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Olivia Hepler

ELED 533
Final Portfolio Self-Evaluation & Rubric
Learning Objectives
My portfolio shows
that there are many
activities available
for incorporating Art
into different areas
of mathematics.

My portfolio
provides art related
activities for various
contents, grade
levels, and skill
My portfolio
provides visual
examples of the
activities as well as
references for future


The Portfolio has at least
20 activities including Art
related Geometry and
Measurement activities.
The portfolio also has
activities for Probability
and Data Collection
activities as well as other
resources (important
notes, handouts, etc.) to
refer to.
All activities in the
portfolio are clearly
labeled with enough
pertinent information in
order to facilitate the
activities, such as context,
grade level, materials, and
The Portfolio includes
picture examples for all of
the activities. The
Portfolio includes
citations for each activity
for future reference. The
Portfolio also provides
extra relevant resources
to the general
mathematical content
areas of the Portfolio.

The Portfolio has at least 15
activities including Art
related Geometry and
Measurement activities. The
portfolio also has activities
for Probability and Data
Collection activities as well
as other resources
(important notes, handouts,
etc.) to refer to.

The Portfolio has at least 10
activities including Art
related Geometry and
Measurement activities. The
portfolio has activities for
Probability and Data
Collection activities but
does not include other
resources to refer to.

The Portfolio has no
activities that include Art
related Geometry and
Measurement activities.
The portfolio does not
have activities for
Probability and Data
Collection activities and
does not include other
resources for reference.

Most activities in the

portfolio are clearly labeled
with some pertinent
information in order to
facilitate the activities, such
as context, grade level,
materials, and procedure.

Some activities in the

portfolio are clearly labeled
with some information in
order to facilitate the
activities such as context,
grade level, materials, and

No activities in the
portfolio are labeled and
contain no information to
facilitate the activities.

The Portfolio includes

picture examples for most
of the activities. The
Portfolio includes citations
for most activities to
reference. The Portfolio also
provides extra relevant
resources to the general
mathematical content areas
of the Portfolio.

The Portfolio includes some

picture examples for some
of the activities. The
Portfolio includes some
citations for some activities
for reference. The Portfolio
barely provides extra
resources to the general
mathematical content areas
of the Portfolio.

The Portfolio does not

include any pictures for
any of the activities. The
Portfolio does not include
citations for reference. The
Portfolio does not include
any extra resources.


Olivia Hepler
ELED 533
Self-Evaluation of Rubric
Since Goal Update 2 my portfolio has improved. I have found 11 geometry and art
related activities, 10 measurement and art related activities, as well as 4
statistics/probability and art related activities (3 relating to art, 1 not related to art but an
activity I really liked) to incorporate in the portfolio and reach my goal of having at least 20
different activities across the various content areas of geometry, measurement, statistics,
and probability. Aside from having activities, I also included other general resources from
class that I thought would be helpful to have later on, whether the resources were other
activities or notes I felt were valuable for future reference, which added another element to
my portfolio. The activities that I compiled also indicate the highest score on the rubric
because they include all of the information listed to facilitate the activities. Finally, the
activities also included citations in order to reference the sites for more information and
activities in the future. Overall, the portfolio has now reached the highest point in all
categories because it was intentionally put together and organized with a variety of
activities and resources. I am really pleased with the portfolio I have put together.
The contents of the portfolio include documents regarding my goal plan and the
updates along the way. It also includes various documents organized as follows: geometry
and art, measurement and art, statistics/probability and art as well as other resources. In
the portfolio everything is clearly labeled as well, which makes for easier access to the
activities. Within each of the art related activity sections, there are various activities to
include in my future classroom for multiple grade levels. After scrolling down through the
art related areas, there are sections devoted to Other General Resources in which there
are many different resources available such as Prep Notes, as well as other notes from the
content areas we studied in class (Geometry, Measurement, Statistics and Probability) that
will be good to reference, to use for activities in various areas, as well as inspiration for
other activities.
The documents in the portfolio really helped me reach my goal because the various
compilations of activities have shown me how strong the connection between art and
mathematics can be. The different activities provide so many various ways to include art,
even in subtle yet effective ways, in the classroom. The activities as well as the other
general resources give me information that I can use to refer to if I wanted to create my
own art related activities for the content area as well. I know students learn in a variety of
ways and as much as the connection between art and math is there, some students may not
be interested in that, therefore having other resources and activities to refer to will help me
implement and create activities that will appeal to a variety of learners.

Olivia Hepler
ELED 533
Through research compiling all of these different activities I have seen many teaching
blogs that include so many art and math related activities I was really surprised. I think I
learned that my goal was very realistic and in the end will help me be an effective teacher
as well as learner. I learned so much through analyzing all of the activities that I included
because I noticed that some could be adjusted for different grade levels or integrated with
other content areas as well. Overall, I have learned that my goal can expand beyond this
portfolio and be built upon; I am really motivated now to keep researching art related
activities for other math related topics, as well as other content areas, such as history and
science and relating them to math. I think my goal has taught me that cross curriculum
activities can be really beneficial and engaging when they are thoughtfully planned in order
to ensure understanding of the content as well as initiating deep analysis aside from just
being creative and fun.

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