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NTA (I AND GENERAL RELEAS! This Setlement Agreement And General Release (“Agreement”) is mde and entered into by and berweon Avid Dating Life Burope Ireland Limited, ("Avi"), onthe one band, and Her Majesty the Queen of Spain, Ms. Sophia of Greece ("Queen Soph", an individual resient in “Madrid, Spain (collectively, the “Pats WHEREAS Queen Sophis fied civil waitin the Court of First Instance of Madei, Spain against Avi, The Ashley Madison Agency Limited, Avid Dating Life Ie, and Christoph Ketemer, as cour fe number 1462/2012 (the "Lawsuit AND WHEREAS the Pasties hereto desire to settle all ifererces, disagreements, and isputes that exist or may exist between them in connection with the Lawsuit and an advertising campaign by Avid for Ashleymadizoncom using Queen Sophia's image in Spain (the “Advertsing Campaign”). Avid denies any wrongdoing egal conduct, or lability whasbever nits part, but nevertheless as concided that its in ts best interests te sete these disputes on the tem st forth rein NOW, THEREFORE, pursuant this dase and in consideration of the mutual promises contained hei, the Paris hereto agre a follows |, Avid will remove the Advertsing Campaign ard ll uses of Queen Sophia's image fom ‘ny publications in any media, as soon as ressonably possible upon execution of this ‘Agreement 2. Avid undertakes nt to se Queen Sophia's image in any fatureaivertsing campaigns 3. Avid wil publish the epology attached as Schedule "A" in five Spanish newspapers of ‘Queen Sophie's choice as soon as reasonably possible upon execution ofthis Agreement 4. Queen Sophia's legal counsel will obtain from the Court a disnisal of the Lawsuit on consent without legal costs payable by either party, a8 soon as reasonably possible upon, execution ofthis Agreement 5. This Agreement is executed pursuant to a compromise and setlement entered into by cach party hereto without any admission of lability to the alher, but solely for the Purpose of avoiding costly tigation, further uncertainty, controversy, and legal expense 6. Each party shall bear its own legal fees and costs incurred in the caput, 7. Queen Sophia, on behalf of herself her hers, executors, assis, representatives, and agents, does hereby release and absolutely forever discharge Avi, and its successors, subsidiaries, parents, assigns, agents, alates, representatives, officers, directors, and employees (the "Releasees’), of and from any and all claims, denands, debts, labile, ‘obligations, accounts, and causes of ation of every kind and nate whatsoever, which it hd oF now has against the Releases, arsing out of or rebated to the Advertsing Campaign. Queen Sophia represents and warrants that no portion of any claim, demand, debt, linbity, account obligation, or cause of action rleaced heroin. has boon accigned oF transferred to any ther person or enity. Queen Sophia agrees to indemnify, defend, and hold harmless each other party from all bss, costs, clans, oF expenses including, but not Tinted to, all expenses of investigation and defence of any such chim or action, inching reasonable legal fees and costs) arising out of any claim made or action instituted by any person or entity who claims to be the beneficiary of sich assignment of transfer and to ay and satisfy any jadgment resulting fom or any settlement of any suc claim or action, Each party signing ths Agreement warrants and represents to the other that it bas fill authority to execute the same on behalf of such party. Each party hereto agrees to execute all documents and instruments necessary to implement this Agreement, The Paries, and each of them, acknowledge that they have been represented in the negotiations for and ithe preparation ofthis Agreement by legal counsel of their own choice or wth fill knowledge and understanding ofthe terms of this Agreement In the event that either party should bring any ation, suit, or ther proceeding on any claim, demand, debt, linbilty, obligation, account, oF cause of action herein discharged ted released, or contesting the vality of this Agreement, or attempting to enforce the tems and provisions ofthis Agreement or to obtain any remedy or rele for any breach ofthis Agreement, oF to rescind, engage, modify, or reform this Agreement or ay ofthe terms or provisions hereof, the prevailing party shall recover such partys reasoaablekzal fees incurted in each and every such action, suit, or other proceeding, including any and all appeals or petitions therefrom. ‘This Agreement shal be biting upon and inure tothe benef of each of the Parties, their respective assigns, successors in interes, and legal represertatves ‘This Agreement shall be governed by Spanish law without regard to confct of ws provisions thereof. The sole jurisdiction and venue for any dispute related to this ‘Agreement shal be the courts located in Madrid, Spain and the Parties hereby consent to ‘sich urdition and venue This Agreement may be executed in counterpart and email or facsimile copies of signatures shall be deomed originals. Dats Avid Dating Life Europe Limited (ireland) By Dan Begiay, Managing Director Dated:_12/0472013, By_ Bute Hermandez Gi Antonio Hemine-Gil SCHEDULE“A” DISCULPA PUBLICA / PUBLIC APOLOGY Lot representantes de SM LA REINA DONA SOFIA y de AVID DATING LIFE EUROPE IRELAND LTD, enidadpropietaria de la firma ASHLEY MADISON, hn legado 3 tn acuerdo para poner final procedumiento inicido por SM LA REINA ante los lazgados de Madr para que se declaara que la campaia publicitaria de ASHLEY MADISON en que se utliz6 Ia imagen de Su Majesiad vuleraba el derecho fundamental a su propia imagen AVID y ASHLEY MADISON lamentan profundament, y asi desean manifestrlo ahora ante los medios, de forma publica, la utiizacién con fies comerciales de le imagen de Su Majesiad La Reina, si su consentimiento y en un contexto inapropiado para su trayectora personal y sa significado institucional. Al mitmo tempo, se comprometen a poner fin ‘nmediatamente a ctalquer uso que pu seguir haciéndose de la imagen de Su Majestad y 2 no utiizarla mas ene fur,

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