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Digital Learning & Teaching Coaching Roadmap | ECI519 SP2015

Your Name
Natalie Duffield Wheeler
Year & Semester
Spring 2015

Coaching Definition
My definition of coaching is guiding someone to help them achieve an intended goal.

PERSONAL COACHING STATEMENTS | Building Your Mission & Vision
I want to coach teachers because I have so much respect for the job they do. I know they have so much on their shoulders right now, and I want to be someone that can
alleviate some of that stress by helping them hone their craft as well as being someone they can turn to when they are struggling.

I know Im an effective coach when people are comfortable confiding in me and trust me enough to collaborate with me.
I hope that as a result of my coaching, this will be true teachers will feel more confident in their own abilities to reach their students and know that someone supports
them in their work.

My coaching MISSION is to help teachers find enjoyment in their jobs. I hope to do this by working with them to ensure they are preparing students for the
future to the best of their abilities.
My coaching VISION is that students will ultimately benefit and be prepared for the job or school of their choice due to the work their teachers and I are
doing. I hope that through my coaching, teachers will realize the benefits and necessity of using technology with their students, and then implement a
variety of technologies in creative and innovative ways.
Craft your own coaching manifesto where you name and describe your beliefs about coaching and your work OR your beliefs about coaching and how they
fit with pursuing your Masters in Digital Learning & Teaching. SEE CHAPTER 3 SECTION FOUR - Transformational Coaching Manifesto
My Coaching Manifesto
1. Educators become educators to help children. - As a coach, I think it is imperative that I go into situations assuming the
best of people. I have never met an educator who was trying to do harm to the children they taught. They may not always know the
best way to help, but they want to help despite being tired, overwhelmed, and spread to thin. If I go into each interaction remembering
the good in people, it will be easier to have compassion and understanding and build a relationship that will lead to positive change.
2. Change cannot be completed by one person, but it can be started by one person. - I cannot change the school without
the help and buy in of the rest of the staff, but I can hopefully open eyes to knew thinking and be the catalyst for change.
3. Every person and every situation has something to teach. - While in some ways I am seen as an expert, it is imperative
to remember that I can always learn more. In each interaction it is important that I am mindful of this and aware of those light-bulb
moments for myself. If I go into situations thinking I am the only one that is going to do the teaching, I will most likely come off as
arrogant and will lose the ability to build trusting relationships.

4. Meet people where they are. - I suppose I borrowed this from Aguilar, but I find it extremely important to keep in mind when
coaching. I cannot begin working with a teacher already frustrated because they have not been using basic technology or even
checking their e-mails regularly. I simply need to be aware of where they are, take time to learn more about them and why they are
there, and then we can begin moving forward together. If a person feels my frustration before we even begin, they will shut down and
nothing productive will be accomplished.
5. Listen! - This is connected to number four in a way. In order to understand how to help and guide, I have to listen with an open
heart and mind. Im not only listening to words but to the feelings behind them and the body language that accompanies them.
6. Be worthy of trust. - The only way to build a strong relationship which in turn will bring about change is to earn trust and
respect from those I am coaching. This means being kind, using discretion in what I share and with whom I share it. I think coming to a
situation free of judgement and bias is part of this as well.
7. Transformation takes time. - This is also a piece of Aguilars manifesto that resonated with me. Sometimes I think in
education we are too quick to throw something out and try something new before we have given everyone time to learn it and
implement it well. If after a year or two we are not seeing huge results it gets tossed. I think it is important to notice the small steps
that are taken and celebrate the little victories that build up to the overall goal. Buy-in takes time, relationships take time, learning
takes time, and therefore progress may be slow, but it is worth it.
8. Give it your best, but you cant save the world by yourself. - I definitely believe that one should do their best in all that
they take on. And if we dont believe we can make a difference, I suppose there isnt much point in taking on a task of creating
change. At the same time, it is important to remember that I am only one person, and if the leadership of the school is not on board or
if a teacher refuses to collaborate, I cannot force them. At the end of the day, I have to feel comfortable knowing that I did my best
and put my best effort forward.

Coaching Client Information
Client Name | Kristin Winland
Grade & Subject | 4th - She teaches all subjects, but we are focusing on Science
Years of Experience |19 years
CLIENTS GOALS (What do they want help with when it comes to digital learning and teaching?) | She wants to know more about the tools available for her and her
students and how to use them. She has done some Internet searches for resources, but hasnt done much with Web2.0 tools and things of that nature.
Rationale|Kristin wants to implement technology, but not just for the sake of using technology. It is extremely important to her that we only choose tools that are going
to help her students meet their learning objectives.
Client and Coach together|I am going to observe her class with the introduction to electricity. We will chat afterwards about the lesson and talk about some of the
resources and tools I have found and how to implement them.
Client |Kristin is going to work on planning the general lessons and objectives.
Coach (you)| I am going to work on reviewing the curriculum and learning more about what needs to be taught, and then I will research some technology tools and
resources that will support those objectives.

REVIEW the following Sample Schedule

CREATE a similar schedule for the next 6 weeks (OBVIOUSLY your schedule will be by DAY of the WEEK ONLY {not times all day long}. Be sure to COLOR
code your coaching activities ...use the COLOR/Activities from sample above or ADD YOUR OWN.

****The GOAL here is to have a REGULAR schedule of activities with your client. This is the GOAL life does happen but YOU
MUST connect with your client EVERY week in order to successfully complete activities moving forward.




Week 1

My preparation time

Observation 9:00am

Lesson in Computer
Lab 11:45-1:00
n afterwards.

Week 2

My preparation time

9:00am/Team teaching

Lesson in Computer
Lab 11:45-1:00
n afterwards.

Week 3

My preparation time

Observation 9:00am

Lesson in Computer
Lab 11:45-1:00
n afterwards.

Week 4

My preparation time

9:00am/Team Teaching

Lesson in Computer
Lab 11:45-1:00
n afterwards.

Week 5

My preparation time

Observation 9:00am

Lesson in Computer
Lab 11:45-1:00


n afterwards.
Week 6

My preparation time

Observation 9:00am

Lesson in Computer
Lab 11:45-1:00
n afterwards.

KEY - Yellow - observations/team teaching

Blue - preparation time for me
Purple - Collaboration and Reflection

My SELF-Exploration
What am I looking forward to in coaching this client? She is so excited to use technology, and I am really looking forward to seeing her realize all the
ways we can enhance her students learning. I think her energy and openness to new experiences is going to make this a really fun process. She also has a
great group of students, so Im looking forward to seeing them have a great time while learning.
What might be challenging about working with this client? The biggest challenge for me, I think, is going to be learning the fourth grade science
curriculum and understanding her goals for her students learning, so that I can help her choose technology that is really going to drive her objective home.
Which coaching skills might I need to develop in order to be effective with this client? I think in order to be an effective client, I am going to have work
on my conversation skills when it comes to just expressing myself and being very clear and concise. I worry a little bit about coming across as I am telling
Kristin what to do instead of suggesting. I want to make sure it is clear that she can and should be looking for some resources and tools on her own, and
that I am not the deciding factor in what happens. She is the teacher and ultimately the decision maker, I am just here to offer suggestions and guidance.


Weeks 7 in NCSU course - Week 1 in Coaching Digital Learning MOOC-ED

Coaching | Stewarding the

Future in Digital Learning &



OUTLINE how you will engage in effective

communication and collaboration with your

List ideas, concepts and/or tools you have

explored for this coaching activity from your

What might you DO/PREPARE for this coaching


INCLUDE ideas, concepts, etc. from BOTH

MOOC-ED and 519.

In order for me to effectively communicate

with my client, I feel like I have a lot to learn
about the science curriculum we are working
on. I also really need to work on/reflect on
my conversation/question asking skills. I am
far to willing to jump in and fill
uncomfortable silences. I am definitely
going to review (several times) the two
resources about questions and conversations
available this week as well as looking over
the text book and some online resources
related to Electricity in the 4th grade

Listening to Our Own Listening

Coaching Conversation Analysis Tool
What Good Coaches Do
Its All About the Questions
Other than learning about their
curriculum, I am really trying to take in as
much information about conversation and
questioning as possible. Im not a great
conversationalist in general, and there is
SO MUCH that goes into conversations with
our clients in order to be effective. So, I
really feel like I need all the help in this
area that I can get. We have been given
great resources, but it is going to take
reviewing and taking notes a few times
along with practice before I really feel like

What evidence might you consider to
evaluate progress for this coaching

I think after my conversations, I

am going to go back to the
Coaching Conversation Analysis
Tool and do a self-check to see
what I need to work on as well as
what I am doing well. I feel like
after a few weeks of this, I will
have a much better understanding
of where I am.

I am getting it.

Reflection | Think about the last time you communicated and/or collaborated your client you selected in Unit 2 review COACHING CONVERSATION ANALYSIS
TOOL . what were your areas of strength? challenges? BE SPECIFIC about your conversation.
The last time I met with my client (and the first time...due to snow we havent been able to meet again), I felt like I was strongest when it came to having attentive
body language. I was taking notes about her schedule and tips from her about where to get information about their curriculum. I was very interested in what she
had to say, and I was trying to make that apparent by being open and using good eye contact.
But when I look at the Coaching Conversation Analysis tool and think about our conversation, my feedback involved a lot of, Thats awesome! Very positive, but
very bland and not at all thought provoking.
When it comes to listening, I feel like I am not judgemental and offer suggestions to build on her ideas, but I do NOT do a great job at allowing pauses and silence. I
definitely feel the need to fill the space with words.
I really need work on my questioning and feedback. I think if I start with working on my questioning, feedback might follow more easily. I asked a lot of questions to
try and understand what she wants to accomplish, but they were not open-ended and did not really move the conversation or client in a direction. They were
pretty much questions asked for my own understanding.

Week 8 in NCSU course - Week 2 in Coaching Digital Learning MOOC-ED

Extending Your Personal

Learning Network |
Becoming a Connected




NOTE any strategies you plan to employ to expand

your PLN as well as keep your current PLN
motivated. How will you coach your client to
expand their learning networks to meet their
professional development needs? List any specific
steps or tasks that you might find useful in your
role as a coach. This may include planning for any
face to face or synchronous meetings, etc.

List ideas, concepts and/or tools you have

explored for this coaching activity from your
learning. (BOTH MOOC-ED and 519)

What evidence might you consider to

evaluate progress for this coaching activity?

What might you DO/PREPARE for this coaching activity?

I attended NCTIES this week and as a result was

able to really extend my PLN. I began following
(and am followed by) many new people that I am
excited about.
I need to prepare a bit for my meeting with my
client this week. I was able to observe her class
for a while and take some notes on what they are
learning and how they are learning it.
Regarding PLNs, I plan to discuss Twitter with her,
encourage and help her to set up an account, and
as her to follow me. I will also suggest a few
people that I find to be inspiring such as Richard
Byrns and Alice Keeler. If she will buy in, I would
like her to tag me in a couple of things she finds
interested and posts about, and I will tag her in

10 Twitter Chats Every Educator Should
1 page Twitter Guide
I will also continue to use the checklists
shared with use last week about asking

I will consider progress to be made, not

only if she creates a Twitter account, but
if she posts, retweets, or favorites a few
I am hoping that in this six weeks of
working together, she will begin to see
value in Twitter and continue using it even
after we are meeting weekly.

somethings I think might be helpful for her.

Reflection | In what way(s) did you grow in your relationship with your client and PLNs this week?
Through observing her class, I was able to see her teaching style in action which helped me understand her a lot. She also has a really great laid-back relationship
with her students. They respect her and seem to really enjoy learning from her. She gives them time to discuss and help each other, and I never saw the students
take advantage of that. Even though there were several groups going on, and she was only working with one, everyone was on task with quiet conversations
throughout the room.
It makes me even more excited to work with her seeing her have a good time with her class and learn along side them. There is clearly a mutual respect there.
We are really behind because of all the snow and ice along with the fact I was out for two days this week at NCTIES, but Im really looking forward to having a more
in depth conversation with her Wednesday of the coming week.

Week 9 in NCSU course - Week 3 in Coaching Digital Learning MOOC-ED




HOW will you gently assess the TPACK /SAMR

strengths and areas of need or improvement in your

List ideas, concepts and/or tools you

have explored for this coaching activity

What evidence might you consider to evaluate

progress for this coaching activity?

select client?
Exploring Frameworks |
Guiding Educators to
Enhance and Transform
Digital Learning and

from your weekly learning. (BOTH MOOCED and 519)

What methods will you use to gather this

What strategies might you use during coaching to
help grow your clients TPACK?
What might you DO/PREPARE for this coaching activity?

I am nervous about even using the word

assessment! :) So I would probably word it as having
a discussion about TPACK/SAMR, and letting the
teacher discuss where she thinks she is after
watching one of the quick explanation videos.
Then, if it feels comfortable, I might use a version
of the Technology Integration Assessment Rubric
that was linked to in the resource, Using TPACK as
a Framework for Tech PD. I like having the
guidelines, but I dont love the 1, 2, 3, 4. It makes
it a little to formal in my eyes. I dont want to do
anything that makes Kristin feel like I am judging
her or doing anything more official than just
having a conversation and offering help.
As a fairly self-aware teacher, I feel confident that
she would pick up on areas she might need some
strengthening in, and I can offer to help from
there. I am also working on those questioning skills
to help guide her in areas I might notice in
observing her teaching that she could focus on.

Technology Integration Assessment
Coach Conversation Analysis Tool

I think I would gather evidence from

observing lessons and revisiting our informal
assessment/discussion notes to see where
Kristin feels more comfortable and what has
been addressed that we noted previously. I
think it might be helpful to have her mark
where she thinks she is on the SAMR model
for example, talk about what she could do
to make it to the next level, plan together
along the way, and mark as she makes

Reflection | What did you learn about yourself as you explored the TPACK and SAMR models?
I learned that I still have a lot to learn about both and the way they look in the classroom. I have questions about the line between teaching tools to teachers so
they feel they have a tool box to pull from and making sure the focus is not strictly on using cool tools in the classroom. Being in three schools I definitely dont
feel like I get to reach as many teachers as I would like. When I get one on one time with teachers it is usually because they have a particular thing they want my
help accomplishing. We dont get a lot of time to plan together or reflect on how things went. I guess I would have to say that I have learned that even though I
understand the models, I have a lot to learn about implementing them well.


Week 10 NCSU course - Week 4 in Coaching Digital Learning MOOC-ED




DESCRIBE how you might promote the

implementation of 4 Cs (both tradition and
digital/virtual) in your clients classroom?

List ideas, concepts and/or tools you

have explored for this coaching activity
from your weekly learning. (BOTH
MOOC-ED and 519)

What evidence might you consider to evaluate

progress for this coaching activity?

What might you DO/PREPARE for this coaching activity?

The Four Cs| Unpacking

Digital Age Skills

Luckily, the teacher I am working with is already all

about collaboration. She has her students sitting in
groups instead of individual desks. They are
encouraged to talk and ask questions of each other as
they work.
The areas that might be lacking a bit are the
creativity and critical thinking. Part of this stems
from the fact that recently our county has developed
RCD (Rigorous Curriculum Design) units, that are
quite honestly anything but. They lay out exactly
which projects teachers will use and what
assignments they will use for grades. When the
PowerPoint template is made and students simply fill
in blanks, it makes it challenging for teachers to be
creative, not to mention giving students opportunity
to think outside the box.
I think my plan is to play up the
collaboration/communication that she is already
doing and talk about the importance of the other
two. If we put our heads together, we might be able
to find ways to sneak some creativity and critical
thinking in.

I will share the Powtoon I made as

well as one or two others made by
my classmates that are really good. I
dont think any teacher questions
that the four Cs are good for their
students, sometimes it just seems
hard to get them incorporated
because it takes a lot more time to
let students discover than it does just
to tell them.
I am hoping with a little discussion
we can find some ways to get
creative. I am already encountering
a little push back as of late though as
testing gets closer. My teacher is
getting a little stressed out and not
as interested in trying new things.

I would consider a buzzing classroom with

students talking together on task,
researching, and creating the ultimate goal.
To evaluate might be hard because it isnt
something that be put on a checklist per
Project based learning, students talking and
sitting in groups, having the freedom to
choose their project medium (video, song,
paper, etc) would all be indicators of the
four Cs.

Reflection | What would you like to learn more about, related to the 4Cs? What does your client want to learn more about? How do you know?
I would really like to see some classrooms with the 4Cs in action, teachers that really have it down pat. Sometimes I worry that because I was a kindergarten
teacher, and my students were so young, that I wasnt implementing the 4Cs, TPACK, and SAM-R to their fullest extent. That can make me feel a little
insecure/inadequate when it comes to coaching other teachers, especially upper grade teachers.
I feel like I get the big idea and understand the importance of them, and I have some experience integrating them in my classroom. But I would really like more
experience with upper grades (3rd-5th) to get more ideas, understand their curriculum better, and see the full extent of the TPACK, 4Cs, SAM-R greatness.
I think seeing the 4Cs in action would be beneficial for Kristin as well. As I stated above, I am starting to get a little push back because of all the assessments and
required activities/grades. I think the wall could be broken down a bit if she could see a classroom that scores well on tests and incorporates the 4Cs at the same

Week 11 in NCSU course - Weeks 5 in Coaching Digital Learning MOOC-ED


Digital Citizenship |
Cultivating a Safe and
Responsible Digital Culture

BRAINSTORM how you will coach your client to

incorporate and model Digital Citizenship in order to
begin to build/
strengthen a culture of digital innovation.
What might you DO/PREPARE for this coaching activity?



List ideas, concepts and/or tools you

have explored for this coaching activity
from your weekly learning. (BOTH
MOOC-ED and 519)

What evidence might you consider to evaluate

progress for this coaching activity?

Because of the stress of testing and time restrictions, I

think (and I could be wrong) one realistic way to get
her to incorporate Digital Citizenship is mentioning
safety precautions to take as a part of lessons she
already has planned. And I suppose in some ways this is
what we want teachers to do. I just feel like when the
subject is addressed it needs to be a bigger deal. I
think it warrants its own lesson plans and activities. To
prepare, I think I will come up with what I feel like are
the most important pieces to share with her and her
students...maybe have her Google herself, and
brainstorm ways we can include Digital Citizenship in
her already made plans.

-Search engines for googling

-Common Sense Media - great
resources for teaching and learning
about Digital Citizenship

Observing conversations about digital

citizenship and making good choices
happening in the classroom.
Good digital behavior from both the
student and teacher.
Students asking questions about using
social media and their digital footprint.
In someways, this might be hard to
evaluate immediately. I think it will be an
ongoing process.

Reflection | What might be the most challenging part of coaching Digital Citizenship for you? What is challenging for your client?
I dont know that actually teaching Digital Citizenship is going to be any harder than any other technology concepts we teach (other than the fact that it is very
broad), but I think finding the time is going to be challenging...especially this time of year. I have the time, but convincing the teacher she has the time might be
tough. I suppose now is a difficult time to implement new things in general. We are nearing Spring Break which means testing is right around the corner, and
everyone is ready for a break. I know Kristin will find Dig. Cit. important and hopefully I can get her to do a bit with it beginning next year. I think I mentioned last
week that I am experiencing a little push back regarding the amount of time she has available to try new things. But if I can plant the seed regarding the
importance of Digital Citizenship hopefully it will be something she will include even in small lessons she does in the computer lesson. Just a mention of how to
safely use their e-mail is step in the right direction. I included this in one of my posts in the MOOC, but when it comes to Digital Citizenship, I feel far behind. I am
one ITF that has three schools. I have a really hard time reaching everyone to the extent I think is needed. I think this is something that we as a county are going to
need to address including getting administration on board.

Week 12 in NCSU course - Weeks 6 in Coaching Digital Learning MOOC-ED

Sharpening Your
Instructional Technology
Coaching Skills | Vetting
Digital Tools and Resources




IDENTIFY a set of strategies (i.e., questions/ checklists/

rubrics, etc.) that you will share with your client to
help build their capacity to vet their own selection of
tools and resources.

List ideas, concepts and/or tools

you have explored for this coaching
activity from your weekly learning.
(BOTH MOOC-ED and 519)

What evidence might you consider to evaluate

progress for this coaching activity?

I have looked over a wide-variety

of rubrics used for evaluating
apps, web pages, and web tools. I
am impressed with the number of
rubrics out there and the number
of specialized rubrics as well.
I have also practiced evaluating a
few tools and apps myself, so that
I am comfortable with the process
before sharing that with someone

I would consider progress made if Kristin

begins choosing some of her own web pages
and tools to use with her students and can
really explain why she chose what she chose
and what makes it appropriate for her
specific needs.

What might you DO/PREPARE for this coaching activity?

I think if I were to give all of the rubrics that were

shared with us this week to Kristin, it would be VERY
She doesnt have a tablet in her room, so I would lean
towards the web page rubric.
If I am able to sit with her and go through a couple of
web tools, my plan is to ask guiding questions to ensure
that she is choosing a tool or tools that support what
she has planned for her students and not just a tool
that looks cool...basically that she has her curriculum in
I think it would be ideal if we could talk through a
couple of tools before she is on her own (even though

she is never really on her own). Having someone to talk

through the steps and thought process is always helpful
in building understanding.

Reflection | As you prepare to co-plan or co-teach a learning experience integrating technology with your client . did you/they/together vet the digital tool or
resource? What did you find?
For our lesson, I have actually already vetted the digital tools we are using. I have used Kahoot myself with a couple of classes and in trainings, and one of my
coworkers speaks highly of EdPuzzle. I have played around with it a little bit, and Im impressed with the number of videos and quizzes available. I was able to find
one that aligns with the curriculum and that I think will keep the kids attention. What I like about both of them is that the teacher is able to personalize them to fit
the needs of her classroom and students.

Details of Co - Planned or Taught Learning Experience with Client

Curriculum /Professional (non education or adults) Standards

4.P.1 Explain how various forces affect the motion of an object.

4.P.1.1 Explain how magnets interact with all things made of iron and with other magnets to produce
motion without touching them.
4.P.1.2 Explain how electrically charged objects push or pull on other electrically charged objects and
produce motion.

Planned Learning Activities (detail how 4Cs will be addressed)

Student watched the EdPuzzle video on magnetism in small groups and discussed the questions that
popped up as they answered. Once the video was complete, students individually participated in the
Kahoot Quiz game.

Digital Tool or Resource Used


Formative Assessment

Kahoot Quiz
Questions answered during video

Other Materials/Resources
LEARNER Artifacts - Provide links to student created artifacts OR
images of student work.

Your Transformational Coaching Report

Client Goals Revisited | Kristins original goal was to become more familiar and aware of the Web 2.0 tools that were available and how to use them with her students.
Strategic Activities Engaged in To Meet Goal | We talked about a variety of tools that were out there. I tried to be prepared with one each time we were scheduled to
meet and talk about ways it could be tied into her curriculum. We also talked about the fact that we couldnt base lessons around just the tools, but that we needed to
look for tools that supported the learning goals for her students.

Your Clients Progress towards Goal | Kristin was always very open to ideas that I brought to the table, but I dont know that I have seen a tremendous amount of effort or
desire to research and use tools on her own. I cant say enough how bogged down teachers are in my county with required activities and assessments from our central
office, so in a lot of ways I understand that she doesnt have a great deal of time to research and play.

Evidence of Changes in Practice | I dont know that I saw major changes in practice, but I am hoping that some of our conversations are still marinating with her. In the
beginning of our meetings, she was sharing with me a few resources that she found and we would look at them and discuss them, but this sort of waned throughout the
weeks. I guess maybe I didnt do a good or clear enough job of really getting her to understand how TPACK/SAMR/The 4 Cs could really work in her classroom.

Your Next Steps & Coaching Moves | Kristin is moving in a few weeks back to her hometown in Ohio to get married, so our working relationship will most likely come to an
end. I have several teachers, however, that are excited about implementing more technology in their classrooms that I look forward to working with. And I also have a
new principal at one of my schools who has asked me to set up a technology committee that will make decisions about purchasing and professional development for that
technology. Im really looking forward to working closely with a principal that is so exciting about engaging students and teachers through technology and doing it well!

FINAL Reflections on Your Coaching Experience

In the end I was a little disappointed with the progress we made. I feel like I learned a lot personally and have grown in what I feel my role as coach should/can
be. I dont feel, however, that I was really able to reach that full potential. I know teachers are very overwhelmed right now and especially at this time of year. I

wonder if I was expecting too much. There were times when our meeting times had to be cancelled, or I felt like things we went over sort of went in one ear and
out the other. One thing she said in our video was that she wanted to know how to set up the EdPuzzle video herself, but that is something we did together. I do
feel like I am much better equipped to work with teachers that WANT to make technology a daily part of their teaching, but Im still not sure how to make teachers
want that...maybe I cant.
I loved the text and will definitely keep that on my bookshelf at work to reference often! And I hope that our county will eventually work in the direction of really
implementing the coaching model the way it is supposed to be implemented. I get excited at the things that could be accomplished if I worked at one school all
the time instead of three. I really enjoyed and got a lot out of this class and experience personally, and Im looking forward to sharing that with more clients.

Natalie, everything about this roadmap is on TARGET! This is fabulous work! You got Laura and Ss to ENAGAGE
with EdPuzzle & Kahoot! Success!

Coaching Deeper Learning with Client

Target | 3

Coaching roadmap consistently offers constructive support to enable client to:


Master new digital content/capacity;

Think critically and solve problems of practice;
Work collaboratively;
Communicate goals and needs effectively;
Learn how to learn (e.g., opportunities for self-directed learning)
Target | 3

Quality of Strategies

Provides comprehensive and fully synthesized strategies from BOTH MOOC-ED

and NCSU course learning materials to support for clients learning experiences.

Personal Coaching Reflections

Target | 3

Highly succinct & multi-dimensional synergy when reflecting on coaching activities.

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