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Depressuring - Dynamics:

Inlet ,1,,
Vessel Volume (ft3),4.832e+004,,
Flat End Vessel Volume (ft3),4.832e+004,Cylindrical
Diameter (in),30,
Heat Loss Model : Simple ,
Overall U (Btu/hr-ft2-F),2.642,Overall Heat Transfer Area (ft2),5604
Ambient Temperature (F),77.00, ,
Valve Parameters
Vapour Flow Equation ,Fisher,Liquid Flow Equation ,(No Flow)
Cv (USGPM),30.00, ,
% Opening ,100.0, ,
Vapour Back Pressure (psia),14.70,Liquid Back Pressure (psia),14.70
PV Work Term Contribution (%),0.00,,

Operating Conditions
Operating Pressure (psia),584.7,Depressuring Time (seconds),900.0
Time Step Size ,, ,
Vapour Outlet Solving Option ,Calculate P ,Final Pressure (psia),544.2
Cv or Av (USGPM),30.00, ,
Name ,1,,,,
Vapour Fraction ,1.0000,,,,
Temperature (F),90.00,,,,
Pressure (psia),584.7,,,,
Actual Vol. Flow (barrel/day),4.768e+005,,,,
Mass Enthalpy (Btu/lb),-2141,,,,
Mass Entropy (Btu/lb-F),1.823,,,,
Molecular Weight ,20.55,,,,
Molar Density (lbmole/ft3),0.1090,,,,
Mass Density (lb/ft3),2.241,,,,
Std Ideal Liq Mass Density (lb/ft3),22.33,,,,
Liq Mass Density @Std Cond (lb/ft3),,,,,
Molar Heat Capacity (Btu/lbmole-F),10.92,,,,
Mass Heat Capacity (Btu/lb-F),0.5315,,,,
Thermal Conductivity (Btu/hr-ft-F),1.999e-002,,,,
Viscosity (cP),1.261e-002,,,,
Surface Tension (dyne/cm),,,,,
Specific Heat (Btu/lbmole-F),10.92,,,,
Z Factor ,0.9090,,,,
Vap. Frac. (molar basis) ,1.0000,,,,
Vap. Frac. (mass basis) ,1.0000,,,,

Vap. Frac. (Volume Basis) ,1.0000,,,,

Molar Volume (ft3/lbmole),9.170,,,,
Act.Gas Flow (ACFM),1859,,,,
Act.Liq.Flow (USGPM),,,,,
Std.Liq.Vol.Flow (barrel/day),,,,,
Std.Gas Flow (MMSCFD),110.8,,,,
Watson K ,17.18,,,,
Kinematic Viscosity (cSt),0.3513,,,,
Cp/Cv ,1.425,,,,
Lower Heating Value (Btu/lbmole),3.633e+005,,,,
Mass Lower Heating Value (Btu/lb),1.768e+004,,,,
Liquid Fraction ,0.0000,,,,
Partial Pressure of CO2 (psia),45.09,,,,
Avg.Liq.Density (lbmole/ft3),1.087,,,,
Heat Of Vap. (Btu/lbmole),4127,,,,
Mass Heat Of Vap. (Btu/lb),200.8,,,,
,1 ,,,
Methane ,0.8085,,,
Ethane ,0.0795,,,
Propane ,0.0225,,,
i-Butane ,0.0038,,,
n-Butane ,0.0048,,,
i-Pentane ,0.0014,,,
n-Pentane ,0.0011,,,
n-Hexane ,0.0009,,,
n-Heptane ,0.0003,,,
n-Octane ,0.0001,,,

n-Nonane ,0.0000,,,
n-Decane ,0.0000,,,
n-C11 ,0.0000,,,
CO2 ,0.0771,,,
Initial Pressure (psia),584.7,Vessel Fluid Final Temperature - Liquid Phase
Final Pressure (psia),544.2,Vessel Fluid Minimum Temperature - Liquid Phase
Depressuring Time (seconds),900.0,Valve Outlet Initial Temperature - Liquid
Phase (F),49.51
Vapour Cv (USGPM),30.00,Valve Outlet Final Temperature - Liquid Phase
Liquid Cv ,,Valve Outlet Minimum Temperature - Liquid Phase (F),49.51
Vessel Fluid Initial Temperature - Vapour Phase (F),90.00,Inner Wall Initial
Temperature - Liquid Phase (F),
Vesssel Fluid Final Temperature - Vapour Phase (F),86.66,Inner Wall Final
Temperature - Liquid Phase (F),
Vessel Fluid Minimum Temperature - Vapour Phase (F),86.66,Inner Wall
Minimum Temperature - Liquid Phase (F),
Valve Outlet Initial Temperature - Vapour Phase (F),49.51,Initial Mass of
Vapour (lb),1.082e+005
Valve Outlet Final Temperature - Vapour Phase (F),48.62,Final Mass of Vapour
Valve Outlet Minimum Temperature - Vapour Phase (F),48.62,Peak Vapour
Flow Through Valve (lb/hr),2.279e+005
Inner Wall Initial Temperature - Vapour Phase (F),,Initial Mass of Liquid
Inner Wall Final Temperature - Vapour Phase (F),,Final Mass of Liquid
Inner Wall Minimum Temperature - Vapour Phase (F),,Peak Liquid Flow
Through Valve (lb/hr),0.0000
Vessel Fluid Initial Temperature - Liquid Phase (F),90.00, ,

Total Depressuring Flow (lb/hr): 236416.8

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