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UMC CNEL CRO eC a Ss INTRODUCTION The home based business industry is NOT what it used to be... and unless you're willing to change your old habits, throw out your old ways, and CHALLENGE yourself to a new way of living & business building, You may not SURVIVE. Hi there, my name is Jonathan Budd, and inside this document I'm going to share with you 5 of the most powerful principles to building a multi-million dollar income in the home business industry in our modern age. ‘These principles will not only help you grow your existing business to heights you might not have believed possible... they will also help you achieve results no matter what level you're currently at in your business, Whether you are just getting started in the home business industry or a top producer already, this will be one of the most enlightening documents you'll ever read about creating incredible wealth in this industry in our modern age. How Do I Know Any of This? Well, as you already know my name is Jonathan Budd. At the time of writing this | am 26 years. ‘ld... I live in San Diego California, | have a beautiful girlfriend who | love and met while building my business. ‘And I own one of the largest home business training companies existing in our world, I made my first $6,000,000 by the time I was 26 years old in this industry. I've built one of the largest lists of network marketers possibly existing on our planet. I've shattered records, blown people's minds, and most importantly... coached & trained THOUSANDS of students how to become better entrepreneurs & make more money in their businesses. Does it sound like a phenomenal story? It is. And | would never be foolish enough to guarantee you'll experience the same results, or duplicate what I've done in any way. My story is phenomenal, and there are many reasons WHY. It’s those reasons I'm going to share with you inside this document today. | also wouldn't be foolish enough to believe you aren’t COMPLETELY capable of achieving everything | have, if not MORE, over the course of your lifetime. You see, one of the reasons I've been able to create a lot of success in this industry is because | KNOW just how powerful the human spirit is. | KNOW what the human spirit is capable of when it really sets it mind, heart, and soul to ‘accomplishing a task. | KNOW the latent potential sitting inside every human being, and inside every entrepreneur, who wants to create freedom for themselves through this industry. | would never assume for the LIFE of me, that after | share with you the knowledge, skills, and information that caused such a radical transformation in my life... that you wouldn't be able to do the EXACT same thing for yourself. The truth is... this world is YOURS for the taking The truth is... there are NO LIMITS to what you can achieve in your lifetime. Once you acquire the correct knowledge, the correct skill sets, have the true mentorship, and commit, yourself to the entire process of success... there's no telling what you are capable of creating, That is my goal. My goal is to inspire you to heights of GREATNESS, and furious intelligent action taking, that you've never known for yourself. IMy life is here to be a LIGHT guiding other people along this road of freedom, exactly like | have been guided. | can’t even describe to you how passionate | am about helping others create freedom | often fee! like Mel Gibson in the movie "Brave Heart”. When he is about to die... and with his very last BREATH he screams “FREEEEDDDOOOOOMMMMMMM". Well, that's me. And | will be screaming that word till the day I die as well... and I’m committed to freeing as many people as | can along the way. Make No Mistake... You are doing what you are doing right now for FREEDOM. What your business represents to you is the Unbridled joy of FREEDOM Freedom from money, freedom from being told what to do, freedom to live your life on your terms, but most importantly... FREEDOM to fulfill what YOU feel you came here to do. Nothing pains me more than watching our fellow brothers & sisters work their lives away for big, corporations, or jobs which bring them little to no true satisfaction | watch this squash the human spirit day after day... while dreams, goals, hopes, and aspirations get buried underneath a modern day defeated attitude of life that so many are living today. It's a waste. And | want to help change it. Contained within this introductory report I'm going to share 5 key principles, as well as action oriented strategies, that have changed my life and turned my business into @ multiple 7-Figure income annually. These principles will apply to any entrepreneur in the home business industry, and when you take action on them will change your life as well Pay close attention to each one, because there's true gold buried inside the following teachings. 12 29 33 a Introduction: Welcome Chapter 1: The Old Is Dying. (You Must Change) Chapter 2: How To Get Leads Online (Future of Advertising) Chapter 3: The Evolution of Follow Up (Time to Build A Real List) Chapter 4: You Inc. Chapter 5: Mentorship That Matters Chapter 6: Your Next Steps Chapter 1: The Old Is Dying (You Must Change) One of the most powerful principles to creating success you will EVER come across, is that of “Adaption’ Adaption really implies the ability to “Grow”. You see, most people in our industry might be clinging to their stubbornness. They might be clinging to what “use to work”... rather than looking to the future and saying to themselves “What's Working Now?” The bottom line is, the WORLD is changing. I'm not just talking about the home business industry here... I'm talking about the ENTIRE world. The world’s economics are shifting ‘Where money is going is shifting, The careers of the future are SHIFTING. ‘And what no one can deny at the end of the day is that the LARGEST growth sectors happening in ‘our world right now, the largest companies being born, the largest amount of millionaire’s being created... it's ALL happening on the Internet Think about the HOUSEHOLD NAME companies that have emerged in the last 5 years... and what hammes pop into your mind? Can | venture a few guesses...? Google, Facebook, MySpace, Youtube, Twitter just to name a few. ‘As well as APPLE, Iphones, Ipads and other technology related products EXPLODING onto the world scene, Do you see any major trends here? But that’s really just the start. The STATISTICS will speak louder than even what's plainly obvious to the public about where the largest companies are forming and tow fast today. Figure this... last year Internet advertising SURPASSED all Television & radio advertising in the United Kingdom. It's predicted to SURPASS United States television advertising within the next few years, Do you realize how MONUMENTAL that is? Television has been the absolute KING of media since its birth. It has dominated human culture, and tas been the largest scale of advertising companies has ever been able to use. Because of its cost, it’s been exclusive only to the richest companies on planet earth. Yet within the next few years we WILL see the Internet SURPASS television advertising, marking a brand new ERA in our world of where the Media is going, ‘Yet Get This. Imagine if you buy an ad spot on television for 2 couple bucks. Imagine if you were one of the first people to find out about Television, and the fact you could advertise on it so cheap. Imagine if there were dozens of ways you could essentially BECOME the television for your prospects, except you could do it for FREE. Now stop imagining, and welcome to the Internet, The Internet is seriously a GOLDMINE of advertising. It is a GOLDMINE of prospects. It is the FUTURE of where our world is heading in terms of economics and information. There is NO possible better place you could be positioned in front of, than learning “Internet Skill Sets” to grow your business & make money. Absolutely NOTHING is more powerful right now for growing a home based business than understanding the mechanics of real advertising, and how to get the cheapest leads possible to ‘grow your business. That is the difference between the amateurs, and the new professionals in our industry. Let me explain... ‘The Amateurs chase people around trying to get them to join their home based business. ‘The Amateurs hang on to every prospect they get, because they are afraid of running out of prospects. They're desperate for people to talk to about their business, so they get clingy and attached & push their prospects away. ‘The Amateurs have very little ACTUAL business awareness. They aren't able to see that EVERY real business has to have some sort of advertising strategy or campaign to pull in new prospects. Your network marketing company has YOU to sell their products. What do you have? Their advertising strategy is AFFILIATES. What's yours? I you're going to tell me making a list of your friends and farnly, harassing people in grocery store lines, or buying over priced, useless leads... then I'm going to tell you it's time to WAKE UP. It's time to get with the times, and realize you are setting yourself up for failure if you don't make some drastic changes in your business soon. The Internet is the SOLUTION to these problems. Whereas most people who are relying on traditional outdated information in network marketing are ‘STRUGGLING right now to find prospects... the smart entrepreneurs of today are turning towards the Internet. They are turning towards effective strategies in which they can DEPEND ON to get new prospects, ‘and get new LEADS flowing into their lives. My philosophy is this, and this is what I've built a multimillion dollar business on. “if | Can't Control My Lead Flow, Advertising, and Income Creation... Then | Don't Have A Real Business. All I've Got is A Flimsy Attempt At One.” That's the bottom line. If you came to me now a day and told me to base the millions of dollars | earn a year on hopefully recruiting some people | meet in a grocery store... I'd laugh at you. 10 | base the millions per year | earn on my OWN efforts. I’m not going to chase untargeted prospects around trying to convince them to join my business... I'm going to out there and GET MY OWN. LEADS who | already know are interested in making more money. I you really think about it... why would you want to waste your time with any other type of lead? ‘Why would you want to have to CONVINCE someone else they should want to make more money? Yet that's in essence what 99% of the people in our industry are doing, Why would you not want to learn how to ADVERTISE in @ completely scientific way, and get people who WANT to make more money to stick their hands up & say... "YES. Please show me how.” Well, that's what | do. And it's worked pretty darn good to date. The moral of this first chapters distilled teaching is this... You have to be able to ADAPT if you're going to be successful in business. You have to be willing to GROW. You have to be willing to go where the “leads are going”, and move your business there. If you stay stuck in the past, if you stay stubborn and gripping what “use to work” or what you're “Comfortable with”... you're going to get passed by all the “Adapters”. Everyone who is open to growth is going to pass you by. ‘And frankly, at this point in my career I've seen it’s just plain foolish to ignore the power of the Internet, That brings us to chapter 2. 11 Chapter 2: How To Get Leads Online (Future of Advertising) ‘Advertising has undergone some INCREDIBLE revolutions in the last few years that any smart business ‘owner NEEDS to be aware of if they wish to thrive in today’s competitive marketplace But before | get into what some of these advancements are and how you use them in your business... | need to dispel some incredible ignorance’s that have lingered in the home business industry for far too long. First off, it's almost comical to me that millions upon millions of people in the home business industry, who have joined network marketing companies, continue to buy look line and sinker that the only way to build a business is by contacting your friends and family It’s staggering to me that such an ideology could perpetuate for so long, unquestioned by the masses of the industry. However, the questioning has INDEED been rising in the past few years. And millions of people are waking up from this slumber that there is only “one way” to build a business. In truth, most home business owners have been taught TERRIBLE principles of entrepreneurship by many of the leaders of these companies, who are speaking only company rhetoric. Entrepreneur Principle #1: You Must Advertise Advertising isnot an option in business. Period, end of story. | don't know a SINGLE successful business organization in the world that doesn’t have a strategy for how they are going to get prospects, leads, and customers for their business. 12 NOT ONE. Even organizations that rely on FREE advertising, such as viral marketing or word of mouth, STILL. have a clearly defined strategy for how they are going to GET EXPOSURE, and get eyeballs viewing their business. What's your strategy? It’s high time that home business owners wake up to the fact they NEED a strategy to get leads if they're going to be successful in their business. Most people have been relying on the strategy of talking to friends and family, asking for referrals, or cold approaching strangers... however many find this strategy is simple not enough to actually, make money in network marketing ‘When you find this out... you must take ACTION to develop a more comprehensive strategy to get ew prospects & make money in your business. Entrepreneur Principle #2: Diversification All smart entrepreneurs realize that diversification is ESSENTIAL to creating a SOLID, long lasting business, We've all heard the expression before... “Don’t keep all your eggs in one basket”. And it's one of the TRUEST expressions you could ever hear in business. It's also called the “Single Point Of Failure” in many marketing circles. There should NEVER be a single point of failure in your business... meaning if one specific thing was to happen it could destroy your chances for success. 13 ‘The most intelligent and successful entrepreneurs DIVERSIFY their businesses, so there is no “single point of failure” that can bring them down, They don’t depend on just ane source for all their trafic, prospects, or leads. Then if that source went down... so does their business. No no no my friend... diversification is as important as it's ever been in our fast changing world of business. ‘The more sources you have for your prospects, the more STABLE your business is going to be for the Long Haul. The less diversified you are, the more flimsy your business will be, and | predict you will often feel like you have no control over your income what so ever. In contrast, the entrepreneurs who are WELL diversified, and have a steady hand controlling where their leads & prospects are coming from... never worry about how they're going to make money. They never worry if their business will continue to produce tomorrow, because they KNOW it will IW’ for this reason the Internet has become an ALL IMPORTANT advertising medium for YOU and your business. There are literally so many ways for you to get new prospects on the Internet... it’s ABUNDANCE in every fashion of the word. The key is you have to PUT yourself ahead of the pack. You have to CHOOSE to learn the newest skill sets, the newest strategies, and get the most cutting edge information BEFORE others. It's no secret; those who RIDE the wave of trends first... are the ones who make the most money. It’s of the utmost importance you dedicate yourself to riding the waves of these new trends, and TEACHING 14 yourself these all-important skills of Internet Advertising. Internet Advertising is literally the ‘missing link’ between so many entrepreneurs & their success. It can easily be the connecting link between the TRILLIONS of dollars to be made that is floating around out there in our world... and YOU, Right now, if you're like most people have you no connecting link to the almost infinite amount of money floating around on our planet right now. You tiave NO CLUE how to get some of that money for yourself... yet it's RIGHT THERE in front of you... just floating around ‘And the principles to get it are scientific, within your reach, and require nothing more than your consistent action. You will be the one to make the choice whether you're willing to DO IT or not. And if you're not willing to take the action steps to get the money... then you won't get the money. It’s that simple. Now, Lets Talk Advertising. There are so many primary forms of advertising on the Internet... I'm only going to share with you some of the most powerful I currently use in my business to get HUNDREDS of leads daily. ‘What | want you to keep in mind is that there is literally an INFINITE amount of people out there on the Internet. | say infinite, because there are for more people than you will ever be able to do business with, talk to, or even see. ‘The scope of the potential sitting in front of your face is SO VAST; it's beyond most normal people's comprehension, Most average people never even consider the actual possibilities existing in front of 15 them, however it’s my goal to change that for you. | want you to CEASE to think like average people... and start thinking like a ‘warrior’. Start thinking like a true ENTREPRENEUR. See the world for what it really is... @ MAGICAL place filled with unlimited ‘opportunity for you, if only you'll develop the necessary vision to see it When it comes to advertising... There are 5 ways | currently am getting traffic & leads from the Internet, which are HUGE in their potential, and readily available to anyone who wants them. Now, Let's Talk Advertising Pay-per Click (PPC) marketing is currently our largest source of leads, And quite possibly the largest ‘advertising innovation that’s happened in decades. There are 3 major search engines, which you can create an advertising account with, to do your OWN pay-per click marketing. I’m going to show you where to sign up for them now, plus tell you more about what this marketing medium is. (I'm also going to give you a MAJOR warning you must heed) The 3 major search engines we use PPC on are Google “YAHOO! msni@ Ciek Sign Up Glick Sin Up Clekte Sign Up noctaioecen —aanieieabten pine 16 Here's Why Pay-Per Click (PPC) Marketing Is So Revolutionary... Before the Internet, it simply was NOT possible to do marketing as targeted as you now can online. Imagine not PAYING for advertising, until your prospect has already expressed an interest in your business. ing when your prospect stuck up their hand and said... “I’m Well, that’s PPC marketing. Basically how it works is this... you can sign up for an account with the major search engines that allows you to place ads when people type in CERTAIN keywords. Then, when people CLICK on your ad after they type that keyword into the search engine... only then do you pay, This is revolutionary for several reasons. #1: You can now target your prospects based on the EXACT keywords they are typing into the search engines. This means you can LASER focus so specific... that if you ONLY wanted to deal with leads who had $100,000+ in the bank, you could. Example: Create an ad that targets people looking up “Buying A Quiznos franchise”, and the ONLY people you will be dealing with are people who obviously have money to invest in a business. Ae This is just flat out revolutionary, and advertising this targeted has NEVER been possible. Plus, with the incredible rise in search engine traffic, and the # of people coming on the Internet... your pool of prospects is only going to increase. #2: You only PAY once they click on your ad. This means, you get to CONTROL their level of interest BEFORE you even pay for your advertising, Compare this to television ads, radio ads, newspapers, bulletins, or anything else that's ever existed NOTHING comes remotely close to not paying until your prospects have already SHOWN they are interested in what you are offering. Plus, there are many many advanced PPC marketing strategies | could show you that will BLOW your mind as to their power & profitability, which | don't have time for in this free report, Trust me, | haven't skimmed the surface of what's even REMOTELY possible with PPC marketing, and just how targeted you can actually get. Here's My Warning Though... Advertsing is the real deal. It's not a monopoly game... it's the real world. I've seen a lot of people waste money on PPC marketing because they didn't have the correct strategy, they have no clue what they are doing, and they thought they could just do it themselves. Unless you have a VAST experience in marketing & advertising... have spent TENS of thousands in the past on advertising, | wouldn't go close to PPC without a proper education first I'm not kidding you, you'd probably spend $10,000-$50,000 in advertising money to learn YOURSELF what you can learn in a lousy $500 course on PPC marketing. You might have to spend even more if you 18 were trying to learn 100% on your own, It just makes sense to have mentors who have spent that money before, and can show you exactly the smartest, and mast profitable ways to market your business using this advertising medium. Considering PPC marketing is bar none one of the easiest ways to get started growing your business, and Provides more traffic than ANY other medium | know... it's a powerful skill set to begin learning. ‘And make no mistake, there's “no way around this”. If you want to make MONEY, I'm talking lots and lots and lots of money in your lifetime, then you NEED to develop your skill sets. Money does not flow to the unskilled. The unskilled sit and watch the skilled actually have FUN in the game of life. The unskilled are on the benches, while the skilled are PLAYING. If you want to live an average life... then have average skills. I you want to live an EXCEPTIONAL life of freedom, then develop some exceptional skills that will GRANT you that life of freedom. Becoming a Master PPC marketer is a skill just like that, and it's one that’s made me millions of dollars in this industry in a VERY fast time period. [As such, I've become an incredible teacher of PPC marketing, and arn possibly one of the most successful PPC marketers existing on the Planet in our industry, who's ever taught students. I'm not saying that to feel good about myselt, cause | really don't derive my identity from such things, I'm saying it because it’s the truth, 19 ‘And you need to learn right from the start who | ar as a mentor to you, so that after today when you stop reading this report you can make a choice in CONFIDENCE as to whether or not you want to continue being mentored by me to help you make money & grow your business. You see, Winning the battle of success is a life long process. Winning your freedom, creating a legacy business, making MILLIONS of dollars, and just all around being successful is something you dedicate your life too. You will NEED incredible mentorship and teachers on this journey. Your mentors and teachers will save you far more time, money, and resources than you could ever even give them (trust me) if you are applying their knowledge to its true potential. Without my teachers in life, | would be nothing. | credit the incredible men and woman who've spent their lives acquiring knowledge before me with ALL of my success & amazing freedom | now experience in ite We'll talk more about the incredible importance of mentorship in chapter 5. For now, if you'd like to sign up for a free webinar (special online class) I'l be giving on Wednesday night ‘on how to build a 6-7 Figure business SPECIFICALLY using Pay-Per Click marketing... you can do so here: Click Here to Request Access to Our Special 6-7 Figure PPC Webinar This Upcoming Wednesday Night ntto:/getooinwebinar.convieslppc! 20 Traffic Source #2: Facebook is one of the EASIEST places in the world to network, build a following, generate leads, build relationships, and get exposure for your business. Facebook has now OVERTAKEN Yahoo in terms of world wide traffic, as the #2 most trafficked website in the world, That’s incredible. With over 450,000,000 users at time of writing this | currently have about 12,000 people in my network an Facebook, and every single time | send out an update, post a video, post a note, or any of the other functions you have available to you within Facebook | generate about 100-200+ unique visitors to whatever I'm promoting, I I roll out a campaign, meaning | am consistently sharing the same link on facebook, that link will get, from 500-1000+ UNIQUE visitors to click on it. [And it’s ALL free. As in, doesn't cost a dime. You can become my friend on Facebook here now if you want to connect with me, and see how I do it... (we should become friends on facebook anyway.) http://Facebook. (note, there is a paid advertising portion of facebook that | will have to cover in later trainings, but it's VERY powerful.) You can also sign up for facebook here if you don't have an account. Sign Up Here tp:/ 21 Facebook isn't an option. It's where your prospects are; you NEED to be there, and aware of how to use it intelligently as well It's easy to get started. For now | recommend creating your account, and just starting to ‘Add Friends’ to build your network. Target friends who are either in Groups that are related to your niche, or groups who you think would make great prospects, IE: people interested in making money, already in network marketing, etc. Hint: do not add more then 10-20 friends per day until your account is WELL established. Facebook doesn’t ike people who do this, and you could run the risk of getting the account deleted. Just grow it slow and steadily, and be very interactive in your building of relationships with people | will come back in future trainings and show you many more advanced strategies. Now, it's no mystery one of the most time tested marketing strategies on the Internet is getting your websites ranked in the search engines. There are billions of people searching for specific keywords on the search engines on a monthly basis. Taking the action to get YOUR site to show up on some of those specific keywords, can equate to a LIFETIME of free advertising & traffic for your business. | have made a KILLING from having certain sites, ranked in the search engines. In fact, my first company | really blew up to a $60,000+ per month income stream carne mostly from tratfic | was getting from the search engines. 22 There's a plethora of ways you can get content ranked in the search engines. In fact, one of the most powerful ways today is by using a “Blog". You probably have seen blogs being used everywhere, and that’s because they are INCREDIBLE tools to use to grow your business. | use blogs in a variety of different ways, which I don’t have the time to cover here today. But you can see one blog we set up, to get ranked in the search engines for specific terms below. Our Online MLM Secrets Blog nttp:/ww.cnlinemimsscretscom/mn-business/ We currently generate 30-40 leads per day just from this blog, and having “posts” on this blog showing up all over the search engines for different content in our industry. It you're interested in setting up your own blog, | highly recommend doing it here for the most AFFORDABLE cost in our industry. Blog Set up Service ftp:/wav.onlinminsecrets.comsesign” We can help you set up your blog for under $200. However, if you want a much higher end service, that will customize many more things for you, you can use a service like Unique Blog Designs mtovmew.uniqueblogdesigns con A customized blog from these guys will cost you about $2500. | do not recommend this at this early in the stage of your online advertising career. | think you'd get FAR more bang for your bucks spending {$200 on a blog, and investing the rest of that $2500 you would of spent into advertising and education... so you actually know what you are doing. 23 To get back to the point of Search Engine Optimization (SEO), once you have a blog you can write “Posts” about any subject you want. You can include specific keywords in these posts, which will give you the potential of ranking in the search engines when prospects type those keywords in. There are many other factors of SEO like Link building, on page optimization, and other such things which if you're interested in you can learn in future trainings. These factors can make the big difference between top search engine rankings and non existent ones. Traffic Source #4: quickly rocketing to one of the top 15 most trafficked websites in the world. (generally rule of thumb, go to and look at most trafficked websites in the world, and THAT is where you can get incredible amounts of prospects from J) a The website phenomenon twitter has exploded onto the scene in the last 18 months Twitter is another social media site that allows you to BUILD a network of “Followers” that you can ‘communicate with one single “tweet”, AA tweet is a short, 140 character message you can send out, that ANYONE who is following you can see. Twitter has truthfully revolutionized a lot of social media strategy with its UTTER simplicity Not only that, but | think twitter is an evolutionary form of “search” in and of itself. When you think that you can visit this site now, worm. Search. 24 ‘And you can look up ANY conversations happening in REAL TIME on twitter, about ANY subject. Let's look at a concrete example. ‘When the earthquake just happened in Haiti, and you went to google to research it, you'd not find a super amount. It takes time for google to determine the most popular websites, determine which ones should be ranked, all that good stuff However, if you searched that SAME keyword on twitter you could have @ REAL TIME list of ALL the conversations that were happening on that subject. You could know in REAL time what everyone is, saying about it, find links, find articles, whatever you want, | think we're JUST beginning to see the power of Twitter, and this company has YET to roll out their full fledge advertising program yet. Currently all our traffic is coming from just using the “User” side of twitter... | can't WAIT for them to roll out an advertising program. | highly recommend you follow me on twitter to learn more. Jonathan Budd on Twitter np./ewn.witte.convionathanbudd You can create an account in the top right, and then come back to my main page and just click the “Follow” button under my name. You will now get all of my status updates on your main home page, of feven your cell phone if you wanted to. Typically, if you want to grow your own twitter following, it’s very simple. By targeting the followers of major industry “Gurus” who you think would make great prospects for your business... you can often build an easy following, 25 Here is the general rule of thumb, about 30-35% of the people YOU follow on Twitter will follow you back. So if you want to build a following without first being some “guru”... then just follow other people. After about 7 days, you should UNFOLLOW all of those people who did not follow you. This will allow you to continue growing and growing your network. Then, as you build relationships with all the people you will now be meeting they can have the chance to see how VALUABLE you really are. There's @ lot of incredible ways to use Twitter to grow your business, which | will show you in future trainings, but suffice it to say this doesn't even touch the surface, Twitter currently generates hundreds to thousands of clicks to my websites on a monthly basis. Traffic Source #5: Paid Media Paid Media is the next “wave” of major online advertising | believe is going to sweep our industry. As marketers get better and better at converting traffic into leads, and leads into MONEY... paid media is going to EXPLODE. Paid Media is a pretty easy concept to understand. It just refers to "buying media on any website”. It's sort of like the NEW yellow pages. You just BUY advertising space on any website you want. This could be banners, text links, pop ups, or all sorts of other things. There are also HUGE ad networks like, or which once you are “ready to enter the big leagues”... you can go to these networks and they will literally PLASTER you allover the Internet, 26 This is basically how the fortune 500 companies do their advertising on the Internet. If you want YOUR, FACE showing up on Newsweek's website, the New York Times, or target... these are the guys and gals, that will put you in front of the masses. Lets suffice it to say that Paid Media is HUGE, and the possibilities for advertising are endless. One simple tip | will give you right now is a REALLY easy one. You can have a banner made on a website like this... (one of our FAVORITE websites in the world for any graphic or web design). Dozens of designers will compete to create you a banner you like, and you ONLY pick and pay for your favorite one. It’s ingenious. Once you have a banner, | recommend moseying around the Internet and finding other websites that fall into these categories: © Making money online Network Marketing, mlm Home based businesses © Job sites ‘© Wealth creation advice sites Real estate, stock broking, ete ‘Anything else related to making money. All you have to do to get going now is find the “contact us" link or the “advertisers” link at the bottom of the website, and contact the webmaster about putting your banner on their sit. 27 Make sure you negotiate their price DOWN from whatever they are going to originally tell you, because you CAN, and then have them put your banner up. There's literally HUNDREDS to thousands of sites all over the Internet you can put banners on to get targeted traffic & leads coming back into your business. Again, this is just a piece of the magical infinite possibilities at your fingertips once you see the world this way, and develop the VISION to go out there and make it happen. Hopefully you can see after this section, there is TREMENDOUS possibility for you to make money on the Internet, and grow a REAL business. You should also have a firm understanding of the principles | discussed earlier... so that you are building a business on a TRUE sound footing, not on a flimsy whim. | use each and every one of these mediums | shared with you today to collectively generate HUNDREDS of leads daily for my business, and have built one of the LARGEST incomes existing in our industry. | didn't put my success at the whim of whether one person said yes or no to me... | went out there and PHYSICALLY built an advertising machine that funnels MORE new leads into my business daily than | know what to do with You get to choose which path you want to go down, The “Future” of advertising, Or hanging on to the “past” of how this industry built businesses. | will help you with all my power once you make the choice & decide you're GOING to build a life of @ freedom, no matter what. We'll talk more about that soon. For now time to move on to chapter #3. 28 Chapter 3: The Evolution of Follow Up (Time To Build A REAL List) In traditional network marketing they tell you to make a list of your friends and family. Thats your “list”. Well, I'm not going to tell you to build that list. In fact, | think that list is somewhat laughable in ‘comparison with the alternative for “list building” that | am now going to give you. You see, on the Internet they have lots of “Tools”. And these “tools” have been designed to make life EASIER, and give you ability's to market that just didn’t exist before the advent of the Internet. Bar none, the most POWERFUL tool in a modern day marketers tool chest is his “Autoresponder”. And the reason why his autoresponder is SO powerful is because that is where his “REAL LIST" is stored. Let me explain, On the Internet, the primary objective of most advertising is to GET THE LEAD. The reason why is, once you have a lead opt in to what we call a “lead capture page”... that lead is now on your “LIST”. This means, you can follow up with that lead ENDLESSLY from this point on until they either opt out of your email list, or die. That's pretty powerful. Yet you aren't paying $.44 for a stamp to mail to their house, you're not paying for paper or material or anything else. You can send as much EMAIL as you want, basically for free, once that lead is in your “list”. And this doesn’t even touch a fraction of how profitable it isto build your OWN email marketing list of prospects. 29 ‘The truth is, your DATABASE is your asset. A modern day “list” is an asset beyond old school network marketers can conceive. A modern day list gives you the ability to build relationships with hundreds, thousands, tens of thousands, even HUNDREDS of thousands at the TOUCH of a button. Yes, that is correct, at the TOUCH of a button. For example, at the time of writing this | have 156,000 people on my email list that | can communicate with at the TOUCH of a button. | can fiterally build relationships with tens of thousands of people at once, all by sending out an email. Could you imagine trying to build a relationship with 10,000 people individually? It's impossible, Yet modern day marketing makes it POSSIBLE, and EASY, once you understand how. Not only that, but once you have our own just ONE home based business opportunity. st”, you realize there are far more ways to make money than You can actually offer your list a VARIETY of products, opportunities, or services that they WILL WANT, and you can get paid money on. This is one of the most key new concepts of the home business entrepreneurs of the future, and I'll share more about that with you in the next chapter. For now, what you need to understand is that “The money is in the LIST”. But the money isnt ina is of people's names you have writen down on a friggin napkin somewhere. The money isin the LIST you have stored in an autoresponder database, that you can push a button and communicate with thousands of people at once with. Imagine what recruiting for your business looks like then. 30 Imagine the new found possibilities you have to make money when you can send out an email to thousands of people at once, telling them to show up to your webinar or call to discover what you have to offer. ‘Sounds a lot better than hassling every person you can find one by one doesn’t it? The real beauty lies in your “Long Term” nurturing of the list though... as it truly becomes an Asset worth its weight in gold. You see, the real value of your list is found in your RELATIONSHIP with your list Everyone knows that your network/relationships are where you make ALL of the big money in our industry. The higher quality your network, the more relationships you have, the easier itis to make money. Building your own “List” online allows you to build relationships with thousands of people at once. It's @ scale of relationship building our industry has never known. Not only that, but there are MANY advanced strategies | will show you in future volumes for how to do this, and make even more money in your business than you can fathom right now. My favorite autoresponder company | use is a company called Get Response. They are very affordable, easy to use, have great support, and I've used them to make A LOT of money in my business. You can see getresponse here. tn./mww.gtresponse com/index MLMTactics Intelligent professionals build REAL LISTS. They build a TRUE database they can quantify, control, nurture, and make money from for LIFE. The Internet, and my teachings, provides you with this path. 31 But hey, if you want you can keep harassing your friends and family. Your choice and if you enjoy it my hat’s off to you. For now, it’s time we move on to the next revolutionary concept to emerge in building a million dotlar business in our MODERN market place. 32 Chapter : YOU Inc. This is a FASCINATING concept that is going to change your life right now, and going to change how you build your business for the rest of time. Not only that, but I'm going to FREE you from the false concept so many have of their businesses in this, industry You see, many people ONLY think about their success in terms of how it relates to the particular network marketing or home business they are a part of For example, my first company in this industry was a company called “pharmanex”. All | could do my first year in the business was eat, breathe, and sleep Pharmanex. | probably annoyed every single person who knew me to NO END with how obsessed | was. And the only thing | could think about in terms of making money was reaching whats called "Blue Diamond” in Pharmanex. ‘That was the ranking where all the people who got there made an average of $50,000 per month. And I was OBSESSED. | would of sold Pharmanex to the grave, had life not stepped in to SAVE me from my insanity, and wake me up to a much LARGER context to play in. 33 You see, truth be told.,. as a network marketing distributor you are more or less just an affiliate, a sales rep, for a particular company... selling THEIR product. The great thing about network marketing is they have a magical compensation structure that allows you to get leveraged income, and earn off the efforts you put in today potentially fora lifetime. However you are DELUDING yourself if you think that a network marketing business is YOUR business. It’s NOT. It's the company’s you are a distributor with. To you, it’s nothing more than an income stream... because you don't actually own a darn thing, (Most people fail to realize this, but it's the truth) We are hypnotized by our beloved network marketing companies to become LOYAL advocates, who will sell those products to the death. And that’s how many companies build such successful organizations, leven while the vast majority of distributors in those companies fail to make any substantial money what so ever. Here's the Problem as I see It... You are not actually being TAUGHT how to be an entrepreneur by any network matketing company. You are being taught how to be a ‘great distributor’ of their product They only have ONE motivation, and it’s to teach you how to become a great distributor, NOT a great entrepreneur. Because there is a HUGE difference between the two, A great distributor sells ONLY the product he is a distributor for. He is completely attached and dependent on that product to sell, if he’s to make any money. 34 ‘A great distributor can make lots of money, but they lack lots of independence. They are at the whim of the company, or another company. But depend on companies in one form or another for their income, even if they're great. An ENTREPRENEUR on the other hand could give a rats hoot about “depending” on any one company. ‘An entrepreneur views network marketing for what it REALLY is, “An Income Stream”. That's it. We know all to well that at the end of the day we do not OWN the network marketing company... thus it's nat really our business. It's theirs. We understand our relationship. They provide the product. We market it. But we don’t take it out of context for what it really is... which is a distributorlowner relationship. In which you are the distributor. However, the concept of "YOU INC” takes building businesses to the next level in this industry. “You Inc.” was first introduced to our industry by my legendary friend Mike Dillard, Who's made tens of millions in our industry. | will teach you what “You Inc” means to me, and also show you how it changed my life. My hope is that it will change yours in the same way. You Inc. Opens DOORS Previously Closed. When limited under the mindset of “distributor” only, an entrepreneur often fails to see the multitude of possibilities that exist right under his nose in many other forms. 35 Now that you are LEARNING from me, | will quickly dispel the mindset of the distributor from you, and help to turn you into a REAL entrepreneur. | will show you the MANY ways in which you can grow YOUR business, not someone else's. For starters, the “You Inc.” concept is centralized around the teachings of chapter 3. Mainly building your OWN list of prospects that you can communicate with, and market to, for the rest of time. Having your OWN list of prospects allows you to market ANYTHING you want, not just whatever primary business opportunity you are a part of. Under the "You Inc.” Business model... network marketing is merely ONE income stream, ‘There are literally DOZENS of income streams you can add into your business. This becomes even MORE true once you start building your business on the Internet, and a whole other world of income possibilities open up to you. For example, an the Internet there is what's called “Affiliate Marketing”... which fias become one of the most popular home based business models EVER since it’s inception online several years ago. Affiliate marketing is one of the EASIEST ways to make money, because all you have to do is refer people to buy a product of some sort, and you will be paid a commission on that product. However, the Internet has made it extremely easy to do affiliate marketing Almost every smart company on the Internet today has a good affiliate marketing program attached to their products. You can learn more about our affiliate program here... Jonathan Budd's Affiliate Program htp:/ 36 You can create a free account with most affiliate programs, just like ours above, and log into your back office within minutes. Once inside, you will be given “affiliate links”. If you were to send your contacts, prospects, or whoever else to an affiliate link for a particular product you thought was incredible, or worthy of promotion, and your prospects BOUGHT... you would be paid @ commission on that product. Typically, it could be anywhere from 30-70% commissions, which is VERY high, and only possible because it’s the Internet. Affliate Marketing is just one example of you can monetize (make money) in a variety of ways outside of JUST your main opportunity. When you're building your business on the Internet, these doors just KEEP opening. ® Because all of your leads are under YOUR control, and you can communicate with them whenever you want, you can also offer a VARIETY of products & services they are probably buying ANYWAY... except now you can profit from them. For example, most people interested in making money building their own business NEED training badly. The training industry is a HUGE, multi-deca million dollar per year industry... why should you not be offering affiliate links for your favorite training so people buy from you? Have you ever thought about being a consultant? Why should your prospects pay outside people thousands for personal attention when they could be paying you? The same goes with information products, coaching, services, and a WHOLE other world of things you ‘can make money from in this industry. 37 Think about it... ‘What do all of the TOP people in every single network marketing company in the industry do once they get there? They create their OWN cd's, trainings, process maps, or whatever to SELL for themselves. They diversify their income through a variety of ways, why should you be any different just because you may not be at the “top” right now? It only makes sense. Further more, who would believe that EVERY single lead you ever generate is going to want to join your specific business? The fact of the matter is only about 2% of the leads you generate are actually going to be a ‘Good! fit for your business. That's the truth, And HUGE businesses are built on those numbers However, what are you going to do with the other 98% of leads you generate? This is where most network marketers/ distributors in our industry lose their shirt They assume, because they are thinking like distributors and not entrepreneurs, that they stiould just ‘Move On’ to the next person, However, under the “You Inc.” business model the other 98% are STILL, your prospects. Now you just pull out from your other additional income streams and offer them what they ARE interested in. maybe it's training, maybe it's coaching, maybe it’s a higher price point opportunity, maybe a lower one... who knows. But the essentials of "Marketing Funnel Mastery” are to have a product available for your leads to buy at whatever level THEY are at. 38 I you only have ONE main offer available to your prospects... you are going to be KILLING the amount of income you can make in your business. In fact, | don’t even know how one would be able to grow a successful business in today's advertising climate if ALL they are offering is ONE lousy opportunity. If you're advertising next to me, and I'm offering 10 different ways for my prospects to send me money, ‘and you're only offering 1... wha do you think is going to be making more money? Who can now afford to spend more on advertising? Who's going to crush it in the market place? Hopefully you get my point, You Inc. puts the POWER back in your hands. You Inc. is about YOUR long term business model. t's about creating a LIFE LONG asset that YOU control Network marketing companies will come and go. But the LIST that you build of prospects that YOU have a relationship with... that's YOURS forever. And ‘once you understand all of the other ways you can earn money in your business on the Internet... you have an ASSET you own for life. Heck, even if your company went out of business tomorrow... you could send out one email to all your prospects and have a new downline growing over night. This is the power of building a business model around "YOU INC.”, and making sure you're building the “real lit” in our modern age. 39 Not your friends and family type stuff, but genuine marketing principles nobody can mess with, that you give you the ULTIMATE control over your business. That's what | want for my students, Hopefully by now you can get a feel for the difference between approaching your business like a REAL entrepreneur of our modern age who UNDERSTANDS all the unlimited possibility available to them. and not like just another “distributor” Now that | have clearly defined this vastly profitable difference in how you approach building your business, it’s time to move on to the final chapter in this first volume of teachings | will be sharing with you. 40 Chapter Mentorship That Matters | have already touched briefly upon just HOW important it is to have a true teacher in this industry, but | think most people often settle at an intellectual understanding of this concept without having a REAL LIFE EXPERIENCE level of understanding of this concept. So let me further elaborate, because this very well could make the difference between how fast you grow in life, or NOT. There is a reason why since time immemorial humans have BEST learned from mentors, teachers, or elders who have passed down the wisdom of the ages. In more ancient cultures, their entire survival depended upon the teachings of the elders. Ifthe elders, did not teach the young men growing up how to hunt, no one in the village would have food, If the woman did not teach the young girls how to knit or sow, no one would have clothing. Even to this, day, if we honestly look at our lives we learn almost EVERYTHING from “elders” who have come before us in some form way or another. Yet often times individuals approach this task of ‘Success’, and winning the battle over money freedom COMPLETELY on their own. They rely heavily on some generic ‘company training call, or some hap hazard advice from an upline sponsor... and that is the extent of their ‘mentoring « 41 It's quite unfortunate. However, I'm going to paint a picture for you here real quick of JUST how important your tutelage under ‘rue masters in this industry realy is... and I'm going to invite you into the magical world of becoming an “apprentice” again. First, could you imagine if you were in the medieval times, about to CHARGE into thousands of people in a battlefield equipped with swords, shields, and all the rest. I you knew that all throughout this field there were WARRIORS of every form, masters at the art of swordsmanship, archery, and all around mayhem. Do you think you would stand a fighting chance surviving if you iad NEVER received an ounce of real training in your life? Would you bet on yourself to walk into that battlefield, and walk out alive? The truth be told, even highly trained warriors won't be walking out of the battle field, never mind the weak and unskilled Yet this is EXACTLY how most approach the life of "Success". Most do not realize that the “Success” battlefield is riddled with dead bodies. tis riddled with the untrained, unskilled, average men and woman who have come before you trying to tame the dragon of complete “money freedom’ | know you want to know what it feels like to NEVER have to worry about money again in your life. | know you want to know what it feels like to have more money in your bank account than you know what to do with for years on end. You would not be here if you didn’t want TRUE freedom in your lifetime. 42 Yet this is not just some haphazard battle you get to enter, and think you can walk up and kill a {dragon so few will ever slay. No no no my friend, in order to win this battle for your freedom you must be VERY prepared. You must be highly skilled, You must be HIGHLY trained, rehearsed, and practiced. Your true goal if you even stand a fighting chance at claiming the victory you aspire to claim... is to become a Man or Woman of Knowledge. That is it. Only a man or woman of knowledge stands a fighting chance at winning this battle of money freedom. If you do not make THIS your highest priority, you will likely fal You must become a “warrior” of success. You must develop the qualities that allow anyone to persevere, and flourish, even through any difficult obstacle. tis these attributes, which will lead you to INEVITABLE success. ‘Success is not a mystery, it's a PROCESS. It’s a process that often times will demand your life long commitment, and you will experience more and more levels of success as your life continues. But the key is, you must COMMIT to it. You must commit to it with every fiber of your being if you really want to EMBODY the principles of a success life style. This is just ONE of the many reasons you need true mentorship to shave off the painful learning curve anyone will face when entering into the realm of making ‘lots’ of money. 43 ‘Average man or woman knows how to make money, It's called getting a job. It's enough to get you by in lite, nopefully But it takes a completely different individual to be able to create A LOT of money in their lifetime. You are not going to be able to go to school to learn how to do this. There is no school in the world, where the professors are making the kind of money | am now earning, It just doesn't exist. If they were, they would likely quit Therefore on the road to success you quickly realize the importance of finding a TRUE mentor who has travelled before you, and can teach you the subtle skill sets, mindsets, and lessons you will NEED in ‘order to prosper on the success battlefield. Without such mentorship, you will waste enormous amounts of time & energy that need not be deployed, when other options ARE available for you. There is A Reason My $30,000,000 Eamer Per Year Mentor Said “Education Is the Highest Lifetime Value Activity You Could Be Doing”. Let me explain this concept in more detail since very few have a good understanding of the “Dollar per hour activity” pyramid that often controls their lives. All of us must perform certain activities each day. Some of these activities pertain to life, others pertain to business. In the world of business, we can categorize activities in a few different ways, + Low Dollar per Hour Activities. ‘= Medium Dollar Per Hour Activities. ‘© High Dollar Per Hour Activities. © LIFETIME Value Activities, Low dollar per hour activities are rote jobs you could easily pay someone $10 an hour for. Faxing stuff, making copies, whatever it might be. Middle dollar activities are generally skills, which require more expertise. This could be programming, design, sales, or a variety of other activities that require a higher level of talent. These activities will command a more $25-50 per hour range. Then you have “High Dollar Per Hour” activities. And these are the activities that really GET the cash register ringing. This is the stuff that brings in the MONEY for your business. ‘An activity for your business that would fall in this category might be closing new prospects on the phone, calling leads, writing a sales letter, creating a new product, etc. These are activities that will lead to big money in your business. Most people spend their life ONLY performing the lowest level activities. t's sad, but true. They never develop the skills to even perform the “High Dollar Cash Register Ringing” activities... so if they have any skills at all they're usually in the $25-$50 range, or lower. However, there is another category in the activity pyramid, which is MORE profitable than any category I've mentioned yet. ‘And this is the “LIFE TIME VALUE” category. These are activities, which actually continue to make you more money over your entire LIFETIME, They actually compound how much money you can make over 45 the course of your life, The primary activity I'm referring to here is that of “Education”. As my $30 million dollar earner per year mentor said, EDUCATION is the highest dollar per hour activity existing on the planet. Because without education, no amount of earning money is even possible. ‘And conversely, with the RIGHT education there are doors to money earning that open up to you which previously you could not have imagined. That's why EVERY SINGLE one of the world’s most successful business men, and individuals, have MENTORS who can educate them on all the things they can’t know just on their own. You MUST do This. You cannot choose to remain in the average class of average people and expect to create the results you are looking for in your business. You MUST find a ‘warrior’ mentor, someone who has WON the battle of success you are now fighting. And you must become their apprentice. You must diligently apply what they teach you, you must TAKE ACTION on their teachings, because if you don't NO ONE is going to do it for you. It’s not your mentor’s job to take action on what THEY teach you. It’s your responsibility, and your responsibility only Only a foo! sits around and expects others to make their success possible, Only a fool indulges in the Child hood like fantasies that there's some “easy lucky magic button” out there that gets them everything 46 they want. That's nonsense. The only person who's going to get you everything you want is YOU. And it’s only through the decisive and consistent action you take on a daily basis that’s going to GET IT. However most people have no clue what the real action steps to take are. They have no idea what is ‘actually going to RING the cash register on a daily basis. They only know haphazard things they've heard here or there... and have no real game plan & blue print. You MUST develop a TRUE game plan & blue print based off RESULTS if you are to get out of this. quagmire most find themselves in. Choose a mentor who has REAL world experience, who has proven it beyond a shadow of a doubt, who you resonate with at a deep level, and who can show you exactly how they conquered the battle for money freedom. Once you find this RARE individual, commit yourself to learning everything they know. Commit yourself to taking ACTION on what they tell you to. ‘And take TOTAL responsibility for your life, your results, your habits, and your experiences on a daily basis. It's only through this radical level of total responsibility for yourself, coupled with the incredible teachings of a true mentor, that will shorten your learning curve to @ RAPID rate of success. 47 Chapter 6: Your Next Steps It should be clearly obvious there is far more for you to discover from here that is simply not possible to convey in an introductory document. What you need is a true biue print, a true game plan, and a specific guide to the “Action Steps” you need to take on a daily basis to win the money game. That is WHAT I am About to Give You. You see, as you may be able to tell right now I fave spent the last few years of my life PERFECTING my art as a “warrior” in this industry | can make an extreme amount of money with my hands tied behind my back and blindfolded at this point. As you will come to learn about me, I've built wildly successful downlines, created one of the largest training companies on the Internet, won free super cars by being #1 in competitive affiliate ‘competitions, plus a variety of other things which have proved my ability to TEACH OTHERS how to make money in their businesses. Throughout all of these events, | have been PERFECTING my process for teachiing others, because Like | said at the beginning of this document, my LARGEST goal in life is to FREE this planet, It's to FREE my fellow brothers and sisters who presently are stiffened by constraints not of their own choosing. | abhor this, And | stand for nothing less than the total actualization of our ‘Human Potential’ 48 | KNOW the potential you carry within yourself on a daily basis. tis utter magic. Yet that potential needs to be unlocked. That potential needs to be coached out of it's hiding place, and nurtured into a powerful & flourishing, force. That is what my training will do for you You see, I've created a blue print that you can get access to right now that will continue your education here today. It will further you along your path, and bring you DEEPER into the world of success you can steadily create for yourself on the Internet. The first volume of my teachings I recommend you get started with now is called. “The Online MLM Secrets Mastery Audio Training” ‘tion ontinemimsecrets.comvnasten: Nim! You can click that link above to learn more about my story, and this incredibly powerful blue print. This blue print will take you deeper down the rabbit hole, and give you specific strategies for how to grow your business on the internet NOW, in the most powerful ways. What's most important is that you CONTINUE to take action from here. You have set the ball in mation already. It would foolish to stop momentum, once you have begun BUILDING it to grow your business. The energy | transferred to you in today’s document, and the feeling you might have after being exposed to this brand new world of possibility, is MOMENTUM. Do not stop it. NURTURE IT. 49 Push the momentum forward. Continue learning, growing, and filling yourself with more energy. It is only in this way that you really create success. {At the moment, most people are a giant rock, stuck. In order to create the money freedom you are looking for, you must take FURIOUS action, and exert a lot of force in the beginning to get this rock moving, However, once the rock is in motion... it's far easier for it to stay in motion. Because it has MOMENTUM. My trainings will not only give you the necessary momentum you need to move forward, | am going to teach you the most scientific principles existing today to GROW your business, and make money. | do not play around with this game. I do not teach ‘airy fairy’ concepts. | do not tell you to go out and do things that may or may not reap results. | am going to hand you the scientific steps to take, to achieve what you're looking for, and do it in the most intelligent way on our planet. | didn’t build one of the largest company’s in our industry out of luck... there is an exact science to every single thing I'm going to teach you. Make sure you visit this website below now to continue your life time value education, and discover how to create far more results for your business NOW, ¢ ‘The Online MLM Secrets Mastery Audio Training ‘tpn hm! 50 Be on the look out for more future trainings from me, as well as some very powerful email follow up I'm going to give you. My free trainings I've shared with tens of thousands of students all of this industry has received much acclaim for the life changing power contained within the teachings. You will be exposed to these trainings over the coming weeks. If you're ready to make a life change, if you're ready to accept a new level of TOTAL responsibility for your life you may never have accepted before, and if you're ready to usher in a whole new level of AWARENESS of yourself & your possibilities. | am here to help you do it, Stay tuned for moe trainings coming from me soon, and make SURE to visit the page above now to continue your high dollar per hour education in this moment. ‘We'll speak soon. Yours In True Mastery, Jonathan Budd 51 P.S. This is the training ANY new student of mine needs to take immediately to gain a thorough understanding of HOW they are going to use technology to build their business to staggering heights This training gives in detail the exact steps | took to START building the 7-Figure empire I've created on the Internet... literally from scratch as a 22 year old kid. If that’s what this specific training did for me, imagine what it can do for you. 4 Click Here to Access The Mastery Audio Training Now ‘he online est id P.P.S. Here's just a collection of statements from current & past students, who have studied the incredible variety of teachings I've shared.. eel so blessed to have found you on the internet, Jonathan, and have been absolutely amazed at the treasure I ust dscoverest nour seen. “Thank you Jonathan!_ After your Webinar yesterday I started implementing my new ads and have now added 21 new leads in the last 12 Fours ata cost of $2.20!" =. Smith "Been using a number of marketing systems... just signed up for yours today and made my fst sale” =€ Brown "Keep it up bro. Tim making 6 fgures now atthe age of 20, and your info helped me out quite @ bit. Keep u the great work.” A Soran 52 “Hey there, I'm new to your system..and all have to say is WOW. Great stu. 150 leads captured last week between myselt and my partner. Expanding to our primary opp cownline and really excited about the growth. Perfect blend of timing, systems {and back end opp. to buld fantastic income steam. Thanks 38." Si. bawes just got my ist ever sale onthe interme from your course. Tm going to celebrate.” =P.cooper "3B, you gave a stellar webinar ast night. Thanks fr ALWAYS paying it forward more than anyone I know... Serious. if ‘People dont recognize that, they must have blinders on, ‘Thanks buddy.” “o.Tumer 53

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