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Mr Pipo

Nevit Dilmen

Mr Pipo
Nevit Dilmen

Nevit Dilmen, tp doktoru ve radyoloji uzmandr. Fotoraf, grafik, bilgisyar programlama,

elektronik, psikoloji ve nrobilim meraklsdr.
Nevit Dilmen is a medical doctor and radiologist by profession. His interests include
programming, photography, graphic arts, psychology, neuroscience, education and electronics.

Mr Pipo
Nevit Dilmen

4|Mr Pipo

Sanrm 1989 ylyd. Rahmetli babam ile Ava adasnda ksa bir tatil yapmtk. O tatilden kalan bu
fotoraf, adann arka tarafnda bulunan Altnkum ad verilen plajda Nikon F401 makine ile ekildi. O
fotoraf bir ekilde yllar iinde ektiim dier fotoraflardan ayrt ve benim iin daha kymetli hale
geldi. Inkscape yazlm ile tantmda bu fotorafn grafik formatna uygun olduuna karar verdim.
Psikoloji ve renme kavramlar ile ilgili yazlar okurken, o konseptleri bu fotorafa uyarlama konusunda
youn istek duydum. Yapmazsam olmaz tarznda bu dnceye fazla direnemedim. almalarmn
bir ksmn bu sekide sizlerin dikkatine sunuyorum.
Nevit Dilmen
stanbul, 2015

I guess it was the year 1989. My deceased father and I had a short vacation in Ava island in the Sea
of Marmara. This photo is from that vacation. It was taken on a beach called, Altnkum (Golden sand)
with my Nikon F401 camera. The photo outstanded many pictures that I took over the years. As time
went by, the more valuable it became for me. When I learned about a program named Inkscape, I
decided that this silhouette was suitable for graphic format. While I was reading about psychology
and learning topics, I felt a desire to apply mind concepts to that photograph. I couldnt resist to that
urge anymore. Here is presented a selection of those images.
Nevit Dilmen
stanbul, 2015

Nevit Dilmen|5

Her dnce bir embriyo olarak balar

Every thought starts as an embryo

6|Mr Pipo

Kilitli dnceler
Locked thoughts

Nevit Dilmen|7

Anahtarmz bir yerlerdedir

Our keys might be somewhere out there

8|Mr Pipo

Zihnimizin tulalar
The bricks of our mind

Nevit Dilmen|9

The Wall

10|Mr Pipo

Breaking apart

Nevit Dilmen|11

Dncelere zgrlk
Freeing our thoughts

12|Mr Pipo

Dncelerin hafiflii
Lightness of thoughts

Nevit Dilmen|13

Dalan dnceler
Dispersion of thoughts

14|Mr Pipo

Dncelerimiz hangi yne gidiyor?

Which direction do our thoughts go?

Nevit Dilmen|15

Herkes bal birbirine

We are all connected

16|Mr Pipo

Farkllklar gzeldir
Differences are beautiful

Nevit Dilmen|17

Farkl dnceler
Different minds

18|Mr Pipo

Zt kutuplar

Nevit Dilmen|19


20|Mr Pipo

Pozitif - Negatif
Positive - Negative

Nevit Dilmen|21

Ne grdmz nasl baktmza bal

What we see depends on how we look

22|Mr Pipo

Yz m vazo mu?
Face or vase?

Nevit Dilmen|23

Dnen mutsuz, dnmeyen mutlu

Burden of thought and happiness of thoughtlessness

24|Mr Pipo

Sylediini duy
Listen to yourself

Nevit Dilmen|25

Kendimle konuma
Talk to myself

26|Mr Pipo


Nevit Dilmen|27

Bir ben var benden ieri

Me, myself and my inner self

28|Mr Pipo

Kaotik kiilik
Chaotic personality

Nevit Dilmen|29

Grdmz kadar dnrz

What you see is all there is

30|Mr Pipo

Berrak zihin
Crystal mind

Nevit Dilmen|31

Dncelerin interneti
Internet of thoughts

32|Mr Pipo

Elektronik beyin
Electronic brain

Nevit Dilmen|33

Elektrik akmlar ile dnrz

With electricity we think

34|Mr Pipo

Enerjimiz snrldr
Our energy is so limited

Nevit Dilmen|35

renir unuturuz
We learn and we forget

36|Mr Pipo

Pozitif duygular
Pozitive emotions

Nevit Dilmen|37

nce insan

38|Mr Pipo

evre ile etkileim


Nevit Dilmen|39

Dnya nasl syor kk beynimize?

How can we fit the whole world inside our brain?

40|Mr Pipo

Her zaman okunacaklara yer var

There is always some room to read

Nevit Dilmen|41

Hedefin varsa, ansn vardr

If you have a target, you have a chance

42|Mr Pipo

Ne dnyorsan tersini dn
Whatever you think, think the opposite

Nevit Dilmen|43


44|Mr Pipo

Kalplar dnda dnmek

Thinking outside the box

Nevit Dilmen|45

evreyi aydnlatmak
Illuminating with thoughts

46|Mr Pipo

Say ve dinlen
Count and rest

Nevit Dilmen|47


Sayfa Tasarm|Page Design

Nevit Dilmen

Sinan Turan
Bask|Printed by
2015, stanbul

Altan Basm San ve Tic. Ltd. ti.

Yzyl Mah. Matbaaclar Sitesi No: 222

Grseller Nevit Dilmene atfta bulunarak, izin almakszn, Creative Commons AttributionShareAlike 3.0 Unported (CC BY-SA 3.0) lisans ile kullanlabilir. Bu lisans size grseli ticari ve
ticari olmadan kullanma izni verir. Grselin telif hakk Nevit Dilmende sakl kalmaktadr. Grseli
kullananlar bakalarnn grseli kullanmasn engelleyemez. Atfta bulunmamak izinsiz kullanm
anlamna gelmektedir.

The images are available under Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported (CC
BY-SA 3.0) license. You are free to: share - copy and redistribute the material in any medium or
format, adapt - remix, transform, and build upon the material for any purpose, even commercially
as long as you make proper attribution to Nevit Dilmen. If you remix, transform, or build upon the
material, you must distribute your contributions under the same license as the original.

Mr Pipo

Nevit Dilmen

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