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Names: Jaione Arocena, Charlotte De Win, Laura Dubois, Anna Page


1. Name or Theme of lesson:

Past, present, future
Sustainable City
2. Target group, material, time
- 13-15

(can be adapted by giving more or less information and making the assignment more advanced)

- maps (in plastic folders so the weather wouldn't ruin them)

- cameras (phones,)
- 2-3 hours
3. Aim and learning goal
The ppls can recognise changes in a city by using maps from different time
periods. Using their discoveries to go into the city and compare and explore. This
will result in them comparing past and present situations and use this to predict
possible future developments, both realistic and ideally.
This way ppls will realize how much influence humans can have on the surrounding
nature by comparing old maps with the actual Malm. Ppls will also think of
different ways of maintaining nature and reasons why this is important for their
future lifes.
4. Description with pedagogic method
(see next page)

(in class)
The T shows ppls an old map of Malm without them knowing
that it is Malm.

image of a map/maps/ppt?

What do you see?

a map, Malm, a city, an old village,
The ppls conclude that it is a old map of Malm.
Lets compare and explore by going into the city itself.
T explains briefly what the day will looks like and divides the
ppls into groups of 4.


Starting point: Malmhus (Malm castle)
With the map that we just saw, compare with what you see.
The ppls use the map to name things that are still
recognisable nowadays in the environment.
possible discoveries: Malmhus, the church, the sea, water,
walls, But also a lot of modern buildings are present.

You just discovered that some things from the past are still
present today. But the city did change. Lets have look at these
other maps.
T gives every group the different maps and asks the ppls to
organise them chronologically.
T encourages the ppls to formulate good arguments why they
think one might be newer/older than the other one. What
changed? What remained?
Ppls organise the maps and discuss in their groups
Each group explains what order the chose and why. (e.g.using
landmarks, use of land, water,)
T gives them the correct order and the years.
As you can see the city has gone through some changes.
Some more obvious than others, but can you come up with
some explanations why?

As some of you noticed the city got bigger and it even took a
part of the sea. (artificial)
And what if you look at space that is reserved for nature and
the space for buildings and houses?
Ppls notice that buildings take up more space in the more
recent maps. Nature had to make space for urbanisation.

I want you to go explore the city of Malm (area is marked on

the map) and look for things (buildings, facilities, parks,) that
you think are good and necessary in a city.
Do the same for things that you think should change for
making this city a better place.
Write down some keywords and take pictures to proof your
point (also as a memory for the next step)

Ppls go into the city and do their research in groups of 4.


(back in class)
Group presents some of their discoveries.
The rest can react and a democratic discussion can start.
T encourages critical thinking.
Ppls present and discuss

Some conclusions are made and this leads to the explanation

of the final task.
Their discoveries will help them create the conditions/features
for their own future Malm. These predictions could be
possible future developments, both realistic or ideally.

The ppls will have to write a prediction of the future city.

(realistic or ideally)
Each ppl gets a black and white map of Malm so they can
clarify their idea of the future city on the map by colouring,
drawing, writing,

The predictions have to contain strong arguments and

possible solutions or reasons why the city will/should develop
like that.

After handing the assignment in, the T will evaluate them and
give them back to the ppls. The ppls will be asked to put their
assignment and map in a large envelope/folder to keep it at
home and open it x years from now to see if any of their
predictions came true.

(evaluation is open for discussion)

If they do it or not is up to them.

5. Connection to curriculum, literature, theories, research, sustainability and

health perspectives
- This lesson might fit into the curriculum as part of a social studies class,
geography class, history class or potentially a language class (as long as it is
conducted in the language that the ppls are learning).
- According to the Swedish curriculum, ppls have to be able to orient oneself in the
local environment and simple maps. Concepts describing spatial awareness. Not
only that, they will have to be able to read the different structure and symbols of
the map. They will also have to be able to orient themselves in an unfamiliar
environment using a map.
- As the city of Malm strives to become an attractive and sustainable city by 2030
(Green and Just? - Assessing the Socio-Spatial Distribution of Green Areas in

Malm by Wascher, Laura, 2012) we ask the ppls to form their own opinion about
the subject. This will raise awareness about the topic.

- This lesson can work for different cities, if the maps and information are
- Education for sustainable development (Klas Sandell/ Johan hman/ Leif stman)

6. Pictures, sketches, maps,








old and new


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