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Daniel Hebert, Nijhera Bronner, Julie Bates, Jacki Williams

Criteria Sheet
Name of the Activity/Skill: Concentration Curls


Preparatory Phase

Sit down on a flat bench with one dumbbell in front of you between your
legs. Your legs should be spread with your knees bent and feet on the floor. Use your
right arm to pick the dumbbell up. Place the back of your right upper arm on the top
of your inner right thigh. Rotate the palm of your hand until it is facing forward
away from your thigh. Your arm should be extended and the dumbbell should be
above the floor. This will be your starting position.


While holding the upper arm stationary, curl the weights forward while
contracting the biceps as you breathe out. Only the forearms should move. Continue
the movements until your biceps are fully contracted and the dumbbells are at
shoulder level. At the top of the movement make sure that the little finger of your
arm is higher than your thumb. This guarantees a good contraction. Hold the
contracted position for a second as you squeeze the biceps.


Slowly begin to bring the dumbbells back to starting position as your

breathe in. Avoid swinging motions at any time. Repeat for the recommended
amount of repetitions. Then repeat the movement with the left arm.

Execution Phase

Follow Through Phase

Use the Critical Elements to evaluate your primary objective:

In this documentation include:
Materials that may be needed: A bench or other place to sit, Dumbbells
Possible Dangers: Pulling a muscle through overworking
Benefits: Requires very little, easily adapted to different weight levels
How would you use the S.A.I.D. Principle to adapt this exercise: After enough time, the
biceps will become stronger to accept the weight, allowing you to add more weight or
How can you make this exercise focus on Muscular Strength: Lift dumbbells that are
heavy for you a few times
How can you make this exercise focus on Muscular Endurance: Lift relatively light

dumbbells many more times?

Criteria Sheet
Name of the Activity/Skill: Close Grip EZ Bar Curls


Preparatory Phase

Stand up straight while holding an EZ curl bar at the wide outer handle. The
palms of your hands should be facing forward and slightly tilted inward due to the
shape of the bar. Keep your elbows close to your torso. This will be your starting


Now, while keeping your upper arms stationary, exhale and curl the weights
forward while contracting the biceps. Focus on only moving your forearms.
Continue to raise the weight until your biceps are fully contracted and the bar is at
shoulder level. Hold the top contracted position for a moment and squeeze the

Execution Phase

Follow Through Phase


Then inhale and slowly lower the bar back to the starting position.


Repeat for the recommended amount of repetitions.

Documenting attained Critical Elements is required.

Use the Critical Elements to evaluate your primary objective
In this documentation include:
Materials that may be needed: Curl bar and weights
Possible Dangers: Foot injury, could break a bone, Pulled muscles, and even hernias if
you use too much weight.
Benefits: Gain more muscle, tones muscles, keeps your muscles from shrinking
How would you use the S.A.I.D. Principle to adapt this exercise: After this doing this
exercise multiple times, your muscles will get used to the stress
How can you make this exercise focus on Muscular Strength: More weight with less
How can you make this exercise focus on Muscular Endurance: Less weight, more reps

Criteria Sheet
Name of the Activity/Skill:
Cobra Triceps Extension


Preparatory Phase

Begin lying prone on the floor with your elbows bent and your finger tips in
line with your chest.

Execution Phase

Extend your elbows and push your upper body and hips off the ground.

Follow Through Phase


When your elbows reach full extension, re-bend them and lower your body
back to the ground.

Documenting attained Critical Elements is required.

Use the Critical Elements to evaluate your primary objective
In this documentation include:
Materials that may be needed: Body only
Possible Dangers: If done improperly, you can drop yourself on the ground,
overworking can lead to pulled muscles
Benefits: Strengthens triceps without a need for weights.
How would you use the S.A.I.D. Principle to adapt this exercise: Eventually, you could
do more reps once your muscles get used to doing it.
How can you make this exercise focus on Muscular Strength: Push up extra weight or
more of your body, using your toes as a fulcrum, not your knees.
How can you make this exercise focus on Muscular Endurance: Do a lot of reps

Criteria Sheet
Name of the Activity/Skill:
Bench Dips


Preparatory Phase

For this exercise you will need to place a bench behind your back. With the
bench perpendicular to your body, and while looking away from it, hold on to the
bench on its edge with the hands fully extended, separated at shoulder width. The
legs will be extended forward, bent at the waist and perpendicular to your torso. This
will be your starting position.


Slowly lower your body as you inhale by bending at the elbows until you
lower yourself far enough to where there is an angle slightly smaller than 90 degrees
between the upper arm and the forearm. Tip: Keep the elbows as close as possible
throughout the movement. Forearms should always be pointing down.


Using your triceps to bring your torso up again, lift yourself back to the
starting position. Repeat for the recommended amount of repetitions.

Execution Phase

Follow Through Phase

Documenting attained Critical Elements is required.

Use the Critical Elements to evaluate your primary objective
In this documentation include:
Materials that may be needed: Benches
Possible Dangers: Falling, overstraining muscles.
Benefits: Builds tricep strength without the need for weight
How would you use the S.A.I.D. Principle to adapt this exercise: Go lower and do more
reps as your triceps become stronger
How can you make this exercise focus on Muscular Strength: Go deeper in the dip
How can you make this exercise focus on Muscular Endurance: Do more reps

Criteria Sheet
Name of the Activity/Skill:
Body Ups


Preparatory Phase

Assume a plank position on the ground. You should be supporting your

bodyweight on your toes and forearms, keeping your torso straight. Your forearms
should be shoulder-width apart. This will be your starting position.


Pressing your palms firmly into the ground, extend through the elbows to
raise your body from the ground. Keep your torso rigid as you perform the

Execution Phase

Follow Through Phase


Slowly lower your forearms back to the ground by allowing the elbows to

Documenting attained Critical Elements is required.

Use the Critical Elements to evaluate your primary objective
In this documentation include:
Materials that may be needed: None
Possible Dangers: Falling, over straining.
Benefits: Builds and tones the triceps
How would you use the S.A.I.D. Principle to adapt this exercise: You can do more reps
when your body adapts to the strain
How can you make this exercise focus on Muscular Strength: More reps
How can you make this exercise focus on Muscular Endurance: More reps

Criteria Sheet
Name of the Activity/Skill:
Dumbbell Alternative Bicep Curl


Preparatory Phase

Stand (torso upright) with a dumbbell in each hand held at arms length. The
elbows should be close to the torso and the palms of your hand should be facing
your thighs.


While holding the upper arm stationary, curl the right weight as you rotate
the palm of the hands until they are facing forward. At this point continue
contracting the biceps as you breathe out until your biceps is fully contracted and the
dumbbells are at shoulder level. Hold the contracted position for a second as you
squeeze the biceps. Only the forearms should move.


Slowly begin to bring the dumbbell back to the starting position as your
breathe in. Remember to twist the palms back to the starting position (facing your
thighs) as you come down. Repeat the movement with the left hand. This equals one

Execution Phase

Follow Through Phase

Documenting attained Critical Elements is required.

Use the Critical Elements to evaluate your primary objective
In this documentation include:
Materials that may be needed: Dumbbell
Possible Dangers: Straining muscles or dropping the weight
Benefits: Builds bicep strength
How would you use the S.A.I.D. Principle to adapt this exercise: You can lift more
weight and do more reps as your biceps adjust to the weight.
How can you make this exercise focus on Muscular Strength: More weight and less
How can you make this exercise focus on Muscular Endurance: More reps and less

Criteria Sheet
Name of the Activity/Skill:
Dumbbell Prone Incline Curl


Preparatory Phase

Grab a dumbbell on each hand and lie face down on an incline bench with
your shoulders near top of the incline. Your knees can rest on the seat or your legs
can be straddled to the sides. Let your arms extend and hang naturally in front of you
so that they are perpendicular to the floor. Keep your elbows in by your side and
face the palms forward. This will be your starting position.


Raise the dumbbells by contracting the biceps until your arms are fully
flexed. Exhale as you perform this portion of the movement and ensure that only the
forearms move. The upper arms should remain stationary at all times.

Execution Phase

Follow Through Phase

Lower the dumbbells until your arms are fully extended.

Documenting attained Critical Elements is required.

Use the Critical Elements to evaluate your primary objective
In this documentation include:
Materials that may be needed: Bench, dumbbells
Possible Dangers: Over straining/ pulling your muscles
Benefits: Builds and tones biceps
How would you use the S.A.I.D. Principle to adapt this exercise: Your biceps will
become stronger and adapt so you can lift more weight and do more reps.
How can you make this exercise focus on Muscular Strength: Heavy weight and few
How can you make this exercise focus on Muscular Endurance: Lighter weight, more

Criteria Sheet
Name of the Activity/Skill: Reverse Barbell Curl


Preparatory Phase
Stand up with your torso upright while holding a barbell at shoulder width with the
elbows close to the torso. The palm of your hands should be facing down. This will
be your starting position.

Execution Phase

While holding the upper arms stationary, curl the weights while contracting the
biceps as you breathe out. Only the forearms should move. Continue the movements
until your biceps are fully contracted and the bar is at shoulder level. Hold the
contracted position for a second as you squeeze the muscle.

Follow Through Phase

Slowly begin to bring the bar back to starting position as your breathe in.

Documenting attained Critical Elements is required.

Use the Critical Elements to evaluate your primary objective
In this documentation include:
Materials that may be needed: Barbell
Possible Dangers: Dropping weight, Over straining muscles
Benefits: Builds tricep and bicep strength and bulk, also tones forearms
How would you use the S.A.I.D. Principle to adapt this exercise: Continuing to do this
will help make your triceps and biceps capable of handling more weight and reps
How can you make this exercise focus on Muscular Strength: High weight, fewer reps
How can you make this exercise focus on Muscular Endurance: Less weight, more reps

Criteria Sheet
Name of the Activity/Skill: Seated Dumbbell Inner Biceps Curl


Preparatory Phase

Sit on the end of a flat bench with a dumbbell in each hand being held at
arms length. The elbows should be close to the torso. Rotate the palms of the hands
so that they are facing inward in a neutral position.

Execution Phase

While holding the upper arms stationary, curl the dumbbells out and up,
turning the palms out as you lift and keeping your forearms in line with your outer
deltoids. Only the forearms should move. Continue the movement until your biceps
are fully contracted and the dumbbells are at shoulder level. Hold the contracted
position for a second as you squeeze the biceps.


Slowly begin to bring the dumbbells back to the starting position as your
breathe in. Remember to rotate your arms as you lower the dumbbells so that you
can switch back to a neutral grip.

Follow Through Phase

Documenting attained Critical Elements is required.

Use the Critical Elements to evaluate your primary objective
In this documentation include:
Materials that may be needed: Dumbbells
Possible Dangers: Straining muscles
Benefits: It gets you swol af bro
How would you use the S.A.I.D. Principle to adapt this exercise: Your inner biceps will
eventually get strong enough to handle more weight/reps.
How can you make this exercise focus on Muscular Strength: Increase your weight and
decrease the number of reps done
How can you make this exercise focus on Muscular Endurance: Lower the weight and
increase the number of reps.

Criteria Sheet
Name of the Activity/Skill:


Preparatory Phase
Begin by lying on the bench, getting your head beyond the bar if possible.
Tuck your feet underneath you and arch your back. Using the bar to help support
your weight, lift your shoulder off the bench and retract them, squeezing the
shoulder blades together. Use your feet to drive your traps into the bench. Maintain
this tight body position throughout the movement. However wide your grip, it
should cover the ring on the bar. Pull the bar out of the rack without protracting your
shoulders. Focus on squeezing the bar and trying to pull it apart.

Execution Phase

Follow Through Phase

Lower the bar to your lower chest or upper stomach. The bar, wrist, and
elbow should stay in line at all times.

Pause when the barbell touches your torso, and then drive the bar up with as much
force as possible. The elbows should be tucked in until lockout.

Documenting attained Critical Elements is required.

Use the Critical Elements to evaluate your primary objective
In this documentation include:
Materials that may be needed: Bench, Barbell, Plates
Possible Dangers: Dropping the bar on yourself or going without a spotter can lead to
serious injury
Benefits: Builds arm, chest and shoulder muscles
How would you use the S.A.I.D. Principle to adapt this exercise: More weight and more
reps can be done once your muscles build to handle the strain
How can you make this exercise focus on Muscular Strength: Lots of weight, few reps
How can you make this exercise focus on Muscular Endurance: Lower weight, more

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