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PCS Antenna Design: The Challenge of Miniaturization A. K. Skrivervik, J.-F. Zurcher, O. Staub and J. R. Mosig Laboratory of Electromagnetics and Acoustics, Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne 1015 Lausanne, Switzerand ‘Tel +41 21 693 2669; Fax: +41 693.26 73; E-mall: ania; jean-trancois Abstract PCS (personal communication system) devices have become an important part of everyday life. The pressure to design small, ightweight, and user-tiendly mobile-communication devices has increased accordingly, cating the need for optimal antennas for mobile applications. In this paper, we present some basic rules about electically small antennas, give clues and Guidelines about efficient antenna miniaturization, and, nally, show some examples of miniature antennas developed in our laboratory for practical applications Keywords: Antennas; mobile antennas, antenna theory loaded antennas; Giobal Postioning System; slot antennas; conformal antennas; SMILA antennas; microstrip antennas; PIFA: land mobile radio celular systems: land mobile racio; Land mobile radio equipment; electrcally small antennas; antenna limttions; antenna measurements, mull-frequency antennas: PCS. antennas 4. Introduction Mit conmszistons a Bese an igri pf clecommunications. Original applications ~ sich a8 paging, ‘mabile phones, or GPS ~ have shown a tremendous growth, and new applications are emerging every day: tagging, witless {computer links, wireless microphones, remote conta, wireless ‘multimedia links, satelite mobile phones, wireless Intent; just, about everything “goes mabe” Mobile means practical for the use and asily transporable The mobile terminals of wireless applications must be ight, small, have low energy consumption, and have an appealing design Technology has evolved very quickly to satisfy these needs ina rapidly gtowing market: chips are becoming smaller, they consume less curren, they are more elicient, and they pesform more-cort- plex operations. Thus, the sizes of the elecwonies needed for a ‘mobile application have decreased drastically during the past few eats, whereas thei functionality has increased. ‘The antennas, however, have not experienced the same evolution, and marketing staff and designers are pressing engineers to develop stuller In opposition to electronic chips, the size ofthe antenna for given aplication isnot related mainly tothe technology sed, bt is determined by the laws of physics: the antenna size with espect (othe wavelength is the parameter that will have the preponderant influence on the radiation characteristics. This follows from the fact tha an antenna is used to tansfor a guided wave into a radi ated wave, and vice-versa, and ano understands that to perform this transformation efiietly, the size should be of the on af half a wavelength or lager. Antennas can, of couse, be made small, boutatthe expense af bandwidth, gai, and efficiency The art of antenna miniaturization is an at of compromise fone has to design the smallest posible antenna that sill suitable for given application with regard to its radiation characteristics. (r, in other words, ane loks forthe best compromise tmong vol- lume, bandwidth, and eficency. And this best compromise is usu ally obained wien most oF the alloted volume patcipates in the radiation. In this paper, we wil fist state the limitations of antenna ‘miniaturization, by reminding the reader of the well-known les linking gain, bandwidth, and antenna size, We will then review dit- ferent ways to make antennas smaller and, when posible, explain the effect of @ given miniaturization teshnigue on the anfen radiation properties. The next section will be devoted to examples of practical, small antennas, designed and realized in ove labora ‘ory. These examples inclu small PCS antennas, dual-frequeney antennas, and dual-poarized antennas. The fh section deals with ‘he measurement of small anteqas, ad vil point to most of the specific problems encountered when measuring electtcally smal antennas, and wil give some elves as to how to proceed correct Finally i the cnetusion, we wil sum up the important steps of antenna miniaturization, and give some design ints 2. Physical Limitations on Electrically Small Antennas Asis wellknown (6s, for instance (J-9)), miniaturizing an antenna wil affect itt radiation charsctristies. Reducing. an antennas size wil inTuonce its bandwith, gain, efficiency, and polarization purty. Moreover, we wil se that it snot always easy {o feed a small antenna efficiently. This fllows directly from the fact that an antenna is & device used to transform a guided wave ino a radiated wave, or vice-versa, Tis tansformation proces is related to the wavelength, and the antenna size is much more important than the antenna technology in determining, how well and for which frequencies this wansformation will be satstctry Many authors have studied the relationship becveen the electrical dimension of an antenaa and its radiation performances for many ‘years, The main esl ofthese studies are surnmarized below. The analysis of electrically small antennas and the stdy of the effect of size reduetion on radiation properties ws iiited in the midforties Wheeler [I] used the radiation power factor, defined as the quotient between the antenna resistance and the antenna eactanee, to quantify the radiation of an antenna. Using a simple equivalent lumped circuit he deduced tha this quotient was equivalent to the handwidih multiplied by the efficiency, in those teases where the antenna vas maehed by a simple cieuit. Tis carly paper was a first attempt t0 confirm mathematically the inition Wwe have that che product of (efficiency » bandwith) is directly related to the volume occupied by an antenna. Indeed, as the size of an antenna decreases ils reactance inreass, ul its radiation resistance decreases The work of Wheeler vas generalized by Chu [2}, who derived the equivalent Iumped-circuit element frm an expansion jn panial fractions of the spherical-wave impedance functions rod the antenna, Thus, the relationship between the minima 4ualty factor, Q, of an omnidirectional antenna and its volume was formally estiblished. He obtained the following approximate for- rl, valid for Kinearly polarized antennas 142(ta) eer] . Rr Rloss Zink L small loop antenna equivalent circuit Figure 1a. A loop antenna and it equivalent cireuit Bn + Jl gure 1b. A loop antenna, matched by’ loading it with a capacitor, andthe |E¢E Antennas and Propagation Mogae. Vol 43, Ho. 4. August 2001 SSIS Figure 24, Examples of loaded antennas: A two-element top loaded monopole (loaded to reduce its height WY] NG Figure 2b, Examples of loaded antennas: A four-lement top- loaded monopole (loaded to reduce its heigh L LAY | NK Figure 2c. coi-loaded antenna ( ow reduce is heigh). SSIS Figure 2d. A capacitorplate antenna (loaded to reduce its high. hi Figure 2s. A loop loaded by capacitances t reduce is size. a LIA GG Figore J. An example ofa materiabloaded ante = —T AEH, LQ] A] GK Figure 3b, An example of a mate loaded antenna, Figure 36. An example of materiabloaded antenna: where & is the wave number and a isthe radius of the smallest Sphere enclosing the anteara, The computation of the quality actor tras refined by several other authors [4], who derived an exact expression for the smallest posible Q for @ linearly polsszed ® “Gay Its interesting to notice that dese two expressions give intial results for very smal antenaas (Aa © 1), sch as those that we wil ‘ost discus inthis paper The work of Wheeler and Chu, on fundamental Hinits of small antennas, was extended by Harrington [7] 1o include the ‘fect of losses, Inded, a miniaturized antenna will show a higher ‘concentration of surface currents than standard antennas; thus, the ‘ohmic losses will be enhanced. Moreover, Harington proposed a ‘ery useful and simple formula, which gives a practical upper limit forthe gin that small antenna can achieve while sll having a rensonable bandwidth (ha) + 2k. ° It is important to remember that Equation (3) gives an upper limit far the gain. The approximation is good for standard antennes, but this Timit is more dificult to reach asthe antenna becomes very small, Indeed, in those eases the losses may inrease drastically, a8 ‘was already mentioned by Harington Antenna miniaturization affects gain, bandvidih, and eff- ciency, but can in many eases alo affet polarization party 8,9} Indeed, we will ee in the next section tat an efficient way to ‘make sntennas smaller sto bend thee geometry, in order to force the coment to meander, so that the antennas Seems eletcally l= tr than it really is A'good example ofthis concept is the planar inverted-F antenna (PIEA) [8] The surface current on the sp that B fed tines \ (Gromd Plane Resonant pach - eal Figure 4a, The effect of the permitivity value on a microstrip- patch antenna, =I SS ile substrate cool Figure 4b, The effest of the permittivity value on a mierostrip- patch antenna: ¢, 1 IEEE Amennat and Propagation Magazine, Vo. 43, Ho. & Aug! 2001 Figure Sb. A shorted microstrip antenna: d =“ =—42 4 ie is shon-crcuiting a PIFA tothe ground plane is perpendicular to the current on the msin radiating plane of the antenna, and will thus lend to cross-polarized ration, However, high polarization purty is often not required for mobile applications, asthe m path propagation distorts the poarzaion ofthe signals anyway ‘st Haron in antenna mininlation isthe dffeuty of correctly feeding small antennas [10]. The coret feeding of a very Small antenna is often neither balinced nor unbalanced, but some: Wee in bemteen, The microstrip antenna is a simple example that insta this effect: A microstrip pach (a typieal ease of an ‘unbalanced antenna) canbe made clctiealy smal by using @ sb strate with a high permitivity. However, the over sizeof the ‘microstrip antenna Will also depend on the sizeof its ground plane ‘Thus, to make it small, one has to et the ground plane, making the ricrostip antenna closer to balaned stuctre than to an nba ‘need one, ae rendering it ficult o feed it nam elficent way. 3. Miniaturization Techniques and their Effect on the Radiation Characteristics Techniques for making antennas smaller ve been known fora long time, and many of them are described in standard txt ‘books (se for instance [11,12 of [13] for more-exaie antennas) ‘The principle behind these techniques willbe described below ‘with an emphasis on its effec on the radiation characteristics ofthe The main miniaturizing tools used are loading the antenna with lumped elements, high-icletic mistrial, or with cond: ors; using. ground. planes and short cites; optimizing, the feometry and using the antenna environment (sacha the easing) to reinforce the rdition. These techniques wil be illustrated and explained with very simple examples inthe following paraeraphs The reader should bear in mind that these techniques have been IEEE Antennas ana Propagation Magazine, Vo 43, No.8, August 2001 extensively used in the mobile-communication busines, where the ‘most intresting results were obtained by combining several of them for the design of one antenna, as isthe case withthe PIEA, References on smal antennas for communications can be found in 8.9.15}, ‘A ner trend in mobile communications is to combine two antennas into one instead of making tw smal antennas, Ths, he radiating element isnot the smallest possible, but it covers to oF more frequency bands adr several polarizations (15-22). Strely speaking these dal-hid antennas ae not miniature antennas, but this technique nevertheless will be described here, as the seope of this paper is how to save space and weight when designing anten Figare 68, Geometrical transformations of a monopole: the ‘monopole antenna, =“ wt, Figure 6b, Geometrical transformations of a monopole: the inverted L antenna (ILA), + Figure 6c. Geometrical transformations of a monopole: the inverted F antenna (IFA), 8 3.1 Lumped-Element Loaded Antennas This may be the simplest and most immediate way’ to make ain antenna smaller than resonant size, and yet keeping resonant festres. The ids is that an antenna smaller than a alF-wavelength ‘vill have a sitong reactive input impedance, which has to be com pensated fr by lading Figure I shows an example ofa small oop fntenna, whichis matched by simply leading it with a capacitor The elfect ofthis loading wil be 0 either reduce the efficiency of the antenna, if the aed element has Tosses, ort increase the ‘quality factor ofthe antenna (23, 24} ihe lair ae small, and 19 ths reduce its bandwith, The loading canbe peeformed by ang lumped elements, a5 in the example of Figure I, or by adding conductive ports, Some wellknown examples are depicted in Figure2 3.2 Antennas Loaded with Materials The loading ofthe antenna can also be done by modifving dietetic or maghete characteristics ofthe material surounding i. The principle is ilusuated, for 2 monopole, in Figure 3. The ‘monopole is resonant wien its length is about a quarter of 8 wave- length Since the wavelength i shorter in a high pemitivity mate- Fal the antenna becomes smaller when embeded in sch a mite Fal, The size reduction will depend on the permit and the shape ofthe dielectric. Agsn, assuming that no loses are added this loading wil reduce the bandwidth ofthe antenna by enbancing its quality factor, This is de tothe concentration ofthe electric field in high-permitvity regions, which makes the adoptive launching ofa guided wave into ee space more dificult (oe Fig tre for the ease of a microstrp-patch antenna). Moreover, a higher psrminivity is unfortnately, often equivalent to higher dietetic losses, Figure Ta. The effet of slots and notches in am rastrip-pateh ‘antennas the microstrip antenna, 2 =“ se Figure 7b, The effet of slots and notches in microstrip-pateh antenna: the mierostrip antenna with notches, <“E. —— AA Figure Te. The effet of slots ang! notches in a microstrip-patch antenna: the microstrip antenna with lo 3.3 Using Ground Planes and Short Circuits Another popular strategy for ming antennas smaller and lowering their profile ito make wse of ground planes and short circuits” The principle is easily explained by the well-known éxamiple ofthe monopole eompated toa dipole. To be resonant, & ‘ipole must have a length of roughly half a wavelength. This dimension canbe halved by replacing ane dipole arm by a ground plane, sich will, in tur, create virtual dipole am, according to image theory. The principle can be easly extended to planar antennas by auding short cireuis tothe ground planes, as is the ease in the xample illustrated in Figure 8. Here the size of a microstrip patch has ben reduced by half by inserting a shor-

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