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Lesson Plan

Godys Armengot
Workshop Title: Creating and Customizing Your MyCourses Class Shell
Day # 5 Moving Forward
Subject(s) of the day's workshop: Set up the notification system and drop boxes on MyCourses
and explore advanced settings to meet participants specific curricular goals.
Prerequisite Knowledge: Days 1-4 of this workshop and RIT username and email account
Fine tune course shells by setting up the notification system, setting up and managing drop boxes
for assignment submissions, and exploring advanced settings on MyCourses based on curricular
needs. Participants will share their course shells with the group to get feedback and new ideas
before implementing them in their classes.
Participants will be asked to fill out the anonymous survey online in the lab.
Objectives for this lesson:

Set up and manage notifications

Create and manage drop boxes
Explore advanced MyCourses settings
Give and receive peer feedback on finished course shells
How will you teach the lesson? Details help.
This lesson will be taught in a computer lab using a projector to display key concepts, examples,
and steps on a screen at the front of the room. I will walk the instructors through the main ideas,
examples, and steps and address any questions they have while I walk around the lab helping
them. I will ask them to share any ideas or tips they have that are related to the lesson.

Additional materials you will use and how will you use them.
I will print a handout for each instructor and I will email them a link to the information so that
they have it electronically as well.
Evaluation Strategies
I will evaluate how well the lesson worked by having the instructors complete a survey
electronically in the lab. They will give feedback about what worked and what did not work and
if there are other topics or questions that were not addressed that they would like to see
addressed in the future.

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