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Dialog percakapan bahasa Inggris 3 orang berlangsung di toko sepatu..

X: hay these shoes are lovely, can I see them? (sambil pegang2 sepatu)
Y: wich one do you like?
Z: that X ! really cool.. (si Z recommend to X)
X: ehm the black ones.
Y: the black ones, theyre quite lovely.. imported from Italy
X: ive been to Italy hahah, how much are they?
Y: hmm this shoes is eighty dollars
X: eighty dollars?? So expensive.. (ternganga2 denger harga segitu..hikhikhik)
Y: not so expensive.. only fourty dollars for one shoes (
X: do you have another pair of black shoes?? (nyengir gigit jari

Y: mmm, this pair! Only twenty dollars..

X: why these shoes so much cheaper??
Y: because they made here
X: hmm what about quality?
Y: the quality is good, this shoesll least a long time
Si Z bisik2 ttg harga sama si X.. swiwswittswiwwswiww


X: how about fiveteen dollars for the pair?

Y: oO Iam sorry ot enough (belum dapet bang segitu mah wkkww), eighteen
Terus si Z bisik2 lagi sama si Y kayak tadi..ckckck, kemudian..
X: Ill give is sixteen (si X nawar ke si Y)
Y: okay for you special prize (haahah dapet murah ni yee).. Would you like a bag?
X: No, thats ok, thanks anyway..
Abis itu duitnya di kasihin ke si Y.. Udah deh tu sepatu di bawa pulang ama si Y.. nah
si Z nya ngapain? Jadi setan ya bisik2 mulu wkkww

Preparing the birthday party

Y mengejar Z
Y: Hi Z!!
Z: (noleh) yea??
Y: I want to talk to you a minute, please??
Z: Oh, Okay!!
(nyari tempat duduk)
Y: You know, I will celebrate my birthday next week.
Z: Uhm!!
Y: I will invite you to come to my birthday party.
Would you like to come to my birthday party?
Z: Yes, Of course!!
Thanks for invite me..
Y: Before it, I need your help.
Z: Yes. What can I do for you??
Y: I need to prepare what needed at the party. Such as renting a place, making
foods, and invite more friends. Because I want to throw a big party . can you help
Z: Well, I guess its not easy. But, Ill try to help you.
Si X dateng
X: Hei, good morning??
YZ:Hai, morning!!!
X: What do you talk about?
Y: We talk about Zs party.
Z: Would you like to join us?
X: Yeah, Of Course.
Y: Emm.. X, can you help me??
X: Yep
Y: Please help me to prepare my birthday party. This is my first time I celebrate my
birthaday with a big party. And this is my sweetseventeen.
Z: Dont worry Y, we will help you.
X: So, what will we do??
Y: First, we must look for a place
Z: How if in your house?
Y: Hmmm... I think my house is not big enough to hold a big party.
X: How if in restaurant?
Y: Its a good idea. But, I feel restaurant was too expensive to rent
Z: So, we should find a big place with a cheap price.
X: I know!! How if in the city park? I think its a great place.
YZ: Its a good idea!!!
X: So, who would you invite??
Y: My classmate and another friend
X: I will help you to share the invitation
Z: Hey, I think this will be an amazing party.
Y: Yes, I wish.

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