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My Educational Philosophy

As their teacher, I want my first grade students to look forward to

coming to class because I take an interest in each one of them and
understand them individually. I am influenced by Bronfenbrenners
approach to learning and teaching, in which a broad set of factors
influence behavior and intellect from home life, to society and the
larger community politics and ideology. Also, my background in Social
Anthropology has strongly influenced me to observe behavior and
understanding through a holistic approach.
I believe its essential for me to come to class with an enthusiastic
attitude to motivate my students, and to use positive language
reinforcement to encourage them and create a positive learning
environment. Students need to feel secure in the class and one should
build an environment of trust. Building trust happens over time. Being
consistent in ones behavior is important to the students so that they
can rely on their teacher. Also, I let them know they can ask me
questions without hesitation. As young individuals starting out in life, it
is essential to instill a sense of self-confidence in them for the present
and the future.
Our classroom is a place where each student comes to learn through
an interactive way, using different methods, to help stimulate the
different senses and cognitive process. This means I try to engage
them in group activities keeping in mind differentiation. To do this, it is
important that I get to know each students background (through
former teachers, a family member and mainly from my own interaction
with the student). Group centered activities help to encourage good
communication skills, critical thinking and openness to new ideas, with
the teachers facilitation. Students need to be able to access different
sources to get information including technology to build on their
existing knowledge. I think if there is a link between the students
home life and school and an open door policy to come and meet the
teacher that is healthy.
Students should be exposed to activities both in and outside the
classroom to engage their senses and curiosity about their
As someone who has studied in multiple school systems while growing
up, I cherish the relevance of inclusiveness and honoring the
differences in ability amongst all learners. Every child has something to
contribute to the classroom community. Allowing

Success is being able to make the learning challenging but just enough
so that my students will not get bored or become discouraged and give
up. Vygotskys zone of proximal development helps in my approach to
teaching where critical thinking and problem solving are necessary for
encouraging higher thinking. Its also good to mix up the class
sometimes and get students to change their seating and get them to
know the other better, and at times get them to work in pairs or threes
so they can learn the importance of inclusiveness and improve on their
skills from another student.
Having said that I believe learning needs to be a fun process and its
my responsibility to ensure that they have understood and gained from
the lessons. Blooms taxonomy is very useful for me to refer to in terms
of planning lessons and my approach to teaching.
The specific outcomes for your students and classroom.
You could strengthen it by adding specific instructional strategies that
you use to get the students to achieve those goals- for e.g. what
strategies do you use for trust building, stimulating and challenging
the students etc. (as you outline in your philosophy).

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