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Employability Skills Requirements: Students are required to have correct office behavior at all times.
This includes respect for teachers, fellow students, equipment, and supplies.
CTAE Foundation Skills: Students enrolled in Business/Computer Education classes are expected to behave
in a professional business manner. According to the Georgia Department of Education, The Foundation Skills for Career, Technical
and Agricultural Education (CTAE) are critical competencies that students pursuing any career pathway should exhibit to be
successful. The Practice/Participation--CTAE Foundations Skills and Participation will count as 25% of each students final grade.
Points will be deducted for violation of these employability skills.


1Students will line up in the hall by my door WITH ONE SHOULDER TOUCHING THE WALL---FACING ME--until I give
them permission to enter my room. The students on the teachers right side of the classroom will line up on the teachers right wall.
The students on the teachers left side of the classroom will line up on the teachers left wall.)
2Once you enter the room, you are to be seated IMMEDIATELY in your assigned seat! This is imperative in a room like ours that
is filled with expensive equipment and power cords.
3Immediately log on to the computer (usernamefirstname.lastname Passwordlunch #)
4Look at the board to see what the NBCheck is for the day. The NBCheck needs to be taken out of your NB and placed on your
table. (NBCheck proceduregrade is recorded EVERY day. In addition to a grade, tickets may be given out to individual students
who have their NBChecks or may be given to your row if all of the students on your row have their NBChecks.)
are NOT following the rules if the Electronic devices are in your lap or in your pocket.)
6Begin your Start Up---This is normally your keyboarding assignment. It will usually be Typingweb OR MicroType. You need to
begin immediately. Do not wait on me to get you started.
Tardy Policy--By the time the tardy bell rings, you should already be IN YOUR SEAT and WORKING. You should not be at
the door, etc. I try to close the door as soon as the tardy bell rings. If the door is closing or closed DO NOT just sit down, you need to
come to me to QUIETLY let me know the reason that you walked into class late. Just like any of the discipline rules (1) warning
(2) Extra Assignment A (3) parent contact AND detention (4) parent contact AND discipline referral.
AttendanceYou are required to turn in a note to the front office explaining the reason for your absence. Unexcused absences and
excessive absences will lower your CTAE Foundation Skills grade. Be sure to check your missing grades at

INTEGRITY Technology is an important instructional resource. The use of computers is a privilege, not a right. Failure to
follow the guidelines will result in disciplinary actions, which may include restricted or denied access to school computers.
Students will use technology for educational purposes only. Any student found intentionally damaging and/or vandalizing any
hardware or software will be disciplined for school property abuse. You are assigned a computer work station for the quarter. This
work station will include a table, chair, CPU, monitor, keyboard, mouse, and mouse pad. You are responsible for your work station.
Be certain to only write on paper while in this class. (remember that even writing with the eraser end can cause damage) The only
cords that you are allowed to touch are your keyboard cord and your mouse cord. You are not to change ANY of the computer or
monitor settings. Do not put a flash drive, disk, etc. in the computer without permission from your teacher. If there is any problem,
it needs to be reported to me immediately upon you entering the class.
-Cheating is a VERY SERIOUS issue and will be treated as such. According to the Youth Middle School rules, cheating may be
defined as giving or receiving information from another source or person during independent class activity, quiz, test, exam,
homework or any other activity where the student is expected to produce his/her own work. If found cheating, you and the other
student will receive a 0 on the assignment(s), you will receive a 0 on your CTAE foundation grade for that week, your parent will be
contacted, and you will be given detention. If found guilty of cheating or plagiarism a second time he/she will receive a discipline
referral and more serious action will be taken by the administration.
-DO NOT walk between or near the front board and the teacher area at ANY time.

TIME MANAGEMENTUse your time efficiently while working at your work station. This includes not putting your head
down on your desk when you are supposed to be working. Be prepared for class every day. These supplies include your notebook
with blank paper and all papers that I have given you, a PEN, and your agenda. Borrowing supplies from me will cost you points and
will require time after class. You are to stay on task by working on the assignments given to you. You are not allowed to be on the
Internet or any other computer program unless you have been given permission to do so. Unless I have given you permission to do so,
you are not allowed to use cell phones, headphones, iPads, iPods, MP3 players, etc. while in class. You are to have these items turned
off , out of sight, and under your chair at all times. (Electronic Devices, Purse, Books, Notebooks, Bags, etc. should be placed
on the floor UNDER YOUR CHAIR.) You are to stay seated unless you are up for a very important reason. Most things can wait
until after class.

COOPERATIVE WORKYou are to keep your hands and your feet to yourself at all times. You are not to touch anything at
another computer station. You are to keep all 4 chair legs on the floor at all times. I will be respectful to you, and I expect you to be
respectful to me at ALL times. Make sure that you are SILENT when the teacher is talking, teaching, explaining, etc. Remember

that talking to your neighbor is a privilege and is only allowed at certain times. You are not to talk across the rows or the room. It is,
also, of extreme importance that you are KIND, HELPFUL, and RESPECTFUL TO EACH OTHER AT ALL TIMES.
(Absolutely no food, drinks, etc. will be permitted in this computer lab.)
PRIDEFollow the school dress code and language code. Have pride in yourself. (If I have to REMIND you to pull up your pants
or cover yourself, you will stay after class.) If the student cannot correct the clothing issue in class, the student will be sent to the

CLASS DISMISSALDismissal of class will occur with the teachers instruction (not the bell) once the room is quiet,
computers have been logged off, and the work stations are clean. Cleaning the work station includes (1) placing
the monitor at the back of the table (2) make sure that the keyboard cord and the mouse cord have fallen behind the table (3) placing
the keyboards straightand pushed backon the monitor stand (4) placing the mouse pad in landscape position with the left side
barely touching the keyboard and the bottom edge even with the keyboard (5) placing the mouse on the mouse pad with the left side
touching the keyboard (6) picking up paper/pencils, and any trash (7) pushing your chair under your work station table so that both
sides of the chair back touch the table (8) Once the bell has rung, the students will stand behind their chairs. The students will not
leave the room until the teacher has checked each row and dismissed the students.

Rewards are as follows:

Students who exhibit good CTAE Foundation Skills will receive tickets which will go into a weekly drawing.
Two names will be drawn each Friday for a Bonus Pass. This Bonus Pass may be used for a variety of things
such as 1 free assignment, 10 points added to a test (except the Post Test), or game time on Monday and
Tuesday instead of the Start-Up assignments.

Punishments are as follows:

Warning.Loss of Practice/Participation Points--CTAE Foundation Points, Stay After Class

Loss of Practice/Participation Points--CTAE Foundation Points, Stay After Class, Extra
Assignment A
Loss of Practice/Participation Points--CTAE Foundation Points, Stay After Class, after school
detention which includes parent contact
Loss of Practice/Participation Points--CTAE Foundation Points, Stay After Class, parent contact and/or a
discipline referral

*Note: Students assigned to ISS will be given an ISS assignment. The student will be required to make up the regular
class work, as well. (If the work that I give you during ISS isnt completed, you may receive after-school detention.)

After you read the Class Syllabus and this Classroom Policies and Safety Procedures sheet carefully,
please sign below to acknowledge that you have read BOTH and that you understand the evaluation
process and the Classroom Policies and Safety Procedures for this class. (Your students will, also, receive
another copy of this Classroom Policies and Safety Procedures sheet to keep in his/her Notebook.)

Class #______ (Please Print) Student Name__________________________

I have read the syllabus and the above information and understand what is required of me by my Business Education Teacher.
PRINT Student Name

Student Signature

PRINT Parents/Guardians Name

Parents/Guardians Signature

Guardians E-mail Address __________________________________________________________


Guardians Telephone Number ________________________________ (Textyes or no)

*** WISH LIST--Please bring in one ream of PRINTER/COPY PAPER ( a ream is usually a package of 500
sheets). The sheets could be white or pastel (light blue, light yellow, light green) OR a LARGE BOX OF TISSUE,
OR a LARGE BOTTLE OF HAND SANITIZER GEL. In addition to helping the class, YOU will, also, receive one
bonus pass that you can use in class. THANK YOU***

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