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Major User Interfaces

1.1. Example Screenshot and description

Following are the user interface of android device, because of we are sort of the beginner
in android development, it will take a while to learn how to build the interface. we have
already finish the unfunctional user interface, the next big thing is to set up all the
function button and detail stuff.

Personal page

In this page, user could edit their own information, and check the recent stream they read.
Also, Users friend could get into this page to see users recent activity. Of course only
others has no priority to edit your information.

1. Users can edit their name by click on the text. Users friend could add user by search his
2. Users can edit their E-mail by click on the text. Users friend could add user by search his Email.
3. Users can edit their Mood signature by click on the text. Users friend could see the signature
of users on the friend list page without get into users personal page.
4. head portrait, user could edit their head portrait by click on it.
5. These are the recent activity user did, such as the paper user read recently.

Login page

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The page user use to log into our application. This user interface should be the first interface while
user open our application. New user could register account by click on the register button, if user
registered already, but forget their password, they could click on the forget button to find their

1. User put their username on the field to log in.
2. User put their password on the field to log in.
3. After user put both username and password, user can log into our application by click on
the log in button.
4. If users forgot their password, they can find their password by click on the forget button.
5. if users havent register yet, they can register their own account by click on the register

Register page

In register page, user could create their own account to log into our application. User have to enter
some basic information to create their account, such like first name, last name and gender.
Moreover, user has to enter their E-mail address to create account, once user forget his password,
the E-mail is the only way to get their account back. The signature is the sentence we want to
share to friends.

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1. User enter his first name here.
2. User enter his last name here.
3. User enter his E-mail address here, and this is the only way to find their account if they
forgot the password.
4. User choose their gender here.
5. User enter the password they want for this account.
6. User enter the password again, in case they enter something wrong at first time. User has
to enter completely same password as the first time.
7. The signature is the sentence we want to share to friends.
8. Once user entered his basic information, he can create his account by click on the register
button. And we will send a confirm e-mail to the E-mail address, user has to activate his
account by click on the link which in the e-mail we sent to the E-mail address.

Forget page

In this page, user could find their password back.

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1. User enter his E-mail address to get his password back.
2. Once user click on the submit button, we will send a e-mail to users E-mail address.

Friend list page

User can edit his friend list in this page, such as delete friend, add a new friend, share users
reading stream to friend, and check friends most recently activity and their mood signature.

1. User can add a new friend by click this add button.

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2. These are friends head portrait.

3. Here are friends most recently activity and their mode signature
4. User could edit his friends list by check the check box.
5. Once user check the checkbox, user could click the share button to share his reading
stream to the friend he checked the checkbox.
6. Once User want to delete friend, he could click the delete button to delete the friend who
he checked the checkbox.

(5) Main page

After the user log in, they will see the apps main page as above, we try to make it simple which
only has news list below and a refresh button. The first time, the system will randomly post news
for the user and the meantime in background the app will collect the data to form a personal
stream for the user. Also there is a action bar to navigate the user to the Setting page, friends
page and personal page.

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AccountSetting page

The setting page will allow the user to change system preference, share to Facebook, know more
about this app and log out. We plan to add more options in the future.

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System preference page

In the system preference page we have four setting now

1.GPS: Allow to check and share with nearby users.
2. WIFI ONLY: only update when connect with WIFI network.
3 Sharing: Allow others to see the users stream
4 AutoREFRESH: Allow auto refresh
And we plan to add more..

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