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STATEMENT ny [HB Abdul Hadi Arghandebwal Miniter of Kconomy Islamic Republic of Afghanistan 198 Session ofthe Commission on Sustainable Development High-Level Segment Roundtable & Transportation 12 May 2011, New York peed dl pay Me Chairman, | align myself withthe statements delivered by the datinguised sepresentatve of Argentina on behalf of the G77 and China, and I thank the panelists for their exellent presentations Ms. Chairman, After more than thece decades of confit, Afghanistan faces steep challenges in the ‘construction and restoration of ts transportation sector to promote economic development and improve the living standard ofits people. Afghan transportation, particulaey aviation, ‘ond, and rll are cental to reconstruction and peacebuilding efforts. Throughout the peacebuilding process and in consideration of both increased poplation growth and the continued development of urban and rural spaces, Afghanistan's transportation needs wil realy increase over the nest few yeuss. This growth necessitates the development of an Inereaed infivetrcture for teneportation option, ‘Te impact of 30 years of conflict on Afghanistan's uansportation infrastructure must not be taken fights. Nach of the country’s tansporation infastructure has been dertoyed, leaving behind damaged roads and strucares. Further, the tumoil has turned away inetmatonal air earriers and other sectors fom investing in or setvicng Afghanistan's transportation needs In this regard, Afghanistan faces a number of key challenges in the development of our transportation Sector. These challenges inchade the egncy of destruction and deterioration that has resulted from prolonged conflict insufficient and ‘unreliable funding forthe reconstruction and development of transportation systems, and a poorly developed consulting and contracting industry. ‘The government of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan's strategic vision and goal for the tuansport sector is to have a safe ntegeated tanspostation nerwotk tha ensures connectivity ind that chables low-cost and reliable movement of people and goods domestically as well s to and from foreign destinations. ‘This will give imperus to economic growth and ‘employment generation and help integrate Afghanistan into the plobal economy. A high piri isto have in place an efficient and viable road trnsportation network for achieving, ‘conomic growth and povetty reduction, particulaey in rutl ates. Tn adi Afgh teansportation sector, Currently, the government of Afghanistan i work ‘complete a network of tepional roads to connect 10 neighboring count ‘of funding for the implementation of projects quality control and the development of a sustained opetaion and maintenance of roads, organizations strengthening and eapacity ‘building of technical staff and strengthening the vole and relation of private sector in road construction and maintenance. In this pusit, Afghanistan would greatly benefit fom increased support from the international community inchuding the transfer of technology and capacity building, especlly in pursuit of sustainable transportation systems. 1, economic growth i fandamental requirement fo peacebuilding and stability ia stan, which is only possible through the strategic development of the Afgan to develop and ‘he cooudinaton 1. Roads, Afghanis ‘national highways, 9600 kin of prov road network is comprised of 3442 km of regional highways, 4802 km of ial oads and 17000 han of rural roads. 1. The regional highways network lggely consist of out sng toad (Kabul ~ Kanda — Heart ~Fasyab Mazare-sharif ~ Kabul) and the regional link roads which foster trade and economic linkages between Afghanistan and the neighboring counties of Kan, Pakistan, Tajikstan, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan 2. National highways connect regional highways to provi vital, a8 they provide trade and commerce linkages and contribu ‘economic growth ofthe country. About 2989 kin has been completed snd 1813 kin still mains to be built, 3. Provincial roads connect dstit headquneters with respective provincial capitals, and ‘caver 960 kn, So Fa, 9528 kan of these roads have been constructed. Key priority of the sector: ‘© Road neework development and completion of out ring road and regional highways to connect Afghanistan with all our neighboring countries of nn, Pakistan, Taps, Hurkmensstan and Uzbekistan + Design of the priority projects and coordinate funding fom various donors for moplementation of the projets Quality control and development of a sustained operation and maintenance of the rons + Organization strengthening and capacity building of out technieal sta 4 Stccngthening the role of the private sector in road construction and maintenance, "The county faces the following major challenges: + Insufficient and ntelable funding for the reconstruction and development of the transport system ‘+A poorly developed consuhing and contacting industy; + War damaged roads and structures and significant deterioration due to lack of ature investment plans ur ministy of public works as prepared a Road Sector Strategy which is cast USD 5.2. billion. This stategy envisions increasing the regional highways, national highways and provincial words to" 9000 hm inean while a special focus will yive tw yualty centiol, Instintional expaciyy development and maintenance ofthe rod TL. Railways network; Railways Survey and Design: ‘The feasibility study of 1225 km of raihvaye his been conducted of whieh; © 124 kan rnlay lnk Iran border to Heart ie in progress about GL kan ie almost completed #75 km alway which links Hitatan to Nazar-e-shasf 95% construction has been completed. © Contract between government of Afghanistan and Chinese Company contracted the Aymak cooper mine has been signed to conduct the Feasibility study of an estimated 930k aay line linking central Asian counties with south Asian counties ‘Planned railways projects: (total 3379 km taibways) © Koand— Herat railway 1117 kon ‘© Kunduz ~ Kabul - Jalalabad alway 930 km ‘© Jalalabad —Torkdaa slay 85 kan ‘© Kandahar —Chaman = Spinboldak aihony 107 kan ‘© Herat ~ Farah ~Lashkargh ~ Kandahar rlway 1140 hrm ‘© Nemtoa —Delitsm ~ Zatange 264 kin ‘The Afghan governments aso stving to build wade flies and infrastructure in onder 10 foster regional tide and economic linkages berween Afghanistan and neighboring counties of Ian, Pakistan, Tajikstan, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan The government of Afghanistan has now established modemized custom ficlites to mentioned neighbor counties. 27 wntoie In addition, sigiticane progeess has been made toward the simplification and h of laws and tegolation segaicing uansportation umd tide, Pasta ‘roceduses have been simplified and steamlined in order to faclitate trade. IL Civil aviation; ‘here are 47 aispotts, Approximately 10 of these have paved runways * Kabul Intemational Airport (3500 m rans) isthe nation’s Ingest aixport and the primary Fou for international evan fights © Kandahar International Airport (8200 m runway) is dual-use atpore serving southern Afghanistan 2 * Mazasi Shaif Aispore (3100 m runway) is a dualase aisport serving the northern and central potions of the county * Herat Agport (2600 sun) isl county. "Jalalabad Aisport (1800 my raay) pimsary civil sispott forthe westem potion of the Afghanistan's govemnment priostes include the upgrading of Kabul Aisport to an inesnational aisport that meets ICAO standards along with the wpgtading of Herat, Maas Sharif and Jalalabad sisports to international standards We ate tying to cate an enabling envisonment for investment in Afghanistan's Iranaperttion eetor Ce national road ant riheay pergrane have heen preeicly designed to conttibute to repional connectivity. The completion of vasious segments of ralays in At which ate under diferent phases of feasibly study, design and construction, will havea crucial roe in strengthening coopezation and connectivity

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