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‘also be used when constretng the pipelines across wetlands; waterbodes; roads and rls; foreign pipelines; and agicullural, residential, commercial, and industal areas. Steep side slopes and rugged terain also may require special construction techniques. These special Construction techniques ae described in section 24.22, Construction of the aboveground ‘ities sssocated withthe pipelines discussed in section 2.423. 242.1 General Pipeline Construction Techniques: Figure 24-1 shows the typical step of cross-country pipeline construction. Standard pipeline onstruction proceeds in fhe manner of an outdoor assembly Tine composed of specific activities that make up the linear ccnsttion sequence. These operations collectively include survey and Staking ofthe rightof-way, clearing and grading, trenching, pipe stringing and bending, welding | and coating, lovering-n’ and backfilling, hydrostatic testing, right-of-way cleanup, and restoration, Pacific Connector has determined that to efficiently eoastrct the pipeline, construction would be divided into at least five separate constriction spreads. ach spread would consist of all Construction activities neessry to construct the pipeline inthe area designated for tha spread, Preliminary locations of consiuction spreads identified by Pacifie Comestor include the allowing: Spread | -MPs 0049.7 Spread 2—MPs Spread 3 -MPs 047-1321 ‘Spread 4—MPs 1521-1880 ‘Spread 5 —MPs 1880-2309 Surveying and Staking Prior tothe start of consruction, the exterior Himits ofthe approved constuction right-of-way and boundaries of TEWAs would be civil surveyed and clearly staked. The survey stakes would ‘be mainiined throughost construction, and monitored by Pacifle Connector's environmental inspectors (Bl). Any pre-existing property line or survey monuments that oecur within the construction right-of war would be protected where possible, and if damage occurs during ‘onstrtion, these monninents would be replaced according to sate and federal standards. Civil | surveys on federal lands would adhere to guidelines established by the BLM, BOR, and USFS. that were provided fo Paifie Connector during the pe-Gling review period. Civil survey is fsnerally performed on foot or using allerrain vehicles (ATVs) or off-highway vehicles (OHVs) from existing acess points tothe pipeline right-of way. 70 0 DSR Pp aon souanbeg uonenacung sured RoYAKT, rycen 281 —————— “Access to the Construction RightoF-Way ‘Access roads that would be used for access during construction are discussed above in section 25.5 Eauipment involved in ppstine construction wuld ke moved onto the right-of-way sing eproved asec roads, and once on the eighto-way weuld then generally procecd down the er otway performing the job tasks, Pact Conecor has submited to the FERC das of ‘Tenaportaton Managemen Plans for bh federal and non-federal lands. See akionst diseusion in section 49 of his EIS. (Clearing and Grading “The construction rightof-ay and TEWAs would be cleared of brush and trees, On tends ‘oyetated with ll shrob ove, such as sagebrish communis, Pacific Connector would clay Taaighcatyay by mowing cr scalping off de tops of the shrubs with « motor gras 9 Pee rey. material would be stockpiled during. constaction along the edge of the aaation right-of-way cr within UCSAS, and sesttered aeoss the righof-way aftr seeding Slving inl eleanop. Hayild, pastes, and grasy areas would not be cleared xcept in areas dry over the wench or wher grading would be required creat level working sufce, In forested areas timber would be eut and cleared from the right-of vay and TEWAs using Hardest logging techniques, in accordance. with lindowner and land management agency saronents inking tine-of yearrestietions. Pace Connector indicated that specifi Teauing anchods may nxt be fully detomined nfl a contacior has been selected for (ee on of its pipeline However, Pacfie Connectors daft ECRP, provided in Append onstnlronmenal Resource Report 1 in its application, did outline some typical best Inznagement protces (BMPs) for timber harvesting. On federal lands the BMPs would be erate and implement 10 meet the requirements ofthe CWA, LRMPs, and National Forest Seeritice Qual nd Soils Standards and Guidelines on NES ands. Juwary 2000, Pasfe Ra ne raided tothe USES and BLM a draft Timber Extraction Plan for federal lands tht frovides more details forsghtofway clearing methods. See section 4.4.2 ‘Logsing would be done socording to approved and jroven metods curently used within each rammeTogging ees. The methods Selected woul Be based on site-speific information at te Fas cet harvest. Mima log removal by aris anscipsted. Actual logging methods to be {aby tration and acreage would no be known util ber contractors evalstesitespeciic weet evearentacreages- The logging contractors would be solicited by a request for propost! ae hich thee proposals are evaluated by Pacific Connector, and contracts awarded tthe most ‘Ried Widiar@). The ext tbe harvest and decking requirement fecations would be qraaited by the contcfor within the access roads and staging areas already identified by Pacific Connccor, subjes to applicable agency approvals, “Merchantable tntber wotd be removed and sold according to landowner or agency stipulations aecrael lands, logging methods would be determined through consultations with the BLM, BOR and USFS, and as equred inthe Timber Sale Agreements. In order to comply with ORS $27.6700), Paci Convector would be required to provide a written timber harvest panto the ODF Suse Forester foreach state forest region that would be crossed. Pacific Connestor sc eteated that t would fie its final logging plans for both federal and non-feeral lands after ‘Brnpleion of ier crises andthe selection ofits enstreton contactor. ‘The pan for na | eu lands would intde a stewardship pln and agreements with landowners to comply with 7 Dai Ppa 2418 Se the Oregon Forest Pratives Act (OAR-29-606-0010), ODF regulations for baming of lsh ae outlined in OAR 629-615-200. Pacific Connector would conduet timber erises to verify volumes and species composition on forested lands and determine values, Timber cruises would be completed aocordng to industry tnulor federal agency standards, The timber crises would also support development of Pacific Connectors tinber extacion plans, which would identify the logging systems that would be Dpeictca along the roe based on the pipeline alignment, constuction. rightofway Configuration, topographic conditions, existing acees, ber types and volumes to be raved, And the varios logging sytem imitations. Pacific Connector estimates that about 17,379 thousand board fect (MBF) of lumber may be ‘Cleared on federal ands exssed by the pipeline rout, inluding abou 8,839 MBF on BLM lands hd 8540 MBF on NFS lands. The expected volumes of harvested timber, tee types cleared, tnd their values are furthe discussed in section 4.8 of his ES. “According o 36 CFR 22312, permission to cu, damage, or destroy trees without advertisement the USES, under the issuence ofa Right-of-Way Grantor Special Use authorization, may sel the tinber dietly to Pavfie Connector atthe curent appraised value. The intent would be (0 hneglte one contract covering the three National Forests crossed bythe proposed pipeline. “the BLM may sell the right-of-way timber by compete bidding of through negotiated sale ‘where iis impracticable o obtain competitive bid, in accordance with 43 CFR S400, Rightof ‘May tinber would be sold under lump sum timber sale conract(s) at not les than the appraised Value as Jeemnined by the BLM, Timber sale contracts would be prepared, offered, nd ‘administered by each BLU office involve. “The BLM end USTS would we a Tree Measirmant Timher Sale Contract with the standard ‘provisions for payment and log czountbilty. Many ofthe operational equienents ypieally ‘efalled in such 8 timber sale contrct, such as erosion control, road maintenance, and slash ‘isposal, are expected tobe contained in the Right-of-Way Grant and would be incorporated by {eftreace into the timber sle contrat. Performance bonding typically required in such a cnter ‘Sle if included in the grant and considered edequate, would be used to cover operations performed under the timer sale contracts). Ageney sale administrators would! averse timber Tspoaal eperations to case they are cared out following any site-specific requirements as {well sto ensre proper log accounting for specially designated revenues, Timber sate boundary designation, volume estimation, appraise, and contract reparation would ‘De ascomplished by tho feral land-managing agencies in cooperation with Pacific Comector es regotited, aif Comector would be responsible for logging and marketing ofthe tener ‘Ay timber sold must be processed domesially and not exported. Such items es tree marking Mat would be agency tacer paint used under the supervision and accountability of de Pepective agen. The USFS contact would only cover the sale of merchantable imbet cleared Tor the pipeline ctossings ofthe tree affected National Foes Prior to clearing operations, Pacific Connector would flag existing snags in forest areas on the ‘cdges ofthe construction right-of-way or TEWAs, to proteet those stags fom removal dung fimber euting, where Resible, These snags would be saved to benefit primary and secondary Cavity nesing birds, nammals, reptiles, and amphibians. During this process, other large gg Be i PI 2419 Se | diamcte wees (¢8. poten suitable habitat for nother spotted ow) onthe edges of the cermtruction righokway and TEWAs would also be flagged and saved as geen recruitment or Fabitat tees, where possitle, Some ofthese tees would be girdled to create snags wo benefit wedlife"Shags and habit trees would be retsined If they do not pose a safety tazard to ‘struction seis, as re the regulations oulined by OSHA. more detailed discussion of | Shige and lange down wood retention for wife habia, incuing eerutment fn LSRS and ‘Sparan eserves, can be found in seston 4.5.3. Because the proposed construction rightotway is not wide enough to accommodate timber esing sultnoously wih other pipeline construction ectivtes, Pacific Connectox proposes © ‘ear feresed arees ring the year prior fo the stat of other pipeline construction activities Pacific Connector would implement the measures outlined in its ECRP to prevent crsion of anova sh along the right f-way between clearing and final restoration. Some ofthe BMPS ‘i would be implement during timber clearing operations to minimize the potenti for crosion and sedimentation would inlude: 1 scarificaton of eonpacted soils to promote infiltration and reduce runoff {D Govofslashvorush ailes at appropriate lestions to limit water from running off the right: ofway’ + jnsalation of temporary slope breakers on steep slopes 1 nstallation of sit fences or straw bales as seditnent barriers; Sonal scding ising quick-germinating species such a annoal ryegrass on non-federal Tands (assuming the permission of the landowners); and «selective mulching of areas without effective surfce cover. ‘Most of the pipeline rout in frestod areas is expected to be logged by mechanical eating nd Mound skidding equipment. Hand-fling would likely ooou on seep skys and idling ens would be lad at to minimize erosion. The USFS recommends tht no trator oasing earn cn slopes exceeding 35 peteent on federal lands, and that other yarding methods including SSS systems and helicnpter logging be wed instead in those areas. Cable and helicopter fogeing would minimize impacts on sis. Where lg aking would be done using mechanical roetinds Pacific Connecor proposes to employ the following methods where feasible o reduce the potential fr soil compaction: «© low-ground weight (presuze) vehicles would be used as much as possible, removal of duff would be avoided possible, so att remains as cushion between ‘equipment, felled logs, and sols, designated skid wails, preferably aver the proposed pipetine tench location, would be teat es much as possible to limit the footprint of logging disturbance on soils within the construction rig-oF-ways and | 6 landings, yaning nd load-ut areas used for tinber harvesting (TEWAs) woul be teat ater use and proc tothe rainy season where the potetisl fr sediment deliver to ‘Naterbdies i pssible. Searifcation would promote infiltration, and minimize rant Pacife Connector indisted that it may use helicopter fr logging and pipe stinging within the following lations whee there ae step slopes and limited access tothe rghtofovay: = MPs373 10382 SS I Pri ti 2420 ES MPs 78010 83.0 MPs 85 to MPs 1050 MPs 108 510 109.8 MPs 134.00 1360. During forest cling, al operations and tre fang would oer, within the, stones Dar oe Seme TEWAs that are aleady vacant ares adjacent to existing ris constuction al fe log storage and decking. In ation some sesh and other ders fom ring activities may be temporarily stored in UCSAS. sees wold be felled r share in a maner tht woul not impact adjacent forest or Svs re a Sightotoay, Trees woul also be fled away from wend, watebodisy 0) oe oe oeMpacne Connector would nt remove Stumps oF ot sysems fom neers para er och mls cess fo aft esos ing consti, a WE See ee amnion nuld also Tit snp resol 10 the eect ine and wes Hee fe Pad be nosey f ret a level woking uric, Any debris 5 rest ooe rang wo award would be removed, fractal. Logs and sac won ote Sa Sree prem stan unless ly suspended, Exiting logs fly embed the Fre a ecune woul ot be disturbed, unless thet removal pecesary fr cea oe ve Fay tenting, wing or her waebody easing meds, Ary oven et Fah Needs during insallaion of he pipeline would be retmed Sate removed ro ings (clearing operations would not be fated in wellands of poise ate logs yrded ou of Welland origin zones woul be skied Wi of eA ee endo fom the ground so a to minimize soll Gisurbance, Any cut Pet Nest one rec or upland wife bat ebancerens woul be Sorel ache eof Se por in TEWAs for ate use ding restoration actives, The use of er Co sae way ag rseam Inge Woody dstis(LWD) ls divesced in setion A341 of 1isEIS, ‘The types of toes be eared in fresed wens along he eine rote we nS Tos pri Pale Comet to be taken ohne fo yring, There, ees woul 1 ed buck on so were hey ve fn. Generel th es og ot ng fr cect, lndut and anpot. So, the remand of he wood Scone Jade ew (le ree tops and nbs) woul remain onthe ground witin the sonsriete Jr wher the wes were ut Daring logging tee tops and Tbs weld = te right vay he Chums of smal slash thal Would bo impractical o remove from the iho aan oe of ie sah on th pond would ac a son cot beveen he ine he A ‘vay is cleared and the pipeline is installed. ‘Sas Go timber caring weld be skied nor ath cdg ofthe igh ofvey oF TEW Ass Wie Se credresebutd acon he igicofvey during al eanup er restos, 20 CSAS, eto BLM tnd USFS fil losing pecieatons in fs ten ss eg tla cence Would bdr oFhighvay vide fe ae 09 Seating te ene] mulch 1 mimi erosion, ‘The USFS has ke fx ana eas sl wou an cds tot woul ewe fi ash pl bck a rein HPAES car ect Wout be at free consrcan acount ocr RET eget and eho cn be determined tough onsng consi, twecn Sarre Comtor nd USFS and specifi nthe POD for eas Natonsl Forest, ei 25 “a Pape on 2421 | _ OO Pacific Connector proposed a modifation from the FERC staf's Plan to allow more than 1 on parse Stony material logs, ssh, and chips) tobe seated aces te igo tay eng ae or Pei Conecor woul we the fel loading standards of he BLM and the USPS rin ca Tor he quanty of woody debris that would be distributed across the right-of 993. we UR tafe Plan sats that if wood chips are use as mule, not more than 1 fn Ps a6 Tee i soul be used, and the equivalent of IT pounds of syllable nitrogen shouldbe ed eee ele wos as mulch The purpose of sion IV... ofthe FERC tas lan 1 where chips sation efits reno hindered ue to the decaying pres of large amounts of cae a wch ean bred up so itogen and inpede revegetation. Facile Comesty Fae ty be impacts nd infeasible to remo tis materi fom he right-of-way and ae is api slvealurl protic in the area to leave forest slain Tague west Sete th isle Conzctor thinks thatthe woody slash materi would not deplete st recente shorter-dring revegetation establishment, because the ie of the Wo neo dt woul be scrcred on the right-of-way would be large and would not readily dos er an town, Howeve; Pacific Connector also proposes to apply a stindard fetlizaton ipo hou er are buk ile-16 fertilizer 16:16:16 - nitoge,potasiom and phospyors) ora Retarded area toe reseed, except in wetlands and in federally designated Riparsy a etGeaon 10.8 of Pacific Comector’s ECRP). Tis ferlization at would ply Bet peace a lemetlivoge, plasm, and phosphors, The emenl op > Panes cuiey the FEEC’srquiementto ad nogen Where wood chips are wed a mle Wo tn ais projectspecfe modification othe FERC staff's Pan acceptable ‘On NES lands, the makinu amount of slash that would e scattered srss the rghit ofvay oo pe tone per acre, and on BLM ae private lands the maximum would be 15 fons per seat able 2.42.12) listsinaximun slash allowed by fel loading size classes. ‘hs provided by te USE, de a dowacd woody dai reer han 16 fhe in dames A os det Mute ta fie hazard and would be maintained on ste, Slash may be chipped snd cores te rghtot-way provide that the average depth of wood chips covering thea Seat inch following aplication. This chip depth would be suffient to stabilize the doe ce pom erosion whl allowing gras sex to germinate and seins to develop, iS ace to sgnfical fcrease fel hazards as long as te maxi tonnage for feel Toading does not exceed “2 fons pe ate. retLnang Ssciteton Sin a panier rt Lote Sats eye pn 286 ar ie Popo ok 2422 SS tn areas were the fuel lacing exceeds these standards, Pacfie Conneetor would machine or fra pile and burn the excess material depending on the ste location, according 19 the eirent ofthe landowner ming would oceur during the appropriate busing season 308 rea econo semited bythe BLM, USFS, and he ODF. A presenbed tug | an woul) be developed ed submited tothe appropiate agencies fr the necessary permits Fe taming lan would describe the measures to te implemented by Pace Connector aoe jet this oeviy ina safe mariner and reduce the potential for a wildfire, including: “+ Slash ples to be bared woutd be lcsted within the construction rightof way but Seprsed away fom surounding vegetation fo prevent potential igiion, 4s Theslash bum pile would be limited in height an sizes the burn cen be controlled; 1D Theare surround te slash bum pile would be kept Fee of flammable debris 3 Pebifc Comector would have ie suppression tools avalele at the site ofthe prescribed burs; “s-Dasife Connector would use fire watchmen, as appropiate, daring burning operations; and 4s Paeifg Coonestor would not conduct sash burning within one-quarter mile of an ecupied marbled murrulet stand oF occupied northern spotted owl next patch during the thitieal brooding seson (ee section 4.6.12. ‘on federal ands, ager st pieces (more than 8 aches in diameter, nay be remove from the CEncotway ati docked in designated storage sles ota oad crossings es spuated by the seer etoring agencies, This material would be made avalabe to the public through the eecre femal props, Some large wood devs would be left on the right-of-way, sf Seared bythe BLM aad USFS, as retained down wood for wldife habitat and to oid in sail proauctvy During clering operation, existing ences crossed by the pipeline fghcoFeny would be ot ears can teaporary eats installed to conto vetok and mit publi acsess to the ght= are et cnporay exon contols would be insaled immediatly afer vegetation clearing sree id bemuiniained txoughout constriction, and reinstalled as necessary until replaced! by fermmanent erosion conto or until restoration & eames, Pcie Connectors ECRP catines Proposed erosion contre methods for the proposed Pacific Connexior faites, and Csr Propose more filly discussed under section 4.2 ofthis EIS. Following clearing, the ight ee ould be graded here necesiy to crete a reasonably level working surface 10 allow Safe passage of constuctin equipment and materials, ‘Also during grading stivtes,topoils would be sperted'fiom subsoils, and each would be eee fas ees ils within the construction rght-ofway and TEWAs. The FERC stalls Plan toques tpanilsopozation in residential ares, gical and, pastures and eyed ere ane seve a reqeed by the landowner The topsol shouldbe stiped either across the ao a pctvuction right f-way, or over the treach tine and sil storage areas. In wetlands, the FERC seas Proseures require that the top fot of soi over the tench ne be Salvage, except Feet sanding war ox saturated sols. The USFS has stipulated that topsoil should be pod sire the ppsine would cross NFS Inns, but Pacific Connector has balked this request. We further diss this issue under section 42. ee 27 i i Pre ia 2428 Trenching ‘A rotary trenching maching, rock tencher, tack-mouned backhoe, o similar equipment wove Bead to excavatea trench to a sufficient depth to provide the necessary minimum depth of oe ea Scening to the DOT requirements in 49 CFR 192.327, the minimum depth of cover for {riod natural ss transportation pipeline must be: «+40 inches in normal soil and 18 inches in consolidated (soli) rock for Cass | locations; and «ede inches in normal soil and 24 inches in consolidated rock for Class 2,3, and 4 ibvations, and under drainage diches, pubic roads, and railroad crossings. pacifie Connector intends 0 exceed DOT requirements where possible and bury it pipeline up eae echee deep in Clase 1 areas with normal soils and 24 inches deep in places with eonsoidated rock Spoil material excavated coring wenchng operations woud be temporarily pled te oe ie of Fei stestaay adjecent athe tench. In areas where fopsol stripping is rue, the tne aaa moald be stored in separate Windrows or piles on the Consruction right of-vay and ‘would not be allowed 10 i. In ates with bedrock is found close tothe surface within the proposed trench depth, Pacific aa ad fat alfempt to dig the tench wih specialized equipment, such a rosk saws of Fontes using hydraulic hunmers. However, if these methods are ineffective, blasting may t= rere techie the required trench depth Pacific Connector prepared Geologie Hazes seer wal Resources Eepert, ied as part of its appliation tothe FERC, which classifies crnsda Sent along ie route based on existing sol and bedrock data. Blasting potential was Blasting poh for about TOU miles of the propose pipeline route. AI blasting would be done {i Heensed eontacors ander the terms of applicable regulatory requirements. Blasting i futher ‘Gscussed in soction 4.1 3of this ES. : Stringing, Bending, and Welding “Afr tenhings complet, individual sextions of pipe woul be devered othe consruton right see mgleng tie enc. The pipe woud be delve in sight jot, pally 40 et og Wma these pipes tansprted from its place of inport (foreign made) of manufac ite Freaay ty podud) vi raloads to storage yards designated by Pacific Connector. As previpasty Seen ty Redon 23.3, many ofthese pipe storage yas ae within exiting industri ates, Seated. ‘The pipe woul then be trcked fom te strege ya fo he constuction ie Sy along aos od designated by Pacific Conector. Pace Comectr's Trafic Managemest Bren id ie ino accent constuction equipment traf, including pipe ruck, on the access roads, cary polenta pct wih existing uses of those rows, This EIS adeses the pote aoe ree pngace acated with use ofthe pipe storage yards and acess roa and we reuired care cntetat wo conduct appropriate surveys fr watetbodies, wetlands, wife and vegetation, eae trl resources fr yards and roads that would be improved a result ofthe piptine rest, Some bending of the yipe would be required to allow the pipeline to follow. natural grade Spates and duccon canges ofthe eghto-way. Some pre-fabricated pisses of pipe woul! be SLinzeed sheady bent. Other selected joints would be bent in the fick! by tack-mounted hydraulic Bending mactines, as necessary ae te oe 2424 eS “The ends woud be alignedand welded together using multiple passes fora fll penetration weld Only quale welders vould be permitted to perform the welding, Welders and welding Frovedires woud be qualfied scconing to applicable American Nationa Standards Isite PANSD, American Society of Mechanical Engiers, and API Standards. All welds would be CNS and radiogaphialy inspected and repaired, if nocisary. Welding antivies on NFS csr ald be coseinat! withthe USFS, who indiated that it may impose limits on welding {fring fe resveton periods from June to October, Details of welding reteions would be Sere ey during ongoing consultations between Pacific Connector and the USFS, and details {cluded in the POD prepared for each National Forest. Line pipe, nomally millsoated prior to stringing, would require etd applied coating ot the ajo poe to Fina inspection, The ene pipeline coating would be inspected and tested to locate and repair any fants or voids. Loweringin and Rackfiing ‘Alfa welding and coating are completed, the pipe would be lore ito the tench by sdedoom Rae Beles lowering te pipe th trench weuld be inspected to ensure tat it fee of roeks and nc debris that could dansge the pipe or he coating. Inadition, the pipe and teach would be {fapecd to cnsure at the configuaons ofthe pipe and wench configurations are compatible. ‘To prevent water fom fre trench from enerng wetlands or waterbodies, Pacific Connector Trould natal permanent rench plugs, consisting of sandbags, foam, or bentonite, a de base of Tyepes adjacent wedands and waterbodies, in wevordance wi ts ERCP, and consistent wt see areeeis ofthe FERC sas Plan. In accordance withthe FERC sis Protas, the | Te ould be dewatered in a manner that does nt eause erosion and does not allow sit-taden ‘Yaterie ow lato any aacent wetland or waterbody. Bladed equipment or a specially designed backing machine would be used to backfill the ‘Rebeks No foreign substnc,incuding skids, welding rods, containers brush, tres or refi of AT nd, would be pera inthe backfill If rocks or ther material tht could damage te ‘neo coating sre poset in tho Deckfil a pading machine would be ase to sepa he vox Be Che backfil In sone instances, clean fill cr additonal protective coting such as rock irelé woul be placed wound te pipe before backiling. Excess rock frm he tench would be Tefton the right-of ay or hauled. of right-of-way dispose sites, Sepregate topsoil, whew eppicabl, woud be replaced after backfilling he tench wit subsol Pedtosing bockfiling,¢ smal erown of material would be lef fo secount for any fare soi setling that might occu z Hydrostatic Testing ‘After backfilling, the pipeline would be hydrostatically tested in. aovordance with DOT ‘Arson to ensure tthe system scepabl of pertng a the meximum operating reste, ‘Seoutd leak or break oocur during testing, the fine would be repaired and retested uni the ‘Pocfcaton ar achiered. Approximately 59 milion gallos of water would be required fo test the pipeline. : “Water for hydrosiai testing would be obtained fom commercial or municipal sures or fom arate water right owners, Potential hydrostatic test water sources identified by Pacific Cannas listed in able 242.12. If ater for hydrostatic esting js ecquired fom surface TR an Pr 2425 i teal et Tat ter Source Locales xg a toner | Ses a a Ta EB “a3 Bone a0 fants ‘roast Sete Seon Eoin septs ‘some Baste EEE Suto ca ning ona iis lt Vine tt Yorssoe Prue God Sedma Grr et=-OOM shrams DBS, Gems Smen reson 2— OH Season See Si nun Hedet hon i tam taro NEE ae etc Ran venom omaet NT ee ao Faniaiar unread tien So coast BES I Cortes pta Gene ESR sean te poe mance tam me nee oe res ONES Hei IRtnigntrw cont—satnwinton Deter suze awe talcum ‘water sources, Pacific Connector would obtain all necessary appropriations and withdrawal its porto constuction, icing permits trough the ODWR. As pat of I proess PW omald have the applications reviewed by ODEQ and ODFW to detennine if thers te ae ut the impacr water withdrawals may have on water quality, and fish and wife conc habitats, Pacific Connector would negotiate weter appropriations with private owners in the year poet constction. amps used to withdraw surface water would be sreened according to ODEW sundae Pate, cuanment of alutie species. Pacific Comector doesnot anticipate = need ro aid ‘hemicals othe hydrostatic test water, ‘The piptine would be teed in approximately 74 sections each vith varying lenis and ey sreeePettcitements Test sections and discharge locations within te consircton right-of way wenimid table E3 in Appendix E. During the test, itmay be necesuy to dscharge water ak Ae ste ston brea, however, Pacific Connector would conserve water a8 much a seat and minimize discharge where feasible by cascading water brween fst secon, 10 renan te the 74 test beader section breaks located within the constuction right-of-way or wae, baie Connector has Henied seven potential hydrostatic tes water discharge Teme, (able 24.213) outside of the constuction right-of-way and TEWAs that were ‘previously mentioned in this EIS. 2426 EE hydronic testing iene aa or break within one of he 74 ts sects SO 1 hydro te leak creak contd and the test repeated, The proves ye PES Monte ate same as the ntl est incuing cascading text water om, or wo, oer ft ‘ations where possible tominimize water usage. eemstion to discharge ve hydrostatic wt water would be applied fer concen Wik Fermi erage une fe ODEQ Gener Stomutatr Discharge Permit ng PSS ce eer of approval Myotis est water wold be discard le thon spsEcon enol devies, tine the penal fe scour, cio SP setings nto coseaty welds and walerbotie, in accordance with Pesiic Consens mee fale bares and it nce would typically be asd ta retain sedinet and rte, CRD Sea cose aes would range fom several hundred alls per miu Yo s¥e! Tet aa par nt, depending on the nth of the est sen, prof, poe, shower ven and sl ie, a reviewed bythe contastor and he EL. Coens as 8 yee nthe proposed yest sing pin inching the peti ens of ee identi ia and charge pos ae is iflrent wetenheds, Ser alomal Fein oF hydrostatitesting in section 43.2 ofthis EIS. ‘Dust and Fire Control Water ‘on pipsline const, Pie Cooestor would need fo btn wate fx ft 14 0 Par ra Canto of conaricton gers itive dst maybe nessa Sune con Pathe summer” The El woul! ict dust col fos foes Secs perl ang redetsl aeas and tet locations along te pipetne owe where at ae er plc misuos acing access oals. Type, water mks word MY re rat designed sores ad say sete res long te constuction HST, up wth water os cpt down i water treks would spay nly eaoWGh We (6 cons) a ae apts So oie cont nd not enough cesta robles oa ae and srt. The sures of water for Gast and re cont Ha at Wate se during pipeline constuction ative and its potent! SnPe™ tebe 24.2 and uti species more fly discussed In won 42. Dust fenber Uisovsed under air quay in setion 411 oo ee nd cd Gree enemas coer eetaarcram Snes Re Sheet Fe aaamemon ca DRT 2427 ————— Cleanup and Permanent Erosion Control Devices Pace Comector would make every efoto complete ial eanup of an aca within 2 Gaye Pa cape mech Fina cleanup vould inhae fn grading end instal aod OF ate aetna conl rites. In no cave would Fei Connector det Gt Fan eet afte at rcommended sting sewon- Deng fal crap, Dass Beyer cold etnove al consiration debris and grade disturbed aress fo appe>snine PO Connect wonurs tothe extent practicable. Dating final cleanup and inal restora es age dices caver, and oer smoctcs cat may fave been porn” Fence es eval daring constrostion would be permanently reared, retumed OF Py renoved of damation of paced All in ties exssed by te pietine would be chee cone earthy would be repaired before backfilling, Al areas disturbed by const an am te eared dung restoration, with contours matching the surouncg sea Mind preconstnction natural drainage pales re| 20 feet ~ “=] SBR ror conten | T epate par Frowasiten | enpopet | secant now” | Bea specs ia awk None [20teat | 20eat | Set romaine Teepe atROM as from | empl: | doco neu” | Bop fe Botner SW None | 207eat | 20 eot™ | 360 fomenionne | Tapper | | | ‘efROW or 8 f.trom | employee; 1 | ‘adacant ROW | | Botner 7 Nera [20st 25Teat | S50 om era Scan ROW ay BOERS [aaa —|207eat [BO Teat —] S80 em entra [None] eee sinowarea. ton Secon Row Sens 75 None | 20Toot | 20Teat | Heron eave [None | sinowean ten sgeemcu "| an ‘The 80-7 minimm parossi on epotes to new parcels eeated nthe EFU zone. The aplcantdoos not propese is crsiaanaw parce. Terai, ts minimum paca 2m dos nt spay oho propa ‘Based on the sita plans and descriptions of the proposed activities, | conclude that the applicant has demonstrated thatthe applicable lt size, street frontage and setback standards, {662100 10.1.100 provides that where the parking space requirements do not specifically ‘identiy parking needs fora partculer use, staf shall identify the minimum parking needs necessary, based on the CCZLDO 10.1.400 listed use that most closely resembles the proposed use. Here, none of the proposed uses are listed in the table set out in CCZLDO 410.1.400. Based on the applicant's description ofthe proposed uses, I conclude thatthe proposed terminal use Is most Ikea storage warehouse or trucking trial, which requires ‘ne parking space per employee and one bicycle space. Because the other proposed uses are not manned and require only priocic maintenance | conclude that no off-street parking must We ooskils bbe accommadated once b use is operational. However, a conuition of approval is warrantod to require a showing whers and how temporary parking for construction employees will be accommodated. With respect to off-strest parking, the applicant asserts that the Marine ‘Terminal per se wil not have any off-street parking needs.” August 24, 2007 submit p. 19. ‘The applicant stated that he LNG parking needs would be accommodated on the LNG site, and that the parking needs for the second berth vould be addressed when a specific tenants Identified, The epplicante site plan depicts a paved area and describes itas an activity ‘associated withthe tug beat operation. The paved area appears to be a small parking lot that ‘accommodates up to 16 vehicies, Its not clear from the applicant's evidence how many tug boat employees will be nzeded to serve the terminal. A condition of approval is warranted to require modifications tothe site plan to show that parking is accommodated on-site for ‘employees or that the apelcant has entered into an agreement with Jordan Cove to share parking facies. | conclude thet these standards can be satisfied through the imposition of conditions of approval 3. CCZLDO 4.5.180 Riparian Protection Standards in the CBEMP. The following standards ehall govern riparian corridors within the CREMP: 4. Riparian vegetation within 50 fest of a watland, stream, lake or river, as Identified on tho Coastal Shoreland and Fish and Wildlife habitat inventory maps, shall be maintained except that: b) Riparian vegetation may be removed to provide direct access for a water- dopendent use; or ‘ ©) Riparian vegetation may be removed in order fo site or properly maintain public utilities and road "ight-of-vays, provided that the vegetation to be ramovad Is tho minimum necessary to accomplish the purpose; or FINDING: The proposed marine terminal abuts Henderson Marsh and requires the reimoval of riparian vegetation to accarmmodate tha sip. In addition, the Weyerhaeuser site includes a wetland that must be protacted. Further, the Lyons site i located on the Isthmus Slough The applicants ste plans show that the 60-feot setback from Henderson Marsh wil be retained. ‘The applicant argues thatCCZLDO 4.6.180(1)(b) permits the removal ofthe coastal vegetation because tha ep wil proved drect access for a water-dependent use. With respect to the Weyerhaeuser site, the applicant asserts that the DMD site willbe located mare than 50 feet from the edge of the wetland boundary. The Lyons sita was not addressed, presumably because its not identiiec on the Coastal Shorelands and Fish and Widlife Habitat maps. | find that the proposal ca1 bs satisfied through the imposition of conditions that require the applicant to maintain a 50foot buffer from Henderson Marsh and the Weyerhaeuser wetlands. In addition, | agree with the applicant ah staf that the proposed port slp is a “water. dependent usa," which is defined in CCZLDO 2,1.200 a fa] use or activity which can be carried out only on, in, or adjacent to water areas because the use requires access to the water ‘body for water-bome transportation ** *." A port slip used by ocean going vessels and tug boats s a ‘water-

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