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Name after : to give someone same name as someone else

2. To mull over : to think something carefully for a period of time
EX: I needed few days to just sit and mull over before making
3. To object to: to disagree something
EX: I completely object to this statement that university provide as
much money for
students sports as university libraries
4. To opt for : to choose
EX: Mr macorny opt for a beautiful dress to you
5. To opt in /into: to choose to be involved in something
EX: korea opt in /into war with usa
6. To opt out : to choose not to involved or to choose to stop being involved in
EX: usa opt out in a agreement with England
7. To pan out : when a situation is developed in a certain way
EX: it did not pn out as we expect
8. To pass away: to die
EX: actor chrito[per lee pass away yesterday after suffering from heart

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