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Harryson Myrtil

Ms. Aponte
Tech Prep 11
11 May 2015
The American Dream
Susana Martinez states, Success is the American dream. And that success is
nothing to be ashamed of, or be demonized Susana Martinez. To me the American
dream means the land of opportunity. The American dream is the fact that youre able
to have many freedoms and rights as an American citizen. As everybody says
America the land of opportunity, its not like other countries arent good but there
something special with America. In other countries there rules and laws are different
than Americas and In addition to that America have good resources as well. The
American Dream the ideal that every US citizen should have an equal opportunity to
achieve success and prosperity through hard work.

Harryson Myrtil
Ms. Aponte
Tech Prep 11
13 May 2015
Lorraine Hansberry
Lorraine is a young African American female writer from Chicago Illinois. Lorraine was born on
May 19, 1930 and died at 1964 of pancreatic cancer. Lorraine lived in an era where
discrimination was still strong between black and white. Lorraine was a famous being the first
black female play writer. Lorraine was also known as the youngest person to win the New York
Critics Circle award at the age of 29. Lorraine was really committed to her writing she even
quite her job as waitress to concentrate on the writing. She is the play write for A Raisin in the
Lorraine play A Raisin in the Sun is about Africans American living in racial segregation.
She was influenced by Langston Huges most of her work are based on African American living
such as To Be Young, Gifted and Black. She also wrote for the Freedom newspaper Lorraine
been spread her writing in many different ways. She was a good writer and play write.

Harryson Myrtil
Ms. Aponte
Tech Prep 11
14 May 2015
During the 1949s, and 1950s Chicago there were a whole bunch of nice looking houses, but
most of them were owned by whites. I learned that it did have some good opportunities for blacks there
for example in the Bronzevile story. A young black girl named Penny, uncle had a house and was
surprised she never witness a nice house its a rare occasion when she allowed to see a house like that.
Many white people had houses like this but Going into those neighborhoods might bring a body a

lot of trouble, even if you had business there. That shows no matter where i went to in these time
racism was still well and strong. Life was hard for black in that time there were to many
limitation for Black American, though it was the same at Chicago at the time there still were
better opposites. Basically racism was still strong and black people were just trying to make a

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