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Thinking Moves:

Essential Steps in Developing Deep Understanding

Thinking Moves
Observable Thinking Behaviours
Observing closely and Notice parts and features
describing whats there Take detailed notes to record observations
Describe parts and features in detail
Making connections
Connect new information with whats known
Identify patterns and perspectives
Identify areas of agreement and
disagreement between sources
Wondering and asking

Building explanations
and interpretations

Imagine possible connections and

Relate ideas to emotions and values
Create questions to propel further inquiry
Examine similarities and differences
Hypothesize and test ideas
Apply theories to explain phenomenon

Reasoning with evidence Search for evidence to support claims

Check for validity and soundness
Verify sufficiency of detail to support claims

Questions to Drive Thinking

What do you see and notice?
What are the facts here?
How does this fit?
How does this relate to other
concepts, or what I already
What am I curious about here?
Why does ____?

Whats similar and different

How can I explain ________?
Are these claims logical and
supported by convincing

Uncovering complexity Identify and reject simplistic explanations

and going below the
What lies beneath the surface
Search for alternative evidence and
of this?
Examine all parts of issues to explore
Search for deep causes
Considering different
Search for alternative explanations
viewpoints and
Whats another angle on this?
Evaluate the evidence of opposing
How might someone argue
against this or see it
Self-assess and revise own arguments in light
of alternative explanations and evidence
Capturing the heart and Capturing the essence of a concept

forming conclusions

Forming a reasoned judgement based on

foregoing thinking

Whats at the core or centre of

Whats the Big Idea here?
NOTE: Thinking for Deep Understanding is NOT a linear processit is recursive! There are
logical steps, but they usually need to be repeated multiple times, often in different orders, to
really dig down deep into complex concepts. Thinking for Deep Understanding is rarely easy
and orderly; its usually difficult and messy at first, which is all the more reason to develop
detailed, organized notes.

Thinking Moves

Observable Thinking
Observing closely Notice parts and features
and describing
whats there
Take detailed notes to record
Describe parts and features in

Actions that Demonstrate Deep Thinking


Korean pop culture:

South Korea has been working to develop its pop
culture and advertise it to the world for a very
long period of time. It has been quite successful.

Chinas soft power:

Even though China has a strong potential of
influence over the world and an admired culture, it
is not as successful in terms of its soft power. Its
political values and some foreign policies limit its
ability to shape how others think and behave like
the American culture.

- Not-So-Smart Power:
Even though the US has been working to strengthen its
soft power though foreign development aid, exchange
programs and diplomacy, its hard power seemed way
more effective than its soft power.
-Smart Power:
The United States has attempted to develop both hard
power and soft power. Throughout history, it has applied
both. Its foreign policy has to be rethink and a balanced
integration of both hard and soft power must be
developed to maintain its power.

-Taiwan addressing the refugee crisis:

Being small and relatively powerless in the international
community, Taiwan tries to increase its soft power by
helping address the refugee crisis in Europe.
-America Didnt Decline:
One cannot conclude that the power of a state is
rising/declining merely by looking at its national
account; instead, one should evaluate the transnational
activities of corporation. While Americas economic
power appeared to be declining judging from the
national account, its actual power maintains.
The US was the primary actor causing most of the
traditional wars in the century. In the major wars
taking place in the second-half of the 20th century in
Asia, the US was also involved. But overall, War is
missing in action in todays world and there is not a
dominant superpower anywhere on the planet.

Connect new information with

whats known
Identify patterns and perspectives
Identify areas of agreement and
disagreement between sources



-(Korea) (China)
Both articles
emphasize the
strength of soft
power in effect to
a country
-Leaders from
both countries
realized the
importance of
soft power in
todays world
-China and Korea
both focused on
improving soft

-China was not

as successful as
Korea in terms
of developing
soft power
political values
and foreign
undermined the
advantages of
its cultural
-Korea began to
catch up with

Connection to
the prior
-China is brain
washing its
-K-pop became
an important
capability of
- The US is

power using
took control in
developing soft
power, instead of
letting it go into
the hand of the
civil society

the Western
influence in
around the

its soft power

through various
means. It has
been more
successful in
respect to
-The US is not as influence.
successful in its
- The US has
development in
soft power as its various acts
- The government hard power.
of the US also
-The article
hard power and
realizes the
focuses mainly
soft power and
importance of
on soft power
has become
capabilities of
one of the most
soft power.
the US that are
- Not only should
not culture.
countries in the
the government
of the United
-Taiwan has
States maintain
-The US is overbeen known as
its hard power
relying on its
and develop its
hard power; it is aid provider in
soft power, a
crucial but
should be
combination of
the two is also
-Taiwan tries to
since it has
increase soft
given out a
-The government
power through
helping hand to
of Taiwan also
provision of aid, various
realizes the
rather than
importance of
through cultural during crises.
soft power in
-While the US
todays world and - Taiwan articles might not have
takes the
focuses on
the highest
opportunity to try political values,
GDP in the
to increase its
contrasting the
world, it is one
soft power.
Korea article,
of the
-Similar to the US, which focuses

Taiwan attempts
to increase its
soft power
through provision
of humanitarian
-Articles Taiwan
addressing refugee
problem in Europe
and Chinese soft
power both
address the
importance of
political values in
building up soft
-(US, global)
(Chinese soft
power) Both
culturally and
economically, the
US relies on the civil
society instead of
the government to
develop power.
-(Imperial) (US
Smart Power) the
US has been
focusing on
employing its hard
powermilitary and
Wondering and
Imagine possible connections and
asking questions

mainly on
-US didnt
decline mainly
focused on the
hard power
strengthof the
United States,
rather than soft
power or smart
-(US, global) the
article addresses
globalization as
a factor
affecting power
of a state, while
the others all do
-(Imperial) None
of the other
articles address
power in respect
to military.
-The article did
not address
means with
which the US
applied or can
apply to become

economies in
the world.
-Even though
the United
States seems
to be culturally
there is no
longer a single
country in the
-The UN has
been working
on reducing the
chance of war
in the form of
invasion or
and; in fact,
established for
such as

- Is economic strength a source of hard power or soft


Relate ideas to emotions and

Create questions to propel further

Examine similarities and
explanations and
Hypothesize and test ideas
Summarize the main idea

- Will the same method South Korea used to advertise

its culture work for China? Why or why not?
- Will South Korean culture (K-pop culture) possibly
become the dominant pop-culture in the world?
-Why has US been so unsuccessful in developing its
soft power through development of aid programs?
-Concerning the United States, which is more
effective: hard power or soft power?
-Will this act increase the soft power of Taiwan as
-To what extent is our perception of economic
powers in the world deviates from the reality?
-Will there ever be a country to rise as a worlddominant military power again?
- Economic strength is more like a source of hard
power. It is more often used as carrots or sticks,
rather than shaping how other actors think and

The same method South Korea used to advertise

its culture will probably not work in China.
Although both have governments take control,
South Korean government is well aware of the
importance of catching up with the rest of the
world. While Chinese government is attempting
to block its people from the world. That way the
people and the government will not know the
new trends in popular culture, it will be hard to
meet the worlds demand and sell/advertise its
culture to the world.

K-pop will not become dominant in recent years.

American culture is still too deeply rooted.
However, if it keeps growing, expanding, thriving it
might become equal or even beat the American
culture some day.

Reasoning with

Search for evidence to support


The article about China stated that the Chinese

political values and the domestic violation of
human rights undermine Chinas potential to
develop its soft power.

As stated in the report, some Korean popular music

bands have already beaten a few American super
stars in ranking.

The article mentioned a peculiar human nature

Check for validity and soundness

Verify sufficiency of detail to
support claims

Both articles discuss the importance of soft power.

They mentioned what have been done already in
either two of the countries discussed, and what is
left to do/limitations.
Even though receipt of development aid from the
US might generate some gratitude at first, factors
such as historical relationships, cultural values and
foreign policies and others may undermine the
The US has been over-relying on its hard powers
economic and military strengthsbecause they are
well developed and effective. Over time; however,
the US created enemies. For now, developing soft
power will be more effective.
Putting aside any possible effect this act may do,
the article refers to Taiwan as humanitarian aid
provider in the international community. It is a
sign of Taiwans successful foreign policy.
According to America Didnt Decline. It Went
Global, people have been wrong about the
economic strength of countries. They
underestimated the power of some; overestimated
the others.
There is not likely to be a world-dominant military
power. The international community increasingly
condemns actions violent as traditional wars.
Countries tend less to employ military power to
gain influence.

relating to receipt of gifts: that gratitude

diminishes over time.

The article mentioned that the goal of US foreign

policy should be directed to preserve American
pre-eminence as the agent of good so that its
values appear attractive.

As the article stated, The ROC has consistently

provided supplies to Middle East refugees and has
donated prefabricated housing units to refugees in
Jordan and northern Iraq who were left homeless,
Taiwan successfully established its reputation of
being the helper of the world.

As stated in the article: national accounts seriously

underestimate American power, and seriously
overestimate Chinese power. People can be wrong in
perception of other economic powers as well in such a

complexity and
going below the

Identify and reject simplistic


According to the recent trend in international

affairs, there is not likely to be a world-dominant
military power. The article even stated it explicitly:
So an imperial era is on the wane, war in
absentia and no rising great power contenders on
the horizon.

China has an/many admired tradition values and

beliefs, such as Confucianism; in fact people from
the Western cultural background are eager to
learn more about such beliefs and values. The
Chinese government is well aware of the fact and
is using this to spread its culture; however it went
too far and scared its potential learners away.
Such circumstances can be seen in Vietnam as
anti-Chinese riots broke out.

Korean pop culture doesnt just increase

Search for alternative evidence

and explanations
Examine all parts of issues to
explore complexity
Search for deep causes

recognition of South Korea among younger

generation. It also in turn boosts the reputation of
Korean manufactured products.

Development aid from the US has not been really

helping development in the receiving countries.
Ineffectiveness and/or corruption can both deter
potential development the aid may help establish.
Although it cannot necessarily be blamed on the
US, these matters can undermine popularity of the
US in such countries.

Not only should the United States continue to

develop its soft power, a balance between the soft
and hard power must be achieved to really
increase the power of the United States. It should
reset its military and reduce its reliance on hard
powers. Military is often a poor instrument to
fight ideas, soft power is the ability to attract
foreign population on our side. Integration of both
hard and soft power is necessary to win peace.

Although it is practically impossible for Taiwan to

accommodate refugees and the public interest to
send supplies as aid will need to be investigated, it
is definitely beneficial for Taiwans to maintain its
reputation as the humanitarian aid provider.

One cannot only consider national accounts when

investigating economic strength of a state. As the
world increasingly globalizedcountries became
more and more interconnected with one another
economic strength of a state became dependent
on other states as well. In addition, the growth of
capitalism makes private businesses became more
and more important in determining economic
power of a state. Thus, the transnational financial
activities that are in the hand of private firms must
be considered when analysing the economy of a


viewpoints and

Search for alternative


Even though there is no such event as a traditional

war going on in the world recently, it hardly
means there is no violence. Various conflicts still
take place in the world today: civil war, terrorism
and counter-terrorism are major violence the world
is to contend with.

Chinas aid program is often successful, and its

culture is widely admired. It will have to
reconsider its policies domestically and
internationally in order to fully develop its ability to
shape how the world thinks and behave.

Even though K-pop has the potential to thrive and

possibly beat or level with American culture in the
future, it might take a long time for it to develop as
it took more than ten year to achieve the level of
influence today.

The US could have been sending aid to freedom

advocates in countries that are receiving aid from
the US already. Since cutting the budget for
development aid for countries would not
necessarily damage the image of the United States
any further, the US may well use this money to
ameliorate its reputation among the citizens.

There are three main obstacles for the US to attain

soft power. First is the over-reliance on hard power.
The US has to come out of the protection of its
strong hard power and focus on developing its soft
power. Secondly, the nature of soft power also
deters the immediate gain in influence of the US.
Because the effect of soft power instruments such
as development aid do not have an immediate
effect, the US could not gain influence though such
means in a efficiently. Lastly, coordination within

Evaluate the evidence of opposing

Self-assess and revise own
arguments in light of alternative

the government is also important. However,

because a large portion of Americas soft power
instruments lie outside of government control in
the civil society, wielding soft power is not easy.

Capturing the
Capturing the essence of a
heart and forming
Forming a reasoned judgement
based on foregoing thinking

Being a country with such as small territory, it is

almost practically impossible for Taiwan to
accommodate refugees.

The GDP of Japan rose sharply from 1960 to 1980.

It was legitimate to argue that Japans economy
grew rapidly at that time because economies of
states were not as interdependent on one another
as they are now.

There was a time that people believed that five

countriescollectively called BRICSare going to
become the dominant power of the world. The
theory was rejected as the economies of these
countries stopped looking so rosy. Their
economic strength did not thrive the way they
were expected.

China has a high potential to succeed in its ability

to shape how the world thinks and behave (soft
power). However, its domestic and foreign policies
undermined this potential. For China to
successfully develop its soft power it has to rethink
these policies and connect with the rest of the

Korea also has a high potential and has actually

developed its soft power through influence on
popular culture. It is possible in the future that
Korean pop culture will level with American pop
culture however long it takes.

The United States has been trying to strengthen its

soft power through development aid and exchange

programs. However these measures do not always

achieve the results desired. Countries receiving
the most financial aid from the US do not
necessarily take similar stances with the US in
international affairssome even take opposing
stances. Moreover, exchange programs sometimes
create bad leaders for a country or even religious
extremists. Rather, hard power of the US has been
more successful. Should the budget for
development aid or exchange programs be cut,
soft power of the US will not be affected much.

The United States possesses great potential in both

hard power and soft power. Its hard power is very
accomplished. In fact, the US has been over-relying
on its hard power such as economic strength and
military strength when dealing with international
affairs. In order for it to further develop its power
and influence, it has to abandon such a habit and
focus on developing soft power despite various
obstacles. In addition, development of a balanced
combination of both types of power is also crucial.

Taiwan might not in actuality provide supplies or

accommodate refugees to help relieve the tension
in Europe, this statement can definitely benefit
Taiwan in terms of increase in soft power.

While the GDP of the United States might be

declining, its actual economic strength is not. The
era that production was largely contained within
national borders was over. Because of
globalization and growth of capitalism, a states
economic strength stopped to merely depend on
national financial activities; instead, activities of
the private firms play a big role in a states
economic strength as well.

In the late 20th and the beginning of the 21st

century, the US was considered the major military

power that dominates the world. However, later in
the century, the importance of military power
waned. There is no longer a single dominant
imperial power. That is, future conflictsif any
are far less likely to take place as a full-scale
invasion or occupation. For a period of time;
though, people believed that counties that are
collectively known as BRICS would become the
dominant power in the multi-polar world all
together. Yet as their economic growth ceased to
appear attractive and such belief dies away.

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