add interest.
Students will be responsible for working in groups of four to create a short PowerPoint or
Prezi on sleep. As class begins we will have a brief discussion on the importance of sleep as well
as the negative and positive effects of sleep. They will be asked, How many hours of sleep do
you get on average? How reliant are you on caffeine? What happens when you do not get
enough sleep? This discussion will introduce their assignments.
Groups will be assigned to students and they will begin working on a PowerPoint or Prezi
to inform students of sleep. Each group will be given a sub category of sleep such as What are
the negative effects of not enough sleep? What are ways that students can get more sleep at
night? What are the positive effects of sleep? How can caffeine negatively effect our
bodies/what are some other dependents students use?
The groups will begin researching and creating their presentation. The presentation must
contain at least six slides. This assignment is designed to be brief, but informative. At the end of
class students will begin giving their presentation on their findings. They will be graded on if
their presenting is divided up equally and their findings. If necessary, presentations will continue
the following day; however, the goal is to make this quick and concise.


Environmental Health
910.SL.1: Initiate and participate effectively in a range of collaborative discussions (one
on one, in groups, and teacherled) with diverse partners on grades 910 topics, texts, and
issues, building on others' ideas and expressing their own clearly and persuasively
In this lesson students will be learning about the importance of recycling. First, students
will view the short view clip Recycle Now Animation. This video will show them that items
need to be recycled not just thrown on the ground or garbage cans. After viewing the video
students will participate in a class discussion about recycling. They will discuss questions such
as, what are common items to recycle, do they recycle at their house, do they see recycle bins
around school, etc.
After discussing recycling, students will be split into teams to compete in a recycling
contest. Teacher will have gathered enough recycle bins and items for each team prior to class
period. The teacher will split the students into teams and the teams will be instructed to create a
team name while the teacher sets up the relay race. The relay race will be set up as follows:
recyclable items such as water bottles, old paper, and cans will be placed in front of each team,
spread out in a line, with a recycle bin at the end. Make sure there enough items so that each
player can pick up an item. The first person from each team will run and pick up an item and
place it in the recycle bin, run back, and touch the hand of the next person. This will repeat down
the line until every item is picked up and placed in the recycle bin. The first team to finish wins.
The lesson will not only get students physically active, but also teach them about
recycling. For homework, students will need to create a flier encouraging students to recycle. At
the end of class students will be able to brainstorm with a partner ways to encourage others to


Recycle Now Animation. (2010, January 12). Retrieved September 19, 2015, from

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