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Vol.1 No.2

Nov-Dec 2006






Once again an opportunity dawns for us to express our

thoughts. At the very outset, all praise and kudos to our student
volunteers and teachers for the excellent, commendable show at
the 10 National ASISC meet and making it a memorable one. The meet surely goes down in the unforgettable history. The various school teams which
participated from the different regions ran short of words to express the immaculate and meticulous efforts put in by every T G E S member to make the event
a grand success. This again proved beyond doubt that 'Team work brings about great accomplishment'. It divides the task and multiples the success. Such a
glorifying success should now be reflected through every event and task we undertake.
For the students and the teachers, the second term heralds the commencement of the half yearly exams. Do the best that you can in every given task;
that's all that is ever required of you. The future has a way of taking care of itself.
Let us march TOGETHER towards new horizons. One's station in life reflects one's thinking. We know that the converse of this is true as well; that is
one's thinking reflects one's station in life. Let us be mindful of the wisdom of this statement and begin to 'think positive'. Success does not come
haphazardly. One must devote time, thought and energy towards it and... success is at your doorstep. Our aim is to build positive subconscious and then to link
our conscious with it.
Vimmi Darbari
Shanta Subramaniam
Prabhakar H. Tripathi



04 Nov - English Recitation Round-2 for Std 8

04 Nov - Gujarati Essay Cup Round-2 for Std 7
06 Nov - Astro TGES Quiz for Std 7 and 8
07th Nov - English Teacher's Training Effective Teaching in
13 Nov - Gujarati Recitation Round-2 (8 GHIJKL)
15th Nov - Hindi Essay Cup Round-2, Std 7
15 Nov - Hindi Recitation Round-2, Std 7
21st Nov - Gujarati Recitation, Std 8 (ABCDEF)
21st Nov - 7 Habits Workshop conducted for Parents by Ms.
22nd Nov - 7 Habits Workshop conducted for Parents by Ms.
23 Nov to 1 Dec Terminal Exams, Std 7
10th to 12th Nov National Sports Meet

To enhance the holistic

involvement of the parents in
the endeavour to achieve
effective learning outcome, a
workshop was conducted for
the parents of 8th std students.
The resource person was Mrs. Nayna
Vadodaria. Many parents participated in the
workshop. They had loads of positive vibes to
convey first about the initiative itself and then
about the competence of the resource person.
The parents found the workshop effective,
helpful, and excellent. It helped them to beaware, result oriented and work on win-win

Debate is a formal method
of interactive and position
representational argument
which passes information to
a wide range of audience
appealing to their emotional
This was achieved by Std 8
EFGH Students who
participated enthusiastically
in the debate organized on
18th Nov 2006.

The Duke of


Clay Modeling

The Students are

learning various
skills from experts

Disaster Management




Servant Leadership

Remember, if you are really a leader you'll never mistreat the servant. That is one
of the qualities of the leader. You mistreat the servant only when you are not certain that
you are the leader. That mistreatment is a deep insecurity. You try to mistreat to know
(Dedicated to late Mrs. Swati Rathod)
whether you are the leader or not. If you are absolutely certain that you are the leader,
love the servant, you treat him as a friend and you even respect him.
An angel came to earth who lighted up
So only those who are in doubt of their own mastery would treat the servants in a
many a life
wrong way. A man who is absolutely certain, who knows he is the leader.has no
Disguised as a lady, sent by the Almighty
A leader has a quality. When one is really a leader, one becomes a watcher and to
Soft spoken and polite
become a leader it is such a simple thing- just say it and it happens.
When Vivekananda was in America, he spoke one morning and he told a story. He
Who gave her level best in all her works
emphasized the fact that faith can move mountains.
One old woman who was worried by a mountain very much said, "This is good! I never
tried it." For, there was a big mountain near her house and because of the mountain, the
Committed, sincere and dutiful
sunlight would not reach, because of the mountain air would not reach, and the house
She gave the world encouragement and
was a very suffocating place. So she said, "This is simple. Now I will go and I will have
She went immediately. She opened the windows and looked at the mountain for the last
time- because soon it would disappear, there will be no chance again to see it. She
closed the window, closed her eyes, and said, "I have faith. Now you move." She said it
As a child she was sweet
thrice, because she thought, saying it just once may not work. Twice. But thrice is
As a student she was brilliant
Then she opened the windows, the mountain was there. She started laughing and said,
As a teacher she was Exceptional
"All the way I knew- it is not going to happen."
As a person she was great
If you knew 'All the way', then it will never happen because you have not fulfilled the
I also see faith can move mountains- but faith, remember! And faith need not speak
Her Soul was pure
thrice. It is doubt which speaks thrice. What is the point? Once you say it, finished! And
faith will not open the window and look-It is finished!
Her heart loving
And I say it is just that simple. You are afraid, that's why it cannot happen. If you know
Her acts were unique
that it will not happen, you may say it but it will not happen. It is not happening because
you knew it would not happen, otherwise it would.
Full of confidence and learning
Here is another anecdote. In a town it so happened, there were no rains for sometime . It
was already getting too late. The priest of the town gathered all the people one morning,
called them all to come to the temple- so that they will pray and it will rain. The whole
She was the one
town gathered. And the whole town laughed about a small child who came along with
admired a lot
an umbrella.
So everybody talked and laughed and said, "You Fool. Why are you carrying your
Given lots of love and affection
umbrella? You may lose it somewhere. Rains are not coming."
Today the world remembers her for
The child said, "But I thought that when you pray, rains will come." Only one child was
carrying an umbrella- how could rains come? If that child had prayed, there was a
her virtues
possibilitybecause the faith can only be total, otherwise not. And people who were
Such as tenderness, compassion and
laughing about that child were simply stupid. And when prayer will not be fulfilled you
will say, "All the way, we knew it. It was not going to happen."
And now when you are a leader, you treat the servant like a friend. You feel grateful to
the servant. He serves you- why mistreat him? Mistreatment comes only when you
doubt that the servant is the leader, then you react, then you are angry, then you
An angel came to earth who lighted up
mistreat. Mistreatment simply shows that the servant is not the servant and the leader is
many a life
not the leader.
By Mayur Sir
Ans: 23
Step - III
I don't care what they think- Make this your mantra. Repeat it to yourself
over and over again, until you actually believe it which you should. What do
you care about what other people think of you ? and by the way, no one's going
Step -I
to think less of you just because something embarrassing has happened. If they
DON'T PANIC : When something embarrassing happens, your first
do, its their problem not yours.
instinct will probably be to run and hide. But if you stick things out, you
Step - IV
might be able to stand the situation.
LAUGH IT OFF : Yes, it is hard to laugh at yourself. but don't take yourself
Step - II
too seriously. You'd better laughed with the crowd than burst into tears. But if
Remember the three C's : Calm, Cool, and Composed.
everyone's going to be laughing anyway for no reason, you can't try to control
That should be 'you', no matter what happens. Sure you're blushing on
what they are laughing at. Who knows you may actually decide it was funny.
the inside but you don't need to show it on the outside. If possible
People will remember the dumb thing you did but never forget how
BLUFF, I meant to do that.." Occasionally works no matter what,
you handled it , that's what life is all about.
you'll score huge points for keeping yourself cool.
By Ami Baldev 8 F



A glimpse into the achievements of Heena

Madam, our Chemistry teacher, who has been
a part of TGES for the last ten years, by our
special correspondents.

By our special corespondents

1. What do you think is the most important

element of a teacher?
- Content knowledge is the most important
element of a teacher. Along with this a/the
teacher should be able to understand the
needs of students and have a desire to give
them our/ her best.
2. What is your strategy for teaching
Chemistry successfully to students?
- I explain the basic concepts with the help of
practicals. To confirm learning and
understanding frequent evaluations are done
3. What strategy should the students follow to
develop interest and command over the subject?
- Systematic and rigorous written practice of
formulae and chemical reactions with the
understanding of basic concepts will help the
students to develop interest and command over
the subject.


4. What is the scope for a student who opts for

- A student opting for chemistry has a wide range
of fields for his access like- Molecular Science,
C h e m i c a l S c i e n c e , B i o C h e m i s t r y,
Pharmaceuticals, Chemical Engineering,
Chemical Technicians, Specialization in different
branches of Chemistry and of course Teaching.

Avani bagged the first position

at the district level
is one of those five selected for
the State level competition to
be held at Ahemdabad. The
project was on " Jathropa" - The
green fuel for the future.
Around 20 students
participated at the district level.
She participates at the State
level along with approximately
400 other students to be held
from the 23rd to 25th of Nov.
She would be representing
SNK Rajkot in Sikkim if she
wins at the state level
Go ahead Avani..
Soar High.
All the best

7. What are your accomplishments?

- I entered the institution as a
Chemistry teacher and I have acquired
IGCSE certificate in English. I have
learnt the usage of advanced
technology from ICT department and
also learnt to accept changes with positive
8. Mention the people you are thankful for your
- For my success, I am thankful to Kiran Sir, ICT
department, Training department, students,
colleagues and my family.
By. Devashree Parekh
Yesha Rughani

5. How do you feel when you meet your exstudents who have achieved great success in life?
- I feel very proud.


1. A Silver in 100 Mts.

2. A Silver in 200 Mts.
3. A Gold in Long Jump
4. A Gold in Hurdles
5. A Silver in 4x100 Mts.


Komal Chudasama

* She won the Individual

championship in Junior
girls category.

* Komal also won Bronze

in 200 Mts. at the State
level athletic meet held at
Pipdaj near Gandhinagar
in Nov 2006. She has got
selected for the Nationals.
All the best


14 Girls Team


Our team reached the

Quarter Finals.
Khushbu was selected for
league matches but was unable to participate.

Under -19 Boys Team






Rahul Lakhani

Rahul went to play football at

National Level in the age group
Under-16, which was held at Betul
in Madhya Pradesh. The Nationals
were held between 15th Sep to 29th
Sep 2006.
Rahul played in his regular
position, i.e. center forward, and
scored two goals against Rajasthan
to make the team proud.
All the best

8 I
8 K

Table Tennis

Komal has become

habitual of grabbing awards
at various levels. This season
she grabbed the following
awards In the Regional level
competitions of ASISC held
at Jaipur in Sep 2006:

Avani A Tanna

6. If not teaching, what would you

have chosen as your profession and
- Heading a small institution of my
own because I know many aspects
other than teaching which are required
for the organisation to function in a
systematic manner.

Our Quarter Finals Team
Sagar was in the top eight players and secured the
4 position. He will be representing Gujarat for
Nationals at Bilaspur (U-19).

Across : (1) Goal (3) Disc (7) Neo (8) Mason (9) Laps (10) Peso (12) Maovi (13) Tea (14) Nest (15) Fret
Down : (1) Gentlemen (2) Amorphous (4) Inspector (5) Constant (6) Emu (11) Fin

All the best

1. a 2. c 3. b 4. b 5. b 6. b
7. a 8. b 9. c 10. b 11. c 12. c


Across :

1. Target (4)
3. CD : Compact (4)
7. Prefix meaning
'new' (3)
8. Person who builds
with bricks (5)
9. Drinks with the
tongue like a cat (4)
10. Currency of
Mexico (4)
12. Native New
Zealander (5)
13. Hot Beverage (3)
14. A bird's home (4)
15. Worry (4)

Quiz of Fish







Down :
1. The two ________ of Verona : comedy by Shakespeare. (9)
2. Without a fixed or definite form (9)
4. A high ranking police officer (9)
5. A letter that is not a vowel (9)
6. A flightless bird (3)
11. Part of a fish (3)
Anjani B. Bhojani 8 F

1. A murderer is condemned to death . He has to choose between
three rooms. The 1st is full of raging fires the 2nd is full of assassins
with loaded guns & the 3rd is full of lions that haven't eaten in three
years. Which room is safest for him?
2. Can you name 3 consecutive days without using the words
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday or
3. What is black when you buy it, red when you use it & grey
when you throw it away?
Anjani B. Bhojani 8 F
4. Why was Santa Singh writing the exam near the door?
5. It has a mouth but never eats, has a bed but never sleeps, always
running never walks, What is it?
6. What has more letters than alphabets?
7. What comes once in a minute, twice in a moment but not a single
time in a hundred years?
8. I am on three legs when I rest and on one when I work. What am I?
By Shaleen 7K
1. The 3rd room. Lions that haven't eaten in 3 years are dead. 2. Sure, You can. Yesterday, today & tomorrow! 3. Coal.
4. Because it was an entrance exam 5. A river 6. The post office 7. The letter 'M' 8. I am a wheelbarrow.

Q. Find the missing no.

By Dhwani Mehta 8 K










The answer is in the newsletter. Find It if you can!

1.This is a fish but it is not a fish but the biggest marine mammal in
A. Whales
B. Dolphins
C. Comb jelly fish
2. Recently a fish that killed the crocodile hunter.
A. Piranha
B. Stone fish
C. Stingrays
3. Name of the baby salmon.
A. Coho Salmon
B. Alevin C. Shark
4. A fish that can eat a big animal like harly capybara
leaving only bones.
A. Shark B. Piranha c. Great white shark
5. A fish living in the dead sea which has a lure that attracts prey
A. Queen angle fish
B. Angler fish
C. Piranha
6. Name the fish that inflates its oblong shaped body with air or
water to scare off predators
A. Sea horse
B. Puffer fish
C. clown fish
7. A fish that looks like a snake but it is a fine fish name it.
A. Fake snakes
B. sharks
C. snakes
8. A fish that hides from predators in the deadly tentacles of sea
anemones, or marine animals that resemble plants.
A. gold fish
B. Clown fish
C. parrot fish
9. A common fish as a pet of the world
A. Parrot fish
B. pike
C. gold fish
10.The smallest fish is.
A. eel B. Common European carp C. Filipino drwarf pygmy goby
11. Largest fresh water fish and marine fish ( both different )
A. Skate, lion fish B. Eel, Whale Shark C. Sturageon, whale shark
__ by Pearl Mistry, 7 - J


1. Mr. Smit demands a refund for an expensive fish he bought

in a pet shop yesterday. He argues that the stoere sold him a fish
that his veterinarian says has pneumonia. Mr. James advices the
manager not to give MR. Smit the refund. Why ?
.. Because pneumonia is an infection that invades an animal's
lungs fishes do not have lungs.
2. Weirdly seated Mr. James and John in a room with a flask of
his latest twisted invention. The flask contains a solution that will
burst into a super sleeping-cloud if it remains a liquid for more
than sixty minutes. How will Mr. James get rid of the solution and
avoid a long nap?
Mr. James will use the candle flame to heat the snooze
solution and cause it to evaporate before the sixty minutes hour
3. A power failure is preventing Mr. James from completing his
study of crime scene evidence. Mr. James suggests he and his
friend John take a nap until the electricity is restored. What did he
do to ensure they would wake up the moment the electricity
Mr. James switched on the radio and set it's volume high.
When the power resumes, the radio's loud sound would wake
them up.

Pinal Mehta 8th K



Words to live by
ant should be allowed to be warm and well fed
Seriously Yours
while others are cold and starving.

The ant works
hard in the
withering heat all
summer long,
building his
house and laying
up supplies for the
The grasshopper
thinks he's a fool
and laughs and
dances and plays
the summer away.
Come winter, the
ant is warm and well fed. The grasshopper has no
food or shelter so he dies out in the cold.

The ant works hard in the withering heat all
summer long, building his house and laying up
supplies for the winter.
The grasshopper thinks he's a fool and laughs
and dances and plays the summer away.
Come winter, the shivering grasshopper calls a
press conference and demands to know why the

BBC, CNN, NDTV show up to provide pictures

of the grasshopper next to a video of the ant in his
comfortable home with a table filled with food.
The World is stunned by the sharp contrast.
How can this be that this poor grasshopper is
allowed to suffer so?
A social activist stages a demonstration in front
of the ant's house. Amnesty
International and the UN General Secretary
criticize the Government for not upholding the
fundamental rights of the grasshopper. The
internet is flooded with online petitions seeking
support to the grasshopper,
Opposition MPs stage a walkout, Left parties
call for "Bharat Bandh" in West Bengal and
Kerala demanding a Judicial Enquiry.
Finally., the Judicial Committee drafts the
Prevention of Terrorism against Grasshoppers
Act (POTAGA), with effect from the beginning
of the winter.
The ant is fined for failing to comply with
POTAGA and, having nothing left to pay his
retroactive taxes, his home is confiscated by the
government and handed over to the grasshopper
in ceremony covered by BBC, CNN and NDTV.
The social activist calls it "a triumph of justice".
By Khushbu Patel, 8K.

*Accept that some days you are the pigeon,

and some days you are the statue.
* Always keep your words soft and sweet,
just in case you have to eat them.
* Always read stuff that will make you look good
if you die in the middle of it.
* If you can't be kind,
at least have the decency to be vague.
* Never buy a car you can't push.
* Never put both feet in your mouth at the same
time because then you don't have a leg to stand.
* Nobody cares if you can't dance well.
Just get up and dance.
* When everything's coming your way,
you are in the wrong lane.
* Ever notice that the people who are late are
often much jollier than the people who have to
wait for them?
* If ignorance is bliss, why aren't more people
* You may be only one person in the world,
but you may also be the world to one person.
* Don't cry because it is over;
smile because it happened.
* A true happy person is one
who can enjoy the scenery on a detour.
* Happiness comes through doors
you didn't even know you left open.
By. Amar Govani 7 L

The Alarm Clock..

CLOCK- Trinnn.Trinnn
PAUL- Keep quiet, you filthy clock, I was
enjoying such a good dream. When you.
CLOCK-Hey, you lazy thing. Go to school and
etiquettes. You don't even know how to talk
precious thing like me. Come on, dress up and go
to school.
PAUL-School? That hell where those teacher
blab things of every sort. Never.
CLOCK-You fool. Schools aren't hell. They
are heavens. You know when my father and
mother sent me to school, I went there happily
and that is why I am so accurate in showing time.
But it seems that you are really hopeless!
PAUL-You know nothing you are absolutely
zero in everything except shoeing that useless
time. You are brainless!
CLOCK-You are hopeless!
PAUL- At least, I have brains. You don't have
that also.
CLOCK-Are you still in that sweet dream?
PAUL-I will throw and bring a new, friendly
CLOCK-Your mother won't allow you until I
am totally broken
PAUL-Then I'll break you.
Paul took the alarm clock and smashed it on the
CLOCK-This deed of yours will make you
PAUL-No chance.
Suddenly Paul's mother called him. He went
down with the clock. Paul requested his mother
to change the clock. But she didn't. He then had
had to go to 'hell'(school)


PAUL-You stupid clock. Its midnight. Shut
PAUL-Can't you see the clock hanging there?


PAUL-The clock has gone mad
PAUL-Wicked clock


And in the same way every 1 hour till 6am in the

morning, the clock rang.

PAUL- I am not going to wake up. You
disturbed me so much in the night. Let me sleep


CLOCK-You will have to wake up. Ha! Ha!

PAUL-I wont wake up do whatever you can
PAUL-You horrible, disgusting clock. Why
are you not letting me sleep? Why are you
ringing every three hours?
CLOCK-You lazy fellow I told I will be very
bad because you did something bad to me. You
threw me so take revenge, am ringing every three
hours irrespective of the time you have set.
Smash! And ones again Paul tried disintegrate
the clock it was no good. His would never
change the great, efficient clock (according to
her).Healso had go to school.

PAUL-Hey! You bad clock. Why did you ring
so many times when I was sleeping? What did
that ridiculous ringing fetch you? You wait until
you wait until I give you a beating, you would
never like to have in your life again
CLOCK-What did you get by almost
destructing my all parts? What did that
devastating 'mode' of yours fetch you? I am
going to ring every hour from now onwards,
irrespective of 'anything'.
PAUL-Then I am going to throw you once
Paul was almost going to throw the clock
CLOCK-One minute, Paul stop! If you do so
then I'll ring every half an hour.
-Shehzad Hathi


Can a squirrel fly?

Squirrels are
divided into two
general groups:
ground squirrels and
tree squirrels. Apart
from these two main
types, there is
another kind known
as flying squirrel.
Flying squirrel has
membrane connected to each
side of its fore and hind limbs.
When it stretches its legs, these
flaps, like the wings of a glider,
help it to glide through the air.
There are about 35 species of

flying squirrels
known to man
today. They are
found in North
America, Africa,
Europe and some
parts of Asia. We
scarcely get to
see them because
they usually
sleep during the
day. Flying squirrels are about 8 to 60
cm. [ 3 to 24 in ] in length. They are
nocturnal i.e. they can see clearly at
night They can glide up to 60 m
[about 200 ft.]
Pankti Mehta 8 K

We remember based on our interest

Memory is based on concentration which in
turn is based on interest. When we say that a
person has good memory, we mean he
remembers things that interest him.
Meaningless information is difficult to
remember, so if you want to remember
something, you have to make it more
meaningful and more visual and the concepts
have to be more clear.
You can make the things meaningful and interesting by making
diagrams, charts, organized information etc. Develop your general
understanding about the world around you by taking active interests in
various related and unrelated subjects. It is easy to learn when you are well

Astonishing Facts
* If all the blood vessels in our body were straightened
out and placed end to end, they would be 1,00,000
miles long long enough to go around the equator four
* There is a butterfly in brazil that has the colour and
smell of chocolate.
* The human jaw can bear more than 279 kgs of
* The chameleon's tongue, which always hits its prey,
can be extended more than twice the length of the
chameleon's body.
* Water is hotter before boiling than when it is
actually boiled.
* The complete root system of the pumpkin plant
would stretch for 24 kms if every root was laid end
to end.
__ Amee Mehta. 7th E

Did you Know?

* The deepest lake is Lake Baikal, in Russia, which is
1,940 meters deep.
* The world's largest freshwater lake is Lake
Superior. It covers an area of 82,000 sq. k.m. in the
USA and Canada.
* Every year Yellow River, in China washes about
2000 million tones of soil down its valley.
* The saquara cactus can grow up to 15 meters high.
* The ice in most glaciers is between 200 and 400
meters thick.
* The winds in a hurricane can reach between 300 and
450 km. per hour.
* There are about 70,000 different varieties of rice in
the world.
by Shalin Maraviya 7 - K

Elephants may Have Evolved

from Aquatic Mammals
A study conducted by the
university of Melbourne in
Victoria, has concluded that
elephants evolved from an
aquatic mammal.
The report in the
proceedings of the National
Academy of sciences
claimed that researchers
examining foetuses from
African elephants found
funnel-shaped ducts called
nephrostomes in their
developing kidneys. Such
ducts are found in no other
African or Asian mammal,

but are characteristic of

freshwater fish and frogs.
It was also discovered that
the testes of the foetuses
were kept within the
abdomen. This prevents the
testicles getting too cold, and
thus lessens the threat of
sterility. It is a streamlining
adaptation found in other
marine mammals, and
suggests that elephants are
related to sea cows and
An aquatic period could
explain why the elephant

evolved a trunk. A long and

flexible nose would seem
more relevant to a mammal
needing to breathe while
underwater, rather than one
on land. The trunk would
have thus functioned as a
According to Ann Gaeth,
a member of the research
team, the results indicate the
Scientists in Australia have found evidence that
ancestor of the elephant
probably spent millions of suggests the elephant, the living land mammal, does
years in the water.
in fact share its origins with marine mammals. The
__by Amee D. original function of the elephant's trunk could
Dudhagara 8 - F

Aquatic Evolution of Elephants

therefore have been as a sort of snorkel.

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