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PAPNA, Mica Mierra G.


Russ 10

Reaction paper -

Two planes hitting twin skyscrapers. Said twin skyscrapers
disintegrating like a sand tower kicked at the top. Done by Muslim
terrorists from the Middle East. These are the things I vaguely recall
from my childhood memories everytime I hear "9/11" and "World Trade
Center,"and this is what the US government and media have lead the
world to believe. If this being a tragic monument of religion-crazed
terrorism in the past, is how the world have perceived this unfortunate
event in 2001 until now, why would I, a mere 5yr-old girl in a US alliedcountry at that time, not accept it as an historical fact? However, as a
university student who knows basic physics and chemistry and is
currently facing a collection of evidences and details that contradicts
what is known officially as an historical fact, ignorance is not an excuse
If I had the mental capacity I have now 14 years ago, the free-fall like
manner of the Twin towers collapse alone would have been a dead
giveaway to me.
Although taken aback at first, I don't really find it unbelievable that the
US government could do such a thing that killed off thousands of its
citizens. Not all regime is perfect, even if or rather especially if its as
powerful and as influential as US. There has to be some dirty trick
behind it, and power play is always dirty. We're living in a country that
is a prime example of that. What I actually find unbelievable and
confusing at first is why the existence of these evidences isn't widely
known among people especially the US citizens, and those who already
know about it refuse to believe it. They even have to make a website
and spend effort on informative campaigns just to spread the truth
about a catastrophe that took thousands of lives, and it is 14 yrs
overdue. They have the technology to confirm evidences and make
massive investigations possible, and they have the reputation as being
the forerunners of democracy - a widespread movement among the US
citizens to castigate their government should have happened long time
ago. President Bush is already history, but justice overdue is better
than no justice at all.
It is easier to blame, demonize and make jokes about 'terrorist'

Muslims and Osama Bin Laden, but your own government having no
reservations against mass murder for some hidden agenda is a lot
scarier and more alarming than terrorism.

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