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Big Idea...
The idea of democracy developed over time.
In Prologue Section 1 you learned...
The Greeks introduced the idea of a direct democracy.
The Romans gave the world the idea of a republic.
In Prologue Section 2 you learned...
Judaism, Christianity, and Islam spread democratic ideas of
individual worth and duty to the community.
Today you will learn...
The Renaissance and Reformation emphasized these same
ideas and led people to challenge the authority of the time.

The Middle Ages

The Roman Republic eventually turned into an
empire ruled by a dictator.
When the Roman Empire finally collapsed a period
called the Middle Ages began.
During the Middle Ages the Roman Catholic Church
became the most powerful institution in Europe.
The Church was strongly authoritarianlike a
They expected unquestioned loyalty and obedience.
This was a dark period in European history.

The Legacy of the Renaissance

Historians mark the end of the Middle Ages with the beginning
of the Renaissance period.
The Renaissance was a cultural reawakening in Europe.
This was the time of artists such as De Vinci and Shakespeare.
During the Renaissance there was a renewed emphasis on
Individualism is the belief in the importance of the individual
and in personal independence.
Renaissance thinkers began to explore ideas about power and
the role of government in the lives of ordinary people.
These ideas posed a direct threat to the Catholic Church.

The Legacy of the Reformation

Many Renaissance thinkers believed the Church had become
Their claims led to a religious reform movement known as the
The Reformation challenged the Catholic Church and resulted
in the formation of a second type of Christian religion
By challenging the authority of the Church and the Pope it
contributed to the growth democracy.
But, democracy still did not take root in Europe.
The turmoil of the Reformation caused civil wars and conflicts
across Europe.
In many countries, powerful leaders seized control and
restored order.

In Conclusion
From the Prologue you should now have a clear
understanding of the following:
Democracy developed gradually over hundreds of years
and was influenced the Greeks and Romans, the ideas
of Judaism, Christianity and Islam, and as a result of
Renaissance and the Reformation.

The Power of the Church

During the Middle Ages, the Catholic Church was the most powerful institution in Europe. It fulfilled the need for
leadership during those times and while short-lived kingdoms rose and fell the church was one of the few sources of
leadership and stability that people could rely upon. The Pope helped to feed the people of Rome and paid to maintain
roads and other public works. In exchange, the Church expected unquestionable obedience to its authority. The Church
had the power to tax and had its own code of law and its own courts. It did not allow anyone to question the basic
principles of the Christian religion and those who preached beliefs not approved by the church were labeled heretics
(unbelievers who deserved eternal damnation) and could be sentenced to death. Galileo Galileithe famous
astronomer and engineerwas found guilt of heresy for teaching that the sunand not the earthwas at the center
of our universe. He was forced to recant (deny his statements) and he spent the rest of his life under house arrest.
The Roman Catholic Church came influence all aspects of lifereligious, social, and political. In the arts, little was
created that did not portray religious imagery. In education, schools were carried out at monasteries and in churches
and priests took on the role of professor. Those who did receive an education were mainly nobles and church leaders.
By the year 1200 the Church controlled 1/3 of all the land in Europe and its power stretched across kingdoms.

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The Renaissance
Europe had suffered during the Middle Ages from war and plague. The Black plague killed nearly 1/3 of the population of Europe
and caused widespread panic and fear. Peoples faith in God was shaken and by the end of the Middle ages people had begun to
question the ability of the church to protect them.
In the early 1300s a movementknown as the Renaissancebegan in Italy. The Renaissance changed how Europeans viewed
themselves and their world. Those who survived the plagues and wars of the Middle Ages wanted to celebrate life and enjoy
worldly pleasuresthe ideals of the Renaissance reflected these desires. The Renaissance era was marked by the growth of
Humanism and the weakening of Church power. The Humanist movement was secular (not religious) which threatened the power
of the Church. Humanists viewed life not only as preparation for the afterlife but as a joy in itself. They studied literature,
philosophy, music, theatre, and historysubjects that we know refer to as the humanities because they deal with human nature.
Humanists thought people could enjoy life without offending God and so they indulged in good music, fine food, and expensive
Renaissance ideas impressed scholars, artists, merchants, and students who visited Italy. These visitors brought their ideas home
with them and in such a way Renaissance ideas spread throughout Europe. A remarkable new processprintingalso helped
spread Renaissance ideas. Created in Germany by Johann Gutenberg, the printing press made it possible to produce books quickly
& cheaply. As a result people read more and literacy increased (the ability to read and write).

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Renaissance Artists
Renaissance artists produced some of the worlds greatest masterpieces. The art of the Middle Ages stressed religion
and the world beyond everyday life. Renaissance art depicted religious and non-religious subjects, depicted realistic and
life-like human figures, and everyday life. Some notable Renaissance artists were Michelangelo, Rafael, and Leonardo
de Vinci. De Vinci was known as the true Renaissance man because he was educated, artistic, athletic, witty and
charming. He strove to master every area of studyhe was an architect, engineer, painter, sculptor, and scientist. Hes
been credited with developing the first conceptual models of a helicopter and tank (these things would not be invented
until the 1900s) and some considered him to be perhaps the greatest painter of all time. His most famous workthe
Mona Lisais an excellent example of Renaissance art because of its secular and life-like qualities. Shakespearean
English playwrightstands out as the leading literary figure of the time because of his insight into human nature and
the way he was able to portray personality and human emotions. Showing such a deep understanding of people was a
hallmark of humanist ideology with its emphasis on individualism.
master painter,
sculptor and poet
was hired by the
Catholic Church to
paint the Sistine
Chapel in Rome. He
resented the
commission to paint
it because he thought
that it only served the
Popes desire of

It took da Vinci 10 years

to paint the Mona Lisa
and its been said that he
spent years just on the
eyes. Some speculate
that the subject of the
painting is a self-portrait
of da Vinci in drag, or the
artists mother, or
perhaps just someones
wife that he was hired to


Corruption in the Church

Some humanists argued that the Catholic Church had had become corrupt and lost sight of its spiritual purpose. They
argued that Church leaders were abusing their power and growing wealthy through the use of church funds. The Pope
and some priests openly took wives or mistresses, priests and monks drank excessively and gambled, and because many
of them were uneducated they were often unable to perform their duties properly. The sale of indulgences. What really
struck a chord for many was the sale of indulgences which were pardons from punishment for sinsessentially the
church was selling forgiveness to fund lavish construction projects and finance wars. Humanists saw this as an abuse of
church power and were outraged. One critic was the German monk Martin Luther. Luther believed that people could
win salvation only by faith in God, not through good works or through the purchase of indulgences. He believed that all
church teachings should be based on the Bible and further, that the Church and the Pope were false authorities and
that people did not need a priest to interpret the Bible for them. He is well known for coining the 95 thesis in which he
outlined his criticisms of certain Church practices he viewed as corrupt. He took of advantage of the printing press to
spread his views and ultimately, the religious reform movement he began would lead a split in the Catholic Church and
the birth of a new branch of Christianity known as Protestantism.

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