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Articles from General Knowledge Today

GK & Current Affairs: August 27, 28, 2014

2014- 09- 02 11:09:54 GKToday

1. Recent ly commissioned India's largest domest ically built dest royer warship
[A]INS Kamrot a
[B] INS Kolkat a D63
[C]INS Karmuk
[D]INS Ranvijay D55
INS Kolkata D 63
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2. Which chemical is f ound in personal-care product s such as t oot hpast es,
declared recent ly as unsaf e t o use?
[A]Endosulf an
[B]T riclosan
[C]Chloro Fluoro Carbons
[D]Met hane
T riclosan
T riclosan, an ant ibact erial chemical widely used in personal-care product s,
hinders muscle cont ract ions at a cellular level, slows swimming in f ish and
reduces muscular st rengt h in mice. It is commonly f ound in ant ibact erial
personal-care product s such as hand soaps as well as deodorant s,
mout hwashes, t oot hpast e, bedding, clot hes, carpet s, t oys and t rash bags.
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3. Who has been appoint ed as t he new President of European Union?
[A]Alexander St ubb
[B]Donald T usk
[C]Ant onis Samaras
[D]Mat t eo Renzi
Donald T usk
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4. What is t he name of t he only drug which has shown posit ive result s in saving
lif e of f ew pat ient s suf f ering f rom Ebola but has yet not been t est ed and
approved by WHO?

Z mapp
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5. Which Af rican nat ion, known as Kingdom of Sky, was in news due t o a
milit ary coup?
[A]Bot swana
[C]Lesot ho
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6. Government of India has named a new programme "Neeranchal" wit h an
init ial out lay of Rs. 2142 crores. What does t he programme aim t o achieve?
[A]Resolve int erst at e wat er disput es
[B]T o give impet us t o wat ershed development
[C]T o cleanse rivers Ganga and Yamuna
[D]T o promot e wat er conservat ion
T o give impetus to watershed development
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7. Sasan Ult ra Mega Power Project belongs t o which among t he f ollowing
business conglomerat es?
[A]Reliance Power
[C]T at a Power
[D]None of t hem
Reliance Power
Reliance Power has recent ly announced t hat t he f if t h 660 MW unit of t he 3,960
MW Sasan Ult ra Mega Power Project has st art ed generat ing power.
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8. Cult ivat ion hilly slopes wit h small pat ches of land in descending order is
known as ?
[A]Cont our f arming
[B]Sloppy f arming
[C]T rack f arming
[D]None of t he above
Contour f arming

Cont our f arming is t he t erm used t o describe cult ivat ion on t he hill slopes wit h
small pat ches of land in descending order.
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9. Consider t he f ollowing mat ches:
Count ry Foot ball Player
1. Crist iano Ronaldo Port ugal
2. Fernando T orres Spain
3. Frank Lampard England
Which among t he above is / are correct mat ches?
[A]Only 1 & 2
[B]Only 2 & 3
[C]Only 1 & 3
[D]1, 2 & 3
1, 2 & 3
All t hree mat ches are of some richest f oot ball players in t he world. Port ugal
and Real Madrid st ar Crist iano Ronaldo is t he wealt hiest f oot baller in t he FIFA
World Cup 2014.
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10. Part s of which among t he f ollowing st at es are known as "T ornado Alley " in
Unit ed St at es?
[A]T exas and Oklahoma
[B]Calif ornia and Nevada
[C]Mont ana and Wyoming
[D]Washingt on and Oregon
T exas and Oklahoma
T ornado Alley is part of nort hern T exas, Oklahoma, Kansas, and Nebraska.
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