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Medford City Council ‘The Twenty-ninth Regular Meeting Medford, Massachusetts October 6, 2015 City Council Frederick N, Dello Russo, Jr., President Breanna Lungo-Koehn, Vice President Paul A, Camuso Richard F, Caraviello ‘Adam Knight Michael J. Marks Robert M. Penta President Frederick N. Dello Russo, Jr. called the Twenty-ninth Regular Meeting of the Medford City Council to order at 7:00 P.M. at the Howard F. Alden Memorial Auditorium, Medford City Hall ROLL.CALL SALUTE TO THE FLAG ‘The Records of September 29, 2016 were passed to Councilor Knight, HEARING Grants of Location MEDFORD, MASSACHUSETTS. CITY CLERK'S OFFICE You are hereby notilied that by order ofthe City Council, a Public Hearing willbe ivan at the Howard F. Alden Memorial Auditorium, 85 George P. Hassett Drive, City Hall, ‘Medford, Massachusotts at 7:00 P.M., on TUESDAY, October 6, 2016 on a patton of "National Grid for permission tothe locations of mains as hereinafter described forthe transmission and distribution of gas in and under the folowing public streets, lanes, highways ‘and places ofthe Clty of Medford and of the pipes, vales, governors, manholes and other stuctures, fxtures and appurtenances designed or intended to protector operate said mains ‘and accomplish the objects of said company and the digging up and opening the ground to lay or place same: “The following ate the streets and highways referred to Extend Gas Main 55' to serve #26 Westvale Rd., Medford ‘Said underground located substantially in accordance withthe plan fled herewith marked GP — MED 101081 1-15-32 Dated 04/05/15, Approved - Chief Engineer: Based on tha review ofthe Engineer, the work can proeand fortwith provided the folowing requirements are met No City ouned or private utitios or other structures are adversely impacted. National Grd shall ensure tha ll sewer, water and drain lines are marked prior to any excavation ‘The road inthis location is in pristine condition. Therefore the final trench shall be paved via ‘find and inlay. The inital trench is be paved with asphalt base course, followed by saw cuting ‘and grind & inlay ator winter setting. National Grid shal coordinate with the Medford Engineering Division prior to final restoration. Before beginning work the contractor shall notily Dig Safe and shall obtain applicable permits {rom the Engineering Division. The contractor shall ullize City of Medford Regulations and standards for restoration as well as remove all debris related to its work ‘Call 781-389-2426 for any accommodationsiaids, T.D.D, #781-999-2516 s/ Eqward P. Finn Clty Clerk Plans can be viewed in City Clerk's Office "781-303-2425 MOTIONS, ORDERS AND RESOLUTIONS 15.892-Offered by President Dello Russo Be It Resolved that Roberta Cameron update the Council on the Community Preservation Act Ballt Initiative, 16-689-Offered by Councilor Knight Be It Resolved the Building Inspector, Solicitor, OCD and the Council establish a working group for the purpose of crafting an ordinance and establishing regulations to ‘govern condominium conversions. PETITIONS, PRESENTATIONS AND SIMILAR MATTERS 15.890. Pelition by Jeanne M. Maitin, 10 Cummings St, Medford, MA to speak on a new leadership model COMMUNICATIONS FROM THE MAYOR 15-691: ‘October 1,2015 ‘To: President Frederick Dello Russo and ‘Members of the Medford City Council From: Mayor! Re: Home Rule Pet Dear Mr. President and City Councilors: | respectilly request and recommend that your Honorable Body approve the attached Home Rule Petition to be sent to the General Court regarding the use of Wright's Pond. ‘This Home Rule Petition has been drafted by the City Solicitor after the completion of historical research on Wrights Pond that included a title search, reference to earlier Opinions by past Medford City Solicitors, the assistance of State Representative Paul Donato and consultation with House Counsel of the Massachusetts House of Representatives “The approval ofthis Home Rule Petition by the General Court would remove any ambiguity and ‘establish with finality and clarity thatthe use ofthe beach at Wright’s Pond and the area that services the beach ean be restricted and limited to residents of Medford and their invitees tothe ‘exclusion of others. Respectfully Submitted, (Signature file/paper) ‘Mayor Michael J. MeClynn AN ACT AUTHORIZING THE CITY OF MEDFORD TO USE CERTAIN LAND FOR ANY MUNICIPAL PURPOSE. Beit enacted, ee, as follows: Notwithstanding any law, regulation or ordinance to the contrary, the Cty of Medford is hereby authorized to use for any municipal purpose a certain parcel of land that has heretofore ‘been used for park purposes. The land shall not longer be considered parkland and shall not be ‘under the control or jurisdiction ofthe Park Department of the City of Medford but shall hereinafter be under the contol and jurisdiction of the Department of Public Works of the City ‘of Mesiord Said lanl s bound al describe as flow ‘Beginning at a point nea the intersection of Aquavia Road and Elm Steet, said point being one hundred and twenty feet more of less (1204) northeasterly of the easterly sideline of Aquavia Road and forty feet more o less (40) northerly ofthe northerly sideline of Elm Street. ‘Thence: WESTERLY By land ofthe City of Medford a distance of three hundred and eighty feet, more or less (3808). Thenee: SOUTHWRSTERLY By land ofthe City of Medford a distance of one hundred and ten feet more ot less (4104). Thence: ‘WESTERLY By land ofthe City of Medford a distane of three hundred and tht fet amore oF less (13029, Thence [NORTHWESTERLY By land ofthe City of Medford distance of two hundred and five ‘eet more or less (2051), Thence: 'NORTHERLY By land ofthe City of Medford a distance of thee hunted fest more or less 300%), Thence: EASTERLY By lad ofthe City of Medford an over Wight’ Po a distance of eight thundeed and tiny fet more or less (8304), Thenes: 'EASTERLY By land ofthe City of Medford a distance of four hundred and forty feet. ‘more or less (404) to stone bound. Thence: 'SOUTHWESTERLY By land of the City of Medford along an ar distnes of five thundsed and tity and fifty seven one hundredths feet (5307) to the point of beginning "Above described area contains ten acres more oF less. {Alls more particularly shown on Plan #18209 entitled “Topogrephie Map Weights Pond”, Seale: one inch equals eighty feet, Date October 28,1964, on file at the office ofthe city engineer ofthe City of Melo 15-693. October 2, 2015 “To The Honorable President and Members ofthe Medfant City Council City Hall, Mediord, MA 02155 Deer Mr, President and Councillors: I respectfully request and recommend that your Honorable Body approve of the following Ameniments to Revised Ordinances entitled, “Compensation Plan and Leave Ordinances,” ‘Chapter 66, “Personne”, CITY OF MEDFORD AMENDMENT TO REVISED ORDINANCES, COMPENSATION PLAN AND LEAVE ORDINANCES (CHAPTER 66, PERSONNEL BE IT ORDAINED by the City Councilor the City of Mediord in Chapter 66 entitled “Persone” Antele I entitled “Classification and Compensation Plans” Sections 66.95 and 6.36 (b) entitled “Publie Works Personnel and Building Services Personnel” is hereby amended as follows: Section 1. In subsections 66.35 and 66.36(b effective Jatary 1, 2016, at percent (2.0% ofthe present amount ofeach sep within te grades show below tothe said preseat mount ofeach step andl adjust the sum thus obtained to the nearest and highest igure foreach grade: PW-21; PW-20; PW-19; PW-18; PW-I7; PW-16; PW-155 PW 4 PW-13; PW-12; PW- 11; PW-10; PW-9; PW-8; PW-7; PW.6; PW.5.5; PW-5; PW.4; PW.3; BAS; Ba B2 Section 2. In subsections 66.35 and 66:36(b) effective January 1, 2017, add one percent (2.0%) ofthe present amount of each step withthe grades shown below, to the said present mount of each step and adjust the sum thus oblained tothe nearest and highest figure for cach trade: PW-21; PW-20; PW-19; PW-18; PW-17; PW-16; PW-15; PW- 14; PW=13; PW-12; PW 11; PW-10; PW-9; PW-8; PW-7; PW-6; PW-5.5; PW-5; PWe4; PW-3; B45; Bd; B2. Section3, In subsections 66.35 and 66,36(b) effective January 1, 2018, add one pereent (2.5%) ofthe present amount ofeach step with the grades shown below, to the said present ‘amount of each step and adj the aum thus obtained to the nearest and highest figure for eneh ‘grade: PW-21; PW-20; PW-19; PW-18; PW-17; PW-16; PW-15; PW. 14; PW-13; PW.12; PW- 11; PW-10; PW-9; PW-8; PW-7; PW-6; PW-5.5; PW-S; PW; PW-3; B45; B4; B2. ‘Based on current budget and staffing levels, it is estimated that in Fiseal 2016 the cost ofthese salary adjustments will be approximately $43,441 to be funded from the Negotiated Salaries account for FY *16 as contained in the Executive budget; $16,182 from Water Retained Earnings and $11,508 from Sewer Retained Farnings ‘Very truly yours, (Signature file wipaper) Michael J. MeGlynn, Mayor October 2,2015 ‘To The Honorable President and Members ofthe Medford City Couneit y Hall Medford, MA. 02155 Dear Mr. President and Cou 1s: In regards tothe paper before you this evening regarding the proposed inetease to the Pal ‘Works Personnel and Building Services Personnel an amendment to Chapter 66, emilled Article I, Section 66.34, please transfer $16,182 from Water Retained Earnings, 11,503 fiom Sewer Retained Barings and $43,441 from Negotiated Salary Account 009-102-5199 tothe following: sow fio 14-568, Very tray yous, (signature mieapaper) Michal J, MeGiynn, Mayor UNFINISHED BUSINESS Acceptance of G.L.C, 48 598, 59C, 58D establish Reserve Fire Force INGITY COUNCIL AUGUST 6, 2013 TABLED Show Gause Hearing CTC Gold Refinery, 6 Salem St INCITY COUNCIL JUNE 17,2014 TABLED INGHTY COUNGK. JULY 15, 2014 TABLED Solicitor’ information Channel 3 INGITY COUNCIL JULY 15, 2014 TABLED Tax Rate & Surplus Funds INCITY COUNCIL “DECEMBER 23,2014 TABLED Mary K. Benoit address Council on Mediord Senior Centor INCITY COUNCIL JANUARY 6,205. TABLED ‘Aucltor provide updated breakdown of bonds IN CITY COUNCIL FEBRUARY 17,2015 TABLED Robert Cappucci, 71 Evans St Medford Jobs & Infrastructure INCITY COUNCIL APRIL 14, 2015 TABLED Mass Dot Appear & explain Craddock Bridge IN CITY COUNCIL MAY 5, 2015 TABLED 6 '45-551- $75,000 Appropriate for potholes and repairs IN CITY COUNCIL JUNE 23, 2018 SECTION 22 Revised amendment to Fiscal 2016 IN CITY COUNCIL, JUNE 23, 2015 TABLED Update on Meutord Cable Access INCITY COUNCIL JUNE 30, 2015 SECTION 22 118-605 Hearing National Grid & Verizon Canal St INCITY COUNCIL AUGUST 11, 2015 TABLED Luis Morales, Chevalier Theater IN CITY COUNCIL, SEPTEMBER 22,2015 TABLED 115-681 Law Claim $24,000 Adrianne Appel & John Grebe IN CITY COUNCIL SEPTEMBER 29,2015 TABLED PUBLIC PARTICIPATION COUNCIL PAPERS IN COMMITTEE Roports Due / Deadlines. Records: ‘The Records of September 28, 2015 were passed to Councillor Knight. Adjournment

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