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Honors English II Course Syllabus 2015-2016

Seton Raynor
(919) 718-2400 ext. 2158
Office Hours: Room 512, before school, after school, third block planning (by appointment)
Course Description:
Students in English II read, discuss, and write about both classical and contemporary world literature
through which students will identify cultural significance. They will examine pieces of world literature in
a cultural context to appreciate the diversity and complexity of world issues and to connect global ideas
to their own experiences. Students will continue to explore language for expressive,
informational/explanatory, critical, argumentative and literary purposes, although emphasis will be placed
on explanatory contexts. In addition to literature study, students will:
Examine non-literary texts related to cultural studies.
Research material to use primarily in clarifying their own explanatory responses to
situations and literary-based issues.
Critically interpret and evaluate experiences, literature, language, and ideas.
Use standard grammatical conventions and select features of language appropriate to purpose,
audience, and context of the work.
English II will be divided into several units that include the big ideas of CULTURE, CONFLICT, POWER, and
CHANGE. We will look at a variety of types of literature within each big idea. Genres will include novels,
poetry, short stories, and non-fiction. There will be homework, quizzes, tests and projects that go along
with each unit. Writing will also be a huge emphasis in this course because of the English II EOC North
Carolina Exam.
Classroom Rules:
1. All handbook rules apply in my classroom and wherever I see you. As mentioned in the Student
Handbook, cell phones WILL NOT be taken out or used in class. If I see one out, I am required to
take it and turn it into the office.

1. Respect all property. Be honest. Treat this room as if you were the teacher and this is your
2. One mic please allow one person to speak at a time, without interruption. Raise your hand.
3. Ask before you get out of your seat for any reason.
4. I dismiss you, not the bell. It is impolite to pack up before the class has been concluded by
5. Do your very best at all times.
6. Work hard and be nice to people.
7. Profanity, slurs, bullying or obscenity will not be tolerated. (See Student Handbook)
(Extreme misbehavior will be dealt with severely and immediately.)
1. Student Teacher Conference / Warning
2. Teacher directed consequences which vary by the type of offense
3. Parent Teacher Conference via phone, email, or in person
4. Referral to Administrator (These are written and go on your permanent record)
Please bring these to class every day.
1. Your brain and sense of humor
2. Pencils with erasers and pens
3. College Rule paper
4. Highlighter
5. Binder/Folder to keep all of your work organized
50% - Daily Expectations
Participation, Notes, Journals, Vocabulary, Blog Responses, Homework, Classwork, etc.
50% - Assessments
Reading Tests, Vocabulary Quizzes, Timed Writing, Timed Multiple Choice, Take-Home Essays, Research
Papers, other projects that I announce count for a test grade, Midterms (counts as two) and
Final Exams (heavily weighted)
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Honors English II Course Syllabus 2015-2016

Attending class is extremely important if students wish to do well in this course and in school as a whole.
More than eight (8) absences (excused or unexcused) will result in failure of the course . The
student will have two (2) school days from the day they return to school to make up any missed work for full
credit when absent, whether excused or unexcusedNO EXCEPTIONS. I will have done my part in ensuring
students can keep up with work done in class, so I will not remind them to make up their work when they are
absent. It is their responsibility. Progress reports go out every three weeks. The deadlines for makeup
work are absolute and will not be extended. If you go over your allotted eight days and they are not
made up with the official attendance supervisors, you will receive an incomplete in the course,
assuming you would pass if you were not over your days.
Tardies will not be tolerated; it is imperative that students arrive to class on time. If a student is not
in their assigned seat by the time the bell rings, (s)he WILL be considered tardy. Every THREE tardies a
student receives results in a written referral; this is not my individual rule, it is practiced
Do it! If I did not want to read it, I would not have assigned it. These assignments are worth your time.
Me: I am here to help you succeed in this course. I am available for questions and extra help during free
periods, breaks, and after school. Please feel free to come and talk if you are having doubts or
difficulties. You may also email me with questions. Listed below are some key details about who I am and
what I expect from my students.
1. Do not be obsessed with asking/knowing if you are right. This course is not concrete.
2. You must read and write and think for yourself.

You may not get an A on every assignment or even your report card.

Do not panic.

4. Everything we do is for a reason. There is no such thing as busy work.

5. All work is due at the beginning of class. Gone are the days of excuses and late work. Being too
lenient is unfair to students who respect and honor deadlines.
6. Cheaters never win; winners never cheat. Do not assume you are so clever that you will get away with
copying (that is plagiarism and warrants a referral to administration as well as a failing grade).
7. Bad handwriting is disrespectful to your teacher.
8. You MUST plan before you write.

Do not assume you are a genius and can skate by without any

9. This is an ACADEMIC course: hearts over is, writing in all lower case, backwards letters =
unacceptable. We are in big school now. It is time to be mature in all things.
10. I take my job seriously, and I truly care about you being ready to leave high school as an informed
citizen and college/career-ready person. You are my kids and I am here for you, the student, as
well as you, the human being. Just bear in mind, I am your teacher, not your friend.
11. Lets not be afraid to say Im sorry. We must build our classroom environment on humbling
ourselves. Do not take yourself, me, this class, or life too seriously.
Expectations for Honors Level Courses and Students:
be more challenging than standard level courses in order to foster growth for advanced learners. Courses
that are designated as inherently advanced are designed at the honors level and do not have standard level
courses. Inherently honors courses are those with standards written in a progressive nature or courses that
require pre-requisite skills.
be distinguished by a difference in the depth and scope of work required.
Students, families, and all school personnel are informed and understand that honors level courses are
designed to be more challenging for the advanced learner. Honors level courses are developed as an integral
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Honors English II Course Syllabus 2015-2016

component of a differentiated program of study that provides an array of opportunities for all students
based on their aptitudes, achievement, and interests. A well developed academic program will have standard,
honors, and other advanced programs.
Students enrolled in honors level courses will:
possess the interest, ability and motivation to meet the challenges of an honors level course.
be willing to take greater responsibility for their learning.
aspire to an advanced level of learning through high quality work.
be aware of and complete any prerequisite course(s) leading to the honors level course.

Learning and Behavior Contract

Student and parent (or guardian) should sign in the spaces provided. These signatures indicate that
the student and parent are aware of the expectations of this class and the consequences that follow
any inappropriate behavior.
Return this page with signatures and all information for your first 100 on a homework assignment.
I have read the rules and procedures that govern Mrs. Raynors class. I know and understand what is
expected of me. I know that if I do not follow these rules and procedures that I will face the
consequences listed in the Southern Lee Student Handbook and/or those listed in Mrs. Raynors
Student Signature ___________________________________________________
Date ______________________________________
I have read the rules and procedures that govern Mrs. Raynors class. I know and understand what is
expected of my child. I know that if my child does not follow these rules and procedures that he or
she will face the consequences listed in the Southern Lee Student Handbook and/or those listed in Mrs.
Raynors procedures.
Parent/Guardian Signature ________________________________________________
Date _________________________________
Student Information
Student Name: ____________________________________________________________________________
Mailing address: ____________________________________________________________________________
Home telephone number:
Guardians Name:


Date of Birth: _____________________

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Honors English II Course Syllabus 2015-2016

Work telephone number:


Cell phone number: ____________________

E-mail addresses: _______________________________________________________________

Second Guardians Name:
Work telephone number:
E-mail address:


Cell phone number: ________________________


Do you have computer access at home?

____ Yes

______ No

Internet access?

______ Yes

Do you like school? _____ Yes

_____ No

Why or why not? _____________________________

What type of student do you consider yourself?

_____ Excellent_____ Good _____ Fair

_____ Poor

Do you play any school sports or extra-curricular activities (ROTC, Drama, Choir, Teacher Cadets,
______ Yes

______ No

If yes, what are they? _________________________________________

What would you most like for me, your teacher, to know about you? ________________________________
Student Schedule & Additional Questions
Homeroom/Advisory Teacher:


Room Number:

Room No.




Additional Questions (to be answered on loose leaf or typed):


Describe a time when learning felt good.

What does it mean to be a hero?
Describe your life ten years from now.
Who was your best teacher and why? Be sure to tell the grade and subject that teacher taught
5. Describe your family.
6. If you could live anywhere, where and why?
7. Name your all-time favorite book, and tell me why it is your favorite.
8. Describe an event of your past that had a large impact on who you are now.
9. Define who you are.
10. Describe the characteristics of your worst teacher.
11. Compare yourself to an animal.
12. What does it mean to be a friend?
13. Describe your English classes and teachers from middle school and high school. Make sure to
include a list of what you read and wrote in those classes. Your answers are for my eyes only.
Thank you for being here. I am excited to be your teacher and look forward to an excellent year. I
hope we make lots of great memories and everyone learns more than they expected about great books,
writing, and life!
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